Will any Trump supporters care if Trump is on tape saying N*gger?

Will any Trump Supporters care if Trump did call blacks N*gger on tape?

  • No- Trump can say anything

    Votes: 22 51.2%
  • No- Many will applaud him for his lack of political correctness

    Votes: 21 48.8%
  • No- Many will be agreeing with his word choice

    Votes: 17 39.5%
  • Yes- Many Trump supporters will be offended

    Votes: 3 7.0%

  • Total voters
As long as I see another corporate tax cut in the near future -- trump can do whatever he pleases -- rape, murder -- as long as it pisses off the libs
You forgot to add treason and corruption all which would ostensibly be fine as long as a supporter got a corporate tax cut and it pisses off liberals.
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As long as I see another corporate tax cut in the near future -- trump can do whatever he pleases -- rape, murder -- as long as it pisses off the libs
You forgot to add treason, rape and incest all which would ostensibly be fine with you as long as you got your corporate tax cut and it pisses off liberals. A real patriot we have here.

If one were to give a typical Trump supporter a truth serum -- they will tell you that 75% or more of their support for Trump is based on wanting to troll libs.

Any so-called scandal and fuck up that Trump had -- that any other politician would have to resign over -- Trump supporters excuse it by saying "he was just trolling the libs"

Grabbing women by the pussy "He was just using locker room banter"

Saying a judge can't do his job because he is Mexican --"It's fun to see the libs heads explode over that -- build the wall!!

Talking about wishing he could jail reporters and shut down news outlets -- "He was just trolling the libs"

So yea -- as long as he keeps those tax cuts going, as long as he panders to the depravity of the GOP base -- he can do anything he wishes.

2 things will happen after Trump is done...people will either decide to find a candidate who is willing to be further depraved than Trump -- or they will go the Bush route and pretend they never really supported Trump and try to re-brand themselves
I'm not a Trump supporter.

However, if it won't' upset you, then I don't care either way.

I'd applaud if it did upset you. Might want to look out, I see Trump reaching to grab you.
. Darkwind
How can you not support Trump in light of the amazing things he has accomplished. Any other candidate wouldn't have the balls to do what he has done. You don't plan on voting for his 2nd term?
A lot of things will have to change. He has done some good things and others that are more liberal than conservative. He tends to bleed toward larger government and large government programs. The budget he signed was a disgrace. We still have far to many cabinets and quite frankly, he needs to shut his mouth and just start eliminating the DACA EA as he said he would. The courts cannot stop him, but everyone acts as if they can.

He is just too liberal for Me and I won't be voting for him in 2020 unless something drastic changes.

I will continue to support him when he does conservative things and gets the government heading toward a more Constitutional stance, but I won't support him when he pulls boneheaded shit like badmouthing an American institution on foreign soil. We can fight among ourselves, but overseas we're all on the same team.

Finally, not all the good things that have happened since 2016 can be credited to him.
I could care less

Part of the reason for Trump's unlikely approval number is the support he gets from the rural south. Also, he does well in other rural areas of the U.S. with a low population. Rural areas tend to be less informed than suburban and urban areas. Also, while most educated people are turned off by Trump's obsession with Omarosa, it is entirely possible that many in the rural South applaud Trump for his tweets. See map. Green shows approval. Red shows disapproval.


I really don't think so.

After everything else that Trump has said, he seems to be immunized against any pushback from anything he says- from bragging about being able to grab women by their pussies, to calling a judge from the Midwest a "Mexican"

Unlike you, I don't fear words. I grew up in an age where every ethnicity on the planet had slang names. One of the great jokes of our age is that we have weaponized and vilified certain words to where you can't even say them now without preconception and fear, such as the "N-Word" or the "C-Word." Your skin would probably crawl if you ever got to hear some of the salty language used behind closed doors by your buddies Hillary or Obama, but then, both of them knew they could speak frankly and safely because only leftists like Dick Durban go running out to microphones making false claims-- -- -- they never tell on themselves. So with that in mind, go "F" yourself.
Ah! The dignity of the office! Why have so many folks become indifferent to that concept? Why only a few years ago, the president was criticized for putting his feet up on the Resolute Desk. He was chastised for wearing a light colored suit. He was lambasted for throwing out the first pitch at a ball game while wearing "mom jeans". Even his portrait was slammed for its style and interpretation.

The dignity of the office.

What hypocrisy.

