Wife leaves husband of 22 years because he voted for Trump

I understand that these two have settled their feud amicably. But it is quite a shock to find out that the person you have been waking up next to for decades, whom you have loved and trusted, is capable of this.

Capable of voting for center right policies? Wow. How shocking.

YOu lefties have started believing your own lies. The GOP is not the same as nazis, you hysterical fool.

Then why do GOPers act the way they do? They seem to take a page out of the nazi playbook. They have done nothing but figure out ways to attack other Americans. What have they done that has been good for the country? All they've done, in addition to attacking other Americans, is destroy things and have sex with these idiotic religious cults. These were choices that they made. You are an obvious fan, but when are you going to take some responsibility?

This poor woman found out that she had been sleeping with a man who hates women. That must have been a shock.

Just because you say these crazy things, does not make them real.

Your party is the one that is attacking other Americans, constantly, both figuratively and literally.

Hell, you don't think calling someone a fucking nazis is an attack?

The GOP does not hate women. It is one thing to say that, as an obvious partisan lie. It is another to actually believe that shit.

That poor woman just blew up her life, over nonsense.

The GOPers DO hate women. Their actions prove it. Show me where the Democrats want to control women's bodies and police their reproductive organs. This is a GOP obsession. This also involves forcing American women to practice a religion that they have not chosen to follow. The Democrats don't do anything to harass LGBTs; GOPers do everything they can think of to harass LGBTs. No "obvious partisan lie" here. You are in denial.

The GOP has become a hate group for control freaks. I remember when it wasn't this way, but the GOP has sunk into the gutter. And so, I support the Democrats financially and in the voting booth. I was always an independent, but you people made me a loyal Democrat.

Remember that you folks CHOSE to do this. Nobody forced you.
I understand that these two have settled their feud amicably. But it is quite a shock to find out that the person you have been waking up next to for decades, whom you have loved and trusted, is capable of this.

Capable of voting for center right policies? Wow. How shocking.

YOu lefties have started believing your own lies. The GOP is not the same as nazis, you hysterical fool.

Then why do GOPers act the way they do? They seem to take a page out of the nazi playbook. They have done nothing but figure out ways to attack other Americans. What have they done that has been good for the country? All they've done, in addition to attacking other Americans, is destroy things and have sex with these idiotic religious cults. These were choices that they made. You are an obvious fan, but when are you going to take some responsibility?

This poor woman found out that she had been sleeping with a man who hates women. That must have been a shock.

Just because you say these crazy things, does not make them real.

Your party is the one that is attacking other Americans, constantly, both figuratively and literally.

Hell, you don't think calling someone a fucking nazis is an attack?

The GOP does not hate women. It is one thing to say that, as an obvious partisan lie. It is another to actually believe that shit.

That poor woman just blew up her life, over nonsense.

The GOPers DO hate women. Their actions prove it. Show me where the Democrats want to control women's bodies and police their reproductive organs. This is a GOP obsession. This also involves forcing American women to practice a religion that they have not chosen to follow. The Democrats don't do anything to harass LGBTs; GOPers do everything they can think of to harass LGBTs. No "obvious partisan lie" here. You are in denial.

The GOP has become a hate group for control freaks. I remember when it wasn't this way, but the GOP has sunk into the gutter. And so, I support the Democrats financially and in the voting booth. I was always an independent, but you people made me a loyal Democrat.

Remember that you folks CHOSE to do this. Nobody forced you.
I'm sorry. But I would hope that Republicans are not trying to entice women into bed and then pressuring the girl involved to abort the "problem." And the Republicans, as far as I know have taken anyone to court because they felt slighted for not getting a cake or a photo op for their party. You seem a liberal --- independent or not. PS--- beer drinker in bars are more likely to punch out a gay guy hitting on them that the vast majority of Bible thumpers I've ever met.
Did JF Kennedy hate Marilyn? Did Ted Kennedy hate Mary Jo? Who is using whom?
Wife leaves husband of 22 years because he voted for Donald Trump
Burning passions over Donald Trump's presidency are taking a personal toll on both sides of the political divide. For Gayle McCormick, it is particularly wrenching: she has separated from her husband of 22 years.


