widdle pig tailed Greta Thungerg may be a victim of child abuse

I think that the poor kid has been Brain Washed . Probably by parents and some groups in her lefty home lands . --- --- anyway , looks like 'german' M.P. types are investigating

We can see how strong and powerful you are by the way you attack a little girl. Very Trump-like of you.

He says as he forgets defending the fake vietnam war veteran indian for attacking white boys.

So shallow.

She was hoisted upon the world stage but is apparently too young to be challenged. But not to young to condemn all of us eh?
Her bullshit speech is intended to force changes on my life. Fuck her, and fuck you.

If you can't take the heat get the fuck out of the kitchen.

She did not have to condemn us since we already condemned ourselves with the obvious repercussions of adding over 29 billion tons of additional carbon into the atmosphere every single year.
We have all seen the results, with ocean levels rising, massive Arctic melt off, etc.
Back in 1957 when the USS Nautilus went under the pole, there was not an inch of open water even in the summer.
Now there is and ship use the what used to be a fabled Northwest Passage.
This had not happened for over 10,000 years, and no natural cause could have been so rapid.

All Greta did was simply remind us.
Seems like we do not want to be reminded, and want to shoot the messenger?

She is not trying to force change on anyone's life, but trying to point out that with a few more intelligent options, we will not have to endure the significant changes that will happen automatically. We can choose to reduce greenhouse gases in an easy and sensible way, or we will be forced to deal with massive coastal flooding, desert floods, parched farmlands, etc. We are the ones who are causing the massive changes, and Greta wants to minimize the changes.
Good for her.

She is ineffectual and looks like a crazy person. Her parents have raised a loudmouth twit. IMO
As I have said all along


Saying it all along doesn't make it right.

If the message is a petulant tantrum, attacking the messenger is a sane response.

Come forward with a reasoned and practical solution, then THAT can be addressed.
his had not happened for over 10,000 years, and no natural cause could have been so rapid.

10,000 years ago, Detroit was under hundreds of feet of ice and you could walk across the Great Lakes

No one is arguing that climate doesn't change ... the argument is... did the Flintstone's SUV end the Ice Age?

only thing I care about is that she is not NORMAL yet she leads you lefties around by the nose plus she damages normal kids thinking . Plus remember , it is SHE that put herself out front and made herself into a public figure . No matter though , she seems functional , is cute and smart enough to do alright but she shouldn't be taken seriously on her political and climate views GGator .

As I have said all along, you mindless partisans who have no actual knowledge on the subject attack her because you cannot attack her message. That is your MO, attack the messenger because you are too devoid of knowledge to attack the message.
----------------------------------------------------- I didn't pay any attention to ALGORE and 'dems' 20 some years ago and at least he was no widdle baby girl . And I see no reason to pay any attention to this kid that doesn't think normally . And besides that everyone knows that it is 'china' and 'indonesia' that are the worlds major Polluters which has nothing to do with the USA GGator .
I think that the poor kid has been Brain Washed . Probably by parents and some groups in her lefty home lands . --- --- anyway , looks like 'german' M.P. types are investigating

We can see how strong and powerful you are by the way you attack a little girl. Very Trump-like of you.

He says as he forgets defending the fake vietnam war veteran indian for attacking white boys.

So shallow.

She was hoisted upon the world stage but is apparently too young to be challenged. But not to young to condemn all of us eh?
Her bullshit speech is intended to force changes on my life. Fuck her, and fuck you.

If you can't take the heat get the fuck out of the kitchen.

She did not have to condemn us since we already condemned ourselves with the obvious repercussions of adding over 29 billion tons of additional carbon into the atmosphere every single year.
We have all seen the results, with ocean levels rising, massive Arctic melt off, etc.
Back in 1957 when the USS Nautilus went under the pole, there was not an inch of open water even in the summer.
Now there is and ship use the what used to be a fabled Northwest Passage.
This had not happened for over 10,000 years, and no natural cause could have been so rapid.

