Will American ever become a Christian Theocracy?

Will the U.S. ever become a Christian theocrasy?

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I hope I'm wrong. If I'm right, bury me standing. I won't lie down.
you have very irrational fears of Christians

Yet the one religion that WILL murder Gays, will imprison them, will take everything from them, she supports. Go figure.

What you don't understand is that I support all religions to practice in America. That does not mean I have to like and agree with their tenets. Christians are free to spend a lot of time and money demoning gays and lesbians on TV and radio programs in America. I don't have to like that, and as a citizen I will do everything in my power to oppose that.

If Muslims seek to establish Sharia as the law of the land in America, I will oppose that, just as I will oppose Christianity being the law of the land instead of the Constitution.

American Muslims are not organizing against marriage equality, or calling for homosexuality to be recriminalized. They want to build their mosques and wear veils freely. I don't care for the veils but that's just my prejudice.
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you have very irrational fears of Christians

Yet the one religion that WILL murder Gays, will imprison them, will take everything from them, she supports. Go figure.

What you don't understand is that I support all religions to practice in America. That does not mean I have to like and agree with their tenets. Christians are free to spend a lot of time and money demoning gays and lesbians on TV and radio programs in America. I don't have to like that, and as a citizen I will do everything in my power to oppose that.

If Muslims seek to establish Sharia as the law of the land in America, I will oppose that, just as I will oppose Christianity being the law of the land instead of the Constitution.

American Muslims are not organizing against marriage equality, or calling for homosexuality to be recriminalized. They want to build their mosques and wear veils freely. I don't care for the veils but that's just my prejudice.

And once again JUST for you, you know Sufi Muslims, a small disliked group of Muslims. Sunni and Shite do not support nor follow Sufi beliefs.
in reality the number of people in america who consider themselves as christian is shrinking....christians are still the majority but honey hush someone has to be....

Other highlights in the report include:

■Men are significantly more likely than women to claim no religious affiliation. Nearly one-in-five men say they have no formal religious affiliation, compared with roughly 13% of women.
■Among people who are married, nearly four-in-ten (37%) are married to a spouse with a different religious affiliation. (This figure includes Protestants who are married to another Protestant from a different denominational family, such as a Baptist who is married to a Methodist.) Hindus and Mormons are the most likely to be married (78% and 71%, respectively) and to be married to someone of the same religion (90% and 83%, respectively).
■Mormons and Muslims are the groups with the largest families; more than one-in-five Mormon adults and 15% of Muslim adults in the U.S. have three or more children living at home.
■The Midwest most closely resembles the religious makeup of the overall population. The South, by a wide margin, has the heaviest concentration of members of evangelical Protestant churches. The Northeast has the greatest concentration of Catholics, and the West has the largest proportion of unaffiliated people, including the largest proportion of atheists and agnostics.
■Of all the major racial and ethnic groups in the United States, black Americans are the most likely to report a formal religious affiliation. Even among those blacks who are unaffiliated, three-in-four belong to the "religious unaffiliated" category (that is, they say that religion is either somewhat or very important in their lives), compared with slightly more than one-third of the unaffiliated population overall.
■Nearly half of Hindus in the U.S., one-third of Jews and a quarter of Buddhists have obtained post-graduate education, compared with only about one-in-ten of the adult population overall. Hindus and Jews are also much more
likely than other groups to report high income levels.
■People not affiliated with any particular religion stand out for their relative youth compared with other religious traditions. Among the unaffiliated, 31% are under age 30 and 71% are under age 50. Comparable numbers for the overall adult population are 20% and 59%, respectively.
■By contrast, members of mainline Protestant churches and Jews are older, on average, than members of other groups. Roughly half of Jews and members of mainline churches are age 50 and older, compared with approximately four-in-ten American adults overall.
■In sharp contrast to Islam and Hinduism, Buddhism in the U.S. is primarily made up of native-born adherents, whites and converts. Only one-in-three American Buddhists describe their race as Asian, while nearly three-in-four Buddhists say they are converts to Buddhism.
■Jehovah's Witnesses have the lowest retention rate of any religious tradition. Only 37% of all those who say they were raised as Jehovah's Witnesses still identify themselves as Jehovah's Witnesses.
■Members of Baptist churches account for one-third of all Protestants and close to one-fifth of the total U.S. adult population. Baptists also account for nearly two-thirds of members of historically black Protestant churches.

The U.S. Religious Landscape Survey Reveals a Fluid and Diverse Pattern of Faith - Pew Research Center

wiccans are doubling in numbers about ever 30 months....

There is no doubt some overlap here and I thnk the numbers might be skewed here and there, but this does beautifully illustrate the wide diversity that exists in the USA.

This should be sufficient evidence to everybody but the thoroughly nutty brainwashed that there has never been a theocracy in the USA and never will be. The Founders debated again and again how best to prevent the theocratic oppression that existed in Europe in the 18th Century from redeveloping here. And they gave us a Constitution specifically geared to prevent that.

