Why wouldn’t legitimate politicians introduce a Bill to end birthright citizenship?

But those are arguments for why it isn't necessary. We should streamline legal immigration and drop birthright citizenship. It would be a win-win.
So how would that work with those here on green cards, waiting the 5 years for citizenship, who have children before they become citizens?
So, you won't use the word "jurisdiction" anymore?
It's AMart who brought up jurisdiction in the context that some old fuck from back in the day made it clear that the language of jurisdiction in the 14th meant only people solely under the jurisdiction of the United States where United States citizens which would exclude foreign nationals, vacationers and illegal immigrants who have citizenship in other nations and are thus under their jurisdiction as well. Unfortunately for that dumb fuck that argument doesn't address birthright citizenship and newborns who aren't under anyone else jurisdiction but our own.
Question -

Have there been any restrictions placed on the right to bear arms - since The Constitution was ratified?
The reason no such law is ever passed is because it would be appealed to the Supreme Court where they would over rule the law as un-Constitutional.

Question -

Have there been any restrictions placed on the right to bear arms - since The Constitution was ratified?
I know Democrats cringe at the thought of such a Bill but aren’t politicians supposed to protect Americans and not Mexico’s people?
Could a Bill such as this have any negative affect on REAL American’s?

Birthright Citizenship

1. The US is one of the only nations to have this insane policy.

2. Such a bill would be completely against the Democrat agenda of flooding the nation with millions of cheap labor sources, adding to tbe Socialist destruction of the middle class.

2.1. Every illegal baby born on US soil and immediately deemed to be a US citizen means about a dozen illegals get to come to the US - mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, siblings, etc...

3. While almost all foreign US citizens who went through the legal process to become Americans hate Biden's Open Border and the 'foreign line-jumpers / shortcut-takers', there would be so.much opposition from Latino groups, activists, etc...

4. Politicians are afraid to.piss off ANYONE, especially Latinos since there are now at least 6 million more in the US and Democrats expect to be able to ram through at some point the right for the illegals to vote.
Question -

Have there been any restrictions placed on the right to bear arms - since The Constitution was ratified?

There has been. For the overwhelming most part they have all been overturned. You want something passed even though you know it will be overturned?

Also to note, I did not support any of those laws because I understand they are unconstitutional.

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