Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party?

Sorry in my last post I didn't see you had answered this.
Show me where today there is one single Black slave.
What obstacles are you talking about? Name them, be specific and tell me what the Dems specifically have done other than free stuff, have done to remove those obstacles and show me how they are working within the predominantly Black communities that are Democratic strongholds.

You do realize there was white slavery up until the end of the civil war?
What is your definition of the American dream? Free stuff? What free stuff did whites get? How does free stuff realize the American dream? And what specifically have Dems done to help people realize the American dream? Show me numbers and what specifically made those numbers better toward realizing the American dream?
For 350 years white people got free shit. Spare me your whining and your attempt to guilt Black people into voting for retarded conservatives. Dont you know you are a running joke?

There was no legal white slavery. Give me a break dude. Indentured servitude was the closest to slavery white people ever got her in the US.
Really? The Irish were sold for less than Africans, first. True they usually were sold for around 10 years of work. But any children they bore in that time period were slaves for life.

Now, what is the American dream? And how have the Dems policies helped achieve it? Where are the Democratic community strongholds that show most African Americans have realized the American dream thru other means than damning white Republicans? Why are those communities still mostly segregated?
Show me one lifetime Irish slave here in the US. This should be interesting.

The American dream as I define it is the ability to have the same opportunities to succeed as everyone else. With the same barriers and obstacles to overcome. The Dems as they currently stand are a much better choice to achieve that dream than the Republicans. The Reps try to pretend there are no additional hurdles for Blacks and other minorities.
I dont get your first question? Why do you want to see a Black slave of today? Are you trying to use a metaphor or do you want a person that is in forced slavery like in the 1800's in the south?
Doesn't prove the picture wasn't an accurate portrayal of black confederates.

Yeah it does. The were Union soldiers you dumb convict.

Black Union Soldiers - Louisiana Native Guard - Photo Falsification

The recruitment poster.


The fake with the font that did not exist until recently.


Are you saying the bottom photo isn't confederate soldiers?


The 1st Louisiana Native Guard (CSA) was a Confederate Louisiana militia of free persons of color formed in 1861[2] in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Yes you retarded convict. The photo is a fake that was edited and photoshopped and based on this real one here. To add insult to injury they sell it to morons like you. BTW your link doesnt show a picture.


I don't need a picture.

The photo in question may not be authentic but it doesn't take away the fact that blacks served in the CSA.

What was the link for then? It had nothing to do with my post. There is no fact Blacks served in the loser army except as servants. You honestly believe a white man is going to give a Black man who has had his wife and daughters raped by white men and screwed over for generations a gun? You cant possibly be that stupid convict.

So the only blacks in the south were slaves? I can't believe you're that fucking stupid. Oh wait..... yea I can believe it.

Civil War Did Blacks Fight for the South - The Root
Yeah it does. The were Union soldiers you dumb convict.

Black Union Soldiers - Louisiana Native Guard - Photo Falsification

The recruitment poster.


The fake with the font that did not exist until recently.


Are you saying the bottom photo isn't confederate soldiers?


The 1st Louisiana Native Guard (CSA) was a Confederate Louisiana militia of free persons of color formed in 1861[2] in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Yes you retarded convict. The photo is a fake that was edited and photoshopped and based on this real one here. To add insult to injury they sell it to morons like you. BTW your link doesnt show a picture.


I don't need a picture.

The photo in question may not be authentic but it doesn't take away the fact that blacks served in the CSA.

What was the link for then? It had nothing to do with my post. There is no fact Blacks served in the loser army except as servants. You honestly believe a white man is going to give a Black man who has had his wife and daughters raped by white men and screwed over for generations a gun? You cant possibly be that stupid convict.

So the only blacks in the south were slaves? I can't believe you're that fucking stupid. Oh wait..... yea I can believe it.

Civil War Did Blacks Fight for the South - The Root
Your lies are funny. Did you think I wouldnt check the link?

Did African Americans fight for the Stars and Bars? Maybe a few, but hardly the thousands that some claim.

