Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party?

Your lies are funny. Did you think I wouldnt check the link?

That is some serious proof right there. :lol:

It sure is, it says that it's undeniable that blacks fought for the south.

I said blacks fought for the South and I was right. So what lie are you alleging I made?
You were wrong and its not undeniable. Plenty of people deny it. There may have been 1 or 2 uncle toms but there is absolutely no proof of even these guys existing. Where is your proof they existed?

Only the ignorant and the stupid deny it.

Confederacy approves black soldiers mdash History.com This Day in History mdash 3 13 1865

black Confederate

South Carolina s Civil War A Narrative History - W. Scott Poole - Google Books
You think the fact that the confederates finally approved Black soldiers in a desperate attempt equals a Black fighting force. You cant possibly be this stupid?

You do realize this last ditch measure came on March 13th 1965 as verified by your own link. I'll let you do the math on when the Civil War ended. You are really a fucking idiot.

I never mentioned anything about a "fighting force". I simply stated that blacks were indeed enlisted as Confederate soldiers. And I have given ample evidence, including a source from a black website.

Thanks for admitting I was right.
Let the back pedaling begin!

It took you this long to figure out the Civil War ended less than a month after the confederates finally approved Black soldiers to pick up arms? Damn you must feel like an ass. No worries convict.
I never mentioned anything about a "fighting force". I simply stated that blacks were indeed enlisted as Confederate soldiers. And I have given ample evidence, including a source from a black website.

Thanks for admitting I was right.

They were slaves, not soldiers.

They served. For the masters, and for the slave states primary cause: for the slave and that slaves children's children to remain slaves. In perpetuity,
No, what you 2 want is to only count the history of Black's in this country as important, because you are wrought with hate of the past, and you can't move past it. Either that or you have a hidden agenda to keep the hate alive. If you forgive for mistakes of the past, you might have to actually get along with others and might not be able to profit from that hate. Related to Al Sharpton, by chance, or possibly Harry Reid?

Do you thrive on the hate or do you wallow in it?
I am beginning to think you thrive on it, because you ignore facts when they are presented to you in black and white. And you ignore answering anything you know the answer will prove you wrong.
I never mentioned anything about a "fighting force". I simply stated that blacks were indeed enlisted as Confederate soldiers. And I have given ample evidence, including a source from a black website.

Thanks for admitting I was right.

They were slaves, not soldiers.

They served. For the masters, and for the slave states primary cause: for the slave and that slaves children's children to remain slaves. In perpetuity,

You can call them whatever you want. Fact is they fought for the Confederacy.

In August 1861, Douglass published an account of the First Battle of Bull Run, which noted that there were blacks in the Confederate ranks. A few weeks later, Douglass brought the subject up again, quoting a witness to the battle who said they saw black Confederates “with muskets on their shoulders and bullets in their pockets.”

Battle Summary Manassas First VA
"Of course blacks fought for the Confederacy. You are imaging that all slave owners beat their slaves, raped their slaves, starved their slaves, and therefor all slaves hated whitey and would never fight for the south. You are wrong, MANY slaves were treated well (I mean considering they were slaves) and thought of their masters as family of sorts and considered an attack on them as an attack on themselves.

Oh , and many , MANY slaves were foreman who had authority over the other slaves and yes carried guns before the civil war, so arming them during the civil war wasn't really a question."
A few did. Very few.

Most Historians with no 'south/north' agenda other than honesty to the facts and documentation available, have concluded the evidence just does not exist to support this recently touted meme of Black Confederates soldiers.

Answer me this neo-rebels: What was the one thing Southern slaveholders feared the most?

You know the answer. A slave uprising. John Brown shook those fears heartily. Talk of it ruled the day. The slave revolts in the Caribbean were still fresh on their minds.

They were petrified of slaves getting enough courage to break their chains and leave for the natural state of man: an aching desire for freedom.
Now pretend you're a slaveowner - do you give your slaves guns? Hell no you don't.

They thought it, in their words, a "suicidal policy."

That's why the confederacy forbade it.

"Our position with the North and before the world will not allow the employment as armed soldiers of negroes." CSA Secretary of War James A. SeddonLINK: The War of the Rebellion: a compilation of the official records

...and why they were arguing as late as 1865 - near the very, very end - if they should allow the negroes to fight. This is a matter of record.

It was only when the south was beat to a bloody pulp, with not much more to lose, they considered doing so. And even then many would not hear of it. Even then.

