Will America Go Communist?

Because there were not millions slaughtered by capitalism. You can't point to something government does, and claim that is capitalist.
Yet you regularly point to Stalin's and Mao's actions and blame communism. Capitalism comes from slavery. In this country there was no feudal interlude like the one in Europe, but the bottom line is your lifestyle and mine depend on mass murder and resource theft on the opposite side of the planet. Trump has only made it worse.

Capitalism does not come from slavery. That is the dumbest thing anyone has ever said.

Really? The first farmer, 6,000 years ago, selling produce from the field, was engaging in Capitalism. Private ownership of the means of production.

The first black smith, with no slaves anywhere, was engaging in capitalism.

Only an ignorant person would claim slavery created capitalism, or capitalism created slavery. That's just ridiculous.

In fact, as best I understand it, the first slaves were kings and rulers, using their warriors to take prisoners of enemies they defeated. There was no capitalism involved.

You people..... You guys are worse than Trump. You just make up crap and spew it all over the place.

Someone comes up with a good point, and you guys...

"oh yeah??? Well uh... .Capitalism created slavery! Yeah! That's it!"

You people LOL..... Such non-stop BS.
Income mobility research

that would be quintile mobility Andy


Why would you expect to reach the top quintile by age 26?

Yeah, parents who are successful, are more likely to have children that are successful.

This is normal. What is your point? If your parents suck... then yes, it will be harder for you to be successful. So what? If your parents are great... then yes, it will easier for you to be successful.

There is nothing wrong with this.

Doesn't change anything I said though. What I said was still factually correct.
Don't ask Bernie.
Ask Trotsky or Trump.
From 1934:

"Introduction from Fourth International

"The campaign against Marxist ideas sponsored by the capitalist witchhunters today aims to implant the false impression that Communism is completely alien to American life and opposed to the welfare of the American people.

"In the Thirties, during the rapid spread of anti-capitalist feelings following the Great Depression, there was considerable popular interest in the prospects of a Communist America.

"On this account the editors of Liberty Magazine turned to Leon Trotsky for a bird’s-eye view of what the Communist future holds for the United States..."

"'At present most Americans regard communism solely in the light of the experience of the Soviet Union.

"'They fear lest Sovietism in America would produce the same material result as it has brought for the culturally backward peoples of the Soviet Union...."

"Actually American soviets will be as different from the Russian soviets as the United States of President Roosevelt differs from the Russian Empire of Czar Nicholas II.

"Yet communism can come in America only through revolution, just as independence and democracy came in America.

"The American temperament is energetic and violent, and it will insist on breaking a good many dishes and upsetting a good many apple carts before communism is firmly established.

"Americans are enthusiasts and sportsmen before they are specialists and statesmen, and it would be contrary to the American tradition to make a major change without choosing sides and cracking heads."

Will Trump upset the capitalists' apple carts?

How many heads will crack before next November?

Leon Trotsky: If America Should Go Communist (1934)

Will America Go Communist?
YES, it absolutely will...if Mexicrats can continue recruiting needy thirdworld human cockroaches from Mexico...look at Mexifornia for a fine example. The twisted politicians here can roll out whatever commie policy they desire and garner support as bottom feeding begging filth here have become the majority.
The Mexicrat Party has a bunch of sneaky pieces of shit spearheading their not so discreet push toward commie-lite... they have a number of Mac1958 types pitching, spinning and repackaging the living shit out of what is socialism / commie-lite.

How many did you buy, Bigot?
Because there were not millions slaughtered by capitalism. You can't point to something government does, and claim that is capitalist.
Yet you regularly point to Stalin's and Mao's actions and blame communism. Capitalism comes from slavery. In this country there was no feudal interlude like the one in Europe, but the bottom line is your lifestyle and mine depend on mass murder and resource theft on the opposite side of the planet. Trump has only made it worse.
The stupidities you spew are utterly amazing. Capitalism does not come from slavery, whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean. It does not depend on mass murder and "resource theft" - another term that has no meaning.
Capitalism's main problem right now is that so many who think they're defending it are doing such a shitty job.

