Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party?

"Of course blacks fought for the Confederacy. You are imaging that all slave owners beat their slaves, raped their slaves, starved their slaves, and therefor all slaves hated whitey and would never fight for the south. You are wrong, MANY slaves were treated well (I mean considering they were slaves) and thought of their masters as family of sorts and considered an attack on them as an attack on themselves.

Oh , and many , MANY slaves were foreman who had authority over the other slaves and yes carried guns before the civil war, so arming them during the civil war wasn't really a question."
A few did. Very few.

Most Historians with no 'south/north' agenda other than honesty to the facts and documentation available, have concluded the evidence just does not exist to support this recently touted meme of Black Confederates soldiers.

Answer me this neo-rebels: What was the one thing Southern slaveholders feared the most?

You know the answer. A slave uprising. John Brown shook those fears heartily. Talk of it ruled the day. The slave revolts in the Caribbean were still fresh on their minds.

They were petrified of slaves getting enough courage to break their chains and leave for the natural state of man: an aching desire for freedom.
Now pretend you're a slaveowner - do you give your slaves guns? Hell no you don't.

They thought it, in their words, a "suicidal policy."

That's why the confederacy forbade it.

"Our position with the North and before the world will not allow the employment as armed soldiers of negroes." CSA Secretary of War James A. SeddonLINK: The War of the Rebellion: a compilation of the official records

...and why they were arguing as late as 1865 - near the very, very end - if they should allow the negroes to fight. This is a matter of record.

It was only when the south was beat to a bloody pulp, with not much more to lose, they considered doing so. And even then many would not hear of it. Even then.

So take your Lost Cause Jarbage and stuff it in your rebel cap while you march around whistling Dixie pretending you know dick all about it.
These idiots are beyond help at this point. Everything they have submitted as proof is a forgery, hearsay or unverified. I have tears running down my face laughing at them.
There's no limit to the rewriting of history by the Right. Where to begin?

Will African Americans be attracted to a party of angry White men? A party that promises to set them adrift without largess for food, shelter and clothing? A party that fights tooth and nail to repress wages for working families?

Figure it out.
.White democrats have convinced Afro-Americans they are incapable of achieving anything without white liberal guidance.
Republicans have convinced African Americans that they want to turn back the clock to the days of slavery and Jim Crow. I got a message for them. It aint happenin on my watch.
Bull. Democrats have bought their votes.
Repubs have put out a sign that says they dont want to do business with Blacks.

Those signs are from the Democrat inspired Jim Crowe days.
no black fathers sticking around because the mothers don't need him, duh..........


How did the Great Society cause black fathers to leave?

Again, be specific.

Five Decades of Lies Help Dems Create Monolithic Black Vote - Larry Elder - Page full

Your link is discredited because it fails to mention the switch caused by Kennedy, the southern strategy and fails to mention that Blacks voted democratic consistently at or above 60% from 1936 due to FDR and his New Deal.

Well, the link is "discredited" because it's nothing more than the same old history revisionism that's posted here everyday.

It doesn't come close to answering the question I asked, all it does is repeats the same tired "Republicans loved black people in the 60s" memes.
Which political party started the KKK and Jim Crowe again? You democrats keep denying it.
no black fathers sticking around because the mothers don't need him, duh..........


How did the Great Society cause black fathers to leave?

Again, be specific.

Five Decades of Lies Help Dems Create Monolithic Black Vote - Larry Elder - Page full

Your link is discredited because it fails to mention the switch caused by Kennedy, the southern strategy and fails to mention that Blacks voted democratic consistently at or above 60% from 1936 due to FDR and his New Deal.

Well, the link is "discredited" because it's nothing more than the same old history revisionism that's posted here everyday.

It doesn't come close to answering the question I asked, all it does is repeats the same tired "Republicans loved black people in the 60s" memes.
Which political party started the KKK and Jim Crowe again? You democrats keep denying it.
heres the difference ... democrats learned from their mistakes of the passed .....you repub-lie-cans keep making the same mistakes of the passed ... now the KKK are repub-lie-cans and are trying to reinstate the Jim Crowe memes.... who would have thunk it ....
Maybe a little here and there, but I don't see much changing for quite a while.