That is some serious proof right there. :lol:
You stated there were no whites in slavery but Indentured , then when I proved you wrong you told me to show you an Irish that is a slave today. They were emancipated just as Black's were, thus I was showing you your question was erroneous in its nature.
Now to the rest of my questions.
Sorry in my last post I didn't see you had answered this.
Show me where today there is one single Black slave.
What obstacles are you talking about? Name them, be specific and tell me what the Dems specifically have done other than free stuff, have done to remove those obstacles and show me how they are working within the predominantly Black communities that are Democratic strongholds.

You do realize there was white slavery up until the end of the civil war?
What is your definition of the American dream? Free stuff? What free stuff did whites get? How does free stuff realize the American dream? And what specifically have Dems done to help people realize the American dream? Show me numbers and what specifically made those numbers better toward realizing the American dream?

There was no legal white slavery. Give me a break dude. Indentured servitude was the closest to slavery white people ever got her in the US.
Really? The Irish were sold for less than Africans, first. True they usually were sold for around 10 years of work. But any children they bore in that time period were slaves for life.

Now, what is the American dream? And how have the Dems policies helped achieve it? Where are the Democratic community strongholds that show most African Americans have realized the American dream thru other means than damning white Republicans? Why are those communities still mostly segregated?
Show me one lifetime Irish slave here in the US. This should be interesting.

The American dream as I define it is the ability to have the same opportunities to succeed as everyone else. With the same barriers and obstacles to overcome. The Dems as they currently stand are a much better choice to achieve that dream than the Republicans. The Reps try to pretend there are no additional hurdles for Blacks and other minorities.
I dont get your first question? Why do you want to see a Black slave of today? Are you trying to use a metaphor or do you want a person that is in forced slavery like in the 1800's in the south?
Are you saying the bottom photo isn't confederate soldiers?


The 1st Louisiana Native Guard (CSA) was a Confederate Louisiana militia of free persons of color formed in 1861[2] in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Yes you retarded convict. The photo is a fake that was edited and photoshopped and based on this real one here. To add insult to injury they sell it to morons like you. BTW your link doesnt show a picture.


I don't need a picture.

The photo in question may not be authentic but it doesn't take away the fact that blacks served in the CSA.

What was the link for then? It had nothing to do with my post. There is no fact Blacks served in the loser army except as servants. You honestly believe a white man is going to give a Black man who has had his wife and daughters raped by white men and screwed over for generations a gun? You cant possibly be that stupid convict.

So the only blacks in the south were slaves? I can't believe you're that fucking stupid. Oh wait..... yea I can believe it.

Civil War Did Blacks Fight for the South - The Root
Your lies are funny. Did you think I wouldnt check the link?

Did African Americans fight for the Stars and Bars? Maybe a few, but hardly the thousands that some claim.

That is some serious proof right there. :lol:

It sure is, it says that it's undeniable that blacks fought for the south.

I said blacks fought for the South and I was right. So what lie are you alleging I made?
You stated there were no whites in slavery but Indentured , then when I proved you wrong you told me to show you an Irish that is a slave today. They were emancipated just as Black's were, thus I was showing you your question was erroneous in its nature.
Now to the rest of my questions.
Sorry in my last post I didn't see you had answered this.
Show me where today there is one single Black slave.
What obstacles are you talking about? Name them, be specific and tell me what the Dems specifically have done other than free stuff, have done to remove those obstacles and show me how they are working within the predominantly Black communities that are Democratic strongholds.

There was no legal white slavery. Give me a break dude. Indentured servitude was the closest to slavery white people ever got her in the US.
Really? The Irish were sold for less than Africans, first. True they usually were sold for around 10 years of work. But any children they bore in that time period were slaves for life.

Now, what is the American dream? And how have the Dems policies helped achieve it? Where are the Democratic community strongholds that show most African Americans have realized the American dream thru other means than damning white Republicans? Why are those communities still mostly segregated?
Show me one lifetime Irish slave here in the US. This should be interesting.