So take your Lost Cause Jarbage and stuff it in your rebel cap while you march around whistling Dixie pretending you know dick all about it.

Another libtard concedes.
Concede that a few hundred slaves out of the near four million were hoodwinked or were stupid enough or were in some rare instances in a situation were they may have served in the capacity of a rebel soldier to protect his slavemaster. Sure. There's always some idiots in a large groups,

Look at you for example.
It sure is, it says that it's undeniable that blacks fought for the south.

I said blacks fought for the South and I was right. So what lie are you alleging I made?
You were wrong and its not undeniable. Plenty of people deny it. There may have been 1 or 2 uncle toms but there is absolutely no proof of even these guys existing. Where is your proof they existed?

Only the ignorant and the stupid deny it.

Confederacy approves black soldiers mdash History.com This Day in History mdash 3 13 1865

black Confederate

South Carolina s Civil War A Narrative History - W. Scott Poole - Google Books
You think the fact that the confederates finally approved Black soldiers in a desperate attempt equals a Black fighting force. You cant possibly be this stupid?

You do realize this last ditch measure came on March 13th 1965 as verified by your own link. I'll let you do the math on when the Civil War ended. You are really a fucking idiot.

I never mentioned anything about a "fighting force". I simply stated that blacks were indeed enlisted as Confederate soldiers. And I have given ample evidence, including a source from a black website.

Thanks for admitting I was right.
Let the back pedaling begin!

It took you this long to figure out the Civil War ended less than a month after the confederates finally approved Black soldiers to pick up arms? Damn you must feel like an ass. No worries convict.

No back peddling here.

Blacks soldiers were enlisted in the CSA. That's a fact no matter how much you wish it not to be.
You were wrong and its not undeniable. Plenty of people deny it. There may have been 1 or 2 uncle toms but there is absolutely no proof of even these guys existing. Where is your proof they existed?

Only the ignorant and the stupid deny it.

Confederacy approves black soldiers mdash History.com This Day in History mdash 3 13 1865

black Confederate

South Carolina s Civil War A Narrative History - W. Scott Poole - Google Books
You think the fact that the confederates finally approved Black soldiers in a desperate attempt equals a Black fighting force. You cant possibly be this stupid?

You do realize this last ditch measure came on March 13th 1965 as verified by your own link. I'll let you do the math on when the Civil War ended. You are really a fucking idiot.

I never mentioned anything about a "fighting force". I simply stated that blacks were indeed enlisted as Confederate soldiers. And I have given ample evidence, including a source from a black website.

Thanks for admitting I was right.
Let the back pedaling begin!

It took you this long to figure out the Civil War ended less than a month after the confederates finally approved Black soldiers to pick up arms? Damn you must feel like an ass. No worries convict.

No back peddling here.

Blacks soldiers were enlisted in the CSA. That's a fact no matter how much you wish it not to be.

Plenty of back pedaling.

That doesnt bother me at all because I know they were enlisted under pain of death or death of a loved one. No one believes that there were hordes of uncle toms fighting for the south. Come on convict. Lets be real.
"Of course blacks fought for the Confederacy. You are imaging that all slave owners beat their slaves, raped their slaves, starved their slaves, and therefor all slaves hated whitey and would never fight for the south. You are wrong, MANY slaves were treated well (I mean considering they were slaves) and thought of their masters as family of sorts and considered an attack on them as an attack on themselves.

Oh , and many , MANY slaves were foreman who had authority over the other slaves and yes carried guns before the civil war, so arming them during the civil war wasn't really a question."
A few did. Very few.

Most Historians with no 'south/north' agenda other than honesty to the facts and documentation available, have concluded the evidence just does not exist to support this recently touted meme of Black Confederates soldiers.

Answer me this neo-rebels: What was the one thing Southern slaveholders feared the most?

You know the answer. A slave uprising. John Brown shook those fears heartily. Talk of it ruled the day. The slave revolts in the Caribbean were still fresh on their minds.

They were petrified of slaves getting enough courage to break their chains and leave for the natural state of man: an aching desire for freedom.
Now pretend you're a slaveowner - do you give your slaves guns? Hell no you don't.

They thought it, in their words, a "suicidal policy."

That's why the confederacy forbade it.

"Our position with the North and before the world will not allow the employment as armed soldiers of negroes." CSA Secretary of War James A. SeddonLINK: The War of the Rebellion: a compilation of the official records

...and why they were arguing as late as 1865 - near the very, very end - if they should allow the negroes to fight. This is a matter of record.

