Wildfires up dramatically, climate change suspected as cause

They BURN because they are more than likely to be neighbors with the yahoos mismanaging FED lands !!!!

When the topic is the amount of area burning, you have to relate your claim to the amount of area burning for it not to be a red herring. Saying "houses adjacent to fed lands are more likely to burn" is a very, very different thing from demonstrating "houses built in the wilderness cause more area to burn."

That is, unless you're claiming that the wildfire would have magically stopped at the edge of the parcel, had a home not been built on that parcel. Is that what you're claiming?

Since in most of these areas --- the VAST MAJORITY landholder and pesky neighbor IS the FED govt.

Much as the vast majority of your posts are now nonsense. I find a pleasing sort of symmetry in that.

You mental midget. Go find me a map of these burning homes and I'll show you who the neighbor was that has the MAJORITY of the fire on FEDERAL land..

Take a lesson, everyone. If you get called out on using a red herring, simply stop using it, instead of diving deeper into the crazy end of the pool.
I ran across an insightful facebook post made by somebody who was raised in the midst...

This area once sported one of the world's largest saw mills, supplying lumber to this great country. At the same time, hundreds of ranches ran thousands of head of beef cattle, under that same forest, supplying beef to hundreds of thousands of people. The mill provided good paying jobs to thousands of loggers, millworkers and supporting personnel. Ranchers provided jobs to cowboys, farmers, equipm...ent dealers, and many more. Now we sport one of the largest populations of unemployment and food stamps.

Caving to pressure from environmental groups and others, the "managing agencies" of our lands have removed all but a very few head of livestock. They have removed almost all timber harvesting. The mills are gone. One small mill struggles to find enough timber to keep there doors open.

Now every summer we get to watch hundreds of thousands of board feet of valuable timber go up in smoke, not to mention tons of rich grass that would have fattened thousands of pounds of beef.

The very worst, and most insulting part of all this, is they think that you are dumb enough to believe them when they tell you this is all because of "global warming."
How stupid do you think Americans are? - Tom Schaefer, fb post.
And increased lice and other parasites are a result of taking selfies.

They're just full of "scientific explanations" that minimalize the fact that their own fucked up policies created the fucked uppedness.
Commies always oppress the people in rural areas, and destroy resources. It's their calling card.
I know you kitties can't resist a good herring. Hey Dumbo --- meet your neighbors.


Origin of that fire is smackdab in the middle of the "humans will not touch" John Day wilderness. Completely free of book learning, traditional conservation measures or common sense stewardship.. Homes burning around the periphery of that closed area..


This one again in Oregon started smack-dab in the middle of all that Federally managed forest land..
Homes/businesses around the periphery of that fire burning.

See a pattern here. First 2 I checked. What is it about those parcels of mismanagement forest that make them the epicenter of most of these blazes??

You'll probably find a couple that started and spread from OUTSIDE these laboratories of neglect. But as I said, you really don't want Federally managed forests to be your neighbor..
And here is yet another current major fire. This time in Wash state..
Note on the map the small PRIVATE communities embedded and adjacent to these fires.

Spawned damn straight in the middle of yet another Federal mismanagement project..

So, the deniers are now flipflopping uncontrollably between "Wildfires are a good and natural thing!" to "Those awful wildfires are caused by the eeeevil gubment!".

The primary issue here is the increase in area burning over the years.

The secondary issue is now the red herrings and conspiracy theories that the deniers are frantically tossing up to deflect from the primary issue. In 2100, they'll still be blaming a no-burn policy that ended in 1978. That bad excuse apparently has no expiration date.
And here is yet another current major fire. This time in Wash state..
Note on the map the small PRIVATE communities embedded and adjacent to these fires.

Spawned damn straight in the middle of yet another Federal mismanagement project..

to be fair all of our forests are now mismanaged by the forest service. Any forest fire anywhere is going to be smack dab in the midst of government managed forests because the government owns them.
And here is yet another current major fire. This time in Wash state..
Note on the map the small PRIVATE communities embedded and adjacent to these fires.

Spawned damn straight in the middle of yet another Federal mismanagement project..

to be fair all of our forests are now mismanaged by the forest service. Any forest fire anywhere is going to be smack dab in the midst of government managed forests because the government owns them.

What's your solution? Cut all the forest down, abolish the forest service and build cities there???? Doesn't sound very wise.
And here is yet another current major fire. This time in Wash state..
Note on the map the small PRIVATE communities embedded and adjacent to these fires.

Spawned damn straight in the middle of yet another Federal mismanagement project..

to be fair all of our forests are now mismanaged by the forest service. Any forest fire anywhere is going to be smack dab in the midst of government managed forests because the government owns them.

What's your solution? Cut all the forest down, abolish the forest service and build cities there???? Doesn't sound very wise.

My solution would be not to have let the govnerment buy up great tracts of land in the first place. Allow the people who live there to log the fucking forests and make the money that is to be made off them. Let them bear the burden of maintaining them. They're going to maintain them in a way that permits them to continue making money off them. Does that mean they'll change them? Yup. So fucking what. Things change.
What's your solution? Cut all the forest down, abolish the forest service and build cities there???? Doesn't sound very wise.

I've always been in favor of giving all the BLM lands and some of the ForestServ lands back to the Indian nations. They would be better stewards of that national treasure. Might make up for the all the money that disappeared from the Indian Trust Fund accounts..
And here is yet another current major fire. This time in Wash state..
Note on the map the small PRIVATE communities embedded and adjacent to these fires.

Spawned damn straight in the middle of yet another Federal mismanagement project..


Yup. This fire is only a few miles from me and it threatened one of my friends places.
So, the deniers are now flipflopping uncontrollably between "Wildfires are a good and natural thing!" to "Those awful wildfires are caused by the eeeevil gubment!".

The primary issue here is the increase in area burning over the years.

The secondary issue is now the red herrings and conspiracy theories that the deniers are frantically tossing up to deflect from the primary issue. In 2100, they'll still be blaming a no-burn policy that ended in 1978. That bad excuse apparently has no expiration date.

I tell you admiral when you decide to make a dumb post you go full retard. No, what we are saying is now that it has gotten out of control the FS needs to PAY people to go in and clear out the excess fuel load. You know with trucks and chainsaws and the like. Far better, and cheaper to do that, than to have it all burn up.

Of course you have to convince the envirowhackos not to sue them when they try and do it.

Thursday, December 6, 2007
Environmental group sues U.S. Forest Service over fire management plans

Environmental group sues U.S. Forest Service over fire management plans - WildEarth Guardians

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