Will any Trump supporters care if Trump is on tape saying N*gger?

Will any Trump Supporters care if Trump did call blacks N*gger on tape?

  • No- Trump can say anything

    Votes: 22 51.2%
  • No- Many will applaud him for his lack of political correctness

    Votes: 21 48.8%
  • No- Many will be agreeing with his word choice

    Votes: 17 39.5%
  • Yes- Many Trump supporters will be offended

    Votes: 3 7.0%

  • Total voters
Words are not race based,
If it is ok for Blacks to use the word then
it is ok for any other group to use the word
How many here can honestly say they have never said the word? Emphasis on honestly.
Not since I was 5 years old and my mom paddled me for saying it.

How often do you say it?
I don’t keep count what I do know is rather it is the dreaded N word or something else everyone has said, does say, or will say something that others will find insulting and offensive. What I also know is few if any are truly upset by it until it becomes advantageous for them to be outrage of convenience is no outrage at all.
Do you admire Trump's judgment? His ability to find and wisely employ the very best people? Do you think Trump serves as a,role model for children? Would you tolerate a child behaving as he does? Has Trump and his appointees brought honor and respect to the White House and the various cabinet positions?

No, impossible in DC, irrelevant, irrelevant, and misleading. You can't change the fact that none of those matter for shit to me. I'd rather have a guy who doesn't image well who tackles the big problems faithfully than your pressed suit all dressed up like a lollypop with someone's arm up their ass telling them what to say and do. Get ready for 6 more years of Trump for sure. :21::113::biggrin::bye1:
Let's review. Trump hired Paul Manafort as his campaign chairman. Paul's verdict might come aS early as tomorrow. Trump hired Rick Gates as his deputy. Rick has already entered a guilty plea. Trump hired Michael Flynn as his Natuonal Security Advisor. His sentencing hearing will come so,etime before the end of the year. Trump appointed Scott Pruitt to head up the EPA. He would be lucky if he gets to play celebrity golf. Trump hired Wilbur Ross to be Secretary of Commerce. He has been called the biggest grifter in D.C. Trump hired Omorosa as Senior White House Advisor. 'Nuff sed. Tom Price was Rrump's Health and Human Services Secretary. He was forced to resign. White House communications directors, F.B.I. heads, Secretary of State, press secretaries, senior White House staff.

Certainly no worse than what Obama picked. That's what you get when you are trying to buck the entire system from within the system, and neither the system, the Deep State nor the media are your friend.
Please, oh yes please make a list of the Obama appointees who were indicted, convicted and sentenced.

And you do love your boogeyman, don't you? Deep State? Hilarious!

According to you stooges, the government is a feeble, inept and utterly corrupt enterprise. Only a snake oil salesman like The Donald could fix it. "I alone can fix this!"

And when his incompetence and corruption is exposed, he trots put this Deep State conspiracy theory! Hey! Presto! It's always someone else's fault!

Incompetence? He's had remarkable successes considering the opposition he's faced. And he's probably the least corrupt person in Washington, and we both know that, don't we-------- that's why you are here trying to attack him.
Remarkable successes? Name two major legislative accomplishments. Tax cuts for the wealthy and a massive spending bill. Opposition he has faced? He has majority control of both houses of congress. What opposition?

Least corrupt person in Washington? By what metric? He is being sued for violations of the emoluments claus, he is under investigation for soliciting, accepting and receiving aid from Russian spies, his cabinet secretaries are resigning for ethics violations, he dissolved the ethics oversight commission.

And that's just a smattering of why he should no longer be president.
Seriously how bad is the N word if you cannot even type it here.
Give it a try: ******
It will not show up.... this board censors you
all you will see is asterisks
It's a shame you have ceded civility for brevity, manners for rudeness. If any businessman spoke to me that way, they would not get my business.

