
Yes, actually. Its always been a matter of percentage.

The media decides these things? Interesting.

Yes, it is, actually. A lot of blacks complained that he wasn't black enough. Maybe its not the issue to you because you are white, but it is an issue to a lot of blacks.

I didn't know the executive was the only political branch in the country. This is the type of mindless bullshit that things racism is such a simple thing. Obama is, frankly, brilliant. He is highly intelligent, charming, friendly, nonthreatening. That he got elected was despite the racism that exists in this country. Citing him is the political equivalent of the idiots who say "I'm not racist...my best friend is black!".

Really? Thats why there are so many elected black senators, right?

I'm not as bothered by reverse racism. Just like I'm not as bothered when the cops pull over someone rich and unfairly give them a speeding ticket, as opposed to when they do it to someone poor. I don't feel the need to defend the privileged from suffering a harm, especially if the harm does next to no damage.

Ok...well, I'm still waiting on the Miss Black America Pageant...just like you keep hounding on Black and White Proms.

I explained that, moron.

No you didn't...you gave me some BS about not feeling the need to defend your opinion.

We are closing down GM and Chrysler? I hadn't heard that. Please cite to a link where it says they will be closed.

Wow...what news source do you read? The comics? Let's see.....Chrysler CLOSING 789 dealerships...GM CLOSING 1100 dealerships now and another 900 following the 2010 fiscal year...production plants...CLOSING...Jobs....GONE. Dealership owners LEFT HOLDING THE BILL...Come on...MORON...pay attention and quit with the selective listening.

If he's so brilliant, why is he appointing supreme court justices that have ZERO to offer where upholding the law without bias is concerned?

You are a fucking moron. Have you even read Ricci? Do try and explain exactly what was wrong with this decision. Don't give me bullshit like "well it seems wrong", cite exact and specific laws.

I'm a moron??? Fuck Ricci....how about reading Sotomayor!!! She says she'll use her hispanic and challenged background to bring new and fresh rulings. Whatever happened to blind justice that doesn't see race...creed...or gender? How about the fact that she was over ruled more than 50% of the time? It doesn't SEEM wrong...it IS wrong that she was nominated to be a foothold for hispanic support and she doesn't even try to hide that fact.

If he's so FUCKING BRILLIANT, why is this country going down the tubes financially, defensively and getting to be a laughing stock among other nations?

Oh wait...I almost forgot...It's still Bush's fault.

You know what, just forget responding. I'm tired of your bullshit.

Wow...you really expect Obama to turn around a failing economy in...what, 4 months? You think hes god or something?

A laughing stock among other nations? Actually nations are, finally, starting to like us again.

HA!!! Do I think he's god?? Not hardly...that would be the left's opinion. How long should we give him to make some positive things happen? 4 years? 8? At this rate, we won't be here in 3. Have you noticed gas prices shooting back up? I don't expect Obama to turn around anything...I expect him to drive it further in the ground. He's already swinging the sledge hammer. And yes...we are being looked down on by other countries...Israel is REAL unhappy with us right now. Iran is very happy that BO doesn't really think they will develop nukes for anything other than running the HDTV with the HBO...China and Russia are just waiting...Europe...well...read for yourself.

OBAMA VS. EUROPE - New York Post
Ok...well, I'm still waiting on the Miss Black America Pageant...just like you keep hounding on Black and White Proms.

I explained that, moron.

No you didn't...you gave me some BS about not feeling the need to defend your opinion.

We are closing down GM and Chrysler? I hadn't heard that. Please cite to a link where it says they will be closed.

Wow...what news source do you read? The comics? Let's see.....Chrysler CLOSING 789 dealerships...GM CLOSING 1100 dealerships now and another 900 following the 2010 fiscal year...production plants...CLOSING...Jobs....GONE. Dealership owners LEFT HOLDING THE BILL...Come on...MORON...pay attention and quit with the selective listening.

You are a fucking moron. Have you even read Ricci? Do try and explain exactly what was wrong with this decision. Don't give me bullshit like "well it seems wrong", cite exact and specific laws.