The American dream as I define it is the ability to have the same opportunities to succeed as everyone else. With the same barriers and obstacles to overcome. The Dems as they currently stand are a much better choice to achieve that dream than the Republicans. The Reps try to pretend there are no additional hurdles for Blacks and other minorities.
I dont get your first question? Why do you want to see a Black slave of today? Are you trying to use a metaphor or do you want a person that is in forced slavery like in the 1800's in the south?
You still haven't showed me an Irish slave that existed so how did you prove me wrong?
Yes you retarded convict. The photo is a fake that was edited and photoshopped and based on this real one here. To add insult to injury they sell it to morons like you. BTW your link doesnt show a picture.


I don't need a picture.

The photo in question may not be authentic but it doesn't take away the fact that blacks served in the CSA.

What was the link for then? It had nothing to do with my post. There is no fact Blacks served in the loser army except as servants. You honestly believe a white man is going to give a Black man who has had his wife and daughters raped by white men and screwed over for generations a gun? You cant possibly be that stupid convict.

So the only blacks in the south were slaves? I can't believe you're that fucking stupid. Oh wait..... yea I can believe it.

Civil War Did Blacks Fight for the South - The Root
Your lies are funny. Did you think I wouldnt check the link?

Did African Americans fight for the Stars and Bars? Maybe a few, but hardly the thousands that some claim.

That is some serious proof right there. :lol:

It sure is, it says that it's undeniable that blacks fought for the south.

I said blacks fought for the South and I was right. So what lie are you alleging I made?
You were wrong and its not undeniable. Plenty of people deny it. There may have been 1 or 2 uncle toms but there is absolutely no proof of even these guys existing. Where is your proof they existed?
You stated there were no whites in slavery but Indentured , then when I proved you wrong you told me to show you an Irish that is a slave today. They were emancipated just as Black's were, thus I was showing you your question was erroneous in its nature.
Now to the rest of my questions.
Sorry in my last post I didn't see you had answered this.
Show me where today there is one single Black slave.
What obstacles are you talking about? Name them, be specific and tell me what the Dems specifically have done other than free stuff, have done to remove those obstacles and show me how they are working within the predominantly Black communities that are Democratic strongholds.

Really? The Irish were sold for less than Africans, first. True they usually were sold for around 10 years of work. But any children they bore in that time period were slaves for life.

Now, what is the American dream? And how have the Dems policies helped achieve it? Where are the Democratic community strongholds that show most African Americans have realized the American dream thru other means than damning white Republicans? Why are those communities still mostly segregated?
Show me one lifetime Irish slave here in the US. This should be interesting.

The American dream as I define it is the ability to have the same opportunities to succeed as everyone else. With the same barriers and obstacles to overcome. The Dems as they currently stand are a much better choice to achieve that dream than the Republicans. The Reps try to pretend there are no additional hurdles for Blacks and other minorities.
I dont get your first question? Why do you want to see a Black slave of today? Are you trying to use a metaphor or do you want a person that is in forced slavery like in the 1800's in the south?
You still haven't showed me an Irish slave that existed so how did you prove me wrong?
You didnt explode anything. You just claimed free shit wasnt free. No one believes that if they have a brain in their skull.
I point out that the "free shit" wasnt free at all. Someone had to pay costs associated with it. Even you can understand that.
If you won a free car you would still need to pay taxes, maintence and gas. Doesnt mean the care itself was not free. Even you can understand that cant you?
Who got a free car? Recall that slaves cost money. Quite a bit of it too.
Free labor retard.
It wasnt free, asshole. THey had to buy the person. They had to pay to maintain the person. They had to support the person when he got too old to work. Just because the person didnt earn a wage (and some of them did) didnt maek that free in any sense.
It is funny

In a thread Rabbi himself started about blacks fleeing the "Democrat" Party he shows exactly why blacks will not go near the Republican Party

What are you negroes complaining about? They had to pay for you, they had to feed you, house you........you weren't "free" ...where is your gratitude?
Oh Jesus Christ. Lonestar Loser is *still pushing that photo??

He was schooled on that years ago. Time and again. And he is STILL popping it out? Wow.

