Will any Trump supporters care if Trump is on tape saying N*gger?

Will any Trump Supporters care if Trump did call blacks N*gger on tape?

  • No- Trump can say anything

    Votes: 22 51.2%
  • No- Many will applaud him for his lack of political correctness

    Votes: 21 48.8%
  • No- Many will be agreeing with his word choice

    Votes: 17 39.5%
  • Yes- Many Trump supporters will be offended

    Votes: 3 7.0%

  • Total voters
Yeah, he's a businessman. A CEO. Like me. I know the type. A power-broker: Highly driven, motivated, takes the shortest path to his goals, hates to waste time, words, actions, comes right to the point. We need more people like him.
It's a shame you have ceded civility for brevity, manners for rudeness. If any businessman spoke to me that way, they would not get my business.

That is how businessmen talk to EACH OTHER behind closed doors. I haven't ceded anything, I've traded political correctness and audience-tested bullshit for RESULTS, someone who can really get important things done. I'll take one Donald Trump over 10,000 Hillarys and Obamas.
Do you admire Trump's judgment? His ability to find and wisely employ the very best people? Do you think Trump serves as a,role model for children? Would you tolerate a child behaving as he does? Has Trump and his appointees brought honor and respect to the White House and the various cabinet positions?

No, impossible in DC, irrelevant, irrelevant, and misleading. You can't change the fact that none of those matter for shit to me. I'd rather have a guy who doesn't image well who tackles the big problems faithfully than your pressed suit all dressed up like a lollypop with someone's arm up their ass telling them what to say and do. Get ready for 6 more years of Trump for sure. :21::113::biggrin::bye1:
Let's review. Trump hired Paul Manafort as his campaign chairman. Paul's verdict might come aS early as tomorrow. Trump hired Rick Gates as his deputy. Rick has already entered a guilty plea. Trump hired Michael Flynn as his Natuonal Security Advisor. His sentencing hearing will come so,etime before the end of the year. Trump appointed Scott Pruitt to head up the EPA. He would be lucky if he gets to play celebrity golf. Trump hired Wilbur Ross to be Secretary of Commerce. He has been called the biggest grifter in D.C. Trump hired Omorosa as Senior White House Advisor. 'Nuff sed. Tom Price was Rrump's Health and Human Services Secretary. He was forced to resign. White House communications directors, F.B.I. heads, Secretary of State, press secretaries, senior White House staff.

Certainly no worse than what Obama picked. That's what you get when you are trying to buck the entire system from within the system, and neither the system, the Deep State nor the media are your friend.
I really don't think so.

After everything else that Trump has said, he seems to be immunized against any pushback from anything he says- from bragging about being able to grab women by their pussies, to calling a judge from the Midwest a "Mexican"

I understand Trump's approval is stuck on 42%. This begs a question. What are 42% of Americans approving of?

We have the Omarosa fixation. Many view Omarosa as an unreliable opportunist, but Trump is obsessed. He is a well man.

CNN writes, "Now ask yourself this: Would you ever be as focused -- bordering on obsessed -- with someone who you didn't care about and who you genuinely believed was just saying all sorts of false things? Would you call that person all sorts of names -- including a number with quite clear racial under- (and over-) tones, if that person didn't matter? The answer of course is "no." The fact that Trump appears to be absolutely fixated on Omarosa -- and the book she wrote about her time in the White House -- speaks to the fact that Trump is concerned about what impact the allegations she makes about him might have."

Trump is confirming that much of what Omarosa is saying is true. Look at his Presidential statements, euphemistically called tweets.

"While I know it's 'not presidential' to take on a lowlife like Omarosa, and while I would rather not be doing so, this is a modern day form of communication and I know the Fake News Media will be working overtime to make even Wacky Omarosa look legitimate as possible."

"When Gen. Kelly came on board he told me she was a loser & nothing but problems. I told him to try working it out, if possible, because she only said GREAT things about me - until she got fired!" What an incredibly stupid statement to make.