I'm a moron??? Fuck Ricci....how about reading Sotomayor!!! She says she'll use her hispanic and challenged background to bring new and fresh rulings. Whatever happened to blind justice that doesn't see race...creed...or gender? How about the fact that she was over ruled more than 50% of the time? It doesn't SEEM wrong...it IS wrong that she was nominated to be a foothold for hispanic support and she doesn't even try to hide that fact.

If he's so FUCKING BRILLIANT, why is this country going down the tubes financially, defensively and getting to be a laughing stock among other nations?

Oh wait...I almost forgot...It's still Bush's fault.

You know what, just forget responding. I'm tired of your bullshit.

Wow...you really expect Obama to turn around a failing economy in...what, 4 months? You think hes god or something?

A laughing stock among other nations? Actually nations are, finally, starting to like us again.

HA!!! Do I think he's god?? Not hardly...that would be the left's opinion. How long should we give him to make some positive things happen? 4 years? 8?

Saving the economy was a positive thing. As was the credit card bill that just passed.

At this rate, we won't be here in 3.

More alarmist nonsense.

Have you noticed gas prices shooting back up?

Of course all Obamas fault. :lol:

I don't expect Obama to turn around anything...I expect him to drive it further in the ground. He's already swinging the sledge hammer. And yes...we are being looked down on by other countries...Israel is REAL unhappy with us right now. Iran is very happy that BO doesn't really think they will develop nukes for anything other than running the HDTV with the HBO...China and Russia are just waiting...Europe...well...read for yourself.

OBAMA VS. EUROPE - New York Post

an Op ed from the NY Post? Seriously? Thats what you can come up with for evidence?

I explained that, moron.

No you didn't...you gave me some BS about not feeling the need to defend your opinion.

We are closing down GM and Chrysler? I hadn't heard that. Please cite to a link where it says they will be closed.

Wow...what news source do you read? The comics? Let's see.....Chrysler CLOSING 789 dealerships...GM CLOSING 1100 dealerships now and another 900 following the 2010 fiscal year...production plants...CLOSING...Jobs....GONE. Dealership owners LEFT HOLDING THE BILL...Come on...MORON...pay attention and quit with the selective listening.

You are a fucking moron. Have you even read Ricci? Do try and explain exactly what was wrong with this decision. Don't give me bullshit like "well it seems wrong", cite exact and specific laws.

I'm a moron??? Fuck Ricci....how about reading Sotomayor!!! She says she'll use her hispanic and challenged background to bring new and fresh rulings. Whatever happened to blind justice that doesn't see race...creed...or gender? How about the fact that she was over ruled more than 50% of the time? It doesn't SEEM wrong...it IS wrong that she was nominated to be a foothold for hispanic support and she doesn't even try to hide that fact.

Wow...you really expect Obama to turn around a failing economy in...what, 4 months? You think hes god or something?

A laughing stock among other nations? Actually nations are, finally, starting to like us again.

HA!!! Do I think he's god?? Not hardly...that would be the left's opinion. How long should we give him to make some positive things happen? 4 years? 8?

Saving the economy was a positive thing. As was the credit card bill that just passed.

More alarmist nonsense.

Have you noticed gas prices shooting back up?

Of course all Obamas fault. :lol:

I don't expect Obama to turn around anything...I expect him to drive it further in the ground. He's already swinging the sledge hammer. And yes...we are being looked down on by other countries...Israel is REAL unhappy with us right now. Iran is very happy that BO doesn't really think they will develop nukes for anything other than running the HDTV with the HBO...China and Russia are just waiting...Europe...well...read for yourself.

OBAMA VS. EUROPE - New York Post

an Op ed from the NY Post? Seriously? Thats what you can come up with for evidence?


Yeah...isn't that funny??? LOL. Of course it's the only one of the examples that you can dispute. So I'll give you one.