It was only when the south was beat to a bloody pulp, with not much more to lose, they considered doing so. And even then many would not hear of it. Even then.

So take your Lost Cause Jarbage and stuff it in your rebel cap while you march around whistling Dixie pretending you know dick all about it.

Another libtard concedes.
Concede that a few hundred slaves out of the near four million were hoodwinked or were stupid enough or were in some rare instances in a situation were they may have served in the capacity of a rebel soldier to protect his slavemaster. Sure. There's always some idiots in a large groups,

Look at you for example.

Where did you pull that four million number from? Your ass?

The most comprehensive analysis of shipping records over the course of the slave trade is the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, edited by professors David Eltis and David Richardson. (While the editors are careful to say that all of their figures are estimates, I believe that they are the best estimates that we have, the proverbial “gold standard” in the field of the study of the slave trade.) Between 1525 and 1866, in the entire history of the slave trade to the New World, according to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, 12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World. 10.7 million survived the dreaded Middle Passage, disembarking in North America, the Caribbean and South America.
And how many of these 10.7 million Africans were shipped directly to North Only about 388,000. That’s right: a tiny percentage.

How Many Slaves Landed in the U.S. The African Americans Many Rivers to Cross PBS
How Many Slaves Came to America Fact vs. Fiction - The Root
You think the fact that the confederates finally approved Black soldiers in a desperate attempt equals a Black fighting force. You cant possibly be this stupid?

You do realize this last ditch measure came on March 13th 1965 as verified by your own link. I'll let you do the math on when the Civil War ended. You are really a fucking idiot.

I never mentioned anything about a "fighting force". I simply stated that blacks were indeed enlisted as Confederate soldiers. And I have given ample evidence, including a source from a black website.

Thanks for admitting I was right.
Let the back pedaling begin!

It took you this long to figure out the Civil War ended less than a month after the confederates finally approved Black soldiers to pick up arms? Damn you must feel like an ass. No worries convict.

No back peddling here.

Blacks soldiers were enlisted in the CSA. That's a fact no matter how much you wish it not to be.

That doesnt bother me at all because I know they were enlisted under pain of death or death of a loved one. No one believes that there were hordes of uncle toms fighting for the south. Come on convict. Lets be real.

No one but you has said anything about "hordes of uncle toms fighting for the south",

I said blacks did in fact enlist and fight for the CSA. I was right and you were wrong.

Thanks for finally manning up and admitting it.
And once again, your racist/ignorance prevents you from understanding what was written.

shut the fuck up coward. I understand perfectly. You think it's a okay for a black man to abandon his principles to vote for a black man and REFUSE to answer how you would feel if a white man abandoned his principles to avoid voting for a black man.

You're assuming it's antithetical to principles to vote for someone who shares one's skin color if they are black hence your adding the voice to the white man in your sad, pathetic, and moronic scenario...as if blacks are expected to not break ranks but whites would be vilified for doing so.

How would I feel about it? I think you two would be happy together since both of you are ignorant and racist. That was the 3rd time I answered your question. Now run along.

You just don't have an honest bone in your body, do you? We're not talking about breaking ranks, we're talking about a complete paradigm shift from a conservative Republican to voting for a liberal Democrat. Breaking ranks would be a black man who was for Hillary until Obama came around. At least that one could say well, there politics aren't THAT far off, and certainly one can understand a black man voting for a black man.

In fact, I don't even blame Powell really , what I am getting at is that you would obviously, no matter how hard you try to avoid answering the question, deride a white man who switched parties because he didn't want to vote for a black man. Why you are denying that fact is beyond me, it's beyond obvious that you would do so to me and anyone else who is reading this thread. You would accuse him of racism, probably call him a fag, and continue to harangue him

Why are blacks allowed to vote black, but whites aren't allowed to vote white? An honest person would answer that question. You aren't an honest person, so I dont expect you to do so.

Last I checked, you were allowed to vote for anyone you wanted. Yours and Rabbi's race-based assumptions are comical and cartoonish.

What is really hilarious that neither of you have picked up on is your bewilderment on why blacks as a block look upon you with such disdain meanwhile, you embody with nearly every post that very behavior that drives them as a block away from your brand of hateful politics.