This pseudo/quasi-libertarianism that has consumed the GOP since the days of Reagan is making capitalism ripe for the picking.

These people really should be receiving Thank You cards from those who want socialism or communism, for the assistance.
why do you trust the government to make life better ...... the free market has done more to lift people out of poverty than any other system ..no its not perfect but communism has given very few examples of making lives better ...its not safe to give government officials total control of our lives.
I don't trust the government to make life better. I just realize that (a) proper & effective regulation is a key component of capitalism, not an evil, and (b) refusing to admit that obvious fact has given the socialists and the communists so much ammunition that they're a real threat now.
and you will vote for a socialist if one gets the dem nomination ! and i got news for ya pall the democratic party is the socialist party ! all dem leaders have moved into the political realm of socialism they only vary in degree .
I have no way of knowing what you mean by "socialist".

You guys spray that word around like left wingers use "racist".

Do they support government ownership or control over the means of production, or distribution?

Or do you believe that the private market should have ownership and control over the means of productions and distribution?

Do you believe that the market should determine who gets paid what, or government?
Do you believe that the market should have freedom to make decisions on what to do with what they own, or the government through regulations and controls?

The concept is really simple. You either believe in freedom of the public to do as they please, within basic law (don't murder, don't steal, don't vandalize, so on), or you believe that government should dictate how people live.

Every single policy that you can think of, falls in either the Capitalist view of freedom and equality (under the law, not equal outcomes)..... or you believe in socialist views of government control, reduction of freedom, and picking winners and losers.

Every policy is either a step towards the right, or a step towards the evil-left. Every policy is either an shift towards socialism, or a shift towards capitalism.

More control, less control. More freedom, or less freedom. More government dictatorship, or less government dictatorship.

That is what we mean, by socialist.
I'm glad to see you use terms like "more", "less", and "towards".

That is the point I've a zillion times here: This lies along a continuum. So saying that a person is a "socialist" because they want "more" government and not TOTAL government is either ignorant or intellectually dishonest. Or both.
why do you trust the government to make life better ...... the free market has done more to lift people out of poverty than any other system ..no its not perfect but communism has given very few examples of making lives better ...its not safe to give government officials total control of our lives.
I don't trust the government to make life better. I just realize that (a) proper & effective regulation is a key component of capitalism, not an evil, and (b) refusing to admit that obvious fact has given the socialists and the communists so much ammunition that they're a real threat now.
and you will vote for a socialist if one gets the dem nomination ! and i got news for ya pall the democratic party is the socialist party ! all dem leaders have moved into the political realm of socialism they only vary in degree .
I have no way of knowing what you mean by "socialist".

You guys spray that word around like left wingers use "racist".

Do they support government ownership or control over the means of production, or distribution?

Or do you believe that the private market should have ownership and control over the means of productions and distribution?

Do you believe that the market should determine who gets paid what, or government?
Do you believe that the market should have freedom to make decisions on what to do with what they own, or the government through regulations and controls?

The concept is really simple. You either believe in freedom of the public to do as they please, within basic law (don't murder, don't steal, don't vandalize, so on), or you believe that government should dictate how people live.

Every single policy that you can think of, falls in either the Capitalist view of freedom and equality (under the law, not equal outcomes)..... or you believe in socialist views of government control, reduction of freedom, and picking winners and losers.

Every policy is either a step towards the right, or a step towards the evil-left. Every policy is either an shift towards socialism, or a shift towards capitalism.

More control, less control. More freedom, or less freedom. More government dictatorship, or less government dictatorship.

That is what we mean, by socialist.
I'm glad to see you use terms like "more", "less", and "towards".

That is the point I've a zillion times here: This lies along a continuum. So saying that a person is a "socialist" because they want "more" government and not TOTAL government is either ignorant or intellectually dishonest. Or both.

No, it's neither. Bernie, and the rest of the Democrats, want total complete 100% government control.

That's what they want.