First, it's taken two or three generations for the Democrats to leverage political correctness and identity politics to largely isolate blacks from the rest of society. That kind of damage and conditioning can't be reversed overnight.

Second, the GOP is still COMPLETELY paralyzed by the effects of PC and are afraid to speak out against these tactics for fear of being labeled racists. So, they evidently think that blacks will just gravitate to them because they're tired of Democrats. I don't see that happening to any large extent. The GOP can't just stand there with a come-hither look. They have to actually DO something.

Nothing of significance happens unless and until the GOP grows some stones and calls the Democrats out for the damage they've done.

Not holding my breath on that one.


So pray tell, just what un-PC thing should they be saying that some of them haven't said already?

Perhaps you don't understand.

It's not about coming up with words to "offend", whatever that word means. As I said in the last sentence, the GOP would have to have the guts to point out the dishonest tactics of Political Correctness, specifically the way it allows the Democrats to (1) avoid an honest conversation about race and other issues, (2) divert away from the topic at hand merely to put others on the defensive, and (3) perpetrate the above for political advantage.

So, that would mean going on the offensive and instigating the conversation. Proactively bringing up PC and Identity Politics and showing how they are dishonest political tools that have so effectively divided us and literally isolated one group of people from the rest of society merely based on the color of their skin.

And again, they are too intimidated. Which is one of the primary goals of PC in the first place. And when the Dems issue their standard denials, as I suspect you will to all of the above, they need to have the balls to fight back. They do not.


Good answer.

Problem is, though, the GOP have been shooting themselves in the foot by what they do say.
no black fathers sticking around because the mothers don't need him, duh..........


How did the Great Society cause black fathers to leave?

Again, be specific.

Five Decades of Lies Help Dems Create Monolithic Black Vote - Larry Elder - Page full

Your link is discredited because it fails to mention the switch caused by Kennedy, the southern strategy and fails to mention that Blacks voted democratic consistently at or above 60% from 1936 due to FDR and his New Deal.

Well, the link is "discredited" because it's nothing more than the same old history revisionism that's posted here everyday.

It doesn't come close to answering the question I asked, all it does is repeats the same tired "Republicans loved black people in the 60s" memes.
Which political party started the KKK and Jim Crowe again? You democrats keep denying it.

Who's denying it?
Maybe a little here and there, but I don't see much changing for quite a while.

First, it's taken two or three generations for the Democrats to leverage political correctness and identity politics to largely isolate blacks from the rest of society. That kind of damage and conditioning can't be reversed overnight.

Second, the GOP is still COMPLETELY paralyzed by the effects of PC and are afraid to speak out against these tactics for fear of being labeled racists. So, they evidently think that blacks will just gravitate to them because they're tired of Democrats. I don't see that happening to any large extent. The GOP can't just stand there with a come-hither look. They have to actually DO something.

Nothing of significance happens unless and until the GOP grows some stones and calls the Democrats out for the damage they've done.

Not holding my breath on that one.


So pray tell, just what un-PC thing should they be saying that some of them haven't said already?

Perhaps you don't understand.

It's not about coming up with words to "offend", whatever that word means. As I said in the last sentence, the GOP would have to have the guts to point out the dishonest tactics of Political Correctness, specifically the way it allows the Democrats to (1) avoid an honest conversation about race and other issues, (2) divert away from the topic at hand merely to put others on the defensive, and (3) perpetrate the above for political advantage.

So, that would mean going on the offensive and instigating the conversation. Proactively bringing up PC and Identity Politics and showing how they are dishonest political tools that have so effectively divided us and literally isolated one group of people from the rest of society merely based on the color of their skin.

And again, they are too intimidated. Which is one of the primary goals of PC in the first place. And when the Dems issue their standard denials, as I suspect you will to all of the above, they need to have the balls to fight back. They do not.