That is how businessmen talk to EACH OTHER behind closed doors. I haven't ceded anything, I've traded political correctness and audience-tested bullshit for RESULTS, someone who can really get important things done. I'll take one Donald Trump over 10,000 Hillarys and Obamas.
Do you admire Trump's judgment? His ability to find and wisely employ the very best people? Do you think Trump serves as a,role model for children? Would you tolerate a child behaving as he does? Has Trump and his appointees brought honor and respect to the White House and the various cabinet positions?

No, impossible in DC, irrelevant, irrelevant, and misleading. You can't change the fact that none of those matter for shit to me. I'd rather have a guy who doesn't image well who tackles the big problems faithfully than your pressed suit all dressed up like a lollypop with someone's arm up their ass telling them what to say and do. Get ready for 6 more years of Trump for sure. :21::113::biggrin::bye1:
Let's review. Trump hired Paul Manafort as his campaign chairman. Paul's verdict might come aS early as tomorrow. Trump hired Rick Gates as his deputy. Rick has already entered a guilty plea. Trump hired Michael Flynn as his Natuonal Security Advisor. His sentencing hearing will come so,etime before the end of the year. Trump appointed Scott Pruitt to head up the EPA. He would be lucky if he gets to play celebrity golf. Trump hired Wilbur Ross to be Secretary of Commerce. He has been called the biggest grifter in D.C. Trump hired Omorosa as Senior White House Advisor. 'Nuff sed. Tom Price was Rrump's Health and Human Services Secretary. He was forced to resign. White House communications directors, F.B.I. heads, Secretary of State, press secretaries, senior White House staff.

"I know the best people! We're going to drain the swamp!"

And you think Trump hasn't played you like a two dollar banjo! Elect a reality TV game show host and what did you expect? Competence? Integrity? Dignity? Statesmanship?

Obama's picks were just as bad, but they did not have the courage and/or integrity to leave or were reluctant to get off the gravy train.

Or Obama kept them to keep on doing their job, because he did not have
the guts to fire them.
Prove it. Show us a list of Special Prosecutors investigating the Obama administration.

Up is up, not down. And facts are facts, in spite of the Trumpian kool-aid.
I wonder why the OP and the MSM weren't upset when the half white Obama used the N-word?

Who the freak cares? Here is the importance of the Omarosa issue.

Omarosa played Trump like a banjo. It is obvious. Yesterday, the networks were ablaze about the contents of Omarosa's book and whether or not there was a tape of Donald saying the "N" word, as if this were some huge national security issue. Trump's moronic, racist, highly insensitive tweets about the former White House official were being repeated ad nauseam on every network.

To rid himself of a pesky, embarrassing issue, Trump committed an impeachable act. He punished an American citizen for exercising a fundamental First Amendment right and he threatened others for disagreeing with him.

There has been no reaction from members of the Republican Party.

Let's take this by the numbers.

1. Trump says the free press is the real enemy of the people. "The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!" -Donald J. Trump

2. Trump has not held a news conference in a month. He is hiding out from reporters, meaning he is avoiding the eyes and ears of the American people.

3. Trump revoked the security clearance of John Brennan, former CIA director, because of Brennan's political views.

4. Expressing one's political views is the hallmark of American democracy and an essential freedom.

Trump said in a statement Wednesday he is still considering revoking the security clearances of several others for their political views: former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA director and National Security Agency chief Michael Hayden, former deputy attorney general Sally Yates, former national security adviser Susan Rice, former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe, former FBI officials Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, and Bruce Ohr, a current Justice Department official.

The White House provided no evidence that Brennan has misused his security clearance since leaving government.

Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, the top Trump-appointed intelligence official, was not consulted on revoking Brennan's clearance, neither was Gina Haspel, current CIA director.

If the President of the United States punishes a person or persons for exercising their inalienable rights without cause that is an impeachable offense. Trump is President at the pleasure of the American people. He is answerable to the American people. He may think so temporarily because of the meekness of Republicans in Congress, but Trump is not an autocrat.

This all came about for two reasons. First and foremost, Trump's abject stupidity. Revoking their security clearances will not shut anyone up. If anything, they will become more vocal. There is no evidence any Trump critic revealed classified information.