They all know they can't get that. So they "Say" they only want a few more regulations, and a few more controls, and a few more government agencies.... and so on.

And we know this, because no matter how much control they have, they demand more.

Obama Care is a perfect example. They passed this massive 2,700 page Obama Care bill, so many Nancy was saying we have to pass the bill, to find out what is in the bill.... a regulation and control system that affected nearly every single aspect of the health care industry.

And what happened almost within a year of Obama Care being passed? The left-wingers were talking about Medicare for all, and a single payer system, and on and on and on.

It's never a enough, and it never will be enough, until they have control over everything, and we end up like Venezuela.

And if you doubt that, then all you have to do is remember Maxine Waters. At times they accidentally admit what they really want.

You people..... You guys are worse than Trump.

just when we thought the bar could lower no further...

"oh yeah??? Well uh... .Capitalism created slavery! Yeah! That's it!"

because you actually think USMB posters invented this>>>

Economic Slavery under the guise of American Capitalism (Updated for 2019–2020)

Somewhere in history the architects of economic slavery someone said, “But where do we get slaves from now that it’s illegal?” In order to maintain a steady supply of economic slaves without the people knowing they are slaves, corporations had to devise ways people would fall into their trap with some sense of free will. So they created debt and credit. Some crazy person came up with the idea that rich people should profit from lending money to poor people by telling them they too could become rich with just a hand up. The classic, “have-nots” borrowing money from the “haves” was born. The wealthy knew they could control the markets, prices, supply, and demand, so they ultimately controlled the time and effort it takes to pay off the debt. The way it works is that a few people must be lucky enough to actually succeed, while the masses are told, “just work harder” and one day you might be like that lucky person. It’s the carrot on the stick routine.

Why would you expect to reach the top quintile by age 26?

I do not, they are simply using it as a metric


My point was, the people in the bottom quintile, more than half end up in the top, in 10 years. And by the way, they don't stay in the top either. The rich do not stay in the top quintile. People move up and down the income ladder all the time.

Whether they end up at the top by age 26 isn't really relevant. Nor is their parents.

I'm not sure what your point was with that metric, but I don't have a problem with people from different backgrounds have easier or harder times. This is normal and unavoidable.

You can't force people who have more connections, to give opportunities to those who don't.

For example, my uncle is a high level of manager at a company. I would have a much easier time getting a job at his company, than an unknown person.

He isn't going to give other people he does not know, the same opportunity he does me. And why should he?

So you can't fix that. And honestly, I don't see why you should.
You people..... You guys are worse than Trump.

just when we thought the bar could lower no further...

"oh yeah??? Well uh... .Capitalism created slavery! Yeah! That's it!"

because you actually think USMB posters invented this>>>

Economic Slavery under the guise of American Capitalism (Updated for 2019–2020)

Somewhere in history the architects of economic slavery someone said, “But where do we get slaves from now that it’s illegal?” In order to maintain a steady supply of economic slaves without the people knowing they are slaves, corporations had to devise ways people would fall into their trap with some sense of free will. So they created debt and credit. Some crazy person came up with the idea that rich people should profit from lending money to poor people by telling them they too could become rich with just a hand up. The classic, “have-nots” borrowing money from the “haves” was born. The wealthy knew they could control the markets, prices, supply, and demand, so they ultimately controlled the time and effort it takes to pay off the debt. The way it works is that a few people must be lucky enough to actually succeed, while the masses are told, “just work harder” and one day you might be like that lucky person. It’s the carrot on the stick routine.


Capitalism predated the existence of this country.

Again, the first farmer who sold produce from his field, was engaging in capitalism.

And no, I don't think this was invented by someone on this forum. I meant that people like him, the mentally ill ideology that created this myth.

And I'll just cite your own post.... "Somewhere.... someone said"... . yeah someone somewhere? You mean some left-wing socialist somewhere said something, to try and attack capitalism.

