Will America Go Communist?

Investment is down

Lets see what happens with investment now that the trade deal with China and USMCA has passed. Assuming this virus doesn't become a larger problem, the economy will continue to soar as will investment.

The rich are richer and the poor are poorer.

This is just wrong by every metric. The poor have gotten richer. Not sure what spin on numbers you have been reading. The net worth of the bottom 50% has risen by more percentage points that the top 1%. The same cannot be said for the Obama administration.

Trump "reality show" trade war has cost US farmers almost two-thirds of their exports to China.

I guess you haven't read the specifics of the first phase of the China trade deal or USMCA. The farmers will benefit tremendously from both of these deals. There is a reason why the majority of farmers will vote for Trump in 2020.

You guys are totally clueless about the economy.
I'm going to use The Sanders Campaign standard on this.

We should round Communists-Socialists up and put them in concentration camps, give them picks and shovels to dig mass graves and build our roads with and then behead them all.
Oh, its gonna happen. If Trump wins, everybody will be rushing to Russia to bring jobs to this country for their particular states. Ky. has already started the chain and soon Russia and the US will be business partners...Putin knows how to play the ignorant and the greedy.
Why do we even allow our Congress to become filled with Communists and wanna be communists (socialists) ?

What part of our Constitution guarantees the rights of those who actively work to dismantle the Constitution the ability to do so?
The Constitution is the antithesis of Communism.
This is so outrageous a concept that the Founding Fathers didn't even conceive of a need to include it.

Yet Communists today have found that exploiting that fault to be a major inroad.

And as a People, we are too politically correct (weak) to demand our government NOT be open to override by Communists and Communist wannabes (Socialists). Pathetic and telling.

Worse yet, half the population today will call me out for daring to say we shouldn't have Communists running Congress.
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Why do we even allow our Congress to become filled with Communists and wanna be communists (socialists) ?

What part of our Constitution guarantees the rights of those who actively work to dismantle the Constitution the ability to do so?
The Constitution is the antithesis of Communism.
This is so outrageous a concept that the Founding Fathers didn't even conceive of a need to include it.

Yet Communists today have found that exploiting that fault to be a major inroad.
The Reality is that Communists have exploited Democrat's Hatred of America and exploited that fault as a major inroad in to our Government.
Capitalism's main problem right now is that so many who think they're defending it are doing such a shitty job.

This pseudo/quasi-libertarianism that has consumed the GOP since the days of Reagan is making capitalism ripe for the picking.

These people really should be receiving Thank You cards from those who want socialism or communism, for the assistance.
why do you trust the government to make life better ...... the free market has done more to lift people out of poverty than any other system ..no its not perfect but communism has given very few examples of making lives better ...its not safe to give government officials total control of our lives.
I don't trust the government to make life better. I just realize that (a) proper & effective regulation is a key component of capitalism, not an evil, and (b) refusing to admit that obvious fact has given the socialists and the communists so much ammunition that they're a real threat now.

  1. the phrase "proper and effective regulation" is an oxymoron.
  2. Government failing to meddle in the market isn't what gives ammunition to socialists. Government regulation has always been a disaster
Capitalism's main problem right now is that so many who think they're defending it are doing such a shitty job.

This pseudo/quasi-libertarianism that has consumed the GOP since the days of Reagan is making capitalism ripe for the picking.

These people really should be receiving Thank You cards from those who want socialism or communism, for the assistance.
why do you trust the government to make life better ...... the free market has done more to lift people out of poverty than any other system ..no its not perfect but communism has given very few examples of making lives better ...its not safe to give government officials total control of our lives.
I don't trust the government to make life better. I just realize that (a) proper & effective regulation is a key component of capitalism, not an evil, and (b) refusing to admit that obvious fact has given the socialists and the communists so much ammunition that they're a real threat now.

  1. the phrase "proper and effective regulation" is an oxymoron.
  2. Government failing to meddle in the market isn't what gives ammunition to socialists. Government regulation has always been a disaster
Okay, got it.
Why do we even allow our Congress to become filled with Communists and wanna be communists (socialists) ?

What part of our Constitution guarantees the rights of those who actively work to dismantle the Constitution the ability to do so?
The Constitution is the antithesis of Communism.
This is so outrageous a concept that the Founding Fathers didn't even conceive of a need to include it.

Yet Communists today have found that exploiting that fault to be a major inroad.
The Reality is that Communists have exploited Democrat's Hatred of America and exploited that fault as a major inroad in to our Government.

Yes they have. And Democrat leadership has been more than willing to allow that in exchange for votes / power.

