Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party?

MLK wasn't a republican:

King was not a partisan and never endorsed any political candidate. In a 1958 interview, King said “I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses … And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”

Contrast that to "black leaders " today and tell me if you can spot the difference

Well, Condi Rice is bound to the GOP...so is Michael Steele...
For some reason they keep leaving out Colin Powell
He supported the POTUS so we know why.

So Asslips - I see you backed off our debate yesterday ere: Confederate Soldiers - Pussy - you were beaten - I accept your concession
I proved all your photos were forgeries. Why would I debate you further? You were done the minute you posted the civil war photo with the font that was not developed until Microsoft did so.
Sorry but under which party have blacks seen declines in household income, household wealth, and employment? Yeah, that's the Democrat Party. Unless your idea of the American Dream is lots of free shit you're in the wrong party.
For 350 years white people got free shit. Spare me your whining and your attempt to guilt Black people into voting for retarded conservatives. Dont you know you are a running joke?
Please cite the "free shit" white people got. There wasnt any.
You are increasingly irrelevant due to your ignorance and stupidity.

Free slave labor
Free land via homestead acts.
Free schooling once former Black slaves created the public school system.
Welfare was created for whites and denied people of color.
First in line for jobs up until AA was made a law.

We all know you maintain a knowledge of my prescence. You wouldnt be talking to me if I was irrelevant. Who do you think you are fooling? :lol:
Slaves were purchased by masters. They had to be maintained, fed, clothed etc. Nothing free about that.
Homesteaders were required to work the land for a certain number of years using their own tools etc. Nothing free there.
Horace Mann, white, created free public schooling.
There were seldom competitions between blacks and whites for jobs as they tended to take different job types.

Boy, looks like your knowledge of history comes from some Afrocentric propaganda text.
Damn Rabbi......you are one sick fucker

Standing up for slavery
Yoy are a clueless retard if that's what you got out of this.
Actually you're a clueless retard anyway.
Maybe the fact that conservatives really only ever ridicule blacks for voting Democratic isn't helping the Republican party appeal to blacks.

How many of you know that well over 70% of Asian-Americans vote Democratic? Why is that? What plantation are they happy on?

Over 60% of Jewish-Americans vote Democratic. Where's their plantation?
What part of "pay" is unclear to you?
The part where no money was paid to the slaves for their forced labor.
OK, let me explain that yet again.
Just because one party doesnt receive money doesnt mean it is free to another party. In this case the slave received benefit--food, clothing, shelter while the master was on teh hook for the cost of the slave plus those living expenses. I'm not arguing it was a great deal for the slave, it probably wasnt. I'm arguing it was in no sense free.
Blah blah. You got free labor retard. On top of that the slaves had no choice other than die or watch their family tortured.
King was not a partisan and never endorsed any political candidate. In a 1958 interview, King said “I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses … And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”

Contrast that to "black leaders " today and tell me if you can spot the difference

Well, Condi Rice is bound to the GOP...so is Michael Steele...
For some reason they keep leaving out Colin Powell
He supported the POTUS so we know why.

So Asslips - I see you backed off our debate yesterday ere: Confederate Soldiers - Pussy - you were beaten - I accept your concession
I proved all your photos were forgeries. Why would I debate you further? You were done the minute you posted the civil war photo with the font that was not developed until Microsoft did so.
Making a statement is not proof. /fail.
What part of "pay" is unclear to you?
The part where no money was paid to the slaves for their forced labor.
OK, let me explain that yet again.
Just because one party doesnt receive money doesnt mean it is free to another party. In this case the slave received benefit--food, clothing, shelter while the master was on teh hook for the cost of the slave plus those living expenses. I'm not arguing it was a great deal for the slave, it probably wasnt. I'm arguing it was in no sense free.

I never realized even you can sink this low

I guess there is no limit for you
What part of "pay" is unclear to you?
The part where no money was paid to the slaves for their forced labor.
OK, let me explain that yet again.
Just because one party doesnt receive money doesnt mean it is free to another party. In this case the slave received benefit--food, clothing, shelter while the master was on teh hook for the cost of the slave plus those living expenses. I'm not arguing it was a great deal for the slave, it probably wasnt. I'm arguing it was in no sense free.
Blah blah. You got free labor retard. On top of that the slaves had no choice other than die or watch their family tortured.
I didnt get jack shit. My family was in Russia.
There was no free labor. Another afrocentric myth keeping the black man down.
I point out that the "free shit" wasnt free at all. Someone had to pay costs associated with it. Even you can understand that.
If you won a free car you would still need to pay taxes, maintence and gas. Doesnt mean the care itself was not free. Even you can understand that cant you?
Who got a free car? Recall that slaves cost money. Quite a bit of it too.
Free labor retard.
It wasnt free, asshole. THey had to buy the person. They had to pay to maintain the person. They had to support the person when he got too old to work. Just because the person didnt earn a wage (and some of them did) didnt maek that free in any sense.
It was free asshole. You can try to paint it anyway you want to but the reality is that it was free labor.

