Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party?

What does the date matter? Here, one from 1864

You stated there were no whites in slavery but Indentured , then when I proved you wrong you told me to show you an Irish that is a slave today. They were emancipated just as Black's were, thus I was showing you your question was erroneous in its nature.
Now to the rest of my questions.
You still haven't showed me an Irish slave that existed so how did you prove me wrong?
Where is the date and where does it say slave?
The date matters because you said up until the civil war. There were no irish slaves here. The closests were indentured servants. This last photo doesnt show up on the internet but looking a the kids tells me they are mixed. You do realize that I have a great grandmother that passed for white.

Many people today will avoid calling the Irish slaves what they truly were: Slaves. They’ll come up with terms like “Indentured Servants” to describe what occurred to the Irish. However, in most cases from the 17th and 18th centuries, Irish slaves were nothing more than human cattle.

As an example, the African slave trade was just beginning during this same period. It is well recorded that African slaves, not tainted with the stain of the hated Catholic theology and more expensive to purchase, were often treated far better than their Irish counterparts.
The Irish Slave Trade The Forgotten White Slaves Global Research

They’ll come up with terms like “Indentured Servants” - but a rose by any other name is still a rose
You were wrong and its not undeniable. Plenty of people deny it. There may have been 1 or 2 uncle toms but there is absolutely no proof of even these guys existing. Where is your proof they existed?

Only the ignorant and the stupid deny it.

Confederacy approves black soldiers mdash History.com This Day in History mdash 3 13 1865

black Confederate

South Carolina s Civil War A Narrative History - W. Scott Poole - Google Books
You think the fact that the confederates finally approved Black soldiers in a desperate attempt equals a Black fighting force. You cant possibly be this stupid?

You do realize this last ditch measure came on March 13th 1965 as verified by your own link. I'll let you do the math on when the Civil War ended. You are really a fucking idiot.

You're gasping for breath as you go under ...one....two ..... what about other links dumbass - can't refute anything I can see . Norfolk Va. news clipping , all those Black Confederate soldiers are staring at you - but you're simply too stupid or too lazy or both to refute anything - but will never admit when you're wrong - you're a sniveling candy ass brat GROW THE FK UP

What other links? Everything you posted is bullshit. I asked you to verify the photos like I did for the forgery. Why cant you do that? Typing in all caps is not going to distract me. Provide the proof or I will just laugh at you.

No my friend - everybody is laughing at you . I've shown you that Black is Black , and you still insist it is white . You lost ... Have a Nice Life Loser... sayonara.... hasta la Vista ....adios ....ciao....au revoir ... and in your language ... fuck off.
You havent shown me shit but forgeries. I want verification just like I proved your photo was a fake. If you cant do that beat it fool. You have no credibility and everyone is laughing at you.
You were wrong and its not undeniable. Plenty of people deny it. There may have been 1 or 2 uncle toms but there is absolutely no proof of even these guys existing. Where is your proof they existed?

Only the ignorant and the stupid deny it.

Confederacy approves black soldiers mdash History.com This Day in History mdash 3 13 1865

black Confederate

South Carolina s Civil War A Narrative History - W. Scott Poole - Google Books
You think the fact that the confederates finally approved Black soldiers in a desperate attempt equals a Black fighting force. You cant possibly be this stupid?

You do realize this last ditch measure came on March 13th 1965 as verified by your own link. I'll let you do the math on when the Civil War ended. You are really a fucking idiot.

You're gasping for breath as you go under ...one....two ..... what about other links dumbass - can't refute anything I can see . Norfolk Va. news clipping , all those Black Confederate soldiers are staring at you - but you're simply too stupid or too lazy or both to refute anything - but will never admit when you're wrong - you're a sniveling candy ass brat GROW THE FK UP

What other links? Everything you posted is bullshit. I asked you to verify the photos like I did for the forgery. Why cant you do that? Typing in all caps is not going to distract me. Provide the proof or I will just laugh at you.