Democrats: Sacrifice the Golden Goose to once line my personal pockets? YOU BET !!
Yeah, he's ideology has only slaughtered literally millions of people, even to this present day.... but it's good in the end.
As always you ignore the millions slaughtered by capitalism in America as well as the forced enslavement of Africans in the interest of free trade, and the carnage continues today across the Middle East and Africa.
Further, before Communist China, but after the end of the Opium wars, China was by any possible measure, better off. The farm communes produced a fraction of the food that the private farm prior to, had


"Radically different consequences flowed from China's interaction with the global economy during two periods, from 1860 to 1949, and from 1949 to the present.

"From 1860 to 1949, China's economy stagnated.

"From 1949 to the present, China's economy grew annually from 4 to 10 percent. 'These different rates resulted from a combination of the levels of Chinese sovereignty and the nature of the global economic environment during each period.

"From 1860 until 1949, foreign military-imposed unequal treaties reduced China's sovereignty levels and the international economic environment was characterized by predatory trade practices of the European imperialist powers.

"Together, these two factors reduced the opportunities for China to economically develop through interaction with the global environment from 1860 to 1949, and lead to Chinese economic stagnation."
Yeah, he's ideology has only slaughtered literally millions of people, even to this present day.... but it's good in the end.
As always you ignore the millions slaughtered by capitalism in America as well as the forced enslavement of Africans in the interest of free trade, and the carnage continues today across the Middle East and Africa.
Socialism is a Death Machine.

Hitler and Nazi Germany killed 20 Million
Stalin and The Soviet Union killed 60 Million
Mao and Communist China killed 100 Million

Democrats & Roe V Wade killed 60 Million.

Then you have The Sanders Campaign now talking about Guillotines and Concentration Camps for Conservatives?

And every single candidate is a Socialist?

And they can't even be trusted to abide by their own rules as evidence by them rewriting them to keep Tulis out, and let Bloomberg in, let alone our Constitution which we saw they trampled on during The Hoax Russian Collusion Fraud, and Shampeachment.

If America wants Communism you better put your 401k in to the Body Bag business, and Guillotine Manufacturing business.

Mike Bloomberg
Don't ask Bernie.
Ask Trotsky or Trump.
From 1934:

"Introduction from Fourth International

"The campaign against Marxist ideas sponsored by the capitalist witchhunters today aims to implant the false impression that Communism is completely alien to American life and opposed to the welfare of the American people.

"In the Thirties, during the rapid spread of anti-capitalist feelings following the Great Depression, there was considerable popular interest in the prospects of a Communist America.

"On this account the editors of Liberty Magazine turned to Leon Trotsky for a bird’s-eye view of what the Communist future holds for the United States..."

"'At present most Americans regard communism solely in the light of the experience of the Soviet Union.

"'They fear lest Sovietism in America would produce the same material result as it has brought for the culturally backward peoples of the Soviet Union...."

"Actually American soviets will be as different from the Russian soviets as the United States of President Roosevelt differs from the Russian Empire of Czar Nicholas II.

"Yet communism can come in America only through revolution, just as independence and democracy came in America.

"The American temperament is energetic and violent, and it will insist on breaking a good many dishes and upsetting a good many apple carts before communism is firmly established.

"Americans are enthusiasts and sportsmen before they are specialists and statesmen, and it would be contrary to the American tradition to make a major change without choosing sides and cracking heads."

Will Trump upset the capitalists' apple carts?

How many heads will crack before next November?

Leon Trotsky: If America Should Go Communist (1934)

Will America Go Communist?
YES, it absolutely will...if Mexicrats can continue recruiting needy thirdworld human cockroaches from Mexico...look at Mexifornia for a fine example. The twisted politicians here can roll out whatever commie policy they desire and garner support as bottom feeding begging filth here have become the majority.
The Mexicrat Party has a bunch of sneaky pieces of shit spearheading their not so discreet push toward commie-lite... they have a number of Mac1958 types pitching, spinning and repackaging the living shit out of what is socialism / commie-lite.
Capitalism's main problem right now is that so many who think they're defending it are doing such a shitty job.

This pseudo/quasi-libertarianism that has consumed the GOP since the days of Reagan is making capitalism ripe for the picking.

These people really should be receiving Thank You cards from those who want socialism or communism, for the assistance.

Yep, we get it Mac...those productive greedy bastards paying their way better loosen up and embrace free shit for bottom feeding beggars...they better learn to love paying ShaQuita and Guadalupe to breed and drop litters in their laps...they better learn to love paying for Mexico’s healthcare....OR ELSE!
Capitalism's main problem right now is that so many who think they're defending it are doing such a shitty job.