One truly has a mental disorder to leave your husband or wife because he or she supports Trump / votes for Trump. What kind of moron are you to give up all those years over a political difference. Must have never loved that deeply to begin with.
I don't blame her. I don't care who she is she can do better than some dumbass tRunt.
Wife leaves husband of 22 years because he voted for Donald Trump
Burning passions over Donald Trump's presidency are taking a personal toll on both sides of the political divide. For Gayle McCormick, it is particularly wrenching: she has separated from her husband of 22 years.


One truly has a mental disorder to leave your husband or wife because he or she supports Trump / votes for Trump. What kind of moron are you to give up all those years over a political difference. Must have never loved that deeply to begin with.
I don't blame her. I don't care who she is she can do better than some dumbass tRunt.
He probably was physically and/or verbally abusive.
Wife leaves husband of 22 years because he voted for Donald Trump
Burning passions over Donald Trump's presidency are taking a personal toll on both sides of the political divide. For Gayle McCormick, it is particularly wrenching: she has separated from her husband of 22 years.


One truly has a mental disorder to leave your husband or wife because he or she supports Trump / votes for Trump. What kind of moron are you to give up all those years over a political difference. Must have never loved that deeply to begin with.
I don't blame her. I don't care who she is she can do better than some dumbass tRunt.
He probably was physically and/or verbally abusive.
That does seem to be their pattern.
Wife leaves husband of 22 years because he voted for Donald Trump
Burning passions over Donald Trump's presidency are taking a personal toll on both sides of the political divide. For Gayle McCormick, it is particularly wrenching: she has separated from her husband of 22 years.


One truly has a mental disorder to leave your husband or wife because he or she supports Trump / votes for Trump. What kind of moron are you to give up all those years over a political difference. Must have never loved that deeply to begin with.
I don't blame her. I don't care who she is she can do better than some dumbass tRunt.
Trump supporters are mentally unstable. That alone is grounds for divorce.
Wife leaves husband of 22 years because he voted for Donald Trump
Burning passions over Donald Trump's presidency are taking a personal toll on both sides of the political divide. For Gayle McCormick, it is particularly wrenching: she has separated from her husband of 22 years.


One truly has a mental disorder to leave your husband or wife because he or she supports Trump / votes for Trump. What kind of moron are you to give up all those years over a political difference. Must have never loved that deeply to begin with.

The sudden realization that the person you married can be that fucking stupid with no regard for her & any child's future. Because her husband supports the abuse of women?
Because her husband supports an adulterous POS?
I understand that these two have settled their feud amicably. But it is quite a shock to find out that the person you have been waking up next to for decades, whom you have loved and trusted, is capable of this.

Capable of voting for center right policies? Wow. How shocking.

YOu lefties have started believing your own lies. The GOP is not the same as nazis, you hysterical fool.

Then why do GOPers act the way they do? They seem to take a page out of the nazi playbook. They have done nothing but figure out ways to attack other Americans. What have they done that has been good for the country? All they've done, in addition to attacking other Americans, is destroy things and have sex with these idiotic religious cults. These were choices that they made. You are an obvious fan, but when are you going to take some responsibility?

This poor woman found out that she had been sleeping with a man who hates women. That must have been a shock.

Just because you say these crazy things, does not make them real.

Your party is the one that is attacking other Americans, constantly, both figuratively and literally.

Hell, you don't think calling someone a fucking nazis is an attack?

The GOP does not hate women. It is one thing to say that, as an obvious partisan lie. It is another to actually believe that shit.

That poor woman just blew up her life, over nonsense.

The GOPers DO hate women. Their actions prove it. Show me where the Democrats want to control women's bodies and police their reproductive organs. This is a GOP obsession. This also involves forcing American women to practice a religion that they have not chosen to follow. The Democrats don't do anything to harass LGBTs; GOPers do everything they can think of to harass LGBTs. No "obvious partisan lie" here. You are in denial.