No my friend - everybody is laughing at you . I've shown you that Black is Black , and you still insist it is white . You lost ... Have a Nice Life Loser... sayonara.... hasta la Vista ....adios ....ciao....au revoir ... and in your language ... fuck off.
Apparently Beaner here is unfamiliar with White Slave War Propaganda

Read up vegetable boy: White slave propaganda - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"Of course blacks fought for the Confederacy. You are imaging that all slave owners beat their slaves, raped their slaves, starved their slaves, and therefor all slaves hated whitey and would never fight for the south. You are wrong, MANY slaves were treated well (I mean considering they were slaves) and thought of their masters as family of sorts and considered an attack on them as an attack on themselves.

Oh , and many , MANY slaves were foreman who had authority over the other slaves and yes carried guns before the civil war, so arming them during the civil war wasn't really a question."
A few did. Very few.

Most Historians with no 'south/north' agenda other than honesty to the facts and documentation available, have concluded the evidence just does not exist to support this recently touted meme of Black Confederates soldiers.

Answer me this neo-rebels: What was the one thing Southern slaveholders feared the most?

You know the answer. A slave uprising. John Brown shook those fears heartily. Talk of it ruled the day. The slave revolts in the Caribbean were still fresh on their minds.

They were petrified of slaves getting enough courage to break their chains and leave for the natural state of man: an aching desire for freedom.
Now pretend you're a slaveowner - do you give your slaves guns? Hell no you don't.

They thought it, in their words, a "suicidal policy."

That's why the confederacy forbade it.

"Our position with the North and before the world will not allow the employment as armed soldiers of negroes." CSA Secretary of War James A. SeddonLINK: The War of the Rebellion: a compilation of the official records

...and why they were arguing as late as 1865 - near the very, very end - if they should allow the negroes to fight. This is a matter of record.

It was only when the south was beat to a bloody pulp, with not much more to lose, they considered doing so. And even then many would not hear of it. Even then.

So take your Lost Cause Jarbage and stuff it in your rebel cap while you march around whistling Dixie pretending you know dick all about it.
These idiots are beyond help at this point. Everything they have submitted as proof is a forgery, hearsay or unverified. I have tears running down my face laughing at them.
I think even your friends are a tad embarrassed and keeping their distance .... you really made an ass of yourself this time Pal.
What does the date matter? Here, one from 1864

You still haven't showed me an Irish slave that existed so how did you prove me wrong?
Where is the date and where does it say slave?
The date matters because you said up until the civil war. There were no irish slaves here. The closests were indentured servants. This last photo doesnt show up on the internet but looking a the kids tells me they are mixed. You do realize that I have a great grandmother that passed for white.

Many people today will avoid calling the Irish slaves what they truly were: Slaves. They’ll come up with terms like “Indentured Servants” to describe what occurred to the Irish. However, in most cases from the 17th and 18th centuries, Irish slaves were nothing more than human cattle.

As an example, the African slave trade was just beginning during this same period. It is well recorded that African slaves, not tainted with the stain of the hated Catholic theology and more expensive to purchase, were often treated far better than their Irish counterparts.
The Irish Slave Trade The Forgotten White Slaves Global Research

They’ll come up with terms like “Indentured Servants” - but a rose by any other name is still a rose

Well they were called indentured because they could see freedom during their lifetime after working off their contracts. How other white people treated them is not my concern. The point is that they were not slaves.
"Of course blacks fought for the Confederacy. You are imaging that all slave owners beat their slaves, raped their slaves, starved their slaves, and therefor all slaves hated whitey and would never fight for the south. You are wrong, MANY slaves were treated well (I mean considering they were slaves) and thought of their masters as family of sorts and considered an attack on them as an attack on themselves.

Oh , and many , MANY slaves were foreman who had authority over the other slaves and yes carried guns before the civil war, so arming them during the civil war wasn't really a question."
A few did. Very few.

