Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party?

Holy crap. You post incessently on Civil War topics and you don't even know the Census Count of 1860 ??

Jezuz F'cking Aye.

There were nearly four MILLION slaves in the South in 1860.

Out of a population of Nine million.

You DIDN'T know that?????????????????????

Are you saying that blacks represented 44 percent of the US population in 1860?

Can't you Read???

There were nearly four MILLION slaves in the South in 1860.

Out of a population of Nine million.

Have a small child read it to you if you can't.

So the majority of the slaves were in the North. The same people who you say were against slavery, so much so that they declared a war to stop it. Makes perfect sense!

Where are you getting your nine million number from?

Are you drunk?

Why was the question not properly posed?

Could someone with more patience than I explain this to him please?
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?
you know your post has to be the stupidest ones to date ... black people know what republicans are all about ... its not getting free bees from the democrats... thats the problem you repub-lie-cans have ... you think all blacks are on the free ride train and you insult their ability to support themselves for political gain ... keep up with that ploy... hows it been getting the black vote for you ?????they get screw because of repub-lie-cans keeping them poor... dems tried to pass bills that would get them back to work and you repub-lie-cans blocked everyone ... where you don't think black voters are bright enough to see what republicans are for???? let me enlighten you its not repub-lieicans being elected
I'm an idiot?


I stated there were indeed black CSA members, two of you morons finally conceded. It's obvious who the idiots are.
No you argued about a forged picture portraying Black confederate soldiers like a moron until you finally figured out 2 pages later it was already proven as a hoax. You have been back pedaling steadily since then.

No dumbass I was arguing that whether the photo was real or fake didn't matter. The fact is there were black confederate soldiers.

Now I understand that lying is part of who you are so it's hard to fault you on your habitual lying.
It does matter. You dont have proof that its a fact. I'll give you the same chance I gave greenbean. Post a verifed portrait of a Black confederate soilder that fought in the Civil War.

I have all the proof I need. I have the words of a former slave. No matter what evidence is presented you will not believe it because it comes from a white man.

A body servant.

He served as a SLAVE, fuckstick!

So did the others. They HAD to -- they were SLAVES!!

What in the hell do you think you were trying to prove with that???

Nobody is disputing slaves were forced to serve the slavemasters in the war fought for the furtherance of slavery. Man.

Bodyguard and battle aide.

Why do you ask for proof that they served if you already knew they did?

I think your lies are confusing you.
Could someone with more patience than I explain this to him please?

It won't matter.

It's human nature to want to believe one is good and right, so people whitewash the crimes of those to whom they relate.

I know the Lost Causers are stuck in a horrific time warp and much reason & logic escapes them, but I just don't understand someone who can read:

"There were nearly four MILLION slaves in the South in 1860.
Out of a population of Nine million."

and say:

"So the majority of the slaves were in the North."

I mean, my six year old niece can do better than that. How does this man turn on the computer?
I'm an idiot?


I stated there were indeed black CSA members, two of you morons finally conceded. It's obvious who the idiots are.
No you argued about a forged picture portraying Black confederate soldiers like a moron until you finally figured out 2 pages later it was already proven as a hoax. You have been back pedaling steadily since then.

No dumbass I was arguing that whether the photo was real or fake didn't matter. The fact is there were black confederate soldiers.

Now I understand that lying is part of who you are so it's hard to fault you on your habitual lying.
It does matter. You dont have proof that its a fact. I'll give you the same chance I gave greenbean. Post a verifed portrait of a Black confederate soilder that fought in the Civil War.

I have all the proof I need. I have the words of a former slave. No matter what evidence is presented you will not believe it because it comes from a white man.

A body servant.

He served as a SLAVE, fuckstick!

So did the others. They HAD to -- they were SLAVES!!

What in the hell do you think you were trying to prove with that???

Nobody is disputing slaves were forced to serve the slavemasters in the war fought for the furtherance of slavery. Man.