The GOP has become a hate group for control freaks. I remember when it wasn't this way, but the GOP has sunk into the gutter. And so, I support the Democrats financially and in the voting booth. I was always an independent, but you people made me a loyal Democrat.

Remember that you folks CHOSE to do this. Nobody forced you.
I'm sorry. But I would hope that Republicans are not trying to entice women into bed and then pressuring the girl involved to abort the "problem." And the Republicans, as far as I know have taken anyone to court because they felt slighted for not getting a cake or a photo op for their party. You seem a liberal --- independent or not. PS--- beer drinker in bars are more likely to punch out a gay guy hitting on them that the vast majority of Bible thumpers I've ever met.
Did JF Kennedy hate Marilyn? Did Ted Kennedy hate Mary Jo? Who is using whom?

You do not explain why anyone wants to use the government to control women's bodies and order them to continue pregnancies that they do not want. The government should not, and cannot be allowed, to order people to surrender control of their physical bodies just to satisfy somebody else's religion. We used to have freedom of religion here, but apparently not now.

Men who use government to do this actually do hate women. They just want to screw and want a compliant sex partner whom they can use and abuse, and yeah, these guys want these slaves to pop babies who look like daddy. This sounds dirty because it is dirty. It's disgusting.
Wife leaves husband of 22 years because he voted for Donald Trump
Burning passions over Donald Trump's presidency are taking a personal toll on both sides of the political divide. For Gayle McCormick, it is particularly wrenching: she has separated from her husband of 22 years.


One truly has a mental disorder to leave your husband or wife because he or she supports Trump / votes for Trump. What kind of moron are you to give up all those years over a political difference. Must have never loved that deeply to begin with.
I don't blame her. I don't care who she is she can do better than some dumbass tRunt.
Yes, She could marry a Clinton or a Kennedy.
Capable of voting for center right policies? Wow. How shocking.

YOu lefties have started believing your own lies. The GOP is not the same as nazis, you hysterical fool.

Then why do GOPers act the way they do? They seem to take a page out of the nazi playbook. They have done nothing but figure out ways to attack other Americans. What have they done that has been good for the country? All they've done, in addition to attacking other Americans, is destroy things and have sex with these idiotic religious cults. These were choices that they made. You are an obvious fan, but when are you going to take some responsibility?

This poor woman found out that she had been sleeping with a man who hates women. That must have been a shock.

Just because you say these crazy things, does not make them real.

Your party is the one that is attacking other Americans, constantly, both figuratively and literally.

Hell, you don't think calling someone a fucking nazis is an attack?

The GOP does not hate women. It is one thing to say that, as an obvious partisan lie. It is another to actually believe that shit.

That poor woman just blew up her life, over nonsense.

The GOPers DO hate women. Their actions prove it. Show me where the Democrats want to control women's bodies and police their reproductive organs. This is a GOP obsession. This also involves forcing American women to practice a religion that they have not chosen to follow. The Democrats don't do anything to harass LGBTs; GOPers do everything they can think of to harass LGBTs. No "obvious partisan lie" here. You are in denial.

The GOP has become a hate group for control freaks. I remember when it wasn't this way, but the GOP has sunk into the gutter. And so, I support the Democrats financially and in the voting booth. I was always an independent, but you people made me a loyal Democrat.

Remember that you folks CHOSE to do this. Nobody forced you.
I'm sorry. But I would hope that Republicans are not trying to entice women into bed and then pressuring the girl involved to abort the "problem." And the Republicans, as far as I know have taken anyone to court because they felt slighted for not getting a cake or a photo op for their party. You seem a liberal --- independent or not. PS--- beer drinker in bars are more likely to punch out a gay guy hitting on them that the vast majority of Bible thumpers I've ever met.
Did JF Kennedy hate Marilyn? Did Ted Kennedy hate Mary Jo? Who is using whom?

