Will Donald Trump be re-elected President on November 3, 2020?

Will Donald Trump be re-elected President on November 3, 2020?

  • Yes

  • No

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I don't think he is going to be able to run, if under indictment! :D but if he does run, no matter who the Democrat candidate is, they will win.... these 2018 midterms was just the tip of the iceberg on the rejection of him by we the people...

Though he could ask for Russia's help again....or the Saudi Prince's help this time... so who knows? :dunno:

I think we the people have had enough of his divisiveness and his dividing the Nation and his inability to even stand, on the World stage with anyone other than dictators and despots.

The thing is, staying President is starting to look like Trumps only option for staying out of Jail, unless he cuts a plea deal with Mueller. A plea deal with Mueller might involve his resignation from the office of President in exchange for no jail time.
he'd be better off resigning before his 4 years are up, getting Pence to pardon him for whatever all his crimes end up being... :p
Far too early to tell. Obama had an approval rating in the twenties at the end of his second year yet he won reelection.
WRONG! In the GALLUP POLL, Obama's approval rating NEVER dropped lower than 40%. His approval rating just before the 2012 election was 52%. Trump's approval rating by contrast has NEVER been higher than 45%. His average to date after two years is 40%.
I don't think he is going to be able to run, if under indictment! :D but if he does run, no matter who the Democrat candidate is, they will win.... these 2018 midterms was just the tip of the iceberg on the rejection of him by we the people...

Though he could ask for Russia's help again....or the Saudi Prince's help this time... so who knows? :dunno:

I think we the people have had enough of his divisiveness and his dividing the Nation and his inability to even stand, on the World stage with anyone other than dictators and despots.

The thing is, staying President is starting to look like Trumps only option for staying out of Jail, unless he cuts a plea deal with Mueller. A plea deal with Mueller might involve his resignation from the office of President in exchange for no jail time.
he'd be better off resigning before his 4 years are up, getting Pence to pardon him for whatever all his crimes end up being... :p

Yep, that was Nixon's path to stay out of jail as well. Resign, then get the pardon from the Vice President.
I don't think he is going to be able to run, if under indictment! :D but if he does run, no matter who the Democrat candidate is, they will win.... these 2018 midterms was just the tip of the iceberg on the rejection of him by we the people...

Though he could ask for Russia's help again....or the Saudi Prince's help this time... so who knows? :dunno:

I think we the people have had enough of his divisiveness and his dividing the Nation and his inability to even stand, on the World stage with anyone other than dictators and despots.

look what has happened so far with all the scandals, the incompetence, the obvious ' russian collusion' that mueller is starting to show his hand. there is no way that trump will survive long enough to make it to 2020. things will really heat up after the house formally flips & the investigations start rolling. according to adam shiff, the intel committee ( & probably the judiciary & finance committees as well) will be having public hearings - calling back all the basket dwellers that refused to answer questions they didn't want to, also to answer questions that the minority members weren't allowed to ask, & that subpoenas will be going out to snag jr's phone records ( to find out who that blocked number was that he called just b4 the trump tower meeting) & trump's tax returns.
these investigations should have been done the past 2 years when the repubs were in power instead of being Trump's ass lickers... :eek: and because they refused to do their jobs with oversight, it gave the Democrats a major win in 2018 midterms...
I don't think he is going to be able to run, if under indictment! :D but if he does run, no matter who the Democrat candidate is, they will win.... these 2018 midterms was just the tip of the iceberg on the rejection of him by we the people...

Though he could ask for Russia's help again....or the Saudi Prince's help this time... so who knows? :dunno:

I think we the people have had enough of his divisiveness and his dividing the Nation and his inability to even stand, on the World stage with anyone other than dictators and despots.

The thing is, staying President is starting to look like Trumps only option for staying out of Jail, unless he cuts a plea deal with Mueller. A plea deal with Mueller might involve his resignation from the office of President in exchange for no jail time.
he'd be better off resigning before his 4 years are up, getting Pence to pardon him for whatever all his crimes end up being... :p

Yep, that was Nixon's path to stay out of jail as well. Resign, then get the pardon from the Vice President.
I actually think ford's pardon of him bordered on being unconstitutional... it was a work-around.

The constitution says anyone impeached by the Senate MUST BE prosecuted for their crimes in a court of law, and also, anyone impeached can not be pardoned....

so by Nixon resigning a nano-second before the house vote to impeach him and trial, it was a way to work around our constitution... and Ford pardoned him.... allowed to do such, because he was not officially impeached yet.
I don't think he is going to be able to run, if under indictment! :D but if he does run, no matter who the Democrat candidate is, they will win.... these 2018 midterms was just the tip of the iceberg on the rejection of him by we the people...