Are you really serious about the "alarmist" comment? Do you really believe that everything is going to magically improve soon? Or do you plan to ride the Bush bashing tourbus for the rest of the Obama coaster ride? Yeah...I do blame him for gas going back up. It was a full dollar cheaper when he took office. I guess Bush still controls the gas prices from his new house in Texas. You really don't see the coincidental activities in the transportation industry? Chrysler and GM goes bankrupt and BO and Co. end up with 60% control of their operations? The UAW gets a HUGE chunk of the leftovers and the investors get zip... I know that FORD is thanking it's lucky stars that it didn't buy into the bailout, or buyout is actually more like it. But, now we see gas prices on the fast track to higher than ever prices and you KNOW the new Obama-mobile that will be coming out of the GM and Chrysler plants that are now being re-tooled to produce mini size people movers will dominate the market. Ford is on borrowed time already.

It's all fine and good if you want to call me an alarmist...but I would love to see the look on your face when the day arrives that you see all of this come to pass. Of course, you'll have to get your head out of your ass to see what's REALLY going on.
HA!!! Do I think he's god?? Not hardly...that would be the left's opinion. How long should we give him to make some positive things happen? 4 years? 8?

Saving the economy was a positive thing. As was the credit card bill that just passed.

More alarmist nonsense.

Of course all Obamas fault. :lol:

I don't expect Obama to turn around anything...I expect him to drive it further in the ground. He's already swinging the sledge hammer. And yes...we are being looked down on by other countries...Israel is REAL unhappy with us right now. Iran is very happy that BO doesn't really think they will develop nukes for anything other than running the HDTV with the HBO...China and Russia are just waiting...Europe...well...read for yourself.

OBAMA VS. EUROPE - New York Post

an Op ed from the NY Post? Seriously? Thats what you can come up with for evidence?


Yeah...isn't that funny??? LOL. Of course it's the only one of the examples that you can dispute. So I'll give you one.

Are you really serious about the "alarmist" comment? Do you really believe that everything is going to magically improve soon? Or do you plan to ride the Bush bashing tourbus for the rest of the Obama coaster ride? Yeah...I do blame him for gas going back up. It was a full dollar cheaper when he took office. I guess Bush still controls the gas prices from his new house in Texas. You really don't see the coincidental activities in the transportation industry? Chrysler and GM goes bankrupt and BO and Co. end up with 60% control of their operations? The UAW gets a HUGE chunk of the leftovers and the investors get zip... I know that FORD is thanking it's lucky stars that it didn't buy into the bailout, or buyout is actually more like it. But, now we see gas prices on the fast track to higher than ever prices and you KNOW the new Obama-mobile that will be coming out of the GM and Chrysler plants that are now being re-tooled to produce mini size people movers will dominate the market. Ford is on borrowed time already.

It's all fine and good if you want to call me an alarmist...but I would love to see the look on your face when the day arrives that you see all of this come to pass. Of course, you'll have to get your head out of your ass to see what's REALLY going on.

Hey Texas, Bush had eight years to screw this up to where we are today. President Obama is not going to be able to fix it all in just six months.

But, in his second term, we should see much better things happening. With a new Health Care system, new corperate and financial regulations, we should then be able to address shutting down the coal fired generation as we bring alternatives, backed with a few nukes for ballast. And see where we have to put the taxation rate so that we can pay off the debts the last eight years of massive incompetance have forced us to take on.

What is really going on, is that you wingnuts are seeing President Barak Hussein Obama's policies starting to show signs of success. Far earlier than even he expected. And you are beginning to panic.
HA!!! Do I think he's god?? Not hardly...that would be the left's opinion. How long should we give him to make some positive things happen? 4 years? 8?

Saving the economy was a positive thing. As was the credit card bill that just passed.

More alarmist nonsense.

Of course all Obamas fault. :lol:

I don't expect Obama to turn around anything...I expect him to drive it further in the ground. He's already swinging the sledge hammer. And yes...we are being looked down on by other countries...Israel is REAL unhappy with us right now. Iran is very happy that BO doesn't really think they will develop nukes for anything other than running the HDTV with the HBO...China and Russia are just waiting...Europe...well...read for yourself.