All Greta did was simply remind us.
Seems like we do not want to be reminded, and want to shoot the messenger?

She is not trying to force change on anyone's life, but trying to point out that with a few more intelligent options, we will not have to endure the significant changes that will happen automatically. We can choose to reduce greenhouse gases in an easy and sensible way, or we will be forced to deal with massive coastal flooding, desert floods, parched farmlands, etc. We are the ones who are causing the massive changes, and Greta wants to minimize the changes.
Good for her.

She is ineffectual and looks like a crazy person. Her parents have raised a loudmouth twit. IMO

She did look angry and anger is not going to convince most people.
But I would bet she was scared and that was the only way she could do it.
only thing I care about is that she is not NORMAL yet she leads you lefties around by the nose plus she damages normal kids thinking . Plus remember , it is SHE that put herself out front and made herself into a public figure . No matter though , she seems functional , is cute and smart enough to do alright but she shouldn't be taken seriously on her political and climate views GGator .

As I have said all along, you mindless partisans who have no actual knowledge on the subject attack her because you cannot attack her message. That is your MO, attack the messenger because you are too devoid of knowledge to attack the message.
----------------------------------------------------- I didn't pay any attention to ALGORE and 'dems' 20 some years ago and at least he was no widdle baby girl . And I see no reason to pay any attention to this kid that doesn't think normally . And besides that everyone knows that it is 'china' and 'indonesia' that are the worlds major Polluters which has nothing to do with the USA GGator .
------------------------------------------------ and 20 years after ALGORE and his warning that the world will soon be a 'Big Burning Ball of Fire' the USA is doing fine GGator
As I have said all along


Saying it all along doesn't make it right.

If the message is a petulant tantrum, attacking the messenger is a sane response.

Come forward with a reasoned and practical solution, then THAT can be addressed.

We already know many of the practical solutions.
During the war, gasoline was very expensive, so we got by with mass transit instead, mostly.
We could also go back to smaller cars that get better mileage, instead of SUVs that now are the status trend.

One of the most frustrating things is that we also know diesel profuces about a forth of the carbon emissions, so it is very disappointing to see diesels being wrongly accused of polluting.
That is just a fraud perpetuated in the US because US car makes don't make a good, small, diesel.
his had not happened for over 10,000 years, and no natural cause could have been so rapid.

10,000 years ago, Detroit was under hundreds of feet of ice and you could walk across the Great Lakes

No one is arguing that climate doesn't change ... the argument is... did the Flintstone's SUV end the Ice Age?


There have been over a dozen ice ages.
Apparently it is due to the over success of plants.
As they take carbon out of the air, the climate gets colder until it finally kills the plants, they release their carbon, and it warms up again.
Over and over.
But that is a 110,000 year long cycle, and is not what happened now, in more like 75 years.
only thing I care about is that she is not NORMAL yet she leads you lefties around by the nose plus she damages normal kids thinking . Plus remember , it is SHE that put herself out front and made herself into a public figure . No matter though , she seems functional , is cute and smart enough to do alright but she shouldn't be taken seriously on her political and climate views GGator .

As I have said all along, you mindless partisans who have no actual knowledge on the subject attack her because you cannot attack her message. That is your MO, attack the messenger because you are too devoid of knowledge to attack the message.
----------------------------------------------------- I didn't pay any attention to ALGORE and 'dems' 20 some years ago and at least he was no widdle baby girl . And I see no reason to pay any attention to this kid that doesn't think normally . And besides that everyone knows that it is 'china' and 'indonesia' that are the worlds major Polluters which has nothing to do with the USA GGator .

No, China and Indonesia produce less then a tenth the amount of pollution per person, that the US produces.
So it is the US that sets the standard and is causing all the problems.

And Indonesia is not even close to being in the top 10.


And even better graph is per capita pollution.

only thing I care about is that she is not NORMAL yet she leads you lefties around by the nose plus she damages normal kids thinking . Plus remember , it is SHE that put herself out front and made herself into a public figure . No matter though , she seems functional , is cute and smart enough to do alright but she shouldn't be taken seriously on her political and climate views GGator .