Don't try to float that crap past me! The only hypocrisy here is that you are comparing things that Obama actually DID (in public) to things you don't even know Trump has done. Even if he did it, it wasn't in public, they probably bugged his room. Even the "pussy" video, it was a 15 year old story that had been taped of a private conversation. And he never said he himself actually grabbed them! All he ever said is that the girls would let guys grab them because they'd do anything to win the contest. It wasn't even against their will. Even the "shithole" accusation---- it turns out Durban lied and he actually referred to certain 3rd world countries as a cesspool or some such thing. WHICH THEY ARE. The hypocrisy is that half the time you attack Trump, you gotta make stuff up to do it.
"Dog. Low IQ person. Whacky. I like people who weren't captured, okay. Lowlife. Pocahontas."

Just a sample of how Trump regards the dignity of his office

President Trump speaks sincerely and says what's on his mind.

His lack of hypocrisy is a welcome change and an addition to the dignity of the office.
If you think Trump has anything at all to do with dignity, you must have been resisted by professional wrestlers!
I really don't think so.

After everything else that Trump has said, he seems to be immunized against any pushback from anything he says- from bragging about being able to grab women by their pussies, to calling a judge from the Midwest a "Mexican"

Unlike you, I don't fear words. I grew up in an age where every ethnicity on the planet had slang names. One of the great jokes of our age is that we have weaponized and vilified certain words to where you can't even say them now without preconception and fear, such as the "N-Word" or the "C-Word." Your skin would probably crawl if you ever got to hear some of the salty language used behind closed doors by your buddies Hillary or Obama, but then, both of them knew they could speak frankly and safely because only leftists like Dick Durban go running out to microphones making false claims-- -- -- they never tell on themselves. So with that in mind, go "F" yourself.
Ah! The dignity of the office! Why have so many folks become indifferent to that concept? Why only a few years ago, the president was criticized for putting his feet up on the Resolute Desk. He was chastised for wearing a light colored suit. He was lambasted for throwing out the first pitch at a ball game while wearing "mom jeans". Even his portrait was slammed for its style and interpretation.

The dignity of the office.

What hypocrisy.

Don't try to float that crap past me! The only hypocrisy here is that you are comparing things that Obama actually DID (in public) to things you don't even know Trump has done. Even if he did it, it wasn't in public, they probably bugged his room. Even the "pussy" video, it was a 15 year old story that had been taped of a private conversation. And he never said he himself actually grabbed them! All he ever said is that the girls would let guys grab them because they'd do anything to win the contest. It wasn't even against their will. Even the "shithole" accusation---- it turns out Durban lied and he actually referred to certain 3rd world countries as a cesspool or some such thing. WHICH THEY ARE. The hypocrisy is that half the time you attack Trump, you gotta make stuff up to do it.
"Dog. Low IQ person. Whacky. I like people who weren't captured, okay. Lowlife. Pocahontas."

Just a sample of how Trump regards the dignity of his office

President Trump speaks sincerely and says what's on his mind.

His lack of hypocrisy is a welcome change and an addition to the dignity of the office.

I find it hilarious that all my life, people have railed against politicians! Now that they finally have a guy in office who is NOT a politician and acts like a normal, real human being, they bitch he isn't enough like as professional politician. :21:
Unlike you, I don't fear words. I grew up in an age where every ethnicity on the planet had slang names. One of the great jokes of our age is that we have weaponized and vilified certain words to where you can't even say them now without preconception and fear, such as the "N-Word" or the "C-Word." Your skin would probably crawl if you ever got to hear some of the salty language used behind closed doors by your buddies Hillary or Obama, but then, both of them knew they could speak frankly and safely because only leftists like Dick Durban go running out to microphones making false claims-- -- -- they never tell on themselves. So with that in mind, go "F" yourself.
Ah! The dignity of the office! Why have so many folks become indifferent to that concept? Why only a few years ago, the president was criticized for putting his feet up on the Resolute Desk. He was chastised for wearing a light colored suit. He was lambasted for throwing out the first pitch at a ball game while wearing "mom jeans". Even his portrait was slammed for its style and interpretation.

The dignity of the office.

What hypocrisy.

Don't try to float that crap past me! The only hypocrisy here is that you are comparing things that Obama actually DID (in public) to things you don't even know Trump has done. Even if he did it, it wasn't in public, they probably bugged his room. Even the "pussy" video, it was a 15 year old story that had been taped of a private conversation. And he never said he himself actually grabbed them! All he ever said is that the girls would let guys grab them because they'd do anything to win the contest. It wasn't even against their will. Even the "shithole" accusation---- it turns out Durban lied and he actually referred to certain 3rd world countries as a cesspool or some such thing. WHICH THEY ARE. The hypocrisy is that half the time you attack Trump, you gotta make stuff up to do it.
"Dog. Low IQ person. Whacky. I like people who weren't captured, okay. Lowlife. Pocahontas."