O, and for the umpteenth time, I am NOT a Republican, and I agree, the Rep party has done some stupid things to alienate a lot of minorities and I have posted that here LONG before this thread existed you dumb shit.

I doubt you're a Republican...as you could have noticed...I didn't say you were. You are a conservative and the GOP does closer resemble the conservative bend than the Dems. No doubt conservatives would benefit from the GOP attracting more voters. Yet, you and your racism drives them away. You're too cowardly to admit it...aren't you boy?
"Of course blacks fought for the Confederacy. You are imaging that all slave owners beat their slaves, raped their slaves, starved their slaves, and therefor all slaves hated whitey and would never fight for the south. You are wrong, MANY slaves were treated well (I mean considering they were slaves) and thought of their masters as family of sorts and considered an attack on them as an attack on themselves.

Oh , and many , MANY slaves were foreman who had authority over the other slaves and yes carried guns before the civil war, so arming them during the civil war wasn't really a question."
A few did. Very few.

Most Historians with no 'south/north' agenda other than honesty to the facts and documentation available, have concluded the evidence just does not exist to support this recently touted meme of Black Confederates soldiers.

Answer me this neo-rebels: What was the one thing Southern slaveholders feared the most?

You know the answer. A slave uprising. John Brown shook those fears heartily. Talk of it ruled the day. The slave revolts in the Caribbean were still fresh on their minds.

They were petrified of slaves getting enough courage to break their chains and leave for the natural state of man: an aching desire for freedom.
Now pretend you're a slaveowner - do you give your slaves guns? Hell no you don't.

They thought it, in their words, a "suicidal policy."

That's why the confederacy forbade it.

"Our position with the North and before the world will not allow the employment as armed soldiers of negroes." CSA Secretary of War James A. SeddonLINK: The War of the Rebellion: a compilation of the official records

...and why they were arguing as late as 1865 - near the very, very end - if they should allow the negroes to fight. This is a matter of record.

It was only when the south was beat to a bloody pulp, with not much more to lose, they considered doing so. And even then many would not hear of it. Even then.

So take your Lost Cause Jarbage and stuff it in your rebel cap while you march around whistling Dixie pretending you know dick all about it.

Another libtard concedes.
Concede that a few hundred slaves out of the near four million were hoodwinked or were stupid enough or were in some rare instances in a situation were they may have served in the capacity of a rebel soldier to protect his slavemaster. Sure. There's always some idiots in a large groups,

Look at you for example.

Where did you pull that four million number from? Your ass?

The most comprehensive analysis of shipping records over the course of the slave trade is the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, edited by professors David Eltis and David Richardson. (While the editors are careful to say that all of their figures are estimates, I believe that they are the best estimates that we have, the proverbial “gold standard” in the field of the study of the slave trade.) Between 1525 and 1866, in the entire history of the slave trade to the New World, according to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, 12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World. 10.7 million survived the dreaded Middle Passage, disembarking in North America, the Caribbean and South America.
And how many of these 10.7 million Africans were shipped directly to North Only about 388,000. That’s right: a tiny percentage.

How Many Slaves Landed in the U.S. The African Americans Many Rivers to Cross PBS
How Many Slaves Came to America Fact vs. Fiction - The Root
I smell a deflection coming. The slaves had children you retard. There were over 4 million blacks in America in 1860.
You think the fact that the confederates finally approved Black soldiers in a desperate attempt equals a Black fighting force. You cant possibly be this stupid?

You do realize this last ditch measure came on March 13th 1965 as verified by your own link. I'll let you do the math on when the Civil War ended. You are really a fucking idiot.

I never mentioned anything about a "fighting force". I simply stated that blacks were indeed enlisted as Confederate soldiers. And I have given ample evidence, including a source from a black website.

Thanks for admitting I was right.
Let the back pedaling begin!

It took you this long to figure out the Civil War ended less than a month after the confederates finally approved Black soldiers to pick up arms? Damn you must feel like an ass. No worries convict.

No back peddling here.

Blacks soldiers were enlisted in the CSA. That's a fact no matter how much you wish it not to be.

That doesnt bother me at all because I know they were enlisted under pain of death or death of a loved one. No one believes that there were hordes of uncle toms fighting for the south. Come on convict. Lets be real.

No one but you has said anything about "hordes of uncle toms fighting for the south",

I said blacks did in fact enlist and fight for the CSA. I was right and you were wrong.

