Will America Go Communist?

why do you trust the government to make life better ...... the free market has done more to lift people out of poverty than any other system ..no its not perfect but communism has given very few examples of making lives better ...its not safe to give government officials total control of our lives.
I don't trust the government to make life better. I just realize that (a) proper & effective regulation is a key component of capitalism, not an evil, and (b) refusing to admit that obvious fact has given the socialists and the communists so much ammunition that they're a real threat now.
and you will vote for a socialist if one gets the dem nomination ! and i got news for ya pall the democratic party is the socialist party ! all dem leaders have moved into the political realm of socialism they only vary in degree .
I have no way of knowing what you mean by "socialist".

You guys spray that word around like left wingers use "racist".
ok lets say i buy your claim and that all dem leaders arent socialist [yeah right ] Bernie is an avowed socialist will you vote for him if he gets the nomination?
No, I sure wouldn't. Given the present condition of the party, there's a better than 50% chance I'll have to vote third party this year.

But back to the point, the size and role of government lies along a continuum, so they're not a bunch of "socialists".
France to some extent
North Korea

Pretty much every country that has openly moved toward your system.
Such an idiotic response on every level. Those countries were not ruined by the things I mentioned. Nor could you make an argument that they were, which is why you didn't even try.

Second, your last part reinforced the stupidity of the response, as literally every developed, modern country on earth in existence has those things I mentioned.

Stupid on parade....
Yes, actually, they were. Providing free stuff for all was the excused used to impose these governments on their populations.
So you returned your SS Medicare VA payments?
I will when the government returns all the taxes I paid, plus interest, shit for brains.
You’ve drunk the cool aid
Anyone with any brains knows the average takes out 40% more than they ever put in.
Anyone with zero college and a baby for moniker obviously doesn’t know this.
Thanks for confirming you are sucking off millionaires like me
Yeah, he's ideology has only slaughtered literally millions of people, even to this present day.... but it's good in the end.
As always you ignore the millions slaughtered by capitalism in America as well as the forced enslavement of Africans in the interest of free trade, and the carnage continues today across the Middle East and Africa.

Because there were not millions slaughtered by capitalism. You can't point to something government does, and claim that is capitalist.

Private people, engaging in private actions under the law, do not slaughter millions of people.

There are many reasons for this, the most obvious being, it's hard to have customers, when you are killing the people who would be customers.

Equally, it's hard to have customers, when they have no money, or ability to buy anything, because they are slaves.

Government did that. Not capitalism. Anything you see that government causes... is automatically... by definition... not capitalism.
Nope. Quantitative easing is where the government creates money out of thin air.


governments do not create money; the central bank does. ... It can issue bonds and ask the central bank to buy them. The central bank then pays the government with money it creates, and the government in turn uses that money to finance the deficit. This process is called debt monetization.

The Fed is an arm of the government, moron.

Well, except it isn't. It is a privately owned entity

Well except for the fact that the government runs it, controls it, regulates it... basically every single thing about the Central Bank, is government.

Trump Announces Jerome Powell as New Fed Chairman

Senate Confirms Janet Yellen As Federal Reserve Chair

What Does the Fed Chairman Do?

So lets review.... the Federal Reserve chairmen, a position with all the other board members, only exists because government created it, and has to be nominated by the president, and confirmed by the Senate.

Do tell, captain privately owned..... Which CEO or board member of Bankcorp, PNC, or Capital One, was nominated or confirmed by government?

Answer of course is... None. Because they are 'actually' private. Federal Reserve is not private by any stretch.

Need more proof?

The Fed Delivered $80.2 Billion in Profits to the Treasury in 2017

The Fed signed over $80 Billion in profit to the US Treasury.
Which of the actual private banks, have just handed over billions of dollars in profit to the Government? Answer.... none. Because they are actually "private". The Fed Reserve is not.

Banking Cover-up, Financial Cover-up, Federal Reserve Cover-up

Government did that. Not capitalism. Anything you see that government causes... is automatically... by definition... not capitalism.

you keep repeating this Andy

maybe if you do so 100,000 times you'll gather a following....

Nope. Quantitative easing is where the government creates money out of thin air.


governments do not create money; the central bank does. ... It can issue bonds and ask the central bank to buy them. The central bank then pays the government with money it creates, and the government in turn uses that money to finance the deficit. This process is called debt monetization.

The Fed is an arm of the government, moron.

