Will Americans shoot themselves in the foot AGAIN?

I knew you'd like it. Take a deep breath, bitch.

Ahahaha your posts are little more than an opportunity to point and laugh. :laugh:

You are killin' it! I'm afraid of what you'll say next. Please....take it easy on me.

Your post are self mocking, saves me the trouble. :laugh:

Of course. Like many nutters...you prefer to let others do things for you. When are you going to start mocking, fool? I think you might be a little hesitant.

You are needy and attention starved even for a liberal.

Yeah...that's it. I'm starved for attention. I begged you to say something retarded to me in this thread. It was me....all me.

I can't wait for you to begin mocking me. Come on. Don't disappoint. Let me have it! Ya big dummy.

Or...maybe you would like to whine about the media some more. Waaaaaaaaaaaah! Da big bad media went after Mitt and poisoned the election! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah! The media will destroy anyone who runs against the demokwats! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
We elected one radical pos simply because he was black & it was "time"

Are we now gonna do it again because it is "time" for a woman?

The fact that Obama is now polling worse than the supposed worst president in history shows that the remorse is there.


I am voting democrat because it is time to show Americans which side has the correct economic policy. <---this has double meaning

Oooooh! A double meaning! That's so kewl!
Wait....you are asserting that President Obama was elected (TWICE) simply because he's black?

Doesn't work.
In the 2008 election, we've never had a black president before. In the 2012 election, that's no longer the case.

And as already noted, the country was in economic freefall in '08, which is more than enough to expect a vote against the status quo. Then you throw in Sarah Palin. An amoeba could have won in that circumstance.

Of course it works. He was elected BOTH times because of the color of his skin. White guilt along with all the NEW racist voters that registered to vote for the first time in their lives simply because a black man was running. Those same racist voters flocked to the polls the second time.

Yanno, it takes a special kind of ... what shall we call it, rationalization to put it generously, to on one hand declare "I'm not against O'bama because he's black, I'm against him on policy!" --- and then turn around and in the next breath declare "he only won because he's black!", completely ignoring the elephant-in-the-room economic Plummet of September 2008. A "special" kind indeed.

As to your economic point, well that is just asinine. If someone would have been elected for economic reasons it would have been the man who actually had experience in economics and business not some fucking radical whos only experience was rabble rousing for profit.

Yeah? When did that ever happen? How'd Hoover do in 1932? And what sort of "experience in economics and business" does John McCain have, other than scandal?

Obama had NO FUCKING EXPERIENCE AT ANYTHING. And your personal opinion of Palin, stupid as it is, is not relevant to this discussion.

Actually he had more time in state government and Congress than Bush had in a governorship, and WAY more than Romney. You could look it up. But again, it takes a "special" kind of rationalization to whine the blues about public opinion of Sarah Palin being "irrelevant" -- who was after all running for VP with a septuagenarian cancer survivor -- while simultaneously spewing the same kind of "irrelevant" opinion of O'bama. Let alone being entirely ignorant of his background.

But we did that....

You may label me anything you like. I'll just stick with stupid for you if you don't mind.

But back on topic

Time in government is not experience nitwit. If it were campaign and office staff would be qualified as well.

"Time in government is not experience"? :rofl: What the fuck is it, hallucination?
O'bama: 8 years in state gummint, 4 years in Congress = 12
Bush: 6 years in state gummint
Romney: 4 years in state gummint.

Twice as much as either. Even state gummint alone exceeds both. Three times as much experience/hallucination as Mittens.

Also just in case you didn't know, being a moron and all, your opinion of Palin =/= public opinion of Palin.

No, I didn't know that, and I still don't know that. Ask around; that candidacy was a joke. I'd sooner vote for Michael Palin. At least when he's funny it's intentional rather than incompetence.
The ridiculous stupidity of the OP's premise is that McCain was the 'better' candidate, 'wrongfully' denied the presidency because of race, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

To put an earlier point another way to the OP --- if (supposedly) dismissing criticism of O'bama as based on his being black amounts to "playing the race card"..... then is it not equally playing the same race card to claim John McCain only lost the election because he's white?