"When you give a crazed, crying lowlife a break, and give her a job at the White House, I guess it just didn't work out. Good work by General Kelly for quickly firing that dog!"

That's our President speaking. Obviously, he has a mental problem.

Maybe one could get hired and fired by the same person (or company) twice in your life. Maybe. But four times? That speaks to something totally outside the ordinary, a compulsion of sorts.

What in the world are 42% of Americans approving of? I dearly would like to know.

Well since a CNN columnist says so... who am I to say otherwise? Maybe Trump is defending himself bc he knows his opposition is ravenous to believe anything negative about him, hmm?
Just like the democrats believe that Trump really said he could shoot someone on 5th avenue. It was in a New York Times editorial. Trump just repeated it to show how crazed democrats are.
Trumpkins are so gullible

"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here.
Donald Trump could 'shoot somebody and not lose voters' - CNNPolitics
This is your fault for believing CNN. Trump repeated the quote. "What they say about me is....". Everyone knows it. CNN has a bias against the truth. It dips into the left's echo chamber and five other leftists swear to it.
LOL- now you are saying you were just lying about it being from a New York Times editorial?
Trump's own words, his tweets and his comportment shows what kind of character he has.

Yeah, he's a businessman. A CEO. Like me. I know the type. A power-broker: Highly driven, motivated, takes the shortest path to his goals, hates to waste time, words, actions, comes right to the point. We need more people like him.
It's a shame you have ceded civility for brevity, manners for rudeness. If any businessman spoke to me that way, they would not get my business.

That is how businessmen talk to EACH OTHER behind closed doors. I haven't ceded anything, I've traded political correctness and audience-tested bullshit for RESULTS, someone who can really get important things done. I'll take one Donald Trump over 10,000 Hillarys and Obamas.
Do you admire Trump's judgment? His ability to find and wisely employ the very best people? Do you think Trump serves as a,role model for children? Would you tolerate a child behaving as he does? Has Trump and his appointees brought honor and respect to the White House and the various cabinet positions?

No, impossible in DC, irrelevant, irrelevant, and misleading. You can't change the fact that none of those matter for shit to me. I'd rather have a guy who doesn't image well who tackles the big problems faithfully than your pressed suit all dressed up like a lollypop with someone's arm up their ass telling them what to say and do. Get ready for 6 more years of Trump for sure. :21::113::biggrin::bye1:

'tackles the big problems faithfully'


Like he has with healthcare reform?

Once he couldn't bully Congress into doing what he thought he wanted, he took his toys and went home.

The only good thing about Trump is that he is so ineffective at getting things done that he hasn't been able to enact most of his repressive agenda.
It's a shame you have ceded civility for brevity, manners for rudeness. If any businessman spoke to me that way, they would not get my business.

That is how businessmen talk to EACH OTHER behind closed doors. I haven't ceded anything, I've traded political correctness and audience-tested bullshit for RESULTS, someone who can really get important things done. I'll take one Donald Trump over 10,000 Hillarys and Obamas.
Do you admire Trump's judgment? His ability to find and wisely employ the very best people? Do you think Trump serves as a,role model for children? Would you tolerate a child behaving as he does? Has Trump and his appointees brought honor and respect to the White House and the various cabinet positions?

No, impossible in DC, irrelevant, irrelevant, and misleading. You can't change the fact that none of those matter for shit to me. I'd rather have a guy who doesn't image well who tackles the big problems faithfully than your pressed suit all dressed up like a lollypop with someone's arm up their ass telling them what to say and do. Get ready for 6 more years of Trump for sure. :21::113::biggrin::bye1:
Let's review. Trump hired Paul Manafort as his campaign chairman. Paul's verdict might come aS early as tomorrow. Trump hired Rick Gates as his deputy. Rick has already entered a guilty plea. Trump hired Michael Flynn as his Natuonal Security Advisor. His sentencing hearing will come so,etime before the end of the year. Trump appointed Scott Pruitt to head up the EPA. He would be lucky if he gets to play celebrity golf. Trump hired Wilbur Ross to be Secretary of Commerce. He has been called the biggest grifter in D.C. Trump hired Omorosa as Senior White House Advisor. 'Nuff sed. Tom Price was Rrump's Health and Human Services Secretary. He was forced to resign. White House communications directors, F.B.I. heads, Secretary of State, press secretaries, senior White House staff.