This pseudo/quasi-libertarianism that has consumed the GOP since the days of Reagan is making capitalism ripe for the picking.

These people really should be receiving Thank You cards from those who want socialism or communism, for the assistance.
why do you trust the government to make life better ...... the free market has done more to lift people out of poverty than any other system ..no its not perfect but communism has given very few examples of making lives better ...its not safe to give government officials total control of our lives.
I don't trust the government to make life better. I just realize that (a) proper & effective regulation is a key component of capitalism, not an evil, and (b) refusing to admit that obvious fact has given the socialists and the communists so much ammunition that they're a real threat now.
and you will vote for a socialist if one gets the dem nomination ! and i got news for ya pall the democratic party is the socialist party ! all dem leaders have moved into the political realm of socialism they only vary in degree .
Why do we even allow our Congress to become filled with Communists and wanna be communists (socialists) ?

What part of our Constitution guarantees the rights of those who actively work to dismantle the Constitution the ability to do so?
The Constitution is the antithesis of Communism.
This is so outrageous a concept that the Founding Fathers didn't even conceive of a need to include it.

Yet Communists today have found that exploiting that fault to be a major inroad.
The Reality is that Communists have exploited Democrat's Hatred of America and exploited that fault as a major inroad in to our Government.
useful idiots .
Capitalism's main problem right now is that so many who think they're defending it are doing such a shitty job.

This pseudo/quasi-libertarianism that has consumed the GOP since the days of Reagan is making capitalism ripe for the picking.

These people really should be receiving Thank You cards from those who want socialism or communism, for the assistance.
why do you trust the government to make life better ...... the free market has done more to lift people out of poverty than any other system ..no its not perfect but communism has given very few examples of making lives better ...its not safe to give government officials total control of our lives.
I don't trust the government to make life better. I just realize that (a) proper & effective regulation is a key component of capitalism, not an evil, and (b) refusing to admit that obvious fact has given the socialists and the communists so much ammunition that they're a real threat now.
and you will vote for a socialist if one gets the dem nomination ! and i got news for ya pall the democratic party is the socialist party ! all dem leaders have moved into the political realm of socialism they only vary in degree .
I have no way of knowing what you mean by "socialist".

You guys spray that word around like left wingers use "racist".
Capitalism's main problem right now is that so many who think they're defending it are doing such a shitty job.

This pseudo/quasi-libertarianism that has consumed the GOP since the days of Reagan is making capitalism ripe for the picking.

These people really should be receiving Thank You cards from those who want socialism or communism, for the assistance.
why do you trust the government to make life better ...... the free market has done more to lift people out of poverty than any other system ..no its not perfect but communism has given very few examples of making lives better ...its not safe to give government officials total control of our lives.
I don't trust the government to make life better. I just realize that (a) proper & effective regulation is a key component of capitalism, not an evil, and (b) refusing to admit that obvious fact has given the socialists and the communists so much ammunition that they're a real threat now.
and you will vote for a socialist if one gets the dem nomination ! and i got news for ya pall the democratic party is the socialist party ! all dem leaders have moved into the political realm of socialism they only vary in degree .
I have no way of knowing what you mean by "socialist".

You guys spray that word around like left wingers use "racist".
ok lets say i buy your claim and that all dem leaders arent socialist [yeah right ] Bernie is an avowed socialist will you vote for him if he gets the nomination?
Capitalism's main problem right now is that so many who think they're defending it are doing such a shitty job.

This pseudo/quasi-libertarianism that has consumed the GOP since the days of Reagan is making capitalism ripe for the picking.

These people really should be receiving Thank You cards from those who want socialism or communism, for the assistance.
why do you trust the government to make life better ...... the free market has done more to lift people out of poverty than any other system ..no its not perfect but communism has given very few examples of making lives better ...its not safe to give government officials total control of our lives.
I don't trust the government to make life better. I just realize that (a) proper & effective regulation is a key component of capitalism, not an evil, and (b) refusing to admit that obvious fact has given the socialists and the communists so much ammunition that they're a real threat now.
and you will vote for a socialist if one gets the dem nomination ! and i got news for ya pall the democratic party is the socialist party ! all dem leaders have moved into the political realm of socialism they only vary in degree .
I have no way of knowing what you mean by "socialist".

You guys spray that word around like left wingers use "racist".
ok lets say i buy your claim and that all dem leaders arent socialist [yeah right ] Bernie is an avowed socialist will you vote for him if he gets the nomination?
No, I sure wouldn't. Given the present condition of the party, there's a better than 50% chance I'll have to vote third party this year.

But back to the point, the size and role of government lies along a continuum, so they're not a bunch of "socialists".

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