Will America's bitter partisan divide continue??


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
When Joe Scarborough, a former Republican lawmaker and host of Morning Joe on MSNBC was running for election in the 90's he would knock on doors, soliciting votes. Joe told the audience last week that he "only had to knock on 4 doors to, to find out that you're either from the party of Jane Fonda or you're from the party of John Wayne" Such is the state of America's bitter partisan divide. So, in the coming months and years, will this bitter partisan divide continue as it is today, become deeper, or begin to moderate?
When Joe Scarborough, a former Republican lawmaker and host of Morning Joe on MSNBC was running for election in the 90's he would knock on doors, soliciting votes. Joe told the audience last week that he "only had to knock on 4 doors to, to find out that you're either from the party of Jane Fonda or you're from the party of John Wayne" Such is the state of America's bitter partisan divide. So, in the coming months and years, will this bitter partisan divide continue as it is today, become deeper, or begin to moderate?
I don't see how it can moderate, and I only see it getting worse. The crazies have taken over both ends of the spectrum, and they have most of the energy, i.e., influence.

Until and unless the crazies are somehow culturally marginalized, this just gets worse.

The only way this train can be derailed is if some kind of "Me Too" momentum is started nationally, and it will almost have to begin with some brave, well-known public figures.
When Joe Scarborough, a former Republican lawmaker and host of Morning Joe on MSNBC was running for election in the 90's he would knock on doors, soliciting votes. Joe told the audience last week that he "only had to knock on 4 doors to, to find out that you're either from the party of Jane Fonda or you're from the party of John Wayne" Such is the state of America's bitter partisan divide. So, in the coming months and years, will this bitter partisan divide continue as it is today, become deeper, or begin to moderate?

I don't see it getting better unless we have a complete collapse of the legislative branch to the point we have a major crisis like a default on our debt. My view, it started with Robert Bork's Supreme Court nomination and has gone downhill ever since. The Democrats have moved further left, The Repubs further right, and there is no large centrist majority that can compromise and get things done.
i prefer to see it stay as it is at least for my lifetime and with Trump herding the repubs around and then probably Pence after The Trump . Why would i want to share power with [for example] gun controllers or pro immigration lefties eh ??
When Joe Scarborough, a former Republican lawmaker and host of Morning Joe on MSNBC was running for election in the 90's he would knock on doors, soliciting votes. Joe told the audience last week that he "only had to knock on 4 doors to, to find out that you're either from the party of Jane Fonda or you're from the party of John Wayne" Such is the state of America's bitter partisan divide. So, in the coming months and years, will this bitter partisan divide continue as it is today, become deeper, or begin to moderate?
I don't see how it can moderate, and I only see it getting worse. The crazies have taken over both ends of the spectrum, and they have most of the energy, i.e., influence.

Until and unless the crazies are somehow culturally marginalized, this just gets worse.

The only way this train can be derailed is if some kind of "Me Too" momentum is started nationally, and it will almost have to begin with some brave, well-known public figures.

Weeeeee! "The crazies have taken over both ends of the spectrum". Sounds serious.

Thing is, the crazies from one end get elected. You can name them.

Who are the crazies who have taken over the left? Obama? Clinton? Biden? Warren? Sanders? Booker? Ellison? Perez? Pelosi?

Are they extreme? Who is the most extreme lefty holding major political office?

I can name the nuts on the right. It's easy.
The 2018 election campaigns may actually force some moderation. If GDP is cranking along at 3-4% growth and unemployment hits new lows what do you run on? Impeach Trump?
When Joe Scarborough, a former Republican lawmaker and host of Morning Joe on MSNBC was running for election in the 90's he would knock on doors, soliciting votes. Joe told the audience last week that he "only had to knock on 4 doors to, to find out that you're either from the party of Jane Fonda or you're from the party of John Wayne" Such is the state of America's bitter partisan divide. So, in the coming months and years, will this bitter partisan divide continue as it is today, become deeper, or begin to moderate?

I don't see it getting better unless we have a complete collapse of the legislative branch to the point we have a major crisis like a default on our debt. My view, it started with Robert Bork's Supreme Court nomination and has gone downhill ever since. The Democrats have moved further left, The Repubs further right, and there is no large centrist majority that can compromise and get things done.

Forty two percent of the nation identifies as "Independent". Did you know that?
I don't see how it can moderate, and I only see it getting worse. The crazies have taken over both ends of the spectrum, and they have most of the energy, i.e., influence.

Until and unless the crazies are somehow culturally marginalized, this just gets worse.

The only way this train can be derailed is if some kind of "Me Too" momentum is started nationally, and it will almost have to begin with some brave, well-known public figures.
Who is "extreme right"?

Please give me some names of influential republicrats or "right wingers" who are too "extreme", and please explain to me why adherence to the US Constitution, a preference for free markets over micromanaged economies (that ALWAYS FAIL) and opposition to grown men dressing up as women being treated as if they really are women rather than people who need psychological treatment?

It's easy for me to understand why rejecting leftist dogma and collectivist global policies is "extreme" to bed wetting obozo sycophants. Where do "moderates" draw the line? I keep reading your posts lamenting " extremism" and I know what you believe is extreme about the moonbats, but exactly why am I an "extremist"?

Look at this place, and you will find the answers you seek.