Yeah, got it. Mythology.
The only way you lower prices with higher taxes, is if you raise taxes enough to flat out destroy the economy. When everyone is out of work, and has no money to buy anything, then yes prices will drop, along with the living standards of the entire country.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a fan of a geeky economic theory called MMT: Here's a plain-English guide to what it is and why it's interesting

  • "MMT is a big departure from conventional economic theory. It proposes governments that control their own currency can spend freely, as they can always create more money to pay off debts in their own currency.
  • The theory suggests government spending can grow the economy to its full capacity, enrich the private sector, eliminate unemployment, and finance major programs such as universal healthcare, free college tuition, and green energy.
  • If the spending generates a government deficit, this isn't a problem either. The government's deficit is by definition the private sector's surplus."
Don't ask Bernie.
Ask Trotsky or Trump.
From 1934:

"Introduction from Fourth International

"The campaign against Marxist ideas sponsored by the capitalist witchhunters today aims to implant the false impression that Communism is completely alien to American life and opposed to the welfare of the American people.

"In the Thirties, during the rapid spread of anti-capitalist feelings following the Great Depression, there was considerable popular interest in the prospects of a Communist America.

"On this account the editors of Liberty Magazine turned to Leon Trotsky for a bird’s-eye view of what the Communist future holds for the United States..."

"'At present most Americans regard communism solely in the light of the experience of the Soviet Union.

"'They fear lest Sovietism in America would produce the same material result as it has brought for the culturally backward peoples of the Soviet Union...."

"Actually American soviets will be as different from the Russian soviets as the United States of President Roosevelt differs from the Russian Empire of Czar Nicholas II.

"Yet communism can come in America only through revolution, just as independence and democracy came in America.

"The American temperament is energetic and violent, and it will insist on breaking a good many dishes and upsetting a good many apple carts before communism is firmly established.

"Americans are enthusiasts and sportsmen before they are specialists and statesmen, and it would be contrary to the American tradition to make a major change without choosing sides and cracking heads."

Will Trump upset the capitalists' apple carts?

How many heads will crack before next November?

Leon Trotsky: If America Should Go Communist (1934)
Define Communism.
Bernie Sanders has been an avowed communist for his entire life. And he supported the Iranian revolution that took American hostages in Tehran. The man is a traitor and an enemy of our way of life. It is a national embarrassment and a real tragedy that he should be even considered for the Presidency. This is a monumental failure of leadership and a disaster for our country should he be elected. Iowans and all Democrats should be ashamed of themselves if they vote for this immoral sonofabitch, Bernie Sanders.
Governments do not create money.... the central bank does..... which exists, and is regulated and controlled, and operates directly at the behest of the Government.
What role does Wall Street play in controlling the New York Fed?

Fed Repos Have Plowed $6.6 Trillion to Wall Street in Four Months; That’s 34% of Its Feeding Tube During Epic Financial Crash

"According to the data made available on the public website of the New York Fed, since September 17, 2019 it has funneled a cumulative total of $6.6 trillion to some of the 24 trading houses on Wall Street that are known as its 'primary dealers.'"
The only thing that could save us could be the 60 vote cloture rule in the Senate
The only thing that will save the US is abolishing its Senate.

Never Underestimate This Turd.

We need to return to the State legislature appointing the Senators, like our Founding Fathers intended to have the Senate look after the needs of the States.

When a Senator is elected by the people then he can be influenced by out of state money, like when the national abortion shitheads give money to a Libtard candidate or the filthy greedy Unions pour money into a Senatorial race.

However, putting all that aside I think this country would be best served by who the Founding Fathers decided could vote. White land owning males. That would fix a lot of our problems pretty damn quick.
Never! Before December 7th, 1941 I would have gladly served in the the German Army and killed as many communist as my rounds produced.
I'm sure you would have made a very good Nazi.
Does that make you feel proud?

Operation Barbarossa - Wikipedia

"The German armies eventually captured some 5,000,000 Soviet Red Army troops,[24] a majority of whom never returned alive.

"The Nazis deliberately starved to death, or otherwise killed, 3.3 million Soviet prisoners of war, and a vast number of civilians, as the 'Hunger Plan' worked to exterminate the Slavic population.[25]"

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