Doesn't work.
In the 2008 election, we've never had a black president before. In the 2012 election, that's no longer the case.

And as already noted, the country was in economic freefall in '08, which is more than enough to expect a vote against the status quo. Then you throw in Sarah Palin. An amoeba could have won in that circumstance.

Of course it works. He was elected BOTH times because of the color of his skin. White guilt along with all the NEW racist voters that registered to vote for the first time in their lives simply because a black man was running. Those same racist voters flocked to the polls the second time.

Yanno, it takes a special kind of ... what shall we call it, rationalization to put it generously, to on one hand declare "I'm not against O'bama because he's black, I'm against him on policy!" --- and then turn around and in the next breath declare "he only won because he's black!", completely ignoring the elephant-in-the-room economic Plummet of September 2008. A "special" kind indeed.

As to your economic point, well that is just asinine. If someone would have been elected for economic reasons it would have been the man who actually had experience in economics and business not some fucking radical whos only experience was rabble rousing for profit.

Yeah? When did that ever happen? How'd Hoover do in 1932? And what sort of "experience in economics and business" does John McCain have, other than scandal?

Obama had NO FUCKING EXPERIENCE AT ANYTHING. And your personal opinion of Palin, stupid as it is, is not relevant to this discussion.

Actually he had more time in state government and Congress than Bush had in a governorship, and WAY more than Romney. You could look it up. But again, it takes a "special" kind of rationalization to whine the blues about public opinion of Sarah Palin being "irrelevant" -- who was after all running for VP with a septuagenarian cancer survivor -- while simultaneously spewing the same kind of "irrelevant" opinion of O'bama. Let alone being entirely ignorant of his background.

But we did that....

You may label me anything you like. I'll just stick with stupid for you if you don't mind.

But back on topic

Time in government is not experience nitwit. If it were campaign and office staff would be qualified as well.

"Time in government is not experience"? :rofl: What the fuck is it, hallucination?
O'bama: 8 years in state gummint, 4 years in Congress = 12
Bush: 6 years in state gummint
Romney: 4 years in state gummint.

Twice as much as either. Even state gummint alone exceeds both. Three times as much experience/hallucination as Mittens.

Also just in case you didn't know, being a moron and all, your opinion of Palin =/= public opinion of Palin.

No, I didn't know that, and I still don't know that. Ask around; that candidacy was a joke. I'd sooner vote for Michael Palin. At least when he's funny it's intentional rather than incompetence.
This is just ridiculous. My ex wife has worked for the federal government for 20 years. So by your idiotic standard she is more experienced to be POTUS than Obama.

You got any more fail to share?
Doesn't work.
In the 2008 election, we've never had a black president before. In the 2012 election, that's no longer the case.

And as already noted, the country was in economic freefall in '08, which is more than enough to expect a vote against the status quo. Then you throw in Sarah Palin. An amoeba could have won in that circumstance.

Of course it works. He was elected BOTH times because of the color of his skin. White guilt along with all the NEW racist voters that registered to vote for the first time in their lives simply because a black man was running. Those same racist voters flocked to the polls the second time.

Yanno, it takes a special kind of ... what shall we call it, rationalization to put it generously, to on one hand declare "I'm not against O'bama because he's black, I'm against him on policy!" --- and then turn around and in the next breath declare "he only won because he's black!", completely ignoring the elephant-in-the-room economic Plummet of September 2008. A "special" kind indeed.

As to your economic point, well that is just asinine. If someone would have been elected for economic reasons it would have been the man who actually had experience in economics and business not some fucking radical whos only experience was rabble rousing for profit.

Yeah? When did that ever happen? How'd Hoover do in 1932? And what sort of "experience in economics and business" does John McCain have, other than scandal?

Obama had NO FUCKING EXPERIENCE AT ANYTHING. And your personal opinion of Palin, stupid as it is, is not relevant to this discussion.