I can show you the facts but I can't force you to accept them.

Stay ignorant.
Are you saying that blacks represented 44 percent of the US population in 1860?

Can't you Read???

There were nearly four MILLION slaves in the South in 1860.

Out of a population of Nine million.

Have a small child read it to you if you can't.

So the majority of the slaves were in the North. The same people who you say were against slavery, so much so that they declared a war to stop it. Makes perfect sense!

Where are you getting your nine million number from?

Are you drunk?

Why was the question not properly posed?

Could someone with more patience than I explain this to him please?

Obstinance is the bodyguard of ignorance.
No you argued about a forged picture portraying Black confederate soldiers like a moron until you finally figured out 2 pages later it was already proven as a hoax. You have been back pedaling steadily since then.

No dumbass I was arguing that whether the photo was real or fake didn't matter. The fact is there were black confederate soldiers.

Now I understand that lying is part of who you are so it's hard to fault you on your habitual lying.
It does matter. You dont have proof that its a fact. I'll give you the same chance I gave greenbean. Post a verifed portrait of a Black confederate soilder that fought in the Civil War.

I have all the proof I need. I have the words of a former slave. No matter what evidence is presented you will not believe it because it comes from a white man.

A body servant.

He served as a SLAVE, fuckstick!

So did the others. They HAD to -- they were SLAVES!!

What in the hell do you think you were trying to prove with that???

Nobody is disputing slaves were forced to serve the slavemasters in the war fought for the furtherance of slavery. Man.

I can show you the facts but I can't force you to accept them.

Stay ignorant.
Could someone with more patience than I explain this to him please?

It won't matter.

It's human nature to want to believe one is good and right, so people whitewash the crimes of those to whom they relate.

I know the Lost Causers are stuck in a horrific time warp and much reason & logic escapes them, but I just don't understand someone who can read:

"There were nearly four MILLION slaves in the South in 1860.
Out of a population of Nine million."

and say:

"So the majority of the slaves were in the North."

I mean, my six year old niece can do better than that. How does this man turn on the computer?

If there are nine million slaves and four million are in the south that leaves 5 million in the north and ever since I was a little boy, 5 million was more than four million.
No dumbass I was arguing that whether the photo was real or fake didn't matter. The fact is there were black confederate soldiers.

Now I understand that lying is part of who you are so it's hard to fault you on your habitual lying.
It does matter. You dont have proof that its a fact. I'll give you the same chance I gave greenbean. Post a verifed portrait of a Black confederate soilder that fought in the Civil War.

I have all the proof I need. I have the words of a former slave. No matter what evidence is presented you will not believe it because it comes from a white man.

A body servant.

He served as a SLAVE, fuckstick!

So did the others. They HAD to -- they were SLAVES!!

What in the hell do you think you were trying to prove with that???

Nobody is disputing slaves were forced to serve the slavemasters in the war fought for the furtherance of slavery. Man.

I can show you the facts but I can't force you to accept them.

Stay ignorant.

Now we know stupidity is painful. Why do you torture yourself so?
In response to the OP's question, no blacks for the most part will not abandon the Democrat plantation.
Sorry but under which party have blacks seen declines in household income, household wealth, and employment? Yeah, that's the Democrat Party. Unless your idea of the American Dream is lots of free shit you're in the wrong party.
For 350 years white people got free shit. Spare me your whining and your attempt to guilt Black people into voting for retarded conservatives. Dont you know you are a running joke?
Please cite the "free shit" white people got. There wasnt any.
You are increasingly irrelevant due to your ignorance and stupidity.

Free slave labor
Free land via homestead acts.
Free schooling once former Black slaves created the public school system.
Welfare was created for whites and denied people of color.
First in line for jobs up until AA was made a law.