Don't you get it...to be a Conservative you have to think that slaves had a pretty sweet deal back then and the poor have a pretty sweet deal today. Both are false but both are things that any conservative would swear to.

It makes you wonder just how brain damaged these people are; does it not?
Maybe the fact that conservatives really only ever ridicule blacks for voting Democratic isn't helping the Republican party appeal to blacks.

How many of you know that well over 70% of Asian-Americans vote Democratic? Why is that? What plantation are they happy on?

Over 60% of Jewish-Americans vote Democratic. Where's their plantation?
Conservatives think Black people are the easiest targets to guilt for some strange reason. They think Black people dont know about the southern strategy and that liberals were actually the people that made up the Republicans initially.
What part of "pay" is unclear to you?
The part where no money was paid to the slaves for their forced labor.
OK, let me explain that yet again.
Just because one party doesnt receive money doesnt mean it is free to another party. In this case the slave received benefit--food, clothing, shelter while the master was on teh hook for the cost of the slave plus those living expenses. I'm not arguing it was a great deal for the slave, it probably wasnt. I'm arguing it was in no sense free.
Blah blah. You got free labor retard. On top of that the slaves had no choice other than die or watch their family tortured.
I didnt get jack shit. My family was in Russia.
There was no free labor. Another afrocentric myth keeping the black man down.
I wasnt talking about you specifically dummy. You do benefit from the system created for and by whites even if you are russian. All you have to do is clear up your accent.
You do realize there was white slavery up until the end of the civil war?
What is your definition of the American dream? Free stuff? What free stuff did whites get? How does free stuff realize the American dream? And what specifically have Dems done to help people realize the American dream? Show me numbers and what specifically made those numbers better toward realizing the American dream?
Black people are going to vote for the party that gives them opportunity to participate equally in the American dream. Republicans basically paint themselves as the polar opposite of that idea.
Sorry but under which party have blacks seen declines in household income, household wealth, and employment? Yeah, that's the Democrat Party. Unless your idea of the American Dream is lots of free shit you're in the wrong party.
For 350 years white people got free shit. Spare me your whining and your attempt to guilt Black people into voting for retarded conservatives. Dont you know you are a running joke?

There was no legal white slavery. Give me a break dude. Indentured servitude was the closest to slavery white people ever got her in the US.
Really? The Irish were sold for less than Africans, first. True they usually were sold for around 10 years of work. But any children they bore in that time period were slaves for life.

Now, what is the American dream? And how have the Dems policies helped achieve it? Where are the Democratic community strongholds that show most African Americans have realized the American dream thru other means than damning white Republicans? Why are those communities still mostly segregated?
For 350 years white people got free shit. Spare me your whining and your attempt to guilt Black people into voting for retarded conservatives. Dont you know you are a running joke?
Please cite the "free shit" white people got. There wasnt any.
You are increasingly irrelevant due to your ignorance and stupidity.

Free slave labor
Free land via homestead acts.
Free schooling once former Black slaves created the public school system.
Welfare was created for whites and denied people of color.
First in line for jobs up until AA was made a law.

We all know you maintain a knowledge of my prescence. You wouldnt be talking to me if I was irrelevant. Who do you think you are fooling? :lol:
Slaves were purchased by masters. They had to be maintained, fed, clothed etc. Nothing free about that.
Homesteaders were required to work the land for a certain number of years using their own tools etc. Nothing free there.
Horace Mann, white, created free public schooling.
There were seldom competitions between blacks and whites for jobs as they tended to take different job types.

Boy, looks like your knowledge of history comes from some Afrocentric propaganda text.
Damn Rabbi......you are one sick fucker

Standing up for slavery
Yoy are a clueless retard if that's what you got out of this.
Actually you're a clueless retard anyway.

No seriously dude....what you posted is fucking offensive
Even for you
What part of "pay" is unclear to you?
The part where no money was paid to the slaves for their forced labor.
OK, let me explain that yet again.
Just because one party doesnt receive money doesnt mean it is free to another party. In this case the slave received benefit--food, clothing, shelter while the master was on teh hook for the cost of the slave plus those living expenses. I'm not arguing it was a great deal for the slave, it probably wasnt. I'm arguing it was in no sense free.

I never realized even you can sink this low

I guess there is no limit for you

I knew he had it in him...all conservatives do if they develop their hate genes well enough. It is probably the one and only way Rabbi is exceptional...his insensitivity to know just how repugnant he has become.

Grumps is on his way...sadly.
Maybe the fact that conservatives really only ever ridicule blacks for voting Democratic isn't helping the Republican party appeal to blacks.

How many of you know that well over 70% of Asian-Americans vote Democratic? Why is that? What plantation are they happy on?

Over 60% of Jewish-Americans vote Democratic. Where's their plantation?
Conservatives think Black people are the easiest targets to guilt for some strange reason. They think Black people dont know about the southern strategy and that liberals were actually the people that made up the Republicans initially.

The Republican Party know that it can win even if getting only 10 percent of the black vote, and from that premise it makes sense to write off the black vote and focus on energizing the anti-black vote.
Well, Condi Rice is bound to the GOP...so is Michael Steele...
For some reason they keep leaving out Colin Powell
He supported the POTUS so we know why.