Most Historians with no 'south/north' agenda other than honesty to the facts and documentation available, have concluded the evidence just does not exist to support this recently touted meme of Black Confederates soldiers.

Answer me this neo-rebels: What was the one thing Southern slaveholders feared the most?

You know the answer. A slave uprising. John Brown shook those fears heartily. Talk of it ruled the day. The slave revolts in the Caribbean were still fresh on their minds.

They were petrified of slaves getting enough courage to break their chains and leave for the natural state of man: an aching desire for freedom.
Now pretend you're a slaveowner - do you give your slaves guns? Hell no you don't.

They thought it, in their words, a "suicidal policy."

That's why the confederacy forbade it.

"Our position with the North and before the world will not allow the employment as armed soldiers of negroes." CSA Secretary of War James A. SeddonLINK: The War of the Rebellion: a compilation of the official records

...and why they were arguing as late as 1865 - near the very, very end - if they should allow the negroes to fight. This is a matter of record.

It was only when the south was beat to a bloody pulp, with not much more to lose, they considered doing so. And even then many would not hear of it. Even then.

So take your Lost Cause Jarbage and stuff it in your rebel cap while you march around whistling Dixie pretending you know dick all about it.
These idiots are beyond help at this point. Everything they have submitted as proof is a forgery, hearsay or unverified. I have tears running down my face laughing at them.
I think even your friends are a tad embarrassed and keeping their distance .... you really made an ass of yourself this time Pal.
My friends dont post on this site to my knowledge and if they did they wouldnt even know who I am. You are just upset you got busted with a photo shopped picture you submitted as proof. When are you going verify the other forgeries?
You think the fact that the confederates finally approved Black soldiers in a desperate attempt equals a Black fighting force. You cant possibly be this stupid?

You do realize this last ditch measure came on March 13th 1965 as verified by your own link. I'll let you do the math on when the Civil War ended. You are really a fucking idiot.

You're gasping for breath as you go under ...one....two ..... what about other links dumbass - can't refute anything I can see . Norfolk Va. news clipping , all those Black Confederate soldiers are staring at you - but you're simply too stupid or too lazy or both to refute anything - but will never admit when you're wrong - you're a sniveling candy ass brat GROW THE FK UP

What other links? Everything you posted is bullshit. I asked you to verify the photos like I did for the forgery. Why cant you do that? Typing in all caps is not going to distract me. Provide the proof or I will just laugh at you.

No my friend - everybody is laughing at you . I've shown you that Black is Black , and you still insist it is white . You lost ... Have a Nice Life Loser... sayonara.... hasta la Vista ....adios ....ciao....au revoir ... and in your language ... fuck off.
Apparently Beaner here is unfamiliar with White Slave War Propaganda

Read up vegetable boy: White slave propaganda - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

No white slave trade - actually - I am not , but the post you cited was a diff. sub topic and NOT dealing with the white slave trade - thanks for the link though - I will take a look later
You think the fact that the confederates finally approved Black soldiers in a desperate attempt equals a Black fighting force. You cant possibly be this stupid?

You do realize this last ditch measure came on March 13th 1965 as verified by your own link. I'll let you do the math on when the Civil War ended. You are really a fucking idiot.

You're gasping for breath as you go under ...one....two ..... what about other links dumbass - can't refute anything I can see . Norfolk Va. news clipping , all those Black Confederate soldiers are staring at you - but you're simply too stupid or too lazy or both to refute anything - but will never admit when you're wrong - you're a sniveling candy ass brat GROW THE FK UP

What other links? Everything you posted is bullshit. I asked you to verify the photos like I did for the forgery. Why cant you do that? Typing in all caps is not going to distract me. Provide the proof or I will just laugh at you.