A number of the colonies did start out as local theocracies, but appreciation for freedom was stronger than the desire for 'religious purity' and all soon died out after the Constitution was ratified. And they never redeveloped.

I wish with all my heart that those who cannot appreciate a nation, founded by mostly Christians and built by mostly Christians, that provides the highest level of freedom and opportunity that the world has ever known--I wish those would just go find a country they think they'll appreciate more.

I honestly believe that should Christians become the minority in the USA, we will lose many of those freedoms and will become just another declining 'European' nations. It was the spirit of freedom and self determination that is part of the Christian mystique that demanded that it be incorporated into our sociopolitical systems. Nobody is expected or required to be Christian in order to be free here. And people of all faiths should be respectful and appreciative of that instead of trying to demonize Christianity and make it into something that it is not.
The US is a Christian theocracy, it's written on the money: in God we trust.
Maybe they should change the motto to: in God we trust but let's arm ourselves with nuclear weapons just in case that falls through.
The US is a Christian theocracy, it's written on the money: in God we trust.
Maybe they should change the motto to: in God we trust but let's arm ourselves with nuclear weapons just in case that falls through.

So God is Christian now????? That's cute. ;) Everyone trying to brand God , package him and brand him, and sell him. There is a lot going wrong out there Sparky. What Justice would you establish?????
The US is a Christian theocracy, it's written on the money: in God we trust.
Maybe they should change the motto to: in God we trust but let's arm ourselves with nuclear weapons just in case that falls through.

So God is Christian now????? That's cute. ;) Everyone trying to brand God , package him and brand him, and sell him. There is a lot going wrong out there Sparky. What Justice would you establish?????

Anyone convicted of a crime should be sent to Detroit to live out their life. Anyone with a beard gets sent to Libya.
The US is a Christian theocracy, it's written on the money: in God we trust.
Maybe they should change the motto to: in God we trust but let's arm ourselves with nuclear weapons just in case that falls through.

So God is Christian now????? That's cute. ;) Everyone trying to brand God , package him and brand him, and sell him. There is a lot going wrong out there Sparky. What Justice would you establish?????

Anyone convicted of a crime should be sent to Detroit to live out their life. Anyone with a beard gets sent to Libya.

Wouldn't U.S. Citizens be protected from such cruel and unusual punishment under the Eight Amendment? :lol:

Sky seems to think we're headed towards a Christian theocrasy in this country. Is she crazy or do her warnings have merrit?
No, it won't. Nor will it ever be ruled by Sharia law.

Never , as long as we recognize Unalienable Rights.
Islam also recognizes " Unalienable Rights"

In fact there is No incompatibility between Sharia Law and the Constitution.
No, it won't. Nor will it ever be ruled by Sharia law.

Never , as long as we recognize Unalienable Rights.
Islam also recognizes " Unalienable Rights"

In fact there is No incompatibility between Sharia Law and the Constitution.

Your words are contrary to reality. That said, work to bring Sharia Law into compliance with Unalienable Rights for All People, Male, Female, Believer, Nonbeliever, alike, with impartial Justice for All, would be really Righteous, indeed. Freedom of Religion, choose, to change, is considered by us as Unalienable. Liberty, is for all Humankind. Slavery is a problem around the world and should not be allowed to exist anywhere, in any form. We should all be fighting that together. Rape is not a legitimate form of corporal punishment, nor should it be tolerated.
People should not be punished for disagreeing with either of us.
The US is a Christian theocracy, it's written on the money: in God we trust.
Maybe they should change the motto to: in God we trust but let's arm ourselves with nuclear weapons just in case that falls through.

So God is Christian now????? That's cute. ;) Everyone trying to brand God , package him and brand him, and sell him. There is a lot going wrong out there Sparky. What Justice would you establish?????

Anyone convicted of a crime should be sent to Detroit to live out their life. Anyone with a beard gets sent to Libya.

I always felt that anyone convicted of a serious crime should be forced to ride the 10 most scary roller coasters blind folded on acid. :lol:
So God is Christian now????? That's cute. ;) Everyone trying to brand God , package him and brand him, and sell him. There is a lot going wrong out there Sparky. What Justice would you establish?????

Anyone convicted of a crime should be sent to Detroit to live out their life. Anyone with a beard gets sent to Libya.

I always felt that anyone convicted of a serious crime should be forced to ride the 10 most scary roller coasters blind folded on acid. :lol:

...after eating two Taco Bell burritos.
Never , as long as we recognize Unalienable Rights.
Islam also recognizes " Unalienable Rights"

In fact there is No incompatibility between Sharia Law and the Constitution.