Well, except it isn't. It is a privately owned entity

Well except for the fact that the government runs it, controls it, regulates it... basically every single thing about the Central Bank, is government.

Trump Announces Jerome Powell as New Fed Chairman

Senate Confirms Janet Yellen As Federal Reserve Chair

What Does the Fed Chairman Do?

So lets review.... the Federal Reserve chairmen, a position with all the other board members, only exists because government created it, and has to be nominated by the president, and confirmed by the Senate.

Do tell, captain privately owned..... Which CEO or board member of Bankcorp, PNC, or Capital One, was nominated or confirmed by government?

Answer of course is... None. Because they are 'actually' private. Federal Reserve is not private by any stretch.

Need more proof?

The Fed Delivered $80.2 Billion in Profits to the Treasury in 2017

The Fed signed over $80 Billion in profit to the US Treasury.
Which of the actual private banks, have just handed over billions of dollars in profit to the Government? Answer.... none. Because they are actually "private". The Fed Reserve is not.

Banking Cover-up, Financial Cover-up, Federal Reserve Cover-up


Nobody wants to believe it. The real problem is once they do they don't like what else it will lead them to. It took me A LONG time to come to grips with the true reality.

governments do not create money; the central bank does. ... It can issue bonds and ask the central bank to buy them. The central bank then pays the government with money it creates, and the government in turn uses that money to finance the deficit. This process is called debt monetization.

The Fed is an arm of the government, moron.

Well, except it isn't. It is a privately owned entity

Well except for the fact that the government runs it, controls it, regulates it... basically every single thing about the Central Bank, is government.

Trump Announces Jerome Powell as New Fed Chairman

Senate Confirms Janet Yellen As Federal Reserve Chair

What Does the Fed Chairman Do?

So lets review.... the Federal Reserve chairmen, a position with all the other board members, only exists because government created it, and has to be nominated by the president, and confirmed by the Senate.

Do tell, captain privately owned..... Which CEO or board member of Bankcorp, PNC, or Capital One, was nominated or confirmed by government?

Answer of course is... None. Because they are 'actually' private. Federal Reserve is not private by any stretch.

Need more proof?

The Fed Delivered $80.2 Billion in Profits to the Treasury in 2017

The Fed signed over $80 Billion in profit to the US Treasury.
Which of the actual private banks, have just handed over billions of dollars in profit to the Government? Answer.... none. Because they are actually "private". The Fed Reserve is not.

Banking Cover-up, Financial Cover-up, Federal Reserve Cover-up


Nobody wants to believe it. The real problem is once they do they don't like what else it will lead them to. It took me A LONG time to come to grips with the true reality.

Yet our parents told us 'the rich get richer, the poor get poorer' as lads ....~S~
Capitalism's main problem right now is that so many who think they're defending it are doing such a shitty job.

This pseudo/quasi-libertarianism that has consumed the GOP since the days of Reagan is making capitalism ripe for the picking.

These people really should be receiving Thank You cards from those who want socialism or communism, for the assistance.
why do you trust the government to make life better ...... the free market has done more to lift people out of poverty than any other system ..no its not perfect but communism has given very few examples of making lives better ...its not safe to give government officials total control of our lives.
I don't trust the government to make life better. I just realize that (a) proper & effective regulation is a key component of capitalism, not an evil, and (b) refusing to admit that obvious fact has given the socialists and the communists so much ammunition that they're a real threat now.
and you will vote for a socialist if one gets the dem nomination ! and i got news for ya pall the democratic party is the socialist party ! all dem leaders have moved into the political realm of socialism they only vary in degree .
I have no way of knowing what you mean by "socialist".

You guys spray that word around like left wingers use "racist".

Do they support government ownership or control over the means of production, or distribution?

Or do you believe that the private market should have ownership and control over the means of productions and distribution?

Do you believe that the market should determine who gets paid what, or government?
Do you believe that the market should have freedom to make decisions on what to do with what they own, or the government through regulations and controls?

The concept is really simple. You either believe in freedom of the public to do as they please, within basic law (don't murder, don't steal, don't vandalize, so on), or you believe that government should dictate how people live.

Every single policy that you can think of, falls in either the Capitalist view of freedom and equality (under the law, not equal outcomes)..... or you believe in socialist views of government control, reduction of freedom, and picking winners and losers.

Every policy is either a step towards the right, or a step towards the evil-left. Every policy is either an shift towards socialism, or a shift towards capitalism.