If you need some help, however, please allow me

When Joe Scarborough, a former Republican lawmaker and host of Morning Joe on MSNBC was running for election in the 90's he would knock on doors, soliciting votes. Joe told the audience last week that he "only had to knock on 4 doors to, to find out that you're either from the party of Jane Fonda or you're from the party of John Wayne" Such is the state of America's bitter partisan divide. So, in the coming months and years, will this bitter partisan divide continue as it is today, become deeper, or begin to moderate?
As long as half the nation wants the other half to pay for all their shit, there will be a huge divide.
When Joe Scarborough, a former Republican lawmaker and host of Morning Joe on MSNBC was running for election in the 90's he would knock on doors, soliciting votes. Joe told the audience last week that he "only had to knock on 4 doors to, to find out that you're either from the party of Jane Fonda or you're from the party of John Wayne" Such is the state of America's bitter partisan divide. So, in the coming months and years, will this bitter partisan divide continue as it is today, become deeper, or begin to moderate?
I don't see how it can moderate, and I only see it getting worse. The crazies have taken over both ends of the spectrum, and they have most of the energy, i.e., influence.

Until and unless the crazies are somehow culturally marginalized, this just gets worse.

The only way this train can be derailed is if some kind of "Me Too" momentum is started nationally, and it will almost have to begin with some brave, well-known public figures.

Have you noticed how easy it is to get people to out themselves?

Just mention crazies from both ends of the spectrum and the replies are downright Pavlovian.
When Joe Scarborough, a former Republican lawmaker and host of Morning Joe on MSNBC was running for election in the 90's he would knock on doors, soliciting votes. Joe told the audience last week that he "only had to knock on 4 doors to, to find out that you're either from the party of Jane Fonda or you're from the party of John Wayne" Such is the state of America's bitter partisan divide. So, in the coming months and years, will this bitter partisan divide continue as it is today, become deeper, or begin to moderate?
I don't see how it can moderate, and I only see it getting worse. The crazies have taken over both ends of the spectrum, and they have most of the energy, i.e., influence.

Until and unless the crazies are somehow culturally marginalized, this just gets worse.

The only way this train can be derailed is if some kind of "Me Too" momentum is started nationally, and it will almost have to begin with some brave, well-known public figures.

Have you noticed how easy it is to get people to out themselves?

Just mention crazies from both ends of the spectrum and the replies are downright Pavlovian.
When Joe Scarborough, a former Republican lawmaker and host of Morning Joe on MSNBC was running for election in the 90's he would knock on doors, soliciting votes. Joe told the audience last week that he "only had to knock on 4 doors to, to find out that you're either from the party of Jane Fonda or you're from the party of John Wayne" Such is the state of America's bitter partisan divide. So, in the coming months and years, will this bitter partisan divide continue as it is today, become deeper, or begin to moderate?
I don't see how it can moderate, and I only see it getting worse. The crazies have taken over both ends of the spectrum, and they have most of the energy, i.e., influence.

Until and unless the crazies are somehow culturally marginalized, this just gets worse.

The only way this train can be derailed is if some kind of "Me Too" momentum is started nationally, and it will almost have to begin with some brave, well-known public figures.

Have you noticed how easy it is to get people to out themselves?

Just mention crazies from both ends of the spectrum and the replies are downright Pavlovian.

As with your arrogance marking you as an LWNJ?
Who is "extreme right"?

Please give me some names of influential republicrats or "right wingers" who are too "extreme", and please explain to me why adherence to the US Constitution, a preference for free markets over micromanaged economies (that ALWAYS FAIL) and opposition to grown men dressing up as women being treated as if they really are women rather than people who need psychological treatment?

It's easy for me to understand why rejecting leftist dogma and collectivist global policies is "extreme" to be wetting obozo sycophants. Where do "moderates" draw the line? I keep reading your posts lamenting " extremism" and I know what you believe is extreme about the moonbats, but exactly why am I an "extremist"?

Great question.

Orin Hatch
Richard Shelby
James Inhoffe
Thad Cochran
Luis Gohmert
Pat Roberts
Mark Meadows
Dave Brat
Mike Enzi
Mike Lee
Ted Cruz
Mike Pense
Ron Johnson
Jeff Sessions
Steve Bannon
Jim Jordan
Ted Yoho
Stephen Miller
Betsy DeVoss
Does leftist moderation look like moderation to anyone else?

Liberals hate our guts, they loath the right and constantly attack us and try to force their world view upon us. They became so uppity that we finally had to beat them half to death, kick sand in their faces and laugh while taking back the House, Senate, and White House. If they get uppity again we'll give them another beating.
The largest problem we have is plutocrats running the show. And they are on both sides. Add to this the working folk support them. Yes class division will be on the rise.
The country is irreversibly divided. Half of the population believes that government ought to be run more or less in conformance with the Constitution (especially the Tenth Amendment), half the country believes that the Federal government ought to be our collective "Nanny," and the other half (most people under 35) don't know or care enough to have a rational opinion.

And the MSM and the entertainment industry are campaigning to keep everyone ignorant and misinformed.

I'm glad I'm old and financially secure. Fuck it all.
Have you noticed how easy it is to get people to out themselves? Just mention crazies from both ends of the spectrum and the replies are downright Pavlovian.
Yep. One of the things I like most about this place is that I never, ever have to name names.

It can be great fun.

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