will any democrat on here admit to supporting or even liking biden?

What are your morals and principles?
Everyone is created equal and deserve an equal chance to succeed.
There are no two people on this earth that are equal.
In some respects you're right (we all have different abilities), in others you're wrong (we are all equal before the law).

You must not get out much.

As has been said many times and by many people ....the more money you got the more justice you get.

Anyhow...I do think it is a worthy goal to get good legal representation for everyone....not likely in our lifetime.

Thomas Jefferson did mean we are all equal before the law when he made his famous statement of all being born equal....though most liberals believe all are equal in all respects as in that is the communist doctrine.

It amazes me how such a complete fraud and absolute idiot can still be hanging around like he has some kind of chance at the Presidency.

Anyone but Trump, right? I mean, for four years they have accused Trump, attacking, calling him a fraud and absolute idiot, now they are going to actually pull the lever for one!

Then brag about it!
It amazes me how such a complete fraud and absolute idiot can still be hanging around like he has some kind of chance at the Presidency.

The fact the media covers for him is just another example of how the msm is not interested in the truth.

No surprise that a bunch of negroes in s.c. would vote for him....but as mentioned before that is all he has got and there are not enough negroes to allow him to get the nomination.

Frankly, a vote for Joe Biden is irresponsible and reckless. Such a man in such a mental state is not competent, obviously, to serve as President.

Again, amazing that after years of calling Trump mental and unfit, rolling out hundreds of psychs to claim he is a borderline loon that could go off the edge at any minute, they will proudly pull the lever now for a guy who can't get past 2 sentences without making a senile, incoherent statement!
Anyhow...I do think it is a worthy goal to get good legal representation for everyone....not likely in our lifetime.

Thomas Jefferson did mean we are all equal before the law when he made his famous statement of all being born equal....though most liberals believe all are equal in all respects as in that is the communist doctrine.
I think it is even more worthy a goal to get decent health care for everyone....also not likely in our lifetime.

I don't know how many liberals you know but none of the ones I know believe we are all the same.
Biden has the best chance to defeat Trump this year

Works for me
We shouldn't get our hopes up too much yet, but Pete B. dropping out is a hopeful sign. I liked him and liked that he was young, but America is not going to elect a married homosexual to live in the WH. It ain't time yet. They can politely talk around the issue with minorities not knowing him, lack of experience, etc., but the truth is the truth. It wouldn't bother me at all and I would vote for him without a qualm if he were the opponent to Trump, but it was not in the cards and the Democratic ticket is way too splintered. Steyer and Buttegieg out. Now can we please get Warren the fuck out of there? Please?

The field is getting smaller

Biden, Bernie, Warren and Bloomberg.
It amazes me how such a complete fraud and absolute idiot can still be hanging around like he has some kind of chance at the Presidency.

The fact the media covers for him is just another example of how the msm is not interested in the truth.

No surprise that a bunch of negroes in s.c. would vote for him....but as mentioned before that is all he has got and there are not enough negroes to allow him to get the nomination.

Frankly, a vote for Joe Biden is irresponsible and reckless. Such a man in such a mental state is not competent, obviously, to serve as President.

Again, amazing that after years of calling Trump mental and unfit, rolling out hundreds of psychs to claim he is a borderline loon that could go off the edge at any minute, they will proudly pull the lever now for a guy who can't get past 2 sentences without making a senile, incoherent statement!

I don't believe the average democrat "sees" Biden for what he really is. Remember, these are the same people who turn a blind eye to gender neutral bathrooms, late term abortion, and open borders. Most democrats see only Trump as anti-Christ. Biden could wear a chicken suit and they'd still vote for him in the coming presidential election.
Anyhow...I do think it is a worthy goal to get good legal representation for everyone....not likely in our lifetime.

Thomas Jefferson did mean we are all equal before the law when he made his famous statement of all being born equal....though most liberals believe all are equal in all respects as in that is the communist doctrine.
I think it is even more worthy a goal to get decent health care for everyone....also not likely in our lifetime.

I don't know how many liberals you know but none of the ones I know believe we are all the same.

You seem them all the time on here claiming Negroes are equal to white folk.

When it is pointed out how they have the lowest i.q. tests of any race or group of people they come back with ...oh the tests are biased.
I do. Hell yea. Always HAVE liked him

In fact just donated $50
It amazes me how such a complete fraud and absolute idiot can still be hanging around like he has some kind of chance at the Presidency.

Anyone but Trump, right? I mean, for four years they have accused Trump, attacking, calling him a fraud and absolute idiot, now they are going to actually pull the lever for one!