You do not explain why anyone wants to use the government to control women's bodies and order them to continue pregnancies that they do not want. The government should not, and cannot be allowed, to order people to surrender control of their physical bodies just to satisfy somebody else's religion. We used to have freedom of religion here, but apparently not now.

Men who use government to do this actually do hate women. They just want to screw and want a compliant sex partner whom they can use and abuse, and yeah, these guys want these slaves to pop babies who look like daddy. This sounds dirty because it is dirty. It's disgusting.

Men who do what you say normally get marred and make a commitment with a lady respecting the fact that she may become the mother of his children ---- Democrats & Liberals not so much it would seem. We always have had freedom of religion as a country but not necessary freedom from religion. Everyone is entitled to their opinion; however, not all opinions are equally viable. And it would seem that folks like yourself would enjoy nothing more than silencing anyone whose opinions might just be coherently moral and honest but not necessary agreeable to your lifestyle choices.
Wife leaves husband of 22 years because he voted for Donald Trump
Burning passions over Donald Trump's presidency are taking a personal toll on both sides of the political divide. For Gayle McCormick, it is particularly wrenching: she has separated from her husband of 22 years.


One truly has a mental disorder to leave your husband or wife because he or she supports Trump / votes for Trump. What kind of moron are you to give up all those years over a political difference. Must have never loved that deeply to begin with.
I don't blame her. I don't care who she is she can do better than some dumbass tRunt.
Yes, She could marry a Clinton or a Kennedy.
You never know.
This is a quote from the woman: "It totally undid me that he could vote for Trump. I felt like I had been fooling myself"

Wow, she is making it sound like the man is guilty of the worst thing that a person could ever do. I hope that he isn't stuck having to pay her any alimony.

God bless you and her soon to be ex always!!!


P.S. By the way, am I the only one who has noticed that the link in the chat starting message here takes us to a write that is from February of last year?
Wife leaves husband of 22 years because he voted for Donald Trump
Burning passions over Donald Trump's presidency are taking a personal toll on both sides of the political divide. For Gayle McCormick, it is particularly wrenching: she has separated from her husband of 22 years.

One truly has a mental disorder to leave your husband or wife because he or she supports Trump / votes for Trump. What kind of moron are you to give up all those years over a political difference. Must have never loved that deeply to begin with.

Rump is not a "political difference". Rump is not a "political" anything. He has no politics.

Rump is a personal aberration. A freak. A subhuman. A pathologically lying Shit Show. If one is living with a moron who would actually vote for such a freak, then anything could happen. I have no doubt she got out for her own safety.

That's President Trump to you, runt

Not to me, hellthefuck no. That's a whiny immeasurably insecure little kid who's never grown up to face any of the challenges or responsibilities of life at all. That's a pathological liar who's too dim to understand any of the world around him and his coping mechanism is to bellow about himself. That's a whiny little bitch who can't take the heat yet wants to run the kitchen. That's a sad, embarrassing wreck of a man who degrades not only his country but his entire species. A loser so lost in his own insecurities that he intentionally paints his own face orange.

And yet, he ascended to the top office of the world, on his on merit, in spite of all malice towards him and totally within the law.

While you are nothing but a malcontent moron.

"His own merit" :laugh2:

Doooooooon't think so Clyde. Con Artistry does not constitute "merit". I'm afraid the only malcontent morons present here are those of you snowflakes who melt down at the slightest test of Dear Leader with Orange Paint-on Face. The sentient among us are just basically watching the shit show.

You know, you too could MFGA (Make your Face Great Again) :)

I just heard that Republicans will steal the coins off a dead man’s eyes.
Last Saturday I went to party where I knew about half people, the other half are friend's friends, etc.

I wore my MAGA hat, for sole reason to make some eyes bleed, and to find out with whom I am not gonna hang out with. :D

Few things that I was expecting did happen. Lefties never let you finish the sentence, they never answer the question, and they have total meltdown when things are not going the way they want.

I had great time...