Good answer.

Problem is, though, the GOP have been shooting themselves in the foot by what they do say.



Your link is discredited because it fails to mention the switch caused by Kennedy, the southern strategy and fails to mention that Blacks voted democratic consistently at or above 60% from 1936 due to FDR and his New Deal.

Well, the link is "discredited" because it's nothing more than the same old history revisionism that's posted here everyday.

It doesn't come close to answering the question I asked, all it does is repeats the same tired "Republicans loved black people in the 60s" memes.
Which political party started the KKK and Jim Crowe again? You democrats keep denying it.
heres the difference ... democrats learned from their mistakes of the passed .....you repub-lie-cans keep making the same mistakes of the passed ... now the KKK are repub-lie-cans and are trying to reinstate the Jim Crowe memes.... who would have thunk it ....

partisans are funny. They just say ANYTHING...
"Of course blacks fought for the Confederacy. You are imaging that all slave owners beat their slaves, raped their slaves, starved their slaves, and therefor all slaves hated whitey and would never fight for the south. You are wrong, MANY slaves were treated well (I mean considering they were slaves) and thought of their masters as family of sorts and considered an attack on them as an attack on themselves.

Oh , and many , MANY slaves were foreman who had authority over the other slaves and yes carried guns before the civil war, so arming them during the civil war wasn't really a question."
A few did. Very few.

Most Historians with no 'south/north' agenda other than honesty to the facts and documentation available, have concluded the evidence just does not exist to support this recently touted meme of Black Confederates soldiers.

Answer me this neo-rebels: What was the one thing Southern slaveholders feared the most?

You know the answer. A slave uprising. John Brown shook those fears heartily. Talk of it ruled the day. The slave revolts in the Caribbean were still fresh on their minds.

They were petrified of slaves getting enough courage to break their chains and leave for the natural state of man: an aching desire for freedom.
Now pretend you're a slaveowner - do you give your slaves guns? Hell no you don't.

They thought it, in their words, a "suicidal policy."

That's why the confederacy forbade it.

"Our position with the North and before the world will not allow the employment as armed soldiers of negroes." CSA Secretary of War James A. SeddonLINK: The War of the Rebellion: a compilation of the official records

...and why they were arguing as late as 1865 - near the very, very end - if they should allow the negroes to fight. This is a matter of record.

It was only when the south was beat to a bloody pulp, with not much more to lose, they considered doing so. And even then many would not hear of it. Even then.

So take your Lost Cause Jarbage and stuff it in your rebel cap while you march around whistling Dixie pretending you know dick all about it.
These idiots are beyond help at this point. Everything they have submitted as proof is a forgery, hearsay or unverified. I have tears running down my face laughing at them.
There's no limit to the rewriting of history by the Right. Where to begin?

Proudly flying the confederate flag, I see.

The same one AveGuyIA proudly owned as his avatar as one time.

The old flag...of democrats.
<I don't doubt for a minute if the republican party could find a way to legalize slavery, they'd do it. >

--- oh damn, was that my outside voice? --

Either that or find a way to pay people riduculously low wages that they can barely afford to live on
"Of course blacks fought for the Confederacy. You are imaging that all slave owners beat their slaves, raped their slaves, starved their slaves, and therefor all slaves hated whitey and would never fight for the south. You are wrong, MANY slaves were treated well (I mean considering they were slaves) and thought of their masters as family of sorts and considered an attack on them as an attack on themselves.

Oh , and many , MANY slaves were foreman who had authority over the other slaves and yes carried guns before the civil war, so arming them during the civil war wasn't really a question."
A few did. Very few.

Most Historians with no 'south/north' agenda other than honesty to the facts and documentation available, have concluded the evidence just does not exist to support this recently touted meme of Black Confederates soldiers.

Answer me this neo-rebels: What was the one thing Southern slaveholders feared the most?

You know the answer. A slave uprising. John Brown shook those fears heartily. Talk of it ruled the day. The slave revolts in the Caribbean were still fresh on their minds.

