Will Comey Cost Hillary The Presidency?

Hillary is the one responsible for the mess she's in. She's the one who created it.

So, you agree with what Comey did - by violating FBI protocol of not releasing information regarding any internal investigations within 60 days of a presidential election - without any proof of wrongdoing?
There's plenty of evidence for wrong doing, numskull. Comey already had enough evidence for a conviction.
Hillary may cost Hillary the Presidency. Had she released all her emails to begin with, instead of destroying them, and trying to obstruct justice this would all have been handled during the initial investigation. There would be no new eveidence, or emails. Hillary chose this outcome.

By giving Hillary a pass on all her crimes, the media and the establishment have done America a great service. By the time all her crimes are exposed, the reputation of the media and the Democrat party will be so thoroughly toxic that Democrats won't win an election for the next 50 years.
It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.

Your hatred of fair and honest American democracy is duly noted.
WE haven't had that since the Coolidge administration.
Hillary may cost Hillary the Presidency. Had she released all her emails to begin with, instead of destroying them, and trying to obstruct justice this would all have been handled during the initial investigation. There would be no new eveidence, or emails. Hillary chose this outcome.

It's been widely reported that the emails on Huma's computer may only be DUPLICATES that the FBI has already reviewed. Comey doesn't know - because he hasn't seen them yet.
The FBI reviewed 650,000 emails? When?
The FBI just got the warrant they needed to fully read them. Libs are trying to claim the FBI already read them, already know what's in them, that this is old news and a new attempt to hurt Hillary...and it's CRAP.
"The FBI has been looking into Donald Trump's connections to Vladimir Putin, and has said nary a word about their conclusions. Being circumspect with one candidate but publicly commenting on and lambasting the other certainly does not seem consistent with the non-partisan approach that is expected of the Bureau.

The problem for Comey is that, if his actions did advance a partisan agenda (even if that was not his intention), he may have broken the law. As Richard W. Painter, who served as chief White House ethics lawyer from 2005 to 2007, writes, it is very possible that the FBI Director violated the Hatch Act, which prohibits federal employees from influencing the outcome of an election."
There is no conclussion to be made...except libs are DESPERSTE to distract from Hillary's MULTIPLE in-going FBI investigations.
There is no conclussion to be made...except libs are DESPERSTE to distract from Hillary's MULTIPLE in-going FBI investigations.
Innocent until proven guilty is the law, no?
Hillary has not been convicted of ANY crimes after MULTIPLE partisan investigations costing taxpayers millions of dollars, or has she?
There is no conclussion to be made...except libs are DESPERSTE to distract from Hillary's MULTIPLE in-going FBI investigations.
Innocent until proven guilty is the law, no?
Hillary has not been convicted of ANY crimes after MULTIPLE partisan investigations costing taxpayers millions of dollars, or has she?

And she probably won't be. That says more about power than it does about justice.
There is no conclussion to be made...except libs are DESPERSTE to distract from Hillary's MULTIPLE in-going FBI investigations.
Innocent until proven guilty is the law, no?
Hillary has not been convicted of ANY crimes after MULTIPLE partisan investigations costing taxpayers millions of dollars, or has she?
And she probably won't be. That says more about power than it does about justice.
Are you saying all those rich Repubs are powerless?
There is no conclussion to be made...except libs are DESPERSTE to distract from Hillary's MULTIPLE in-going FBI investigations.
Innocent until proven guilty is the law, no?
Hillary has not been convicted of ANY crimes after MULTIPLE partisan investigations costing taxpayers millions of dollars, or has she?
And she probably won't be. That says more about power than it does about justice.
Are you saying all those rich Repubs are powerless?

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Will Comey Cost Hillary The Presidency?

Anybody who is pro-Hillary so far isn't going to change his/her vote because of this. The FBI doesn't even know what the emails contain or if they have anything to do with mismanagement, abuse, or wrong doing on Mrs. Clinton's part. It's all about making those idiots who are still undecided worry. This isn't anything like Watergate: anyone who knows anything about Watergate would know that. Mrs. Clinton is not going to be prosecuted or put out of office when she wins the presidency.

She still has a huge likelihood of winning. In the end, it will probably be a landslide victory due to those who, at the very least, are going to vote against Trump turning out in great numbers. No one could really be stupid enough to think that something between Wiener & Huma could bring down Hillary's campaign: it's just ludicrous.
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There is no conclussion to be made...except libs are DESPERSTE to distract from Hillary's MULTIPLE in-going FBI investigations.
Innocent until proven guilty is the law, no?
Hillary has not been convicted of ANY crimes after MULTIPLE partisan investigations costing taxpayers millions of dollars, or has she?

That has nothing to do with my statement, that Libs are LYING about these e-mails having been read - they haven't. Again, they are trying to say they have been so it will seem like all of this is old news - it is not.

You are correct - 'Innocent until proven guilty'...HOWEVER, one can look at undeniable evidence and draw reasonable conclusions of their own, evidence such as:
- Comey testified Hillary PERJURED herself on numerous claims (1 device, no classified sent/received, turned over all State Dept-related documents) and broke the law (FOIA / Federal Records Act). Now you have Huma - admitted she sent classified to a public e-mail server/company - that has been hacked, thousands of classified emails on her own personal unencrypted unsecure laptop after PERJURING herself by declaring she was not storing/saving any classified.

THOUSANDS of classified Hillary e-mails placed on Yahoo.com, a company - as mentioned - who was ravaged by hackers...which means all of those e-mails can be assumed compromised, in our enemies hands...and the potential for Hillary to be a Blackmail Candidate once in office.

At the same time you have a 2nd (SECOND) Hillary FBI Investigation going on regarding the Clinton Foundation and Bribery.

Even the historic impropriety of what's going on - continuous DAILY scandals of national security-threatening magnitude...9 days out from an election.... NO OTHER CANDIDATE, NO CONSERVATIVE, WOULD BE ALLOWED TO STAY IN THE RACE. LIBS WOUD BE FOAMING AT THE MOUTH DEMANDING THEY DROP OUT.

Hillary is THE most scandalous, corrupt, unethical, immoral, criminal candidate to run, and she does not mind dragging this country through a cesspool as long as in the end she gets what she wants.

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