They can not debate a gawd dam thing either. They only know they hate Trump because they Parrot their MSM gods bs, and their friends who also do the same so in their retard eyes they know why they hate him LOL.. They're that stupid. They can only YELL, BLOW A BABY WHISTLE and use buckets like drums oh yeah that's like ANTIFA's too .

I know I was bit off topic, but with a good reason: "total meltdown".

If this woman can leave husband over him voting for Trump, I say he won. Well, Trump won this one for him. :D

Couldn't have been a very stable marriage at all if that's all it takes for the wife to leave.

Hell. She was probably going to leave him anyway.

Him voting for Trump is a good excuse. LOL
Then why do GOPers act the way they do? They seem to take a page out of the nazi playbook. They have done nothing but figure out ways to attack other Americans. What have they done that has been good for the country? All they've done, in addition to attacking other Americans, is destroy things and have sex with these idiotic religious cults. These were choices that they made. You are an obvious fan, but when are you going to take some responsibility?

This poor woman found out that she had been sleeping with a man who hates women. That must have been a shock.

Just because you say these crazy things, does not make them real.

Your party is the one that is attacking other Americans, constantly, both figuratively and literally.

Hell, you don't think calling someone a fucking nazis is an attack?

The GOP does not hate women. It is one thing to say that, as an obvious partisan lie. It is another to actually believe that shit.

That poor woman just blew up her life, over nonsense.

The GOPers DO hate women. Their actions prove it. Show me where the Democrats want to control women's bodies and police their reproductive organs. This is a GOP obsession. This also involves forcing American women to practice a religion that they have not chosen to follow. The Democrats don't do anything to harass LGBTs; GOPers do everything they can think of to harass LGBTs. No "obvious partisan lie" here. You are in denial.

The GOP has become a hate group for control freaks. I remember when it wasn't this way, but the GOP has sunk into the gutter. And so, I support the Democrats financially and in the voting booth. I was always an independent, but you people made me a loyal Democrat.

Remember that you folks CHOSE to do this. Nobody forced you.
I'm sorry. But I would hope that Republicans are not trying to entice women into bed and then pressuring the girl involved to abort the "problem." And the Republicans, as far as I know have taken anyone to court because they felt slighted for not getting a cake or a photo op for their party. You seem a liberal --- independent or not. PS--- beer drinker in bars are more likely to punch out a gay guy hitting on them that the vast majority of Bible thumpers I've ever met.
Did JF Kennedy hate Marilyn? Did Ted Kennedy hate Mary Jo? Who is using whom?

You do not explain why anyone wants to use the government to control women's bodies and order them to continue pregnancies that they do not want. The government should not, and cannot be allowed, to order people to surrender control of their physical bodies just to satisfy somebody else's religion. We used to have freedom of religion here, but apparently not now.

Men who use government to do this actually do hate women. They just want to screw and want a compliant sex partner whom they can use and abuse, and yeah, these guys want these slaves to pop babies who look like daddy. This sounds dirty because it is dirty. It's disgusting.

Men who do what you say normally get marred and make a commitment with a lady respecting the fact that she may become the mother of his children ---- Democrats & Liberals not so much it would seem. We always have had freedom of religion as a country but not necessary freedom from religion. Everyone is entitled to their opinion; however, not all opinions are equally viable. And it would seem that folks like yourself would enjoy nothing more than silencing anyone whose opinions might just be coherently moral and honest but not necessary agreeable to your lifestyle choices.

I think that you support laws that require a pregnant woman to have something shoved up her vagina if she wants to end the pregnancy. It's disgusting.

Your opinions are your own. Your religious choices are your own. But you are trying to shove your choice of religion on other people. This is not "silencing." you do what you wish. You are free to make your choice of lifestyle. But you are not free to shove your choices on other people. This is what you want to do.

You just go and be a jeffress or something. It's your right. But leave other Americans alone.
Never, EVER, start a relationship with someone with different political beliefs. You will deeply regret it down the road.

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