They were petrified of slaves getting enough courage to break their chains and leave for the natural state of man: an aching desire for freedom.
Now pretend you're a slaveowner - do you give your slaves guns? Hell no you don't.

They thought it, in their words, a "suicidal policy."

That's why the confederacy forbade it.

"Our position with the North and before the world will not allow the employment as armed soldiers of negroes." CSA Secretary of War James A. SeddonLINK: The War of the Rebellion: a compilation of the official records

...and why they were arguing as late as 1865 - near the very, very end - if they should allow the negroes to fight. This is a matter of record.

It was only when the south was beat to a bloody pulp, with not much more to lose, they considered doing so. And even then many would not hear of it. Even then.

So take your Lost Cause Jarbage and stuff it in your rebel cap while you march around whistling Dixie pretending you know dick all about it.
These idiots are beyond help at this point. Everything they have submitted as proof is a forgery, hearsay or unverified. I have tears running down my face laughing at them.
There's no limit to the rewriting of history by the Right. Where to begin?

Proudly flying the flag, I see.
Yup..Good eye!
Can't sneak anything by you.

The same one AveGuyIA proudly owned as his avatar as one time.

So what?
The old flag...of democrats.
The flag of patriots who opposed federal gvmt oppression and were brave enough to back up their convictions.
<I don't doubt for a minute if the republican party could find a way to legalize slavery, they'd do it. >

--- oh damn, was that my outside voice? --

Either that or find a way to pay people riduculously low wages that they can barely afford to live on

That's exactly why you guys want the border open...So you can exploit illegals, displace american workers and drive down fair wages for americans ....which would keep more people dependent on gvmt. and gvmt "programs" ....which leads to votes.

Why isn't the border closed?
And people want to say the civil war was about slavery because less than five percent of the south owned slaves? hahaha That's funny.

No dimwit. They say that because the states that seceded from the Union say so in their articles of secession. remember the Cornerstone Speech? Your dumb ass is getting schooled today arent you?

Mississippi Declaration of Secession

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery - the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product, which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun.

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Stephens' March 1861 speech declared that African slavery was the "immediate cause" of secession, and that the Confederate Constitution had put to rest the "agitating questions" as to the "proper status of the negro in our form of civilization".

And your point is?
That you are retarded for implying the civil war was not about slavery. Did you really think I wouldnt bust you.......again?

And people want to say the civil war was about slavery because less than five percent of the south owned slaves? hahaha That's funny.

It wasn't about slavery. Nothing could actually be further from the truth. The War Between the States began because the South demanded States' rights and were not getting them.

The Congress at that time heavily favored the industrialized northern states to the point of demanding that the South sell is cotton and other raw materials only to the factories in the north, rather than to other countries. The Congress also taxed the finished materials that the northern industries produced heavily, making finished products that the South wanted, unaffordable. The Civil War should not have occurred. If the Northern States and their representatives in Congress had only listened to the problems of the South, and stopped these practices that were almost like the taxation without representation of Great Britain, then the Southern states would not have seceded and the war would not have occurred.

Slavery was a part of those greater issues, but it was not the reason the Southern States seceded from the Union, nor fought the Civil War. It certainly was a Southern institution that was part of the economic system of the plantations, and because of that, it was part and parcel of the economic reasons that the South formed the Confederacy.
no black fathers sticking around because the mothers don't need him, duh..........


How did the Great Society cause black fathers to leave?

Again, be specific.

Five Decades of Lies Help Dems Create Monolithic Black Vote - Larry Elder - Page full

Your link is discredited because it fails to mention the switch caused by Kennedy, the southern strategy and fails to mention that Blacks voted democratic consistently at or above 60% from 1936 due to FDR and his New Deal.

Well, the link is "discredited" because it's nothing more than the same old history revisionism that's posted here everyday.

