Will America Go Communist?

I never thought a candidate like Bernie would ever gain any traction at all...all I can say is wow pretty bizarre but it's good in the end
France to some extent
North Korea

Pretty much every country that has openly moved toward your system.
Such an idiotic response on every level. Those countries were not ruined by the things I mentioned. Nor could you make an argument that they were, which is why you didn't even try.

Second, your last part reinforced the stupidity of the response, as literally every developed, modern country on earth in existence has those things I mentioned.

Stupid on parade....
Yes, actually, they were. Providing free stuff for all was the excused used to impose these governments on their populations.
So you returned your SS Medicare VA payments?
I will when the government returns all the taxes I paid, plus interest, shit for brains.
The Fed is an arm of the government, moron.

Well, except it isn't. It is a privately owned entity

it’s part of the government, moron. The only reason for the privately owned moniker is so they avoid audit. The Fed chairman is even appointed by the president. Duh

You're an ill educated twit, sorry.
Apparently he's more educated that you.

That's the problem, he isn't and neither are you.I'm willing to point you in the right direction but I can't make you learn.
If you like I can recommend a good book on it.
You're a fucking dumbass.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Communism has ALWAYS been put in place with weapons. Are you prepared for that?
How has capitalism prospered over the past five hundred years?

Condemn communists’ cruelties, but capitalism has its own terrible record | Owen Jones

"Rightwingers point out the horrors of Stalinism, yet forget the human misery their favoured economic model was built on."
The so called "horrors of capitalism" are all lies.
I guess you have ignored the reality that the middle class has grown under Trump and the lower class has seen a higher average salary increase (by percent) than any other class. The MSM doesn't tell folks that though. They want to keep the ignorant, ignorant. That is the only hope they have in getting one of the commies elected
I guess you haven't considered the possibility Trump is lying about the "great" economy, too?

If there's been any significant economic improvement since Don the Con took office, why haven't levels of consumer debt declined?

Americans now have $14 trillion in debt - CNN

"New York (CNN Business)US households are now sitting on a record $14 trillion in mortgages, credit cards, student loans and other forms of debt.

"Household debt ticked up 0.7% during the third quarter, the New York Federal Reserve said on Wednesday, continuing a five-year climb encouraged by low unemployment, strong consumer confidence and cheap borrowing costs.

"Consumer debt is now about $1.3 trillion higher than the previous peak set in 2008, although these figures are not adjusted for inflation nor the larger size of today's economy. Household debt has climbed about 25% from the post-recession low of $12.7 trillion."

Wages are up, inflation is down, consumer confidence is high ,etc. There is no lying, these are simple facts. People have a spending problem, no doubt about it, but that is not Trump's fault, in fact, if I were to blame it on any political party it would be the Democrats, who do absolutely nothing to promote personal responsibility with regards to anything.
Wages are up, inflation is down, consumer confidence is high ,etc. There is no lying, these are simple facts. People have a spending problem, no doubt about it, but that is not Trump's fault, in fact, if I were to blame it on any political party it would be the Democrats, who do absolutely nothing to promote personal responsibility with regards to anything
Investment is down.
The sugar-high tax cuts have played out.
Trump "reality show" trade war has cost US farmers almost two-thirds of their exports to China.
The rich are richer and the poor are poorer.
It's a bipartisan scam, and Trump is simply the crony-capitalist "populist" who cut out the middleman.

Latest Data Show Trump's Most Touted Economic Policies Have Failed US Workers | Op-Eds & Columns | CEPR

"Investment fell at a 3.0 percent annual rate in the third quarter, after declining at a 1.0 percent rate in the second quarter.

"Over the last year, investment has risen just 1.3 percent, less than the growth in the economy. This is not an investment boom.

"To be fair, this is not just the failure of the tax cut. Trump’s trade war with China and other countries has led to an enormous amount of uncertainty in the economy.

"The problem is not simply that he is imposing tariffs; tariffs impose a cost on the economy, but the cost is generally less than the hype around them.