No my friend - everybody is laughing at you . I've shown you that Black is Black , and you still insist it is white . You lost ... Have a Nice Life Loser... sayonara.... hasta la Vista ....adios ....ciao....au revoir ... and in your language ... fuck off.
Apparently Beaner here is unfamiliar with White Slave War Propaganda

Read up vegetable boy: White slave propaganda - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

No actually - I am not , but the post you cited was a diff. sub topic and NOT dealing with the white slave trade - thanks for the link though - I will take a look later
Even your friends have abandoned you. Its not looking too good for your forgeries. Give it a rest moron.
More on the War Propaganda used to help turn the tide of public sympathy in the North for the Union cause:

"Historians have long noted that the New York Draft Riots of 1863 were a violent reflection of much public, yet very personal, opposition to the Civil War: that it was a “rich man’s war” fought by the poorest citizens, that it was a bloodletting on behalf of four million slaves with whom few white laborers wanted to compete.

But less political weight has been given to the propaganda campaign centered on the group from New Orleans, begun by abolitionists and the Union military in the aftermath of the New York riots.

It was one of the most modern efforts at public persuasion to appear before the turn of the 20th century. Using the new “truth-telling” medium of photography and highly sophisticated personal appeals, the sponsors of the former slaves from New Orleans aimed to give white

Northerners a renewed personal stake in the fight against slavery. (For those who want to see these images in their original format, a handful of them are part of the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s recent exhibition “Photography and the American Civil War,” which opens at the New Orleans Museum of Art Jan. 31.

In addition to the large spread in Harper’s Weekly, the campaign included a public tour of the group in New York and Philadelphia and the printing of dozens of individual and small group portraits on cartes de visite, a new, inexpensive way to reproduce photographs and an excellent vehicle for fund-raising. The individual portraits of the white-skinned slave children were clearly popular in their day, at a point in the war when slavery was both still an outrage and an institution on the wane. Scores of them survive in archives and private collections. Yet for nearly 150 years, historians took little notice of these fascinating artifacts of the Civil War.

The tour and photographs were the result of a joint effort by the Union military (specifically the Department of the Gulf under Maj. Gen. N.P. Banks) the American Missionary Association, and the National Freedmen’s Relief Association.

The charitable organizations sold the cartes de visite to raise money for the education of former slaves in newly established schools in Louisiana.

But their larger aim was to bolster white Northern support for the war and inspire sympathy for former slaves in the South. Indeed, the photographs appeared at a time when desertions, in the North and South, were frequent, and the population fatigued beyond measure. The photographic campaign was, it seems, a renewed call to arms."

Read the link for an eye-opening.
There's much more.

The conclusion.

"Indeed, the outcome of emancipation remained murky at best for those who may have despised slavery yet clung to a belief in white supremacy.

At first glance, for instance, Rosa and Isaac hinted at the so-called miscegenation that many whites feared would come from slavery’s abolition. Although Rosa seemed to be white, however, 19th-century viewers would have known that she was not: a white girl would never have been photographed this way with a black boy. But what if Rosa did not have Isaac at her side, and “slave” printed beneath her portrait? She could walk into the post-emancipation world a white child.

Still, for the war to be won and the Union preserved, sympathy had to become empathy. What better way to do this, their sponsors thought, than to put young white faces upon the institution of slavery?

Perhaps none of the campaign’s images was more emphatic on this point than that of Rebecca, kneeling in prayer, surrounded by the American flag, with the caption beneath: “OH! HOW I LOVE THE OLD FLAG!” Rebecca’s portrait mirrored the nationalist message of Harper’s Weekly, distilling in one image the menace that slavery posed to American liberty. Yet rather than fostering racial inclusiveness, the image of an endangered “slave girl” who looked white may have only hardened, for some, their paper-thin faith that despite emancipation the United States could remain a white nation."