More control, less control. More freedom, or less freedom. More government dictatorship, or less government dictatorship.

That is what we mean, by socialist.
The Fed is an arm of the government, moron.

Well, except it isn't. It is a privately owned entity

Well except for the fact that the government runs it, controls it, regulates it... basically every single thing about the Central Bank, is government.

Trump Announces Jerome Powell as New Fed Chairman

Senate Confirms Janet Yellen As Federal Reserve Chair

What Does the Fed Chairman Do?

So lets review.... the Federal Reserve chairmen, a position with all the other board members, only exists because government created it, and has to be nominated by the president, and confirmed by the Senate.

Do tell, captain privately owned..... Which CEO or board member of Bankcorp, PNC, or Capital One, was nominated or confirmed by government?

Answer of course is... None. Because they are 'actually' private. Federal Reserve is not private by any stretch.

Need more proof?

The Fed Delivered $80.2 Billion in Profits to the Treasury in 2017

The Fed signed over $80 Billion in profit to the US Treasury.
Which of the actual private banks, have just handed over billions of dollars in profit to the Government? Answer.... none. Because they are actually "private". The Fed Reserve is not.

Banking Cover-up, Financial Cover-up, Federal Reserve Cover-up


Nobody wants to believe it. The real problem is once they do they don't like what else it will lead them to. It took me A LONG time to come to grips with the true reality.

Yet our parents told us 'the rich get richer, the poor get poorer' as lads ....~S~

The truth is that I don't blame anyone for not wanting to know. It is a very tough thing to swallow that it's all fake :(
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Quantitative easing is private industry literally walking into our (read-tax dollars) treasury, and walking off with whatever they wish

why? , because we have a failing economy, failing fiat system
Do you believe it's true a government that issues its own money can pay for goods and service and financial assets without collecting money in the form of taxes OR DEBT ISSUANCE in advance of such purchases?

Modern Monetary Theory - Wikipedia

To be truthful , this is over my head George

at least at the moment, yet it well could be it's own thread

and maybe those with enough focus ,and objectivity, could respond after a while

sorry for the lame brush off

The Fed is an arm of the government, moron.

Well, except it isn't. It is a privately owned entity

Well except for the fact that the government runs it, controls it, regulates it... basically every single thing about the Central Bank, is government.

Trump Announces Jerome Powell as New Fed Chairman

Senate Confirms Janet Yellen As Federal Reserve Chair

What Does the Fed Chairman Do?

So lets review.... the Federal Reserve chairmen, a position with all the other board members, only exists because government created it, and has to be nominated by the president, and confirmed by the Senate.

Do tell, captain privately owned..... Which CEO or board member of Bankcorp, PNC, or Capital One, was nominated or confirmed by government?

Answer of course is... None. Because they are 'actually' private. Federal Reserve is not private by any stretch.

Need more proof?

The Fed Delivered $80.2 Billion in Profits to the Treasury in 2017

The Fed signed over $80 Billion in profit to the US Treasury.
Which of the actual private banks, have just handed over billions of dollars in profit to the Government? Answer.... none. Because they are actually "private". The Fed Reserve is not.

Banking Cover-up, Financial Cover-up, Federal Reserve Cover-up


Nobody wants to believe it. The real problem is once they do they don't like what else it will lead them to. It took me A LONG time to come to grips with the true reality.

Yet our parents told us 'the rich get richer, the poor get poorer' as lads ....~S~

And yet most rich, were formerly poor. Most rich are first generation rich.

Income mobility research suggests that more than half of those who are in the lowest income bracket, end up in the highest income bracket, within 10 years.

More than half.

The current CEO of walmart started off as an hourly worker at a Walmart warehouse, moving skids around.

Most all store managers for McDonalds, started as hourly crew, flipping burgers and saying "do you want fries with that?".

Now I agree that due to government regulations and controls, it is more difficult to become wealthy today, than it was in the past.

But if you stay poor your whole life, then the blame is entirely on you.
Because there were not millions slaughtered by capitalism. You can't point to something government does, and claim that is capitalist.
Yet you regularly point to Stalin's and Mao's actions and blame communism. Capitalism comes from slavery. In this country there was no feudal interlude like the one in Europe, but the bottom line is your lifestyle and mine depend on mass murder and resource theft on the opposite side of the planet. Trump has only made it worse.

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