So Asslips - I see you backed off our debate yesterday ere: Confederate Soldiers - Pussy - you were beaten - I accept your concession
I proved all your photos were forgeries. Why would I debate you further? You were done the minute you posted the civil war photo with the font that was not developed until Microsoft did so.
Making a statement is not proof. /fail.
I didnt make a statement. I linked to the site that proved the picture he was trying to pass off as proof of Black confederate soilders was actually a Union recruitment picture dummy.
If you won a free car you would still need to pay taxes, maintence and gas. Doesnt mean the care itself was not free. Even you can understand that cant you?
Who got a free car? Recall that slaves cost money. Quite a bit of it too.
Free labor retard.
It wasnt free, asshole. THey had to buy the person. They had to pay to maintain the person. They had to support the person when he got too old to work. Just because the person didnt earn a wage (and some of them did) didnt maek that free in any sense.
It was free asshole. You can try to paint it anyway you want to but the reality is that it was free labor.

Don't you get it...to be a Conservative you have to think that slaves had a pretty sweet deal back then and the poor have a pretty sweet deal today. Both are false but both are things that any conservative would swear to.

It makes you wonder just how brain damaged these people are; does it not?
To defend slavery for the sweet room and board is as low as you can get
If you won a free car you would still need to pay taxes, maintence and gas. Doesnt mean the care itself was not free. Even you can understand that cant you?
Who got a free car? Recall that slaves cost money. Quite a bit of it too.
Free labor retard.
It wasnt free, asshole. THey had to buy the person. They had to pay to maintain the person. They had to support the person when he got too old to work. Just because the person didnt earn a wage (and some of them did) didnt maek that free in any sense.
It was free asshole. You can try to paint it anyway you want to but the reality is that it was free labor.

Don't you get it...to be a Conservative you have to think that slaves had a pretty sweet deal back then and the poor have a pretty sweet deal today. Both are false but both are things that any conservative would swear to.

It makes you wonder just how brain damaged these people are; does it not?

As absurd as it is, conservatives frequently make the argument that blacks are better off BECAUSE of slavery,

based on some demented argument that that's how they got to be Americans, and otherwise they'd still be back in Africa.
You do realize there was white slavery up until the end of the civil war?
What is your definition of the American dream? Free stuff? What free stuff did whites get? How does free stuff realize the American dream? And what specifically have Dems done to help people realize the American dream? Show me numbers and what specifically made those numbers better toward realizing the American dream?
Black people are going to vote for the party that gives them opportunity to participate equally in the American dream. Republicans basically paint themselves as the polar opposite of that idea.
Sorry but under which party have blacks seen declines in household income, household wealth, and employment? Yeah, that's the Democrat Party. Unless your idea of the American Dream is lots of free shit you're in the wrong party.
For 350 years white people got free shit. Spare me your whining and your attempt to guilt Black people into voting for retarded conservatives. Dont you know you are a running joke?

There was no legal white slavery. Give me a break dude. Indentured servitude was the closest to slavery white people ever got her in the US.
Really? The Irish were sold for less than Africans, first. True they usually were sold for around 10 years of work. But any children they bore in that time period were slaves for life.

Now, what is the American dream? And how have the Dems policies helped achieve it? Where are the Democratic community strongholds that show most African Americans have realized the American dream thru other means than damning white Republicans? Why are those communities still mostly segregated?
Show me one lifetime Irish slave here in the US. This should be interesting.

The American dream as I define it is the ability to have the same opportunities to succeed as everyone else. With the same barriers and obstacles to overcome. The Dems as they currently stand are a much better choice to achieve that dream than the Republicans. The Reps try to pretend there are no additional hurdles for Blacks and other minorities.
If you won a free car you would still need to pay taxes, maintence and gas. Doesnt mean the care itself was not free. Even you can understand that cant you?
Who got a free car? Recall that slaves cost money. Quite a bit of it too.
Free labor retard.
It wasnt free, asshole. THey had to buy the person. They had to pay to maintain the person. They had to support the person when he got too old to work. Just because the person didnt earn a wage (and some of them did) didnt maek that free in any sense.
It was free asshole. You can try to paint it anyway you want to but the reality is that it was free labor.

Don't you get it...to be a Conservative you have to think that slaves had a pretty sweet deal back then and the poor have a pretty sweet deal today. Both are false but both are things that any conservative would swear to.

It makes you wonder just how brain damaged these people are; does it not?

What experiences do you have with poor people?
For some reason they keep leaving out Colin Powell
He supported the POTUS so we know why.

So Asslips - I see you backed off our debate yesterday ere: Confederate Soldiers - Pussy - you were beaten - I accept your concession
I proved all your photos were forgeries. Why would I debate you further? You were done the minute you posted the civil war photo with the font that was not developed until Microsoft did so.
Making a statement is not proof. /fail.
I didnt make a statement. I linked to the site that proved the picture he was trying to pass off as proof of Black confederate soilders was actually a Union recruitment picture dummy.

Doesn't prove the picture wasn't an accurate portrayal of black confederates.

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