Man. Some people are absolutely immune to learning.
I didnt make a statement. I linked to the site that proved the picture he was trying to pass off as proof of Black confederate soilders was actually a Union recruitment picture dummy.

Doesn't prove the picture wasn't an accurate portrayal of black confederates.

Yeah it does. The were Union soldiers you dumb convict.

Black Union Soldiers - Louisiana Native Guard - Photo Falsification

The recruitment poster.


The fake with the font that did not exist until recently.


Are you saying the bottom photo isn't confederate soldiers?


The 1st Louisiana Native Guard (CSA) was a Confederate Louisiana militia of free persons of color formed in 1861[2] in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Yes you retarded convict. The bottom photo is a fake that was edited and photoshopped.

And you have proof of this?

Yes the bottom photo is a Fake. - The Other 20 or 30 are not - we already got through that, as well as the news clipping re: a black confederate detachment


Many historians would have you believe that all minority groups such as Blacks,
Indians, and Hispanics hated the Confederacy and what it stood for. This is completely
untrue according to records that are recently been brought to the forefront of history.
Groups such as the 37th Texas Calvary and the Sons of Confederate Veterans


The main Rebel armies facing long odds against must larger Union armies, the Confederacy, in a desperate measure, reluctantly approves the use of black troops.

Confederacy approves black soldiers


Black Confederates is a term often used to describe both enslaved and free African Americans who filled a number of different positions in support of the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War (1861–1865).

Encyclopedia Virginia Black Confederates





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You stated there were no whites in slavery but Indentured , then when I proved you wrong you told me to show you an Irish that is a slave today. They were emancipated just as Black's were, thus I was showing you your question was erroneous in its nature.
Now to the rest of my questions.
Sorry in my last post I didn't see you had answered this.
Show me where today there is one single Black slave.
What obstacles are you talking about? Name them, be specific and tell me what the Dems specifically have done other than free stuff, have done to remove those obstacles and show me how they are working within the predominantly Black communities that are Democratic strongholds.

Show me one lifetime Irish slave here in the US. This should be interesting.

The American dream as I define it is the ability to have the same opportunities to succeed as everyone else. With the same barriers and obstacles to overcome. The Dems as they currently stand are a much better choice to achieve that dream than the Republicans. The Reps try to pretend there are no additional hurdles for Blacks and other minorities.
I dont get your first question? Why do you want to see a Black slave of today? Are you trying to use a metaphor or do you want a person that is in forced slavery like in the 1800's in the south?
You still haven't showed me an Irish slave that existed so how did you prove me wrong?
Where is the date and where does it say slave?
Doesn't prove the picture wasn't an accurate portrayal of black confederates.

Yeah it does. The were Union soldiers you dumb convict.

Black Union Soldiers - Louisiana Native Guard - Photo Falsification

The recruitment poster.


The fake with the font that did not exist until recently.


Are you saying the bottom photo isn't confederate soldiers?


The 1st Louisiana Native Guard (CSA) was a Confederate Louisiana militia of free persons of color formed in 1861[2] in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Yes you retarded convict. The bottom photo is a fake that was edited and photoshopped.

And you have proof of this?

Yes the bottom photo is a Fake. - The Other 20 or 30 are not - we already got through that, as well as the news clipping re: a black confederate detachment





We already talked about this. You dont expect me to believe a white southerner account that there were Black units fighting for the confederacy do you? You have yet to verify the photos. When are you going to do this? Seeing as how everything is being proven as forgeries I need some real proof from credible sources.
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You stated there were no whites in slavery but Indentured , then when I proved you wrong you told me to show you an Irish that is a slave today. They were emancipated just as Black's were, thus I was showing you your question was erroneous in its nature.
Now to the rest of my questions.
Sorry in my last post I didn't see you had answered this.
Show me where today there is one single Black slave.
What obstacles are you talking about? Name them, be specific and tell me what the Dems specifically have done other than free stuff, have done to remove those obstacles and show me how they are working within the predominantly Black communities that are Democratic strongholds.
I dont get your first question? Why do you want to see a Black slave of today? Are you trying to use a metaphor or do you want a person that is in forced slavery like in the 1800's in the south?
You still haven't showed me an Irish slave that existed so how did you prove me wrong?
Where is the date and where does it say slave?
The date is 1744.