Your words are contrary to reality. That said, work to bring Sharia Law into compliance with Unalienable Rights for All People, Male, Female, Believer, Nonbeliever, alike, with impartial Justice for All, would be really Righteous, indeed. Freedom of Religion, choose, to change, is considered by us as Unalienable. Liberty, is for all Humankind. Slavery is a problem around the world and should not be allowed to exist anywhere, in any form. We should all be fighting that together. Rape is not a legitimate form of corporal punishment, nor should it be tolerated.
People should not be punished for disagreeing with either of us.
Sharia Law is basically about civil and criminal laws.

The Constitution is where you would find "Unalienable Rights"

There is nothing in Islam that would be in opposition to the Constitution or Unalienable Rights of US citizens.
Islam also recognizes " Unalienable Rights"

In fact there is No incompatibility between Sharia Law and the Constitution.

Your words are contrary to reality. That said, work to bring Sharia Law into compliance with Unalienable Rights for All People, Male, Female, Believer, Nonbeliever, alike, with impartial Justice for All, would be really Righteous, indeed. Freedom of Religion, choose, to change, is considered by us as Unalienable. Liberty, is for all Humankind. Slavery is a problem around the world and should not be allowed to exist anywhere, in any form. We should all be fighting that together. Rape is not a legitimate form of corporal punishment, nor should it be tolerated.
People should not be punished for disagreeing with either of us.
Sharia Law is basically about civil and criminal laws.

The Constitution is where you would find "Unalienable Rights"

There is nothing in Islam that would be in opposition to the Constitution or Unalienable Rights of US citizens.

I believe you believe that. But is not Sharia Law based on edicts from the Qu'ran? I have read the Qu'ran. I could find NOTHING there that supports or recognizes unalienable rights. So help me out there. Where in the Qu'ran is a passage that would support or promote recognition of and defense of unalienable rights?
Anyone convicted of a crime should be sent to Detroit to live out their life. Anyone with a beard gets sent to Libya.

I always felt that anyone convicted of a serious crime should be forced to ride the 10 most scary roller coasters blind folded on acid. :lol:

...after eating two Taco Bell burritos.

I remember once we went drinking, and then to an amusement park. We were on some fast moving sky ride, and a friend in our group sitting in front of us threw up all over the crowed waiting in line under us. Everyone in the line thought it was me that threw up on them. I hate when shit like that happens. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I believe you believe that. But is not Sharia Law based on edicts from the Qu'ran? I have read the Qu'ran. I could find NOTHING there that supports or recognizes unalienable rights. So help me out there. Where in the Qu'ran is a passage that would support or promote recognition of and defense of unalienable rights?
Unalienable Rights concerns 3 areas of and individuals life.

1) personal security

2) personal liberty

3) private property

There is nothing in the Quran that opposes any of these three rights.
Islam also recognizes " Unalienable Rights"

In fact there is No incompatibility between Sharia Law and the Constitution.

Your words are contrary to reality. That said, work to bring Sharia Law into compliance with Unalienable Rights for All People, Male, Female, Believer, Nonbeliever, alike, with impartial Justice for All, would be really Righteous, indeed. Freedom of Religion, choose, to change, is considered by us as Unalienable. Liberty, is for all Humankind. Slavery is a problem around the world and should not be allowed to exist anywhere, in any form. We should all be fighting that together. Rape is not a legitimate form of corporal punishment, nor should it be tolerated.
People should not be punished for disagreeing with either of us.
Sharia Law is basically about civil and criminal laws.

The Constitution is where you would find "Unalienable Rights"

There is nothing in Islam that would be in opposition to the Constitution or Unalienable Rights of US citizens.

Where else in the World are those Rights recognized? That's the point. Impartiality, let circumstance dictate, Principle, Ideal, Relevance, priority, not preconceived notion or prejudice, that is how Justice is established.
I believe you believe that. But is not Sharia Law based on edicts from the Qu'ran? I have read the Qu'ran. I could find NOTHING there that supports or recognizes unalienable rights. So help me out there. Where in the Qu'ran is a passage that would support or promote recognition of and defense of unalienable rights?
Unalienable Rights concerns 3 areas of and individuals life.

1) personal security

2) personal liberty

3) private property

There is nothing in the Quran that opposes any of these three rights.

No. Unalienable rights are those that require no contribution or anything else from another person other than their non interference. That includes the right to think, believe, worship, speak, behave, live my life, and utilize my property in any I choose so long as I do not infring on anybody else's unalienable, Constitutional, legal, or civil rights.

Are you saying that I would be completely 'secure' in an Islamic country if I expressed criticism of Mohammed? That I would be free to share my faith, invite Muslims to worship in a Christian community, to express my opinons about Mohammed and Islam even if those opinions were not complimentary? That my property and person would be considered inviolate if I was declared to be an infidel?

Again I haven't found this kind of assurance in the Qu-ran, and I again ask you for specific chapter and verse that would provide that kind of assurance.

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