"I know the best people! We're going to drain the swamp!"

And you think Trump hasn't played you like a two dollar banjo! Elect a reality TV game show host and what did you expect? Competence? Integrity? Dignity? Statesmanship?

And how many Obama associates have been convicted of felonies? LOTS.
Okay! Go ahead and make a list! I made that list off the top of my head. You'll have to do extensive research.
It's a shame you have ceded civility for brevity, manners for rudeness. If any businessman spoke to me that way, they would not get my business.

That is how businessmen talk to EACH OTHER behind closed doors. I haven't ceded anything, I've traded political correctness and audience-tested bullshit for RESULTS, someone who can really get important things done. I'll take one Donald Trump over 10,000 Hillarys and Obamas.
Do you admire Trump's judgment? His ability to find and wisely employ the very best people? Do you think Trump serves as a,role model for children? Would you tolerate a child behaving as he does? Has Trump and his appointees brought honor and respect to the White House and the various cabinet positions?

No, impossible in DC, irrelevant, irrelevant, and misleading. You can't change the fact that none of those matter for shit to me. I'd rather have a guy who doesn't image well who tackles the big problems faithfully than your pressed suit all dressed up like a lollypop with someone's arm up their ass telling them what to say and do. Get ready for 6 more years of Trump for sure. :21::113::biggrin::bye1:
Let's review. Trump hired Paul Manafort as his campaign chairman. Paul's verdict might come aS early as tomorrow. Trump hired Rick Gates as his deputy. Rick has already entered a guilty plea. Trump hired Michael Flynn as his Natuonal Security Advisor. His sentencing hearing will come so,etime before the end of the year. Trump appointed Scott Pruitt to head up the EPA. He would be lucky if he gets to play celebrity golf. Trump hired Wilbur Ross to be Secretary of Commerce. He has been called the biggest grifter in D.C. Trump hired Omorosa as Senior White House Advisor. 'Nuff sed. Tom Price was Rrump's Health and Human Services Secretary. He was forced to resign. White House communications directors, F.B.I. heads, Secretary of State, press secretaries, senior White House staff.

Certainly no worse than what Obama picked. That's what you get when you are trying to buck the entire system from within the system, and neither the system, the Deep State nor the media are your friend.
Please, oh yes please make a list of the Obama appointees who were indicted, convicted and sentenced.

And you do love your boogeyman, don't you? Deep State? Hilarious!

According to you stooges, the government is a feeble, inept and utterly corrupt enterprise. Only a snake oil salesman like The Donald could fix it. "I alone can fix this!"

And when his incompetence and corruption is exposed, he trots put this Deep State conspiracy theory! Hey! Presto! It's always someone else's fault!
I really don't think so.

After everything else that Trump has said, he seems to be immunized against any pushback from anything he says- from bragging about being able to grab women by their pussies, to calling a judge from the Midwest a "Mexican"
The word is used repetively in almost every single rap song.

So you think Don the Con is a rapper?
Like he has with healthcare reform?

I guess you were unconscious that whole time while he did everything he could to encourage Congress (their job) to pass something, but was repeatedly blocked by the DEMOCRATS and a couple of RINOs.
Yeah, he's a businessman. A CEO. Like me. I know the type. A power-broker: Highly driven, motivated, takes the shortest path to his goals, hates to waste time, words, actions, comes right to the point. We need more people like him.
It's a shame you have ceded civility for brevity, manners for rudeness. If any businessman spoke to me that way, they would not get my business.