"However, Trump’s tariffs are having a larger hit on investment because they are so erratically applied.

"He seems to take pleasure in threatening and removing tariffs like he is still running a reality TV show."
You only proved that you don't have the slightest idea what capitalism is
Capitalism is imperialism, parasitism, and decay; what else would you expect from markets that allocate scarce goods and resources based on the ability to pay?

How Capitalism Works Compared to Socialism and Communism
How should they be allocated, based on your political pull? Your ability to pay is based on what you produce. It's the most just way to allocate goods and resources
Lmao at that. Capitalism is alive and well. I've been hearing the same old GARBGE love me the communists oh the communists are coming. McCarthy was a drunk crackpot so far off from the truth it can't be measured. America survived his kookiness.
Lmao at that. Capitalism is alive and well. I've been hearing the same old GARBGE love me the communists oh the communists are coming. McCarthy was a drunk crackpot so far off from the truth it can't be measured. America survived his kookiness.
McCarthy was 100% totally accurate, numskull
Communism has always been a disaster, and it always will be. Government isn't competent to run an economy.
Modern economies can't exist without government.
Your hysterical screed against communism doesn't change the fundamental nature of capitalism:

Capitalism Has A Metaphor — It’s A Cancer

"And it is "); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px);">destroying the life supports of the Earth by creating global warming, top-soil losses, ocean acidification, nitrogen poisoning of waterways, and the mass extinction we are now in.

"Capitalism is a cancer and it is killing us.

"In this knowledge comes hope.

"If capitalism is a cancer we can apply what is known about treating this deadly disease to the political and economic systems that nurtured it into being.

"Cancer — at its core — is a process of deregulation for life-giving functions in the body.

"Programmed cell death tells the individual cells of the body that they have lived out their usefulness."

Have you considered the possibility you've outlived your usefulness?
Total horseshit.
He was a wacko...a drunk... So far off the truth it hard to fathom. I remember my father screaming at how u american he was. I was too young to know until I learned of how bad he was.
He was a wacko...a drunk... So far off the truth it hard to fathom. I remember my father screaming at how u american he was. I was too young to know until I learned of how bad he was.
Your father was probably a commie like you. That's why you both hate him. Stalin ordered you to hate him.
You sure like to toss names aroun like a middle school girl. That the best you got? He had no basis for many accusations and is a blight on our history. And capitalism is alive and well. Communism and socialism will never get so much as a tiny foothold here. But fear rhetoric will always be around.
Capitalism's main problem right now is that so many who think they're defending it are doing such a shitty job.

This pseudo/quasi-libertarianism that has consumed the GOP since the days of Reagan is making capitalism ripe for the picking.

These people really should be receiving Thank You cards from those who want socialism or communism, for the assistance.
How do you think capitalism will react if Bernie moves into the White House and he lifts restrictions on US imports of prescription drugs from Canada and bans the export of crude oil?
The American standard of living will go down, of course.
The American standard of living will go down, of course.
Lower prescription drug prices and cleaner water and air lower the American standard of living? Who told you that?
Yes they do, moron. Cleaning our air and water beyond the point of diminishing returns is immensely expensive. Price controls on drugs that eliminate profits means no new life saving drugs.
Yes they do, moron. Cleaning our air and water beyond the point of diminishing returns is immensely expensive. Price controls on drugs that eliminate profits means no new life saving drugs.
How does diminishing returns relate to the profit motive? How does that trump human needs for clean air and water?

A Criticism of Diminishing Returns.

"Despite being such an important thesis in modern economics, this law has not been the result of intense debate, repetition of refutation, or current revolutionary discoveries.

"In fact, it is one of the oldest hypothesis in the economic field, dating back to the 18th century.

"Economists, with a few exceptions such as Karl Marx, have unquestionably ingested it and have been faithful to it throughout the centuries, building their modern models on top of this ancient axiom.

"Moreover, many economists argue that the present stage of prolonged stagnation in most developed economies is due to full employment of production factors; in other words, returns tend to fall with an increase in input."

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