Let's see, the Clinton tech bubble started collapsing just as Bush came into office, unemployment from 9/11, worst record hurricane season in history resulting in unemployment, and the mortgage bubble denied to exist by Dems, yet jobs still grew under Bush. Show me where Blacks are better off under Obama?
From Black demographics.com-
Black owned businesses in the United States increased 60.5% between 2002 and 2007 totaling of 1.9 million Black firms. More than 94% of these businesses are made up of sole proprietorships or partnerships which have no paid employees. Nearly 4 in 10 black-owned businesses (more than 700,000) in 2007 operated in the health care, social assistance; and other services such as repair, maintenance, personal and laundry services sectors.

Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites.

Not sure why black people, or anybody else, would vote Republican because the most recent Republican president collapsed the economy... Sure, the recovery under Obama has been slower than anybody would like, but isn't a slow recovery better than a rapid collapse? If Democrats are too slow at fixing problems Republicans create, is that really a reason to vote Republican?
Apparently paper is unaware of who created that entry and their history. Wiki on social issues is a progressives dream, as they rewrite history.
You think the fact that the confederates finally approved Black soldiers in a desperate attempt equals a Black fighting force. You cant possibly be this stupid?

You do realize this last ditch measure came on March 13th 1965 as verified by your own link. I'll let you do the math on when the Civil War ended. You are really a fucking idiot.

You're gasping for breath as you go under ...one....two ..... what about other links dumbass - can't refute anything I can see . Norfolk Va. news clipping , all those Black Confederate soldiers are staring at you - but you're simply too stupid or too lazy or both to refute anything - but will never admit when you're wrong - you're a sniveling candy ass brat GROW THE FK UP

What other links? Everything you posted is bullshit. I asked you to verify the photos like I did for the forgery. Why cant you do that? Typing in all caps is not going to distract me. Provide the proof or I will just laugh at you.

No my friend - everybody is laughing at you . I've shown you that Black is Black , and you still insist it is white . You lost ... Have a Nice Life Loser... sayonara.... hasta la Vista ....adios ....ciao....au revoir ... and in your language ... fuck off.
Apparently Beaner here is unfamiliar with White Slave War Propaganda

Read up vegetable boy: White slave propaganda - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You stated there were no whites in slavery but Indentured , then when I proved you wrong you told me to show you an Irish that is a slave today. They were emancipated just as Black's were, thus I was showing you your question was erroneous in its nature.
Now to the rest of my questions.
Sorry in my last post I didn't see you had answered this.
Show me where today there is one single Black slave.
What obstacles are you talking about? Name them, be specific and tell me what the Dems specifically have done other than free stuff, have done to remove those obstacles and show me how they are working within the predominantly Black communities that are Democratic strongholds.
I dont get your first question? Why do you want to see a Black slave of today? Are you trying to use a metaphor or do you want a person that is in forced slavery like in the 1800's in the south?
You still haven't showed me an Irish slave that existed so how did you prove me wrong?
Where is the date and where does it say slave?

Just because three or four are proven fakes doesn't prove they are all fakes. He can just keep posting old pictures of black people and claim them to be anything he wants
Prove, without just revisionist history, they are fakes.

You stated there were no whites in slavery but Indentured , then when I proved you wrong you told me to show you an Irish that is a slave today. They were emancipated just as Black's were, thus I was showing you your question was erroneous in its nature.
Now to the rest of my questions.
I dont get your first question? Why do you want to see a Black slave of today? Are you trying to use a metaphor or do you want a person that is in forced slavery like in the 1800's in the south?
You still haven't showed me an Irish slave that existed so how did you prove me wrong?
Where is the date and where does it say slave?

Just because three or four are proven fakes doesn't prove they are all fakes. He can just keep posting old pictures of black people and claim them to be anything he wants
Prove, without just revisionist history, they are fakes.

You stated there were no whites in slavery but Indentured , then when I proved you wrong you told me to show you an Irish that is a slave today. They were emancipated just as Black's were, thus I was showing you your question was erroneous in its nature.
Now to the rest of my questions.
You still haven't showed me an Irish slave that existed so how did you prove me wrong?
Where is the date and where does it say slave?