That is how businessmen talk to EACH OTHER behind closed doors. I haven't ceded anything, I've traded political correctness and audience-tested bullshit for RESULTS, someone who can really get important things done. I'll take one Donald Trump over 10,000 Hillarys and Obamas.
Do you admire Trump's judgment? His ability to find and wisely employ the very best people? Do you think Trump serves as a,role model for children? Would you tolerate a child behaving as he does? Has Trump and his appointees brought honor and respect to the White House and the various cabinet positions?

No, impossible in DC, irrelevant, irrelevant, and misleading. You can't change the fact that none of those matter for shit to me. I'd rather have a guy who doesn't image well who tackles the big problems faithfully than your pressed suit all dressed up like a lollypop with someone's arm up their ass telling them what to say and do. Get ready for 6 more years of Trump for sure. :21::113::biggrin::bye1:

'tackles the big problems faithfully'


Like he has with healthcare reform?

Once he couldn't bully Congress into doing what he thought he wanted, he took his toys and went home.

The only good thing about Trump is that he is so ineffective at getting things done that he hasn't been able to enact most of his repressive agenda.
Obamacare is still available. Did you sign up?
That is how businessmen talk to EACH OTHER behind closed doors. I haven't ceded anything, I've traded political correctness and audience-tested bullshit for RESULTS, someone who can really get important things done. I'll take one Donald Trump over 10,000 Hillarys and Obamas.
Do you admire Trump's judgment? His ability to find and wisely employ the very best people? Do you think Trump serves as a,role model for children? Would you tolerate a child behaving as he does? Has Trump and his appointees brought honor and respect to the White House and the various cabinet positions?

No, impossible in DC, irrelevant, irrelevant, and misleading. You can't change the fact that none of those matter for shit to me. I'd rather have a guy who doesn't image well who tackles the big problems faithfully than your pressed suit all dressed up like a lollypop with someone's arm up their ass telling them what to say and do. Get ready for 6 more years of Trump for sure. :21::113::biggrin::bye1:
Let's review. Trump hired Paul Manafort as his campaign chairman. Paul's verdict might come aS early as tomorrow. Trump hired Rick Gates as his deputy. Rick has already entered a guilty plea. Trump hired Michael Flynn as his Natuonal Security Advisor. His sentencing hearing will come so,etime before the end of the year. Trump appointed Scott Pruitt to head up the EPA. He would be lucky if he gets to play celebrity golf. Trump hired Wilbur Ross to be Secretary of Commerce. He has been called the biggest grifter in D.C. Trump hired Omorosa as Senior White House Advisor. 'Nuff sed. Tom Price was Rrump's Health and Human Services Secretary. He was forced to resign. White House communications directors, F.B.I. heads, Secretary of State, press secretaries, senior White House staff.

Certainly no worse than what Obama picked. That's what you get when you are trying to buck the entire system from within the system, and neither the system, the Deep State nor the media are your friend.
Please, oh yes please make a list of the Obama appointees who were indicted, convicted and sentenced.

Please don't play clever with me! We both know they are full of crime, FAR MORE CRIME up to their eyeballs, every last one of them, and my WHOLE POINT is that the system, the deep state and the medias covered their asses until they got out of office. Trump's people have no such protection. Easy enough for you to understand now? Doubtful.
That is how businessmen talk to EACH OTHER behind closed doors. I haven't ceded anything, I've traded political correctness and audience-tested bullshit for RESULTS, someone who can really get important things done. I'll take one Donald Trump over 10,000 Hillarys and Obamas.
Do you admire Trump's judgment? His ability to find and wisely employ the very best people? Do you think Trump serves as a,role model for children? Would you tolerate a child behaving as he does? Has Trump and his appointees brought honor and respect to the White House and the various cabinet positions?