Then brag about it!

There is a thing called evidence... Again fuck face, if you have any against Biden goto to your local FBI office... Let me guess you have not done that..

So you are :
Protecting a criminal
A Bullshitter...

So since you support Trump you could be very much the first.

This is the regular smear tactic... Keep throws shit...
It amazes me how such a complete fraud and absolute idiot can still be hanging around like he has some kind of chance at the Presidency.

Anyone but Trump, right? I mean, for four years they have accused Trump, attacking, calling him a fraud and absolute idiot, now they are going to actually pull the lever for one!

Then brag about it!

There is a thing called evidence... Again fuck face, if you have any against Biden goto to your local FBI office... Let me guess you have not done that..

So you are :
Protecting a criminal
A Bullshitter...

So since you support Trump you could be very much the first.

This is the regular smear tactic... Keep throws shit...

You sound like biden sounds when he talks. hehheh
It amazes me how such a complete fraud and absolute idiot can still be hanging around like he has some kind of chance at the Presidency.
Anyone but Trump, right? I mean, for four years they have accused Trump, attacking, calling him a fraud and absolute idiot, now they are going to actually pull the lever for one!
Then brag about it!

There is a thing called evidence......

You claiming there is no evidence that Biden is a Ukrainian, Chinese and Iranian criminal, nor that he isn't a child molester and a simpering, senile old buffoon tells me your IQ must be down around . . . what, 12?
You seem them all the time on here claiming Negroes are equal to white folk.

When it is pointed out how they have the lowest i.q. tests of any race or group of people they come back with ...oh the tests are biased.
Even if that were true, so what? Most professional basketball players are Black. Does it mean that the worst Black basketball player is better than the best White basketball player? Basketball and probably IQ are Bell curves that probably overlap by 99% and really only matter for the outliers/professionals.
It amazes me how such a complete fraud and absolute idiot can still be hanging around like he has some kind of chance at the Presidency.
Anyone but Trump, right? I mean, for four years they have accused Trump, attacking, calling him a fraud and absolute idiot, now they are going to actually pull the lever for one!
Then brag about it!

There is a thing called evidence......

You claiming there is no evidence that Biden is a Ukrainian, Chinese and Iranian criminal, nor that he isn't a child molester and a simpering, senile old buffoon tells me your IQ must be down around . . . what, 12?

The burden of proof is on those making the allegations. You would know that if you were nearly as smart as you think you are.
You claiming there is no evidence that Biden is a Ukrainian, Chinese and Iranian criminal, nor that he isn't a child molester and a simpering, senile old buffoon tells me your IQ must be down around . . . what, 12?

No CREDIBLE evidence of any of that.
It amazes me how such a complete fraud and absolute idiot can still be hanging around like he has some kind of chance at the Presidency.
Anyone but Trump, right? I mean, for four years they have accused Trump, attacking, calling him a fraud and absolute idiot, now they are going to actually pull the lever for one!
Then brag about it!

There is a thing called evidence......

You claiming there is no evidence that Biden is a Ukrainian, Chinese and Iranian criminal, nor that he isn't a child molester and a simpering, senile old buffoon tells me your IQ must be down around . . . what, 12?

The burden of proof is on those making the allegations. You would know that if you were nearly as smart as you think you are.

No, that rule only applies to conservatives, you know libs feel backasswards.
It amazes me how such a complete fraud and absolute idiot can still be hanging around like he has some kind of chance at the Presidency.

The fact the media covers for him is just another example of how the msm is not interested in the truth.

No surprise that a bunch of negroes in s.c. would vote for him....but as mentioned before that is all he has got and there are not enough negroes to allow him to get the nomination.

He's OK. whatya expect.
he looks like a genius next to thye big goof.
Not even close.
You claiming there is no evidence that Biden is a Ukrainian, Chinese and Iranian criminal, nor that he isn't a child molester and a simpering, senile old buffoon tells me your IQ must be down around . . . what, 12?

No CREDIBLE evidence of any of that.

No credible evidence that Biden ran afoul in Ukraine.
Except he literally ADMITTED IT, spelling it out in detail on live video, along with the records of his son's incredible resulting fortune.

No credible evidence of Biden making inappropriate gestures.
Except there are literally a HUNDRED pictures of him grabbing, holding, touching, sniffing and groping children and women all over the net.

No credible evidence that Biden has been unable to keep 2+2 straight in his head for decades.
Except the boob literally makes a major gaff or lapse of memory everytime he opens his mouth. We'd go to war with Syria, and he'd lay an H-bomb or Israel.


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