Thanks for finally manning up and admitting it.
No Blacks fought for the confederacy that you can prove. So far all I have seen are forgeries.
I never mentioned anything about a "fighting force". I simply stated that blacks were indeed enlisted as Confederate soldiers. And I have given ample evidence, including a source from a black website.

Thanks for admitting I was right.

They were slaves, not soldiers.

They served. For the masters, and for the slave states primary cause: for the slave and that slaves children's children to remain slaves. In perpetuity,

You can call them whatever you want. Fact is they fought for the Confederacy.

In August 1861, Douglass published an account of the First Battle of Bull Run, which noted that there were blacks in the Confederate ranks. A few weeks later, Douglass brought the subject up again, quoting a witness to the battle who said they saw black Confederates “with muskets on their shoulders and bullets in their pockets.”

Battle Summary Manassas First VA
That cant be true. How could they be seen fighting in 1861 when you just said yourself that Blacks were not allowed to bear arms until March 13 1865. Stop lying convict. Youre not even good at it.
I never mentioned anything about a "fighting force". I simply stated that blacks were indeed enlisted as Confederate soldiers. And I have given ample evidence, including a source from a black website.

Thanks for admitting I was right.

They were slaves, not soldiers.

They served. For the masters, and for the slave states primary cause: for the slave and that slaves children's children to remain slaves. In perpetuity,

You can call them whatever you want. Fact is they fought for the Confederacy.

In August 1861, Douglass published an account of the First Battle of Bull Run, which noted that there were blacks in the Confederate ranks. A few weeks later, Douglass brought the subject up again, quoting a witness to the battle who said they saw black Confederates “with muskets on their shoulders and bullets in their pockets.”

Battle Summary Manassas First VA


Here we go again.

Look we've been through this before. Soon we'll see the Steiner quote.

This gets so old.

Part of the use of that quote by Douglass at the time was to embarrass Lincoln. At that time Douglass began a series of speeches and essays for the purpose of using that type of rhetoric (and Steiner did as well) to try to and force the the Lincoln administration to turn the War -- a war fought to preserve Union at this point -- into a war to end slavery, and with the assistance of Blacks,

It was also an attempt to shame the Union for not arming the Blacks in the North. Which the North eventually did, and the Blacks served quite nobly, and in great numbers.

There is one bold and clear fact from Douglass' (and Steiner's) reports :: no other corroborating evidence from any source showing that there were armed black Confederate soldiers at Antietam or at First Manassas -- nor any letters from a Southern soldier or residents of the Bull Run or Frederick area which mentions anything about them. No mention of dead or wounded black soldiers after the battles, nor mention of any Black POW's. That is a historical fact you cannot ignore.

You apparently have little understanding of War politics, and again, little capacity of recall, because this has been discussed to death before.

If only you could retain it.
"Of course blacks fought for the Confederacy. You are imaging that all slave owners beat their slaves, raped their slaves, starved their slaves, and therefor all slaves hated whitey and would never fight for the south. You are wrong, MANY slaves were treated well (I mean considering they were slaves) and thought of their masters as family of sorts and considered an attack on them as an attack on themselves.

Oh , and many , MANY slaves were foreman who had authority over the other slaves and yes carried guns before the civil war, so arming them during the civil war wasn't really a question."
A few did. Very few.

Most Historians with no 'south/north' agenda other than honesty to the facts and documentation available, have concluded the evidence just does not exist to support this recently touted meme of Black Confederates soldiers.

Answer me this neo-rebels: What was the one thing Southern slaveholders feared the most?

You know the answer. A slave uprising. John Brown shook those fears heartily. Talk of it ruled the day. The slave revolts in the Caribbean were still fresh on their minds.

They were petrified of slaves getting enough courage to break their chains and leave for the natural state of man: an aching desire for freedom.
Now pretend you're a slaveowner - do you give your slaves guns? Hell no you don't.

They thought it, in their words, a "suicidal policy."

That's why the confederacy forbade it.

"Our position with the North and before the world will not allow the employment as armed soldiers of negroes." CSA Secretary of War James A. SeddonLINK: The War of the Rebellion: a compilation of the official records

...and why they were arguing as late as 1865 - near the very, very end - if they should allow the negroes to fight. This is a matter of record.

It was only when the south was beat to a bloody pulp, with not much more to lose, they considered doing so. And even then many would not hear of it. Even then.

So take your Lost Cause Jarbage and stuff it in your rebel cap while you march around whistling Dixie pretending you know dick all about it.