Just because three or four are proven fakes doesn't prove they are all fakes. He can just keep posting old pictures of black people and claim them to be anything he wants
We already did. Werent you paying attention?
The disconnect Republicans have with Black people is on full display here.

Black Confederate fighters. false
White slaves during the period around the civil war. false
Confusion on the fact that the liberals left the republican party and now are democrats

These clowns are their own worse enemies.
Just because three or four are proven fakes doesn't prove they are all fakes. He can just keep posting old pictures of black people and claim them to be anything he wants
All of us old timers to these Lost Cause themes in threads have seen these pictures many times. It gets old debunking them.

Depo thinks he's new on the scene with pictures he's pulled from his Rebel yell The South Was Right yeaaaaarrrhhhhhhh!!!! clusternut pages.

To most of us it's *yawn.*
So the only blacks in the south were slaves? I can't believe you're that fucking stupid. Oh wait..... yea I can believe it.

Civil War Did Blacks Fight for the South - The Root
Your lies are funny. Did you think I wouldnt check the link?

Did African Americans fight for the Stars and Bars? Maybe a few, but hardly the thousands that some claim.

That is some serious proof right there. :lol:

It sure is, it says that it's undeniable that blacks fought for the south.

I said blacks fought for the South and I was right. So what lie are you alleging I made?
You were wrong and its not undeniable. Plenty of people deny it. There may have been 1 or 2 uncle toms but there is absolutely no proof of even these guys existing. Where is your proof they existed?

Only the ignorant and the stupid deny it.

Confederacy approves black soldiers mdash History.com This Day in History mdash 3 13 1865

black Confederate

South Carolina s Civil War A Narrative History - W. Scott Poole - Google Books
You think the fact that the confederates finally approved Black soldiers in a desperate attempt equals a Black fighting force. You cant possibly be this stupid?

You do realize this last ditch measure came on March 13th 1965 as verified by your own link. I'll let you do the math on when the Civil War ended. You are really a fucking idiot.

I never mentioned anything about a "fighting force". I simply stated that blacks were indeed enlisted as Confederate soldiers. And I have given ample evidence, including a source from a black website.

Thanks for admitting I was right.
"Of course blacks fought for the Confederacy. You are imaging that all slave owners beat their slaves, raped their slaves, starved their slaves, and therefor all slaves hated whitey and would never fight for the south. You are wrong, MANY slaves were treated well (I mean considering they were slaves) and thought of their masters as family of sorts and considered an attack on them as an attack on themselves.

Oh , and many , MANY slaves were foreman who had authority over the other slaves and yes carried guns before the civil war, so arming them during the civil war wasn't really a question."
A few did. Very few.

Most Historians with no 'south/north' agenda other than honesty to the facts and documentation available, have concluded the evidence just does not exist to support this recently touted meme of Black Confederates soldiers.

Answer me this neo-rebels: What was the one thing Southern slaveholders feared the most?

You know the answer. A slave uprising. John Brown shook those fears heartily. Talk of it ruled the day. The slave revolts in the Caribbean were still fresh on their minds.

They were petrified of slaves getting enough courage to break their chains and leave for the natural state of man: an aching desire for freedom.
Now pretend you're a slaveowner - do you give your slaves guns? Hell no you don't.

They thought it, in their words, a "suicidal policy."

That's why the confederacy forbade it.

"Our position with the North and before the world will not allow the employment as armed soldiers of negroes." CSA Secretary of War James A. SeddonLINK: The War of the Rebellion: a compilation of the official records

...and why they were arguing as late as 1865 - near the very, very end - if they should allow the negroes to fight. This is a matter of record.

It was only when the south was beat to a bloody pulp, with not much more to lose, they considered doing so. And even then many would not hear of it. Even then.

So take your Lost Cause Jarbage and stuff it in your rebel cap while you march around whistling Dixie pretending you know dick all about it.

Another libtard concedes.

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