No, impossible in DC, irrelevant, irrelevant, and misleading. You can't change the fact that none of those matter for shit to me. I'd rather have a guy who doesn't image well who tackles the big problems faithfully than your pressed suit all dressed up like a lollypop with someone's arm up their ass telling them what to say and do. Get ready for 6 more years of Trump for sure. :21::113::biggrin::bye1:
Let's review. Trump hired Paul Manafort as his campaign chairman. Paul's verdict might come aS early as tomorrow. Trump hired Rick Gates as his deputy. Rick has already entered a guilty plea. Trump hired Michael Flynn as his Natuonal Security Advisor. His sentencing hearing will come so,etime before the end of the year. Trump appointed Scott Pruitt to head up the EPA. He would be lucky if he gets to play celebrity golf. Trump hired Wilbur Ross to be Secretary of Commerce. He has been called the biggest grifter in D.C. Trump hired Omorosa as Senior White House Advisor. 'Nuff sed. Tom Price was Rrump's Health and Human Services Secretary. He was forced to resign. White House communications directors, F.B.I. heads, Secretary of State, press secretaries, senior White House staff.

Certainly no worse than what Obama picked. That's what you get when you are trying to buck the entire system from within the system, and neither the system, the Deep State nor the media are your friend.
Please, oh yes please make a list of the Obama appointees who were indicted, convicted and sentenced.

And you do love your boogeyman, don't you? Deep State? Hilarious!

According to you stooges, the government is a feeble, inept and utterly corrupt enterprise. Only a snake oil salesman like The Donald could fix it. "I alone can fix this!"

And when his incompetence and corruption is exposed, he trots put this Deep State conspiracy theory! Hey! Presto! It's always someone else's fault!

Incompetence? He's had remarkable successes considering the opposition he's faced. And he's probably the least corrupt person in Washington, and we both know that, don't we-------- that's why you are here trying to attack him.
Still waiting on that list of Obama admin officials who were indicted/convicted on federal charges....

Apparently for Trump lovers -- simply saying "he did too do crimes!!" and folding their arms like a spoiled brat -- is the same as a conviction
It's a shame you have ceded civility for brevity, manners for rudeness. If any businessman spoke to me that way, they would not get my business.

That is how businessmen talk to EACH OTHER behind closed doors. I haven't ceded anything, I've traded political correctness and audience-tested bullshit for RESULTS, someone who can really get important things done. I'll take one Donald Trump over 10,000 Hillarys and Obamas.
Do you admire Trump's judgment? His ability to find and wisely employ the very best people? Do you think Trump serves as a,role model for children? Would you tolerate a child behaving as he does? Has Trump and his appointees brought honor and respect to the White House and the various cabinet positions?

No, impossible in DC, irrelevant, irrelevant, and misleading. You can't change the fact that none of those matter for shit to me. I'd rather have a guy who doesn't image well who tackles the big problems faithfully than your pressed suit all dressed up like a lollypop with someone's arm up their ass telling them what to say and do. Get ready for 6 more years of Trump for sure. :21::113::biggrin::bye1:

'tackles the big problems faithfully'


Like he has with healthcare reform?

Once he couldn't bully Congress into doing what he thought he wanted, he took his toys and went home.

The only good thing about Trump is that he is so ineffective at getting things done that he hasn't been able to enact most of his repressive agenda.
Obamacare is still available. Did you sign up?

Despite Don the Con's weak efforts to repeal the ACA and replace it with.....well his vague promises.....the ACA is still in existence- so millions of Americans still have insurance.
Do you admire Trump's judgment? His ability to find and wisely employ the very best people? Do you think Trump serves as a,role model for children? Would you tolerate a child behaving as he does? Has Trump and his appointees brought honor and respect to the White House and the various cabinet positions?