Just a sample of how Trump regards the dignity of his office

President Trump speaks sincerely and says what's on his mind.

His lack of hypocrisy is a welcome change and an addition to the dignity of the office.

I find it hilarious that all my life, people have railed against politicians! Now that they finally have a guy in office who is NOT a politician and acts like a normal, real human being, they bitch he isn't enough like as professional politician. :21:
Acts like a normal person? How many 'normal people' are as petulant, boorish, crass and crude? You must associate with a,particularly low quality of personalities.
Ah! The dignity of the office! Why have so many folks become indifferent to that concept? Why only a few years ago, the president was criticized for putting his feet up on the Resolute Desk. He was chastised for wearing a light colored suit. He was lambasted for throwing out the first pitch at a ball game while wearing "mom jeans". Even his portrait was slammed for its style and interpretation.

The dignity of the office.

What hypocrisy.

Don't try to float that crap past me! The only hypocrisy here is that you are comparing things that Obama actually DID (in public) to things you don't even know Trump has done. Even if he did it, it wasn't in public, they probably bugged his room. Even the "pussy" video, it was a 15 year old story that had been taped of a private conversation. And he never said he himself actually grabbed them! All he ever said is that the girls would let guys grab them because they'd do anything to win the contest. It wasn't even against their will. Even the "shithole" accusation---- it turns out Durban lied and he actually referred to certain 3rd world countries as a cesspool or some such thing. WHICH THEY ARE. The hypocrisy is that half the time you attack Trump, you gotta make stuff up to do it.
"Dog. Low IQ person. Whacky. I like people who weren't captured, okay. Lowlife. Pocahontas."

Just a sample of how Trump regards the dignity of his office

President Trump speaks sincerely and says what's on his mind.

His lack of hypocrisy is a welcome change and an addition to the dignity of the office.

I find it hilarious that all my life, people have railed against politicians! Now that they finally have a guy in office who is NOT a politician and acts like a normal, real human being, they bitch he isn't enough like as professional politician. :21:
Acts like a normal person? How many 'normal people' are as petulant, boorish, crass and crude? You must associate with a,particularly low quality of personalities.

You left out deplorable. :laughing0301:
Don't try to float that crap past me! The only hypocrisy here is that you are comparing things that Obama actually DID (in public) to things you don't even know Trump has done. Even if he did it, it wasn't in public, they probably bugged his room. Even the "pussy" video, it was a 15 year old story that had been taped of a private conversation. And he never said he himself actually grabbed them! All he ever said is that the girls would let guys grab them because they'd do anything to win the contest. It wasn't even against their will. Even the "shithole" accusation---- it turns out Durban lied and he actually referred to certain 3rd world countries as a cesspool or some such thing. WHICH THEY ARE. The hypocrisy is that half the time you attack Trump, you gotta make stuff up to do it.
"Dog. Low IQ person. Whacky. I like people who weren't captured, okay. Lowlife. Pocahontas."

Just a sample of how Trump regards the dignity of his office

President Trump speaks sincerely and says what's on his mind.

His lack of hypocrisy is a welcome change and an addition to the dignity of the office.

I find it hilarious that all my life, people have railed against politicians! Now that they finally have a guy in office who is NOT a politician and acts like a normal, real human being, they bitch he isn't enough like as professional politician. :21:
Acts like a normal person? How many 'normal people' are as petulant, boorish, crass and crude? You must associate with a,particularly low quality of personalities.

You left out deplorable. :laughing0301:
I don't know your background. But I was raised to be respectful of others. I was raised to comport myself in public with a degree of dignity, humility and maturity.

Perhaps your upbringing withheld those lessons. Perhaps you see dignity where others see recklessness. Perhaps you see Rrump as a respectable person, but I was raised to think respect is a reciprocal quality. If you show respect, respect is given back in kind.

The level of respect Trump shows is the level with which I shall regard him.
"Dog. Low IQ person. Whacky. I like people who weren't captured, okay. Lowlife. Pocahontas."

Just a sample of how Trump regards the dignity of his office

President Trump speaks sincerely and says what's on his mind.