It doesn't come close to answering the question I asked, all it does is repeats the same tired "Republicans loved black people in the 60s" memes.
Which political party started the KKK and Jim Crowe again? You democrats keep denying it.
Which political party fought a war to ensure a unified and strong federal government?
"Of course blacks fought for the Confederacy. You are imaging that all slave owners beat their slaves, raped their slaves, starved their slaves, and therefor all slaves hated whitey and would never fight for the south. You are wrong, MANY slaves were treated well (I mean considering they were slaves) and thought of their masters as family of sorts and considered an attack on them as an attack on themselves.

Oh , and many , MANY slaves were foreman who had authority over the other slaves and yes carried guns before the civil war, so arming them during the civil war wasn't really a question."
A few did. Very few.

Most Historians with no 'south/north' agenda other than honesty to the facts and documentation available, have concluded the evidence just does not exist to support this recently touted meme of Black Confederates soldiers.

Answer me this neo-rebels: What was the one thing Southern slaveholders feared the most?

You know the answer. A slave uprising. John Brown shook those fears heartily. Talk of it ruled the day. The slave revolts in the Caribbean were still fresh on their minds.

They were petrified of slaves getting enough courage to break their chains and leave for the natural state of man: an aching desire for freedom.
Now pretend you're a slaveowner - do you give your slaves guns? Hell no you don't.

They thought it, in their words, a "suicidal policy."

That's why the confederacy forbade it.

"Our position with the North and before the world will not allow the employment as armed soldiers of negroes." CSA Secretary of War James A. SeddonLINK: The War of the Rebellion: a compilation of the official records

...and why they were arguing as late as 1865 - near the very, very end - if they should allow the negroes to fight. This is a matter of record.

It was only when the south was beat to a bloody pulp, with not much more to lose, they considered doing so. And even then many would not hear of it. Even then.

So take your Lost Cause Jarbage and stuff it in your rebel cap while you march around whistling Dixie pretending you know dick all about it.
These idiots are beyond help at this point. Everything they have submitted as proof is a forgery, hearsay or unverified. I have tears running down my face laughing at them.
There's no limit to the rewriting of history by the Right. Where to begin?

Proudly flying the flag, I see.
Yup..Good eye!
Can't sneak anything by you.

The same one AveGuyIA proudly owned as his avatar as one time.

So what?
The old flag...of democrats.
The flag of patriots who opposed federal gvmt oppression and were brave enough to back up their convictions.
^ That's what this thread needs. The full bore racists not afraid to say they fly the flag of the old racist Conservative democrats who were willing to fight to the death to preserve, protect and expand slavery -- to fight -- oppression!

"Brave enough to back up their convictions" (!) in a "country" they formed where nearly half the population was in chains, and bought and sold as farm animals, the remaining half of that was property of their men. But, damn! Those conservatives were ready to die -- to fight oppression!

Will blacks leave the dem party? They already are.

Sorry, libs, but black americans are not as dumb as you think they are.
<I don't doubt for a minute if the republican party could find a way to legalize slavery, they'd do it. >

--- oh damn, was that my outside voice? --

Either that or find a way to pay people riduculously low wages that they can barely afford to live on

Republicans want a flood of productivity's wealth generation going up to the rich on a promise that a little of it will trickle back down.
These idiots are beyond help at this point. Everything they have submitted as proof is a forgery, hearsay or unverified. I have tears running down my face laughing at them.
There's no limit to the rewriting of history by the Right. Where to begin?

Proudly flying the flag, I see.
Yup..Good eye!
Can't sneak anything by you.

The same one AveGuyIA proudly owned as his avatar as one time.

So what?
The old flag...of democrats.
The flag of patriots who opposed federal gvmt oppression and were brave enough to back up their convictions.
^ That's what this thread needs. The full bore racists not afraid to say they fly the flag of the old racist Conservative democrats who were willing to fight to the death to preserve, protect and expand slavery -- to fight -- oppression!

"Brave enough to back up their convictions" (!) in a "country" they formed where nearly half the population was in chains, and bought and sold as farm animals, the remaining half of that was property of their men. But, damn! Those conservatives were ready to die -- to fight oppression!


the confederate flag is a piece of history, it is not a symbol of racism.

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