Actually he had more time in state government and Congress than Bush had in a governorship, and WAY more than Romney. You could look it up. But again, it takes a "special" kind of rationalization to whine the blues about public opinion of Sarah Palin being "irrelevant" -- who was after all running for VP with a septuagenarian cancer survivor -- while simultaneously spewing the same kind of "irrelevant" opinion of O'bama. Let alone being entirely ignorant of his background.

But we did that....

You may label me anything you like. I'll just stick with stupid for you if you don't mind.

But back on topic

Time in government is not experience nitwit. If it were campaign and office staff would be qualified as well.

"Time in government is not experience"? :rofl: What the fuck is it, hallucination?
O'bama: 8 years in state gummint, 4 years in Congress = 12
Bush: 6 years in state gummint
Romney: 4 years in state gummint.

Twice as much as either. Even state gummint alone exceeds both. Three times as much experience/hallucination as Mittens.

Also just in case you didn't know, being a moron and all, your opinion of Palin =/= public opinion of Palin.

No, I didn't know that, and I still don't know that. Ask around; that candidacy was a joke. I'd sooner vote for Michael Palin. At least when he's funny it's intentional rather than incompetence.
This is just ridiculous. My ex wife has worked for the federal government for 20 years. So by your idiotic standard she is more experienced to be POTUS than Obama.

You got any more fail to share?

Great. Is she a governess? State Senator? Congresscritter?
"Experience" was brought up by ---- guess who ---

...some fucking radical whos only experience was rabble rousing for profit.

Btw, fail is a verb. It's what you just did.
We elected one radical pos simply because he was black & it was "time"

Are we now gonna do it again because it is "time" for a woman?

The fact that Obama is now polling worse than the supposed worst president in history shows that the remorse is there.

Yes, the lesson was learned. The GOP is a gauranteed failure. In foreign affairs, domestic economics, and in planning for this nations future. We don't need another run at the Second Great Republican Depression. And that is why we will elect another Democrat.
We elected one radical pos simply because he was black & it was "time"

Are we now gonna do it again because it is "time" for a woman?

The fact that Obama is now polling worse than the supposed worst president in history shows that the remorse is there.


No, you still have zero idea what you're talking about.
Obama was elected the first time because of Bush (aka W-POAT) poisoned the water so much that no republican was going to win. Secondly, he was clearly the superior choice to Romney. It was not "time" for a black any more than it is "time" for a woman.

When you're not in the ring taking punches and making decisions, you are going to be more popular than she who is in the ring. The most popular guy in town is the back-up QB until they start playing....

We elected one radical pos simply because he was black & it was "time"

Are we now gonna do it again because it is "time" for a woman?

The fact that Obama is now polling worse than the supposed worst president in history shows that the remorse is there.

Wait....you are asserting that President Obama was elected (TWICE) simply because he's black?

I guess thinking that is easier for you than thinking everybody but you knew the right was full of shit.
We elected one radical pos simply because he was black & it was "time"

Are we now gonna do it again because it is "time" for a woman?

The fact that Obama is now polling worse than the supposed worst president in history shows that the remorse is there.


Of course not. Have you watched any of the man on the street interviews by Waters World or Jay Leno? Americans are morons.

You know they only show the dumbest ones they can find don't you? It's more entertaining that way.
We elected one radical pos simply because he was black & it was "time"

Are we now gonna do it again because it is "time" for a woman?

The fact that Obama is now polling worse than the supposed worst president in history shows that the remorse is there.


No, you still have zero idea what you're talking about.
Obama was elected the first time because of Bush (aka W-POAT) poisoned the water so much that no republican was going to win. Secondly, he was clearly the superior choice to Romney. It was not "time" for a black any more than it is "time" for a woman.

When you're not in the ring taking punches and making decisions, you are going to be more popular than she who is in the ring. The most popular guy in town is the back-up QB until they start playing....