No, impossible in DC, irrelevant, irrelevant, and misleading. You can't change the fact that none of those matter for shit to me. I'd rather have a guy who doesn't image well who tackles the big problems faithfully than your pressed suit all dressed up like a lollypop with someone's arm up their ass telling them what to say and do. Get ready for 6 more years of Trump for sure. :21::113::biggrin::bye1:
Let's review. Trump hired Paul Manafort as his campaign chairman. Paul's verdict might come aS early as tomorrow. Trump hired Rick Gates as his deputy. Rick has already entered a guilty plea. Trump hired Michael Flynn as his Natuonal Security Advisor. His sentencing hearing will come so,etime before the end of the year. Trump appointed Scott Pruitt to head up the EPA. He would be lucky if he gets to play celebrity golf. Trump hired Wilbur Ross to be Secretary of Commerce. He has been called the biggest grifter in D.C. Trump hired Omorosa as Senior White House Advisor. 'Nuff sed. Tom Price was Rrump's Health and Human Services Secretary. He was forced to resign. White House communications directors, F.B.I. heads, Secretary of State, press secretaries, senior White House staff.

Certainly no worse than what Obama picked. That's what you get when you are trying to buck the entire system from within the system, and neither the system, the Deep State nor the media are your friend.
Please, oh yes please make a list of the Obama appointees who were indicted, convicted and sentenced.

And you do love your boogeyman, don't you? Deep State? Hilarious!

According to you stooges, the government is a feeble, inept and utterly corrupt enterprise. Only a snake oil salesman like The Donald could fix it. "I alone can fix this!"

And when his incompetence and corruption is exposed, he trots put this Deep State conspiracy theory! Hey! Presto! It's always someone else's fault!

And he's probably the least corrupt person in Washington, and we both know that, don't we--.

What on earth makes you believe that?

Is it because you believe someone who claims to be a billionaire can't be corrupt?
How many here can honestly say they have never said the word? Emphasis on honestly.
Still waiting on that list of Obama admin officials who were indicted/convicted on federal charges....

Apparently for Trump lovers -- simply saying "he did too do crimes!!" and folding their arms like a spoiled brat -- is the same as a conviction

No seriously.....that's how it works. Its *actual* indictments and guilty pleas vs. their imagination.

And they genuinely believe that their imagination wins. You can't teach that kind of hopeless batshit.
How many here can honestly say they have never said the word? Emphasis on honestly.
I say it ten times a day -- it makes my teeth white

For heaven's sake, Trump has been sued for child rape, he cavorts with porn stars and prostitutes, pays off critics and porn stars to silence them, ran and runs a massive money laundering operation called the Trump Organization, says he sexually assaults women, has made racially charged comments against Mexicans and other minorities, is alleged to have conspired with a foreign power to throw the election and has said he wants to have sex with his daughter, and the OP wants to know whether if Trump uttered the N-word if that would matter to his base.

Hell no! Trump could shoot vomit from his mouth, twist his head 360 degrees, pull down his pants and bend over for Putin, or hand over all this country's secrets all live on national TV and his supporters would gladly fall to their knees in front of Trump and call him a living God.

That's right s0n......we would. We despise your type. The level of division needs to be ratcheted up by a factor of 10 in the minds of Trump supporters. The left can go scratch their asses.....we are sick and tired of being preached to by the America haters.:113:
Yeah, he's a businessman. A CEO. Like me. I know the type. A power-broker: Highly driven, motivated, takes the shortest path to his goals, hates to waste time, words, actions, comes right to the point. We need more people like him.
It's a shame you have ceded civility for brevity, manners for rudeness. If any businessman spoke to me that way, they would not get my business.

That is how businessmen talk to EACH OTHER behind closed doors. I haven't ceded anything, I've traded political correctness and audience-tested bullshit for RESULTS, someone who can really get important things done. I'll take one Donald Trump over 10,000 Hillarys and Obamas.
Do you admire Trump's judgment? His ability to find and wisely employ the very best people? Do you think Trump serves as a,role model for children? Would you tolerate a child behaving as he does? Has Trump and his appointees brought honor and respect to the White House and the various cabinet positions?