OBAMA VS. EUROPE - New York Post

an Op ed from the NY Post? Seriously? Thats what you can come up with for evidence?


Yeah...isn't that funny??? LOL. Of course it's the only one of the examples that you can dispute. So I'll give you one.

Are you really serious about the "alarmist" comment? Do you really believe that everything is going to magically improve soon? Or do you plan to ride the Bush bashing tourbus for the rest of the Obama coaster ride? Yeah...I do blame him for gas going back up. It was a full dollar cheaper when he took office. I guess Bush still controls the gas prices from his new house in Texas. You really don't see the coincidental activities in the transportation industry? Chrysler and GM goes bankrupt and BO and Co. end up with 60% control of their operations? The UAW gets a HUGE chunk of the leftovers and the investors get zip... I know that FORD is thanking it's lucky stars that it didn't buy into the bailout, or buyout is actually more like it. But, now we see gas prices on the fast track to higher than ever prices and you KNOW the new Obama-mobile that will be coming out of the GM and Chrysler plants that are now being re-tooled to produce mini size people movers will dominate the market. Ford is on borrowed time already.

It's all fine and good if you want to call me an alarmist...but I would love to see the look on your face when the day arrives that you see all of this come to pass. Of course, you'll have to get your head out of your ass to see what's REALLY going on.

Yes. You are one of those who are going to bitch and whine no matter what happens, and spread alarmist bullshit. You are seemingly incapable of rational thought and instead just go to kneejerk reactions about Obama.
You can't stand the truth!

You have never known the truth. Just a good little Rovian Sheeple. Blindly repeating Talking Points, incapable of putting out the effort to research anything at all.:lol:

Wrong! someday when you grow up,, you will understand.. Kerry on!

I intend to Kerry on. A real Health Care System, like the best in Europe. A fair taxation system. Regulations with teeth in them for our financial system. A taxation system that will begin to pay off the debt forced on us by the incompetance of the last eight years.

Ah yes, and driving witless wingnuts out of their little pea brains:razz:
didn't say Georgia didn't have racists.. hells bells New Yawk City has racists.. I'm just saying she's lying about a black woman walking into a store to pay for gas and the chashier walking out, leaving her register going outside to pay a white woman.. that is just plain sterotypical blatant inflammatory lying bullshit,,that's the kind of bullshit that goes on at DU.. about a region of the country just to make a point and anybody with two brain cells will know better.. like I said,, we report you decide..

I was there. Not a region. Georgia. Don't ever plan to stop again. BIOYA, Biotch.

You will never be anything other than a lying peice of inflammatory shit. get used to it.

Such elegant prose. Such wonderful, lucid dabating points. Willow, Willow, are you still an adolescent?
Saving the economy was a positive thing. As was the credit card bill that just passed.

More alarmist nonsense.

Of course all Obamas fault. :lol:

an Op ed from the NY Post? Seriously? Thats what you can come up with for evidence?


Yeah...isn't that funny??? LOL. Of course it's the only one of the examples that you can dispute. So I'll give you one.

Are you really serious about the "alarmist" comment? Do you really believe that everything is going to magically improve soon? Or do you plan to ride the Bush bashing tourbus for the rest of the Obama coaster ride? Yeah...I do blame him for gas going back up. It was a full dollar cheaper when he took office. I guess Bush still controls the gas prices from his new house in Texas. You really don't see the coincidental activities in the transportation industry? Chrysler and GM goes bankrupt and BO and Co. end up with 60% control of their operations? The UAW gets a HUGE chunk of the leftovers and the investors get zip... I know that FORD is thanking it's lucky stars that it didn't buy into the bailout, or buyout is actually more like it. But, now we see gas prices on the fast track to higher than ever prices and you KNOW the new Obama-mobile that will be coming out of the GM and Chrysler plants that are now being re-tooled to produce mini size people movers will dominate the market. Ford is on borrowed time already.