Second, the endeavors of an unreliable opportunist. The nation owes Omarosa a debt of gratitude.
Will any Trump supporters care if Trump is on tape saying N*gger?

They're just pissed Trump stole their "catch phrase".
Will any Trump supporters care if Trump is on tape saying N*gger?

They're just pissed Trump stole their "catch phrase".
This has been a test of the DNC standard political get out the vote network..............Needed for a party that has no real agenda...........but get Trump......Raise taxes ......and have an open border.....

They have no choice but to play the traditional games to get out the vote..........with normal propoganda that they use every election cycle anyway.
I really don't think so.

After everything else that Trump has said, he seems to be immunized against any pushback from anything he says- from bragging about being able to grab women by their pussies, to calling a judge from the Midwest a "Mexican"


At this point they're commited. Trump called out his own supporters once, bragging that he could shoot someone on fifth avenue and they'd still support him.

He's probably right. The evidence of Trump's incompetence, his corruption, his instability, his poor judgment is extensive. The more they have excused the more they will excuse. Its one of the largest case studies of the Sunk Cost fallacy in US history.

You libtards set the bar with bill Clinton.
Despite Don the Con's weak efforts to repeal the ACA and replace it with.....well his vague promises.....the ACA is still in existence- so millions of Americans still have insurance.
Obamacare is still available. Did you sign up?
I really don't think so.

After everything else that Trump has said, he seems to be immunized against any pushback from anything he says- from bragging about being able to grab women by their pussies, to calling a judge from the Midwest a "Mexican"

You libtards are so full of shit…

The race card is all you got….

You didn’t care that obongo went to a RACIST church for 20 years.

You didn’t give a shit that some of obongo’s best friends were RACIST…..

You didn’t give a shit when obongo said the police acted stupidly while

taking up for his RACIST buddy gates.

You libtards never called Trump a Racist before he ran for President

I don’t give a shit if Trump said ****** ****** ******…….

Trump is not near the racist obongo was…..

We all know you libtards are full of shit…..
I really don't think so.

After everything else that Trump has said, he seems to be immunized against any pushback from anything he says- from bragging about being able to grab women by their pussies, to calling a judge from the Midwest a "Mexican"
Who gives a shit?
I wonder why the OP and the MSM weren't upset when the half white Obama used the N-word?

Who the freak cares? Here is the importance of the Omarosa issue.

Omarosa played Trump like a banjo. It is obvious. Yesterday, the networks were ablaze about the contents of Omarosa's book and whether or not there was a tape of Donald saying the "N" word, as if this were some huge national security issue. Trump's moronic, racist, highly insensitive tweets about the former White House official were being repeated ad nauseam on every network.

To rid himself of a pesky, embarrassing issue, Trump committed an impeachable act. He punished an American citizen for exercising a fundamental First Amendment right and he threatened others for disagreeing with him.

There has been no reaction from members of the Republican Party.

Let's take this by the numbers.

1. Trump says the free press is the real enemy of the people. "The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!" -Donald J. Trump

2. Trump has not held a news conference in a month. He is hiding out from reporters, meaning he is avoiding the eyes and ears of the American people.

3. Trump revoked the security clearance of John Brennan, former CIA director, because of Brennan's political views.

4. Expressing one's political views is the hallmark of American democracy and an essential freedom.

Trump said in a statement Wednesday he is still considering revoking the security clearances of several others for their political views: former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA director and National Security Agency chief Michael Hayden, former deputy attorney general Sally Yates, former national security adviser Susan Rice, former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe, former FBI officials Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, and Bruce Ohr, a current Justice Department official.

The White House provided no evidence that Brennan has misused his security clearance since leaving government.

Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, the top Trump-appointed intelligence official, was not consulted on revoking Brennan's clearance, neither was Gina Haspel, current CIA director.

If the President of the United States punishes a person or persons for exercising their inalienable rights without cause that is an impeachable offense. Trump is President at the pleasure of the American people. He is answerable to the American people. He may think so temporarily because of the meekness of Republicans in Congress, but Trump is not an autocrat.

