Will any Trump supporters care if Trump is on tape saying N*gger?

Will any Trump Supporters care if Trump did call blacks N*gger on tape?

  • No- Trump can say anything

    Votes: 22 51.2%
  • No- Many will applaud him for his lack of political correctness

    Votes: 21 48.8%
  • No- Many will be agreeing with his word choice

    Votes: 17 39.5%
  • Yes- Many Trump supporters will be offended

    Votes: 3 7.0%

  • Total voters
Trumpsters will not care. Nothing can shake their devotion to him. He is their clown messiah.
lol. The irony is amazing.
You are wearing cray cray eyes avie. How is your own devotion?

I don't have devotion to people. I support politicians who fall in line with what I believe it. But they aren't flawless. I can't point out the flaws of politicians I support and call them out when they are wrong.

But Trumpsters cannot do that. They defend all his bullshit.

I support POLICIES; Trump's were a lot better for the Rust belt than Hillary's "no jobs for you, and you, and you!!!"

And the President is delivering.

We all know the left like the OP will be whipped up into a frenzy and convince everyone along with themselves that they care.

Then again we all know they do not give a shit. When was the last time you any of the racists on the left like the OP care about the black on black murder rates?

I have never seen any of those racists say a thing about that. They could not care less if they tried. Now, they will pretend to care about the N word like they always do.

No bigger lying racists than white patronizing left wingers. Especially the OP.
I really don't think so.

After everything else that Trump has said, he seems to be immunized against any pushback from anything he says- from bragging about being able to grab women by their pussies, to calling a judge from the Midwest a "Mexican"
I don't support trump, I support the First Amendment.

I hate you pc *****.

I hear the word ****** hundreds of times a day, it's against the rules to curse at work, but saying ****** is acceptable.

only leftist twats get offended when I white person says it.
I really don't think so.

After everything else that Trump has said, he seems to be immunized against any pushback from anything he says- from bragging about being able to grab women by their pussies, to calling a judge from the Midwest a "Mexican"

YOur premise is all lies.
I really don't think so.

After everything else that Trump has said, he seems to be immunized against any pushback from anything he says- from bragging about being able to grab women by their pussies, to calling a judge from the Midwest a "Mexican"

Unlike you, I don't fear words. I grew up in an age where every ethnicity on the planet had slang names. One of the great jokes of our age is that we have weaponized and vilified certain words to where you can't even say them now without preconception and fear, such as the "N-Word" or the "C-Word." Your skin would probably crawl if you ever got to hear some of the salty language used behind closed doors by your buddies Hillary or Obama, but then, both of them knew they could speak frankly and safely because only leftists like Dick Durban go running out to microphones making false claims-- -- -- they never tell on themselves. So with that in mind, go "F" yourself.
Ah! The dignity of the office! Why have so many folks become indifferent to that concept? Why only a few years ago, the president was criticized for putting his feet up on the Resolute Desk. He was chastised for wearing a light colored suit. He was lambasted for throwing out the first pitch at a ball game while wearing "mom jeans". Even his portrait was slammed for its style and interpretation.

The dignity of the office.

What hypocrisy.

Don't try to float that crap past me! The only hypocrisy here is that you are comparing things that Obama actually DID (in public) to things you don't even know Trump has done. Even if he did it, it wasn't in public, they probably bugged his room. Even the "pussy" video, it was a 15 year old story that had been taped of a private conversation. And he never said he himself actually grabbed them! All he ever said is that the girls would let guys grab them because they'd do anything to win the contest. It wasn't even against their will. Even the "shithole" accusation---- it turns out Durban lied and he actually referred to certain 3rd world countries as a cesspool or some such thing. WHICH THEY ARE. The hypocrisy is that half the time you attack Trump, you gotta make stuff up to do it.
"Dog. Low IQ person. Whacky. I like people who weren't captured, okay. Lowlife. Pocahontas."

Just a sample of how Trump regards the dignity of his office

President Trump speaks sincerely and says what's on his mind.

His lack of hypocrisy is a welcome change and an addition to the dignity of the office.
Cmon now.....every white person on this message board has used the "N" word. Its a persons behavior that matters.

a) Why do you believe that all white people have acted like you have?
b) How someone speaks is a behavior.

Dead wrong....words are behavior only to progressives. They missed a few meetings apparently. I've used the N word occassionally. These days it is used by white folks not as a duragatory word towards the black race at all but specifically towards the gangsta types that deserve the tag. Meanwhile, I've done more in my life for black folks in the past 35 years than every progressive asshole combined in this thread. Very proud of it too....when you navigate out in the real world, you realize deeds are everything and words dont add up to dick when it comes down to it.

PCness is ghey and rejected by most Americans.....thank God!:hello77::spinner::spinner:
Trumpsters will not care. Nothing can shake their devotion to him. He is their clown messiah.
They are too stupid not to be devoted to this racist POS. They wouldn`t even care if Trump grabbed their pussies and peed on them.They love this traitor and they`re proud to be his little bitches.
I'm pretty sure Democrats think of Blacks stuck in their inner city ghettos as n******, they certainly have embraced the Democratic Party oppression.of Blacks, minorities and the poor for several decades.

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Robert Bird, a famous and well loved Democrat loved to say ******. And the lefts favorite president said ****** a shit ton. Meh, it’s a word. People need to just get the fuck over it and get a damn life.

So we will put you down as another Trump supporter who is fine with Trump saying N*gger.

If it gets your dick hard sure. But honestly, I don’t give a fuck.
No, I don't give a shit. Trump isn't a racist and we know Liberals play the race card non-stop. That's all I need to know. Besides, the last people I heard genuinely use the n-word were Democrats.
For heaven's sake, Trump has been sued for child rape, he cavorts with porn stars and prostitutes, pays off critics and porn stars to silence them, ran and runs a massive money laundering operation called the Trump Organization, says he sexually assaults women, has made racially charged comments against Mexicans and other minorities, is alleged to have conspired with a foreign power to throw the election and has said he wants to have sex with his daughter, and the OP wants to know whether if Trump uttered the N-word if that would matter to his base.

Hell no! Trump could shoot vomit from his mouth, twist his head 360 degrees, pull down his pants and bend over for Putin, or hand over all this country's secrets all live on national TV and his supporters would gladly fall to their knees in front of Trump and call him a living God.
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As long as I see another corporate tax cut in the near future -- trump can do whatever he pleases -- rape, murder -- as long as it pisses off the libs
I really don't think so.

After everything else that Trump has said, he seems to be immunized against any pushback from anything he says- from bragging about being able to grab women by their pussies, to calling a judge from the Midwest a "Mexican"

Blame it on the crying wolf going on the past 2+ years. Without the current hysteria on the part of the left, any release of this would have had a far greater impact.

The constant bombardment of "Trump is this, Trump said that, Trump did that" has numbed people to anything he can or will say or do, and did say or do.

Plus, if such a tape ever existed it would have come out 2 days before the election.

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