He was an indentured servant.
I don't need a picture.

The photo in question may not be authentic but it doesn't take away the fact that blacks served in the CSA.

What was the link for then? It had nothing to do with my post. There is no fact Blacks served in the loser army except as servants. You honestly believe a white man is going to give a Black man who has had his wife and daughters raped by white men and screwed over for generations a gun? You cant possibly be that stupid convict.

So the only blacks in the south were slaves? I can't believe you're that fucking stupid. Oh wait..... yea I can believe it.

Civil War Did Blacks Fight for the South - The Root
Your lies are funny. Did you think I wouldnt check the link?

Did African Americans fight for the Stars and Bars? Maybe a few, but hardly the thousands that some claim.

That is some serious proof right there. :lol:

It sure is, it says that it's undeniable that blacks fought for the south.

I said blacks fought for the South and I was right. So what lie are you alleging I made?
You were wrong and its not undeniable. Plenty of people deny it. There may have been 1 or 2 uncle toms but there is absolutely no proof of even these guys existing. Where is your proof they existed?

Only the ignorant and the stupid deny it.

Confederacy approves black soldiers mdash History.com This Day in History mdash 3 13 1865

black Confederate

South Carolina s Civil War A Narrative History - W. Scott Poole - Google Books
You stated there were no whites in slavery but Indentured , then when I proved you wrong you told me to show you an Irish that is a slave today. They were emancipated just as Black's were, thus I was showing you your question was erroneous in its nature.
Now to the rest of my questions.
I dont get your first question? Why do you want to see a Black slave of today? Are you trying to use a metaphor or do you want a person that is in forced slavery like in the 1800's in the south?
You still haven't showed me an Irish slave that existed so how did you prove me wrong?
Where is the date and where does it say slave?
The date is 1744.

He was an indentured servant.
I know. I wanted to bust him in another lie. :laugh:
What a cowardly cop out of an answer

And HILARIOUS that a liberal attempts to use gay as a slur. Why do you hate fags Candy?

Cowardly cop out? It's a moronic question from a moron...exactly what was expected. Gay wasn't used as a slur. I just assumed you two would be happy together. Leaving the nation would be an added bonus.

Of course it was cowardly. It was a moronic question because you don't want to answer.

And of course you used gay as an attempted slur.

Why are the liberals on this board so dishonest?

And once again, your racist/ignorance prevents you from understanding what was written.

shut the fuck up coward. I understand perfectly. You think it's a okay for a black man to abandon his principles to vote for a black man and REFUSE to answer how you would feel if a white man abandoned his principles to avoid voting for a black man.

You're assuming it's antithetical to principles to vote for someone who shares one's skin color if they are black hence your adding the voice to the white man in your sad, pathetic, and moronic scenario...as if blacks are expected to not break ranks but whites would be vilified for doing so.

How would I feel about it? I think you two would be happy together since both of you are ignorant and racist. That was the 3rd time I answered your question. Now run along.

You just don't have an honest bone in your body, do you? We're not talking about breaking ranks, we're talking about a complete paradigm shift from a conservative Republican to voting for a liberal Democrat. Breaking ranks would be a black man who was for Hillary until Obama came around. At least that one could say well, there politics aren't THAT far off, and certainly one can understand a black man voting for a black man.

In fact, I don't even blame Powell really , what I am getting at is that you would obviously, no matter how hard you try to avoid answering the question, deride a white man who switched parties because he didn't want to vote for a black man. Why you are denying that fact is beyond me, it's beyond obvious that you would do so to me and anyone else who is reading this thread. You would accuse him of racism, probably call him a fag, and continue to harangue him

Why are blacks allowed to vote black, but whites aren't allowed to vote white? An honest person would answer that question. You aren't an honest person, so I dont expect you to do so.

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