Another libtard concedes.
Concede that a few hundred slaves out of the near four million were hoodwinked or were stupid enough or were in some rare instances in a situation were they may have served in the capacity of a rebel soldier to protect his slavemaster. Sure. There's always some idiots in a large groups,

Look at you for example.

Where did you pull that four million number from? Your ass?

The most comprehensive analysis of shipping records over the course of the slave trade is the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, edited by professors David Eltis and David Richardson. (While the editors are careful to say that all of their figures are estimates, I believe that they are the best estimates that we have, the proverbial “gold standard” in the field of the study of the slave trade.) Between 1525 and 1866, in the entire history of the slave trade to the New World, according to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, 12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World. 10.7 million survived the dreaded Middle Passage, disembarking in North America, the Caribbean and South America.
And how many of these 10.7 million Africans were shipped directly to North Only about 388,000. That’s right: a tiny percentage.

How Many Slaves Landed in the U.S. The African Americans Many Rivers to Cross PBS
How Many Slaves Came to America Fact vs. Fiction - The Root
I smell a deflection coming. The slaves had children you retard. There were over 4 million blacks in America in 1860.

Sure they had children and their children had children. Assuming the four million is correct, what percentage was in the southern states?

In 1860, 89 percent of the nation's African Americans were slaves; blacks formed 13 percent of the country's population and 33 percent of the South's population.
Facts about the Slave Trade and Slavery The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Where did you pull that four million number from? Your ass?

The most comprehensive analysis of shipping records over the course of the slave trade is the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, edited by professors David Eltis and David Richardson. (While the editors are careful to say that all of their figures are estimates, I believe that they are the best estimates that we have, the proverbial “gold standard” in the field of the study of the slave trade.) Between 1525 and 1866, in the entire history of the slave trade to the New World, according to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, 12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World. 10.7 million survived the dreaded Middle Passage, disembarking in North America, the Caribbean and South America.
And how many of these 10.7 million Africans were shipped directly to North Only about 388,000. That’s right: a tiny percentage.

How Many Slaves Landed in the U.S. The African Americans Many Rivers to Cross PBS
How Many Slaves Came to America Fact vs. Fiction - The Root
Holy crap. You post incessently on Civil War topics and you don't even know the Census Count of 1860 ??

Jezuz F'cking Aye.

There were nearly four MILLION slaves in the South in 1860.

Out of a population of Nine million.

You DIDN'T know that?????????????????????
"Of course blacks fought for the Confederacy. You are imaging that all slave owners beat their slaves, raped their slaves, starved their slaves, and therefor all slaves hated whitey and would never fight for the south. You are wrong, MANY slaves were treated well (I mean considering they were slaves) and thought of their masters as family of sorts and considered an attack on them as an attack on themselves.

Oh , and many , MANY slaves were foreman who had authority over the other slaves and yes carried guns before the civil war, so arming them during the civil war wasn't really a question."
A few did. Very few.

Most Historians with no 'south/north' agenda other than honesty to the facts and documentation available, have concluded the evidence just does not exist to support this recently touted meme of Black Confederates soldiers.

Answer me this neo-rebels: What was the one thing Southern slaveholders feared the most?

You know the answer. A slave uprising. John Brown shook those fears heartily. Talk of it ruled the day. The slave revolts in the Caribbean were still fresh on their minds.

They were petrified of slaves getting enough courage to break their chains and leave for the natural state of man: an aching desire for freedom.
Now pretend you're a slaveowner - do you give your slaves guns? Hell no you don't.

They thought it, in their words, a "suicidal policy."

That's why the confederacy forbade it.

"Our position with the North and before the world will not allow the employment as armed soldiers of negroes." CSA Secretary of War James A. SeddonLINK: The War of the Rebellion: a compilation of the official records

...and why they were arguing as late as 1865 - near the very, very end - if they should allow the negroes to fight. This is a matter of record.

It was only when the south was beat to a bloody pulp, with not much more to lose, they considered doing so. And even then many would not hear of it. Even then.

So take your Lost Cause Jarbage and stuff it in your rebel cap while you march around whistling Dixie pretending you know dick all about it.

Another libtard concedes.
Concede that a few hundred slaves out of the near four million were hoodwinked or were stupid enough or were in some rare instances in a situation were they may have served in the capacity of a rebel soldier to protect his slavemaster. Sure. There's always some idiots in a large groups,

Look at you for example.