As I have said all along, you mindless partisans who have no actual knowledge on the subject attack her because you cannot attack her message. That is your MO, attack the messenger because you are too devoid of knowledge to attack the message.
----------------------------------------------------- I didn't pay any attention to ALGORE and 'dems' 20 some years ago and at least he was no widdle baby girl . And I see no reason to pay any attention to this kid that doesn't think normally . And besides that everyone knows that it is 'china' and 'indonesia' that are the worlds major Polluters which has nothing to do with the USA GGator .
------------------------------------------------ and 20 years after ALGORE and his warning that the world will soon be a 'Big Burning Ball of Fire' the USA is doing fine GGator

No, Gore never said the world would be a big ball of fire.
What he said is that ocean levels could rise as much as 250'.
And he is still right.
We just do not know the details of when or whether it will accelerate.
Some claim that as it warms, additional water vapor will produce more clouds and reflect more sun, to counteract the warming. But I doubt that since clouds also retain more heat?
During the war, gasoline was very expensive, so we got by with mass transit instead, mostly.

Who is we? I wouldn't take the bus if my life depended on it. In my city, public transport is just a mobile homeless shelter. If it gets too expensive to fill the tank, I'll make more money.

Is your proposal to artificially inflate gas prices to dissuade driving? You're aware of course that that strikes hardest on the poor.

Are you similarly aware that every single thing you have ever bought in a store has traveled by truck at some time in its life-cycle? Artificially inflated gas prices would cause inflation across the board to skyrocket.

When I said 'practical solutions', I thought it was self-evident that those would entail solutions that didn't destroy our economy.
as I said , I didn't serious attention to ALGORE 20 years ago and its not time to start paying attention to a widdle 'swedish' baby girl . World looks fine to me these past 20 years and for my entire lifetime and today was fine . bright and sunny Rigby .
and 'algore' on stage with 'burning ball of fire' --- ---
During the war, gasoline was very expensive, so we got by with mass transit instead, mostly.

Who is we? I wouldn't take the bus if my life depended on it. In my city, public transport is just a mobile homeless shelter. If it gets too expensive to fill the tank, I'll make more money.

Is your proposal to artificially inflate gas prices to dissuade driving? You're aware of course that that strikes hardest on the poor.

Are you similarly aware that every single thing you have ever bought in a store has traveled by truck at some time in its life-cycle? Artificially inflated gas prices would cause inflation across the board to skyrocket.

When I said 'practical solutions', I thought it was self-evident that those would entail solutions that didn't destroy our economy.

Then obviously you are way to young to have a reasonable perspective.
Until the late 50s, mass transit is what most people took all the time.
The only people who even had cars in the 30's were rural farmers or very wealthy.
During the 40, cars were not produced and gasoline was rationed.

Inflating gas prices with taxes works but is the hard way to do it.
Better is to just subsidize mass transit and make it free if you can.
The eliminates the burden on the poor.

While almost everything take trucks, it should not.
Trains use only a faction of what trucks use.
Trucks took over due to organized crime.
Beside, trucks use diesel and cars to not, so there is no problem.

It does not destroy the economy to import less oil.
It saves money and improves the economy.
as I said , I didn't serious attention to ALGORE 20 years ago and its not time to start paying attention to a widdle 'swedish' baby girl . World looks fine to me these past 20 years and for my entire lifetime and today was fine . bright and sunny Rigby .

But the world is not fine.
Warming not only is causing more coastal flooding, but acidification of the ocean, which is killing fish/coral in huge numbers.
It is changing the weather, and could cause Europe to become 10 degrees colder if the Gulf Stream get subducted by Greenland fresh water melt off.
We also are losing our bee populations, birds are 30% reduced, etc.

We are only at the very beginning of what could get much worse over the next 500 years.
We could be talking about a runaway race condition like the planet Venus, where the surface is over 400 degrees, and there is no water as liquid.

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