Don;t bother. It's not like a reasoned explanation or a few facts will penetrate that diseased brain of his. He thinks what he thinks, and that's really why you come here to laugh at them, isn't it?
Doesn't work.
In the 2008 election, we've never had a black president before. In the 2012 election, that's no longer the case.

And as already noted, the country was in economic freefall in '08, which is more than enough to expect a vote against the status quo. Then you throw in Sarah Palin. An amoeba could have won in that circumstance.

Of course it works. He was elected BOTH times because of the color of his skin. White guilt along with all the NEW racist voters that registered to vote for the first time in their lives simply because a black man was running. Those same racist voters flocked to the polls the second time.

Yanno, it takes a special kind of ... what shall we call it, rationalization to put it generously, to on one hand declare "I'm not against O'bama because he's black, I'm against him on policy!" --- and then turn around and in the next breath declare "he only won because he's black!", completely ignoring the elephant-in-the-room economic Plummet of September 2008. A "special" kind indeed.

As to your economic point, well that is just asinine. If someone would have been elected for economic reasons it would have been the man who actually had experience in economics and business not some fucking radical whos only experience was rabble rousing for profit.

Yeah? When did that ever happen? How'd Hoover do in 1932? And what sort of "experience in economics and business" does John McCain have, other than scandal?

Obama had NO FUCKING EXPERIENCE AT ANYTHING. And your personal opinion of Palin, stupid as it is, is not relevant to this discussion.

Actually he had more time in state government and Congress than Bush had in a governorship, and WAY more than Romney. You could look it up. But again, it takes a "special" kind of rationalization to whine the blues about public opinion of Sarah Palin being "irrelevant" -- who was after all running for VP with a septuagenarian cancer survivor -- while simultaneously spewing the same kind of "irrelevant" opinion of O'bama. Let alone being entirely ignorant of his background.

But we did that....

You may label me anything you like. I'll just stick with stupid for you if you don't mind.

But back on topic

Time in government is not experience nitwit. If it were campaign and office staff would be qualified as well.

"Time in government is not experience"? :rofl: What the fuck is it, hallucination?
O'bama: 8 years in state gummint, 4 years in Congress = 12
Bush: 6 years in state gummint
Romney: 4 years in state gummint.

Twice as much as either. Even state gummint alone exceeds both. Three times as much experience/hallucination as Mittens.

Also just in case you didn't know, being a moron and all, your opinion of Palin =/= public opinion of Palin.

No, I didn't know that, and I still don't know that. Ask around; that candidacy was a joke. I'd sooner vote for Michael Palin. At least when he's funny it's intentional rather than incompetence.
This is just ridiculous. My ex wife has worked for the federal government for 20 years. So by your idiotic standard she is more experienced to be POTUS than Obama.

You got any more fail to share?

Well, since you brought her into the conversation, I heard she had all kinds of experience.
We elected one radical pos simply because he was black & it was "time"

Are we now gonna do it again because it is "time" for a woman?

The fact that Obama is now polling worse than the supposed worst president in history shows that the remorse is there.


Yes, the liberals will come out in droves because a Dem woman is the only option. They choose by race and gender since that seems more important than qualifications.

And anyone who opposes Hillary will be called anti-woman.
We elected one radical pos simply because he was black & it was "time"

Are we now gonna do it again because it is "time" for a woman?

The fact that Obama is now polling worse than the supposed worst president in history shows that the remorse is there.

You know what ulimately matters? Facts. Unprecedented job growth with no terrorists attacks.
We elected one radical pos simply because he was black & it was "time"

Are we now gonna do it again because it is "time" for a woman?

The fact that Obama is now polling worse than the supposed worst president in history shows that the remorse is there.


Yes, the liberals will come out in droves because a Dem woman is the only option. They choose by race and gender since that seems more important than qualifications.

And anyone who opposes Hillary will be called anti-woman.

Do you actually think race and gender are deciding factors, or are you just trying to rack up a few more Limbaugh brownie points?

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