Will Andrew Cuomo be Indicted by the Biden DOJ?


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011

Short answer, no.

But the Bombshell report that shows the Cuomo administration engaged in dozens of felonies including the falsification of medical records to the CDC would have anyone not in the Reich in handcuffs. Cuomo is a democrat and as such, not subject to the laws of the nation. His policy of "seeding" nursing homes and hospice facilities with Covid infected patients caused thousands of deaths. When this was exposed, the Cuomo administration engaged in a coverup to hid the facts and particularly the magnitude of the deaths from the federal government.

If the falsified records Cuomo provided to the federal government in the middle of a pandemic were provided by someone not in the Reich, that person would face a myriad of charges and a long prison term.

If we had a legitimate system of justice, the Biden DOJ would already have Andrew Cuomo in custody. However, this is America and the Reich is immune to all laws.

Short answer, no.

But the Bombshell report that shows the Cuomo administration engaged in dozens of felonies including the falsification of medical records to the CDC would have anyone not in the Reich in handcuffs. Cuomo is a democrat and as such, not subject to the laws of the nation. His policy of "seeding" nursing homes and hospice facilities with Covid infected patients caused thousands of deaths. When this was exposed, the Cuomo administration engaged in a coverup to hid the facts and particularly the magnitude of the deaths from the federal government.

If the falsified records Cuomo provided to the federal government in the middle of a pandemic were provided by someone not in the Reich, that person would face a myriad of charges and a long prison term.

If we had a legitimate system of justice, the Biden DOJ would already have Andrew Cuomo in custody. However, this is America and the Reich is immune to all laws.

I doubt it. They will probably just send him out to Las Vegas to learn the casino business, like they did with the original Fredo.

Short answer, no.

But the Bombshell report that shows the Cuomo administration engaged in dozens of felonies including the falsification of medical records to the CDC would have anyone not in the Reich in handcuffs. Cuomo is a democrat and as such, not subject to the laws of the nation. His policy of "seeding" nursing homes and hospice facilities with Covid infected patients caused thousands of deaths. When this was exposed, the Cuomo administration engaged in a coverup to hid the facts and particularly the magnitude of the deaths from the federal government.

If the falsified records Cuomo provided to the federal government in the middle of a pandemic were provided by someone not in the Reich, that person would face a myriad of charges and a long prison term.

If we had a legitimate system of justice, the Biden DOJ would already have Andrew Cuomo in custody. However, this is America and the Reich is immune to all laws.

The New York state attorney general should indict him, but won't, of course. Because DemoKKKrat.
Is this is an actual question?

No, this is America - there is no system of justice.

You're a damn liar. But I respect your special right to lie, and wonder why you don't leave the United States and find somewhere else which you believe has a system of justice to your satisfaction. I, for one, won't miss you!

Short answer, no.

But the Bombshell report that shows the Cuomo administration engaged in dozens of felonies including the falsification of medical records to the CDC would have anyone not in the Reich in handcuffs. Cuomo is a democrat and as such, not subject to the laws of the nation. His policy of "seeding" nursing homes and hospice facilities with Covid infected patients caused thousands of deaths. When this was exposed, the Cuomo administration engaged in a coverup to hid the facts and particularly the magnitude of the deaths from the federal government.

If the falsified records Cuomo provided to the federal government in the middle of a pandemic were provided by someone not in the Reich, that person would face a myriad of charges and a long prison term.

If we had a legitimate system of justice, the Biden DOJ would already have Andrew Cuomo in custody. However, this is America and the Reich is immune to all laws.
Some animals are more equal than others...


Short answer, no.

But the Bombshell report that shows the Cuomo administration engaged in dozens of felonies including the falsification of medical records to the CDC would have anyone not in the Reich in handcuffs. Cuomo is a democrat and as such, not subject to the laws of the nation. His policy of "seeding" nursing homes and hospice facilities with Covid infected patients caused thousands of deaths. When this was exposed, the Cuomo administration engaged in a coverup to hid the facts and particularly the magnitude of the deaths from the federal government.

If the falsified records Cuomo provided to the federal government in the middle of a pandemic were provided by someone not in the Reich, that person would face a myriad of charges and a long prison term.

If we had a legitimate system of justice, the Biden DOJ would already have Andrew Cuomo in custody. However, this is America and the Reich is immune to all laws.

They will blame trump.

Leftist 101
Is this is an actual question?

No, this is America - there is no system of justice.

You're a damn liar. But I respect your special right to lie, and wonder why you don't leave the United States and find somewhere else which you believe has a system of justice to your satisfaction. I, for one, won't miss you!

Instead of attacking him how about you address the fact that cuomo committed pre meditated murder.

The New York state attorney general should indict him, but won't, of course. Because DemoKKKrat.

He falsified reporting on Covid numbers to the CDC - this is a federal crime, and a serious one. He did this in the middle of a pandemic that was declared a federal emergency. This is extremely serious. But we see once again that democrats are not subject to any laws.

Short answer, no.

But the Bombshell report that shows the Cuomo administration engaged in dozens of felonies including the falsification of medical records to the CDC would have anyone not in the Reich in handcuffs. Cuomo is a democrat and as such, not subject to the laws of the nation. His policy of "seeding" nursing homes and hospice facilities with Covid infected patients caused thousands of deaths. When this was exposed, the Cuomo administration engaged in a coverup to hid the facts and particularly the magnitude of the deaths from the federal government.

If the falsified records Cuomo provided to the federal government in the middle of a pandemic were provided by someone not in the Reich, that person would face a myriad of charges and a long prison term.

If we had a legitimate system of justice, the Biden DOJ would already have Andrew Cuomo in custody. However, this is America and the Reich is immune to all laws.
Absolutely not, Andrew is a Democrat. Never held accountable, and zero consequences... plays out over and over and over and over again ... look at the fool impeachment going on now , Russian collusion . Hillary white washing evidence. Biden's bribing and extorting. It never ends.
The difference is now they can get away with pre meditated murder.
Actually Cuomo has put the ball squarely in Joe Biden's court now.
Biden has to act resolutely or become an accomplice to Cuomo's murders.

The vote was stolen from the people to install that houseplant. The dems are above the law. Time for a "fundamental change".
And being a lifetime politician this was his answer to all of the knowing better then anyone else spiels. Just like the rest of the progs. In another words, he is just like the rest of the despots in history. It is matter to degree and the what the 4th estate wants to make of you.
Interesting story that really just centers around how they counted deaths in nursing homes. They did not include the number from those who died in other locations and only included those who died in the nursing home.

For the past year there have been those who complain that the death toll relating to COVID 19 was to high because the cause was linked to the pandemic. They said it was a conspiracy. They tried to downplay the death toll statistics.

Now that a demo got caught downplaying the numbers it a crime.
You're a damn liar. But I respect your special right to lie, and wonder why you don't leave the United States and find somewhere else which you believe has a system of justice to your satisfaction. I, for one, won't miss you!

I suppose I should have said "no FUNCTIONAL system of justice."

The 4th Reich, the democrat party, is not subject to any law. Due to this fact, our justice system is a joke. Actual justice requires one law that applies to all, regardless of Caste.

There was a time, pre-Bill Clinton, where America strived for this.

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