widdle pig tailed Greta Thungerg may be a victim of child abuse

as I said , I didn't serious attention to ALGORE 20 years ago and its not time to start paying attention to a widdle 'swedish' baby girl . World looks fine to me these past 20 years and for my entire lifetime and today was fine . bright and sunny Rigby .

But the world is not fine.
Warming not only is causing more coastal flooding, but acidification of the ocean, which is killing fish/coral in huge numbers.
It is changing the weather, and could cause Europe to become 10 degrees colder if the Gulf Stream get subducted by Greenland fresh water melt off.
We also are losing our bee populations, birds are 30% reduced, etc.

We are only at the very beginning of what could get much worse over the next 500 years.
We could be talking about a runaway race condition like the planet Venus, where the surface is over 400 degrees, and there is no water as liquid.
------------------------------------------- MAN and lowly 'eurotype' will survive or perhaps Man [Americans only will go to Mars] using Trumps Space force . American will adapt or die and 500 years is GUESSING and is a long time for ME to worry . And as a side comment , I was in the Dentists Office in 73 0r 74 and reading the news magazines . But the big story at that time was CLOBAL COOLING and the return of the Ice Age Rigby .
As I have said all along


Saying it all along doesn't make it right.

If the message is a petulant tantrum, attacking the messenger is a sane response.

Come forward with a reasoned and practical solution, then THAT can be addressed.

People attack the messenger when they lack the knowledge to attack the message.
------------------------------------------ plus --- if Rigby is correct about 500 years , well then who cares . And 10 degrees cooling in 'europe' , well then who cares . Let them adapt or let them starve and freeze . All I see is the responsibility being put on regular Americans like me to fix the things that Greta , Rigby and the elites are worried about and I won't voluntarily support their measures to fix things GGator .
I think that the poor kid has been Brain Washed . Probably by parents and some groups in her lefty home lands . --- --- anyway , looks like 'german' M.P. types are investigating

We can see how strong and powerful you are by the way you attack a little girl. Very Trump-like of you.

He says as he forgets defending the fake vietnam war veteran indian for attacking white boys.

So shallow.

She was hoisted upon the world stage but is apparently too young to be challenged. But not to young to condemn all of us eh?
Her bullshit speech is intended to force changes on my life. Fuck her, and fuck you.

If you can't take the heat get the fuck out of the kitchen.

In high school, I had a buddy who won a Karate competition by beating a 13 year old girl. They were the only two black belts there. To this day, it embarrasses him to mention that. Of course he isn't a bully
It is changing the weather, and could cause Europe to become 10 degrees colder

I don't live in Europe... for a reason.

The extent of the harm is mostly a matter of time.
Europe is more vulnerable, but the US also would suffer if the oceans were to rise by 250'.
And eventually a full race condition is possible, as it gets warmer and more water vapor is evaporated into the air, which makes it even hotter.
It is very possible for the earth to become like Venus, with surface temperatures above the boiling point of water.
Venus is over 400 degree, but is also closer to the sun.
The earth may only get to 200 degrees or so?
As I have said all along


Saying it all along doesn't make it right.

If the message is a petulant tantrum, attacking the messenger is a sane response.

Come forward with a reasoned and practical solution, then THAT can be addressed.

People attack the messenger when they lack the knowledge to attack the message.
------------------------------------------ plus --- if Rigby is correct about 500 years , well then who cares . And 10 degrees cooling in 'europe' , well then who cares . Let them adapt or let them starve and freeze . All I see is the responsibility being put on regular Americans like me to fix the things that Greta , Rigby and the elites are worried about and I won't voluntarily support their measures to fix things GGator .

The 500 years is the conservative extreme.
Other believe it is more like 70 years.
And it all depends on if you are the one starving or freezing.
The US is not immune.
Most of the population lives on the coast, and will have flooding to the point they will all have to move.
Fish are dying off, so food will increase in price.
Stronger and more storms will damage more crops and make food more expensive.
It would be much cheaper to just reduce emissions and avoid the big expenses.
as I said , I didn't serious attention to ALGORE 20 years ago and its not time to start paying attention to a widdle 'swedish' baby girl . World looks fine to me these past 20 years and for my entire lifetime and today was fine . bright and sunny Rigby .

But the world is not fine.
Warming not only is causing more coastal flooding, but acidification of the ocean, which is killing fish/coral in huge numbers.
It is changing the weather, and could cause Europe to become 10 degrees colder if the Gulf Stream get subducted by Greenland fresh water melt off.
We also are losing our bee populations, birds are 30% reduced, etc.

We are only at the very beginning of what could get much worse over the next 500 years.
We could be talking about a runaway race condition like the planet Venus, where the surface is over 400 degrees, and there is no water as liquid.
------------------------------------------- MAN and lowly 'eurotype' will survive or perhaps Man [Americans only will go to Mars] using Trumps Space force . American will adapt or die and 500 years is GUESSING and is a long time for ME to worry . And as a side comment , I was in the Dentists Office in 73 0r 74 and reading the news magazines . But the big story at that time was CLOBAL COOLING and the return of the Ice Age Rigby .

Sure it is likely the species will survive global warming, but it will be very expensive.

And you are wrong about the global cooling article.
It has nothing to do with emissions.
It was from them figuring out what caused ice age cycles, and where were are now in the current one.
(There have been over 12 ice age cycles in the past.)
And it is simply based on where we are in the current ice age cycle that expects suggested that we now should be cooling.
And what you should get from that is that for it now to be warming when it is actually supposed to be cooling naturally, means that it really is much hotter than we realize.
If not for the natural cooling to counteract the warming, it would be much hotter even.
even 'mrobama' don't care or take ocean rise seriously as he just bought some mansion on the ocean coast , think the 16 million dollar mansion is in Maine Rigby . And actually , I hope that he and all those coastal elites do get flooded out Rigby .
We are only at the very beginning of what could get much worse over the next 500 years.

I'll start getting really concerned in 498 years. Okies?

The normal ice age cycle is 110,000 years long, but you don't want to wait.
If you can change the cycle if you start 500 years earlier, then it is foolish to not do it.
There is no reason to wait and let it happen, when stopping it is not hard or expensive.
We are only at the very beginning of what could get much worse over the next 500 years.

I'll start getting really concerned in 498 years. Okies?

The normal ice age cycle is 110,000 years long, but you don't want to wait.
If you can change the cycle if you start 500 years earlier, then it is foolish to not do it.
There is no reason to wait and let it happen, when stopping it is not hard or expensive.

I haven't heard any actual workable suggestions on how to 'change the cycle' even if that's possible.

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