This all came about for two reasons. First and foremost, Trump's abject stupidity. Revoking their security clearances will not shut anyone up. If anything, they will become more vocal. There is no evidence any Trump critic revealed classified information.

Second, the endeavors of an unreliable opportunist. The nation owes Omarosa a debt of gratitude.

You are right.....she played the President. That's why nobody is caring s0n!:113:

American women know exactly this womans play.... they deal with it from other women every day. And American men hate this s***.

C'mon now....you meatheads come up with a new "ghotcha" headline every week. In 10 days, this woman will be in the memory hole just like Stormy!!!!:funnyface::flirtysmile4:
Unlike you, I don't fear words. I grew up in an age where every ethnicity on the planet had slang names. One of the great jokes of our age is that we have weaponized and vilified certain words to where you can't even say them now without preconception and fear, such as the "N-Word" or the "C-Word." Your skin would probably crawl if you ever got to hear some of the salty language used behind closed doors by your buddies Hillary or Obama, but then, both of them knew they could speak frankly and safely because only leftists like Dick Durban go running out to microphones making false claims-- -- -- they never tell on themselves. So with that in mind, go "F" yourself.
Ah! The dignity of the office! Why have so many folks become indifferent to that concept? Why only a few years ago, the president was criticized for putting his feet up on the Resolute Desk. He was chastised for wearing a light colored suit. He was lambasted for throwing out the first pitch at a ball game while wearing "mom jeans". Even his portrait was slammed for its style and interpretation.

The dignity of the office.

What hypocrisy.

Don't try to float that crap past me! The only hypocrisy here is that you are comparing things that Obama actually DID (in public) to things you don't even know Trump has done. Even if he did it, it wasn't in public, they probably bugged his room. Even the "pussy" video, it was a 15 year old story that had been taped of a private conversation. And he never said he himself actually grabbed them! All he ever said is that the girls would let guys grab them because they'd do anything to win the contest. It wasn't even against their will. Even the "shithole" accusation---- it turns out Durban lied and he actually referred to certain 3rd world countries as a cesspool or some such thing. WHICH THEY ARE. The hypocrisy is that half the time you attack Trump, you gotta make stuff up to do it.
"Dog. Low IQ person. Whacky. I like people who weren't captured, okay. Lowlife. Pocahontas."

Just a sample of how Trump regards the dignity of his office

View attachment 210515
Weep for the fact that you and your ilk have surrender manners for crassness, civility for 'change'. You can never argue from the moral high ground again. That's what you get when you side with a loathsome character like Trump.

That’s you weeping, not me.
Ah! The dignity of the office! Why have so many folks become indifferent to that concept? Why only a few years ago, the president was criticized for putting his feet up on the Resolute Desk. He was chastised for wearing a light colored suit. He was lambasted for throwing out the first pitch at a ball game while wearing "mom jeans". Even his portrait was slammed for its style and interpretation.

The dignity of the office.

What hypocrisy.

Don't try to float that crap past me! The only hypocrisy here is that you are comparing things that Obama actually DID (in public) to things you don't even know Trump has done. Even if he did it, it wasn't in public, they probably bugged his room. Even the "pussy" video, it was a 15 year old story that had been taped of a private conversation. And he never said he himself actually grabbed them! All he ever said is that the girls would let guys grab them because they'd do anything to win the contest. It wasn't even against their will. Even the "shithole" accusation---- it turns out Durban lied and he actually referred to certain 3rd world countries as a cesspool or some such thing. WHICH THEY ARE. The hypocrisy is that half the time you attack Trump, you gotta make stuff up to do it.
"Dog. Low IQ person. Whacky. I like people who weren't captured, okay. Lowlife. Pocahontas."

Just a sample of how Trump regards the dignity of his office

View attachment 210515
Weep for the fact that you and your ilk have surrender manners for crassness, civility for 'change'. You can never argue from the moral high ground again. That's what you get when you side with a loathsome character like Trump.

That’s you weeping, not me.
No. You're a proud boor.

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