We all know you maintain a knowledge of my prescence. You wouldnt be talking to me if I was irrelevant. Who do you think you are fooling? :lol:
Slaves were purchased by masters. They had to be maintained, fed, clothed etc. Nothing free about that.
Homesteaders were required to work the land for a certain number of years using their own tools etc. Nothing free there.
Horace Mann, white, created free public schooling.
There were seldom competitions between blacks and whites for jobs as they tended to take different job types.

Boy, looks like your knowledge of history comes from some Afrocentric propaganda text.

I was unaware the slaves were paid for their forced labor.
Free land should be worked. Dont play stupid. It was free.
Sorry dude but Horace Mann was a front man. Black people instituted public education. He just signed off on it.
You dont sound too bright nor do you know history. One of the main reason poor whites fought in the Civil War is because they didnt want to compete with freed Black slaves.
This is 2014. You're a whiner. Islamists are enslaving people today. Do something about that.
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For 350 years white people got free shit. Spare me your whining and your attempt to guilt Black people into voting for retarded conservatives. Dont you know you are a running joke?
Please cite the "free shit" white people got. There wasnt any.
You are increasingly irrelevant due to your ignorance and stupidity.

Free slave labor
Free land via homestead acts.
Free schooling once former Black slaves created the public school system.
Welfare was created for whites and denied people of color.
First in line for jobs up until AA was made a law.

We all know you maintain a knowledge of my prescence. You wouldnt be talking to me if I was irrelevant. Who do you think you are fooling? :lol:
Slaves were purchased by masters. They had to be maintained, fed, clothed etc. Nothing free about that.
Homesteaders were required to work the land for a certain number of years using their own tools etc. Nothing free there.
Horace Mann, white, created free public schooling.
There were seldom competitions between blacks and whites for jobs as they tended to take different job types.

Boy, looks like your knowledge of history comes from some Afrocentric propaganda text.

I was unaware the slaves were paid for their forced labor.
Free land should be worked. Dont play stupid. It was free.
Sorry dude but Horace Mann was a front man. Black people instituted public education. He just signed off on it.
You dont sound too bright nor do you know history. One of the main reason poor whites fought in the Civil War is because they didnt want to compete with freed Black slaves.
This is 2014. You're a whiner. Islamists are enslaving people today. Do something about that.
We werent talking about 2014 retard. Dont you know how to read?
Are you saying that blacks represented 44 percent of the US population in 1860?

Can't you Read???

There were nearly four MILLION slaves in the South in 1860.

Out of a population of Nine million.

Have a small child read it to you if you can't.

So the majority of the slaves were in the North. The same people who you say were against slavery, so much so that they declared a war to stop it. Makes perfect sense!

Where are you getting your nine million number from?

Are you drunk?

Why was the question not properly posed?

Could someone with more patience than I explain this to him please?
There are no saints on this board. Sorry.
Could someone with more patience than I explain this to him please?

It won't matter.

It's human nature to want to believe one is good and right, so people whitewash the crimes of those to whom they relate.

I know the Lost Causers are stuck in a horrific time warp and much reason & logic escapes them, but I just don't understand someone who can read:

"There were nearly four MILLION slaves in the South in 1860.
Out of a population of Nine million."

and say:

"So the majority of the slaves were in the North."

I mean, my six year old niece can do better than that. How does this man turn on the computer?

If there are nine million slaves and four million are in the south that leaves 5 million in the north and ever since I was a little boy, 5 million was more than four million.

Oh man. You're a grown adult? You went to school and every thing and you thought the whole population in the US was 9 million??


Read it slow.


The whole population in 1860 was THIRTY ONE MILLION.
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Black people instituted public education.

That's the funniest shit I've heard in a while.
The funniest shit in a while has been your last couple of posts. What a fuckin moron!

Reconstruction Era - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Historian James D. Anderson argues that the freed slaves were the first Southerners "to campaign for universal, state-supported public education."[135] Blacks in the Republican coalition played a critical role in establishing the principle in state constitutions for the first time during congressional Reconstruction.

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