Where did you pull that four million number from? Your ass?

The most comprehensive analysis of shipping records over the course of the slave trade is the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, edited by professors David Eltis and David Richardson. (While the editors are careful to say that all of their figures are estimates, I believe that they are the best estimates that we have, the proverbial “gold standard” in the field of the study of the slave trade.) Between 1525 and 1866, in the entire history of the slave trade to the New World, according to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, 12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World. 10.7 million survived the dreaded Middle Passage, disembarking in North America, the Caribbean and South America.
And how many of these 10.7 million Africans were shipped directly to North Only about 388,000. That’s right: a tiny percentage.

How Many Slaves Landed in the U.S. The African Americans Many Rivers to Cross PBS
How Many Slaves Came to America Fact vs. Fiction - The Root
I smell a deflection coming. The slaves had children you retard. There were over 4 million blacks in America in 1860.

Sure they had children and their children had children. Assuming the four million is correct, what percentage was in the southern states?

In 1860, 89 percent of the nation's African Americans were slaves; blacks formed 13 percent of the country's population and 33 percent of the South's population.
Facts about the Slave Trade and Slavery The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
What does that have to do with anything? You tried to pretend that there were not 4 million slaves in the US. What a fucking idiot.
I never mentioned anything about a "fighting force". I simply stated that blacks were indeed enlisted as Confederate soldiers. And I have given ample evidence, including a source from a black website.

Thanks for admitting I was right.
Let the back pedaling begin!

It took you this long to figure out the Civil War ended less than a month after the confederates finally approved Black soldiers to pick up arms? Damn you must feel like an ass. No worries convict.

No back peddling here.

Blacks soldiers were enlisted in the CSA. That's a fact no matter how much you wish it not to be.

That doesnt bother me at all because I know they were enlisted under pain of death or death of a loved one. No one believes that there were hordes of uncle toms fighting for the south. Come on convict. Lets be real.

No one but you has said anything about "hordes of uncle toms fighting for the south",

I said blacks did in fact enlist and fight for the CSA. I was right and you were wrong.

Thanks for finally manning up and admitting it.
No Blacks fought for the confederacy that you can prove. So far all I have seen are forgeries.

Everything is a forgery to you if it's written by a white man. But how you can ignore the writing of Frederick Douglas is beyond me. I guess you consider him an "uncle tom"
Let the back pedaling begin!

It took you this long to figure out the Civil War ended less than a month after the confederates finally approved Black soldiers to pick up arms? Damn you must feel like an ass. No worries convict.

No back peddling here.

Blacks soldiers were enlisted in the CSA. That's a fact no matter how much you wish it not to be.

That doesnt bother me at all because I know they were enlisted under pain of death or death of a loved one. No one believes that there were hordes of uncle toms fighting for the south. Come on convict. Lets be real.

No one but you has said anything about "hordes of uncle toms fighting for the south",

I said blacks did in fact enlist and fight for the CSA. I was right and you were wrong.

Thanks for finally manning up and admitting it.
No Blacks fought for the confederacy that you can prove. So far all I have seen are forgeries.

Everything is a forgery to you if it's written by a white man. But how you can ignore the writing of Frederick Douglas is beyond me. I guess you consider him an "uncle tom"
Not everything is forgery. There were actually Black slave owners in the US. That's not a forgery and they have evidence to back it up. Where is your evidence?

No. I consider him a politician and politicians all lie to make a point.
I never mentioned anything about a "fighting force". I simply stated that blacks were indeed enlisted as Confederate soldiers. And I have given ample evidence, including a source from a black website.

Thanks for admitting I was right.

They were slaves, not soldiers.

They served. For the masters, and for the slave states primary cause: for the slave and that slaves children's children to remain slaves. In perpetuity,

You can call them whatever you want. Fact is they fought for the Confederacy.

In August 1861, Douglass published an account of the First Battle of Bull Run, which noted that there were blacks in the Confederate ranks. A few weeks later, Douglass brought the subject up again, quoting a witness to the battle who said they saw black Confederates “with muskets on their shoulders and bullets in their pockets.”

Battle Summary Manassas First VA
That cant be true. How could they be seen fighting in 1861 when you just said yourself that Blacks were not allowed to bear arms until March 13 1865. Stop lying convict. Youre not even good at it.

Are you actually this fucking stupid?

Oh wait........ I forgot who I was talking to. Of course you're that fucking stupid!

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