Will Comey Cost Hillary The Presidency?

If Hillary loses it will because of HILLARY. She made all this possible. If there was no private server, no emails, there would be no investigation.

If the IRS released Trump's tax returns, and it cost him the election, would that be Trump's fault?
So, on Planet Liberal, any candidate in any election for federal office is exempt from all laws; from all investigation in the 60 days before an election.

Gee, and "007" thought he had the only license to kill!
Had the Democrats been smart they would have immediately acknowledged how it is done and immediately vowed to get rid of those loopholes. Instead they acted like victims. So, ya....................if she loses you can bet your ass it has nothing to do with Comey.
Hillary is the one responsible for the mess she's in. She's the one who created it.

So, you agree with what Comey did - by violating FBI protocol of not releasing information regarding any internal investigations within 60 days of a presidential election - without any proof of wrongdoing?
Yes. Voters should know about any ongoing investigations before they hit the polls.

Why? Even if there is no proof of wrongdoing? You think that's fair?

If no proof then why are we talking about Hillary's 50th scandal? That dumb crooked bitch couldn't fly straight if you paid her.

Hillary is the one responsible for the mess she's in. She's the one who created it.

So, you agree with what Comey did - by violating FBI protocol of not releasing information regarding any internal investigations within 60 days of a presidential election - without any proof of wrongdoing?
Yes. Voters should know about any ongoing investigations before they hit the polls.

Why? Even if there is no proof of wrongdoing? You think that's fair?

If no proof then why are we talking about Hillary's 50th scandal? That dumb crooked bitch couldn't fly straight if you paid her.


Well, it's hard to fly straight in a tornado of NaziCon conspiracy theories.
Hillary is the one responsible for the mess she's in. She's the one who created it.

So, you agree with what Comey did - by violating FBI protocol of not releasing information regarding any internal investigations within 60 days of a presidential election - without any proof of wrongdoing?
Yes. Voters should know about any ongoing investigations before they hit the polls.

Why? Even if there is no proof of wrongdoing? You think that's fair?

If no proof then why are we talking about Hillary's 50th scandal? That dumb crooked bitch couldn't fly straight if you paid her.


Well, it's hard to fly straight in a tornado of NaziCon conspiracy theories.

Funny it only happens to hillary and bill.

New FBI Announcement Could Throw Wrench Into Down-Ballot Races

But no one really knows how revisiting the Clinton email investigation will affect other candidates on the ballot.

A vague announcement from FBI director James Comey on Friday that suggested he was reopening a case against Hillary Clinton may not be enough to save Donald Trump’s electoral chances, but it just may save a number of Republicans down-ballot. Then again, maybe not. No one actually knows.

It’s kind of like this whole investigation: There are a lot of questions, even more speculation and hardly any answers.

There hasn’t been enough time to conduct a reliable poll that would indicate how the announcement affects the election. Even polling conducted over the weekend could turn out to be moot, as we learn more about what prompted Comey to reopen an investigation related to Clinton’s emails.

No one has been able to definitively say what Comey’s actions are about ― or if the case ever really closed. It’s so far unknown whether the FBI is looking at anything new, or how Republicans and Democrats will be able to define the matter over the next nine days.

That’s not to mention that many states have already begun voting. Many voters have already cast ballots. Many more will as the incident unfolds.

The earliest indications, however, are that the news isn’t stopping Democrats from getting to the polls. About 7,000 more Democrats participated in early voting on Saturday in North Carolina than did on that day in 2012. Nevada early voting looksremarkably similar to 2012 numbers.

The cable news conventional wisdom has been that Republicans who were unsure about Trump might be more motivated to go out ― either to vote against Clinton, or to vote for Republicans down-ballot as a check against Clinton.

That’s the line from Republicans, at least.

“It’s too soon to have any data,” one national GOP operative told The Huffington Post, “but I do believe this will have an impact, especially with the Republican voters who were on the fence for turning out.”

But again, it’s all conjecture.

“Honestly, it’s a little early to tell,” said a GOP official doing field work. “Real people don’t follow day-to-day as closely as we do. Maybe it ultimately stalls Clinton’s afterburners. But it doesn’t change the fact that her field team is flying circles around the RNC.”

In short, even Republicans don’t think this substantively affects the presidential race ― not when Trump doesn’t have a real get-out-the-vote operation.

Democrats seem to think Clinton’s email issues really haven’t been moving voters anyway.

“People that were going to make decisions based on the Clinton emails already did that,” said a Democratic strategist.

A Democratic Senate operative noted that, in mid-September, when Clinton’s own poll numbers were sagging, “our races remained stable (despite the breathless insistence of the national media otherwise).”

“If she takes a hit now, our races can stay steady again,” the operative predicted.

And that’s assuming Clinton does take a hit.

As that same operative noted, no one knows what’s really going on with this FBI investigation. “It is looking like a lot of smoke with no fire,” the person said. “It’s also not clear that people will take this as ‘new’ information. They’ve always know there is a thing with the emails.”

Much of the reaction, of course, will depend on what we learn in the coming days from the FBI ― if we learn anything at all.

As John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, suggested on Sunday, if this is about reviewing Clinton aide Huma Abedin’s emails, the FBI already did that.

But this isn’t exactly how Clinton or other Democrats wanted to end the 2016 campaign.


FBI Director James Comey has thrown this presidential election into a royal clusterfuck.
The DNC and Hillary fucked their down ballot races..............they don't get to bitch cry now.
Hillary is in this position because of what she had done all campaign: carelessness.

Comey may have violated the Hatch Act: does not matter.

HRC will still win the election: she has VA, NH, PA, MI, WI, MN, and NV. Trump must have NV, NH, and PA. Won't happen.
Comey should never have placed his thumb on the political scale - and now I don't know how he's going to get it off before the election.

Any chance the problem here is not with the FBI, but with the malfeasance of your anointed one?

Of course not. Her heart's in the right place...

My God you're delusional.
He or she is paid to post that bull.
The DNC and Hillary fucked their down ballot races..............they don't get to bitch cry now.
They nominated a crappy candidate. Lucky for them Republicans nominated a candidate even more crappy.

The victory fund was used for a select few ( outside of Clinton) which screwed the state parties. It's like every shortsighted clown converged to self destruct. She is beyond "crappy candidate" and for someone to pretend the deciding factor is Comey is ludicrous.
It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.
He may have broken a law.

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