It's all fine and good if you want to call me an alarmist...but I would love to see the look on your face when the day arrives that you see all of this come to pass. Of course, you'll have to get your head out of your ass to see what's REALLY going on.

Hey Texas, Bush had eight years to screw this up to where we are today. President Obama is not going to be able to fix it all in just six months.

But, in his second term, we should see much better things happening. With a new Health Care system, new corperate and financial regulations, we should then be able to address shutting down the coal fired generation as we bring alternatives, backed with a few nukes for ballast. And see where we have to put the taxation rate so that we can pay off the debts the last eight years of massive incompetance have forced us to take on.

What is really going on, is that you wingnuts are seeing President Barak Hussein Obama's policies starting to show signs of success. Far earlier than even he expected. And you are beginning to panic.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Freshly dipped in kool aid and talking points I see.. and you want to refer to me as a sheeple.. Kerry on!
You have never known the truth. Just a good little Rovian Sheeple. Blindly repeating Talking Points, incapable of putting out the effort to research anything at all.:lol:

Wrong! someday when you grow up,, you will understand.. Kerry on!

I intend to Kerry on. A real Health Care System, like the best in Europe. A fair taxation system. Regulations with teeth in them for our financial system. A taxation system that will begin to pay off the debt forced on us by the incompetance of the last eight years.

Ah yes, and driving witless wingnuts out of their little pea brains:razz:

Ain't never gonna happen,, Kerry on!
I see. So you regard the Bush years as resounding successes? Of course you do, after all, Karl Rove would never lie, would he.

well lesseee! let's used the democwat socialist libtard method of reason shall we???? "If you hope Obama fails then the country fails and your are a traitor. so then logically since the country didn't fail then President Bush did not fail and since President Bush did not fail.. he was a ............................success! and we are not traitors! :lol::lol::eusa_angel:
Wrong! someday when you grow up,, you will understand.. Kerry on!

I intend to Kerry on. A real Health Care System, like the best in Europe. A fair taxation system. Regulations with teeth in them for our financial system. A taxation system that will begin to pay off the debt forced on us by the incompetance of the last eight years.

Ah yes, and driving witless wingnuts out of their little pea brains:razz:

Ain't never gonna happen,, Kerry on!

Probably not in the next 2 years. Still too many obstructionist Republicans. But if y'all keep freaking out about his birth certificate and deciding to go off on anti-minority and anti-women tirades...yeah, you are gonna get your ass kicked in 2 years.

This is gonna be fun.
I intend to Kerry on. A real Health Care System, like the best in Europe. A fair taxation system. Regulations with teeth in them for our financial system. A taxation system that will begin to pay off the debt forced on us by the incompetance of the last eight years.

Ah yes, and driving witless wingnuts out of their little pea brains:razz:

Ain't never gonna happen,, Kerry on!

Probably not in the next 2 years. Still too many obstructionist Republicans. But if y'all keep freaking out about his birth certificate and deciding to go off on anti-minority and anti-women tirades...yeah, you are gonna get your ass kicked in 2 years.

This is gonna be fun.

you don't impress me with your fake cries of "racism" and "sexism" I've already replayed the tape of the "high tech lynching" of Judge Thomas suffered at the hands of democwats. and I'm not the only one in America reviewing that history either.. you sell us short.
Ain't never gonna happen,, Kerry on!

Probably not in the next 2 years. Still too many obstructionist Republicans. But if y'all keep freaking out about his birth certificate and deciding to go off on anti-minority and anti-women tirades...yeah, you are gonna get your ass kicked in 2 years.

This is gonna be fun.

you don't impress me with your fake cries of "racism" and "sexism" I've already replayed the tape of the "high tech lynching" of Judge Thomas suffered at the hands of democwats. and I'm not the only one in America reviewing that history either.. you sell us short.

You've still failed to explain the comparison to someone being grilled by congress, to a dead black woman hanging from a tree. Care to try that again?

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