No, impossible in DC, irrelevant, irrelevant, and misleading. You can't change the fact that none of those matter for shit to me. I'd rather have a guy who doesn't image well who tackles the big problems faithfully than your pressed suit all dressed up like a lollypop with someone's arm up their ass telling them what to say and do. Get ready for 6 more years of Trump for sure. :21::113::biggrin::bye1:
Let's review. Trump hired Paul Manafort as his campaign chairman. Paul's verdict might come aS early as tomorrow. Trump hired Rick Gates as his deputy. Rick has already entered a guilty plea. Trump hired Michael Flynn as his Natuonal Security Advisor. His sentencing hearing will come so,etime before the end of the year. Trump appointed Scott Pruitt to head up the EPA. He would be lucky if he gets to play celebrity golf. Trump hired Wilbur Ross to be Secretary of Commerce. He has been called the biggest grifter in D.C. Trump hired Omorosa as Senior White House Advisor. 'Nuff sed. Tom Price was Rrump's Health and Human Services Secretary. He was forced to resign. White House communications directors, F.B.I. heads, Secretary of State, press secretaries, senior White House staff.

"I know the best people! We're going to drain the swamp!"

And you think Trump hasn't played you like a two dollar banjo! Elect a reality TV game show host and what did you expect? Competence? Integrity? Dignity? Statesmanship?

Obama's picks were just as bad, but they did not have the courage and/or integrity to leave or were reluctant to get off the gravy train.

Or Obama kept them to keep on doing their job, because he did not have
the guts to fire them.
It's a shame you have ceded civility for brevity, manners for rudeness. If any businessman spoke to me that way, they would not get my business.

That is how businessmen talk to EACH OTHER behind closed doors. I haven't ceded anything, I've traded political correctness and audience-tested bullshit for RESULTS, someone who can really get important things done. I'll take one Donald Trump over 10,000 Hillarys and Obamas.
Do you admire Trump's judgment? His ability to find and wisely employ the very best people? Do you think Trump serves as a,role model for children? Would you tolerate a child behaving as he does? Has Trump and his appointees brought honor and respect to the White House and the various cabinet positions?

No, impossible in DC, irrelevant, irrelevant, and misleading. You can't change the fact that none of those matter for shit to me. I'd rather have a guy who doesn't image well who tackles the big problems faithfully than your pressed suit all dressed up like a lollypop with someone's arm up their ass telling them what to say and do. Get ready for 6 more years of Trump for sure. :21::113::biggrin::bye1:
Let's review. Trump hired Paul Manafort as his campaign chairman. Paul's verdict might come aS early as tomorrow. Trump hired Rick Gates as his deputy. Rick has already entered a guilty plea. Trump hired Michael Flynn as his Natuonal Security Advisor. His sentencing hearing will come so,etime before the end of the year. Trump appointed Scott Pruitt to head up the EPA. He would be lucky if he gets to play celebrity golf. Trump hired Wilbur Ross to be Secretary of Commerce. He has been called the biggest grifter in D.C. Trump hired Omorosa as Senior White House Advisor. 'Nuff sed. Tom Price was Rrump's Health and Human Services Secretary. He was forced to resign. White House communications directors, F.B.I. heads, Secretary of State, press secretaries, senior White House staff.

"I know the best people! We're going to drain the swamp!"

And you think Trump hasn't played you like a two dollar banjo! Elect a reality TV game show host and what did you expect? Competence? Integrity? Dignity? Statesmanship?

Obama's picks were just as bad, but they did not have the courage and/or integrity to leave or were reluctant to get off the gravy train.

Or Obama kept them to keep on doing their job, because he did not have
the guts to fire them.

So Omarosa just has that much courage and integrity......

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