His lack of hypocrisy is a welcome change and an addition to the dignity of the office.

I find it hilarious that all my life, people have railed against politicians! Now that they finally have a guy in office who is NOT a politician and acts like a normal, real human being, they bitch he isn't enough like as professional politician. :21:
Acts like a normal person? How many 'normal people' are as petulant, boorish, crass and crude? You must associate with a,particularly low quality of personalities.

You left out deplorable. :laughing0301:
I don't know your background. But I was raised to be respectful of others. I was raised to comport myself in public with a degree of dignity, humility and maturity.

Perhaps your upbringing withheld those lessons. Perhaps you see dignity where others see recklessness. Perhaps you see Rrump as a respectable person, but I was raised to think respect is a reciprocal quality. If you show respect, respect is given back in kind.

The level of respect Trump shows is the level with which I shall regard him.

Unfortunate for you, Trump shows me more respect, class and integrity than Obama, Clinton and Carter combined. He shows it to me every day by respecting me enough to fight for me, by respecting me enough to tell me the unvarnished TRUTH, and by called a spade a spade. He is the perfect mirror upon the world and merely reflects back to others what they hand him. I've known people who've met and known him personally and he is a great guy nothing like how the media paints him. You've merely been duped again by the power of the MSM.
President Trump speaks sincerely and says what's on his mind.

His lack of hypocrisy is a welcome change and an addition to the dignity of the office.

I find it hilarious that all my life, people have railed against politicians! Now that they finally have a guy in office who is NOT a politician and acts like a normal, real human being, they bitch he isn't enough like as professional politician. :21:
Acts like a normal person? How many 'normal people' are as petulant, boorish, crass and crude? You must associate with a,particularly low quality of personalities.

You left out deplorable. :laughing0301:
I don't know your background. But I was raised to be respectful of others. I was raised to comport myself in public with a degree of dignity, humility and maturity.

Perhaps your upbringing withheld those lessons. Perhaps you see dignity where others see recklessness. Perhaps you see Rrump as a respectable person, but I was raised to think respect is a reciprocal quality. If you show respect, respect is given back in kind.

The level of respect Trump shows is the level with which I shall regard him.

Unfortunate for you, Trump shows me more respect, class and integrity than Obama, Clinton and Carter combined. He shows it to me every day by respecting me enough to fight for me, by respecting me enough to tell me the unvarnished TRUTH, and by called a spade a spade. He is the perfect mirror upon the world and merely reflects back to others what they hand him. I've known people who've met and known him personally and he is a great guy nothing like how the media paints him. You've merely been duped again by the power of the MSM.
You can't be serious.

Trump's own words, his tweets and his comportment shows what kind of character he has. You can't blame the media boogeyman for his comportment.
No one minded when Bill Maher said it. Why the double standard?
I didn't know Bill was president. When did that happen?
So it's not the word that's offensive, it's who says it.

Like a Democrat or a Republican.

You're one of the smarter Losers on this board.
Not Democrat or Republican. President of the United States.

And it I still the word that is offensive. Why would you support any President who uses it?
No one minded when Bill Maher said it. Why the double standard?
I didn't know Bill was president. When did that happen?
So it's not the word that's offensive, it's who says it.

Like a Democrat or a Republican.

You're one of the smarter Losers on this board.
Not Democrat or Republican. President of the United States.

And it I still the word that is offensive. Why would you support any President who uses it?
We say it all the time. It's part of our vocabulary, my nigga.

Why would you go so wrong as to think a word differs in meaning by who uses it?
No one minded when Bill Maher said it. Why the double standard?
I didn't know Bill was president. When did that happen?
So it's not the word that's offensive, it's who says it.

Like a Democrat or a Republican.

You're one of the smarter Losers on this board.
Not Democrat or Republican. President of the United States.

And it I still the word that is offensive. Why would you support any President who uses it?
We say it all the time. It's part of our vocabulary, my nigga.

Why would you go so wrong as to think a word differs in meaning by who uses it?
The word is offensive. It is just about the most powerful, incendiary word in the lexicon. Why would the President stoop so low as to use it?
Trump's own words, his tweets and his comportment shows what kind of character he has.

Yeah, he's a businessman. A CEO. Like me. I know the type. A power-broker: Highly driven, motivated, takes the shortest path to his goals, hates to waste time, words, actions, comes right to the point. We need more people like him.
None of your choices are vote-worthy. His utterance of the n-word would have had no impact on my vote for him because voting for him was the only option I had considering who he was running against.

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