Though he could ask for Russia's help again....or the Saudi Prince's help this time... so who knows? :dunno:

I think we the people have had enough of his divisiveness and his dividing the Nation and his inability to even stand, on the World stage with anyone other than dictators and despots.
/—-/ Oh like Obozo and Hildabeast didn’t divide the nation.
Will Donald Trump be re-elected President on November 3, 2020?


There are several possible obstacles to Trump being re-elected as President:

1. He could be impeached and removed from office by Congress before that.

2. He may resign from office before that in order to get a quick pardon from Mike Pence.

3. He simply serves out the rest of his term and does not run for re-election.

4. He is impeached but not removed from office. The impeachment hurts his re-election campaign and he loses in a landslide on election night, November 3, 2020.

5. He is defeated on election night because he failed to gain much support outside of the Republican Party and averaged an approval rating of 40%, much weaker than what is needed to be even competitive to be re-elected. His victory in 2016 was by a tiny margin, less than 77,000 votes combined from 3 states. A fluke essentially due to the Democrats failure to properly manage Hillary's campaign for President. Even if everyone who voted for him in 2016 does so again on November 3, 2020, he is still likely to lose do the strong Democratic focus on getting out the vote in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan in 2020.

A very uncertain time for President Trump. I don't think there has been another U.S. President that has been in this much trouble after less than 2 years in office.

To be determined. To far away, not sure he will seek re-election!

Well, if he does not seek re-election, he definitely will not be re-elected on November 3, 2020.

He already announced his plans to run for reelection. If you keep your head out of your ass you might know that by now!
Like britpat, the only thing your are good at is posting exclamation points. And of course, folks just finally tune you out.

Yes, that is true for dumbasses like you who have been lied to so much that you no longer recognize the truth when it smacks you right in the face. You can't counter what I post because it is the truth, and you can't handle it!
Depends on the Candidate in 2020 for the Democratic Party...

Also it will depend if someone like Sanders runs Green or Third party causing the Democrats to lose votes allowing a weaker candidate like Trump to win.

It would be the Ross Perot effect that happen when Clinton won twice while Perot took votes from the right.

So can Trump win?


That is Trumps only path to victory in 2020. Sanders is too smart and principled to run a third party campaign that would get Trump re-elected. I think its unlikely that there will be a viable third party candidate that will split the Democratic vote in 2020. But it is the only way Trump can be re-elected in 2020. The only reason Hillary lost in 2020 is because she left the back door open in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania by not visiting and spending enough money in those states allowing Trump to eek out tiny victories in those states.

Please explain to me and the TV viewing audience at home how money gets you elected? Hillary outspent Trump and STILL lost! What makes you think spending more money makes any difference. Unless you are buying votes, which she probably was doing under the table, what good is it? Her ads sucked, her appearances were lackluster, and she nearly killed herself trying to keep up the pace with Trump! How would money have changed that?

Its marketing 101. When you want to increase sales, advertise more. More money spent in a particular state, means more adds and more people on the ground going door to door to remind registered democrats to get to the polls. All of Trumps victories in Wisconsin, and Michigan, and Pennsylvania are small enough to be corrected by stronger get out the vote campaigns. The more registered democrats who are contacted to go to the polls, the more they show up and vote for the parties nominee. All campaigns, both Republican and Democrat use the same strategies when getting out the vote. When you spend more money in a state, you increase the amount of contact you have with registered voters of your party in that state.

FACT 1: In Wisconsin, Trump only got 1,405,284 votes in 2016 and won the state.

FACT 2: In Wisconsin, Romney got 1,407,966 votes in 2012 and LOST the state by 7 percentage points

What this shows is that Trump actually did worse than Romney with Republican voters, yet he won the state. Why? Because too many registered Democrats stayed at home and did not vote in the 2016 election. What would have increased Democratic turnout on election night in 2016 in the State of Wisconsin? More money being spent in the state on the get out the vote campaign as well as Hillary Clinton actually visiting the State. Hillary Clinton NEVER visited Wisconsin during the campaign. The result of that would have been Hillary winning the state by a minimum of 50,000 votes instead of losing the state by 22,000 votes!

Marketing does not apply to elections because no one with an IQ above room temperature is swayed by political ads, get out the vote campaigns, or hand-shaking. Maybe a dumbass like you could be influenced, but fortunately those are rare. The money spent during an election is all smoke and mirrors as evidence by Hillary outspending Trump and LOSING!
Will Donald Trump be re-elected President on November 3, 2020?


There are several possible obstacles to Trump being re-elected as President:

1. He could be impeached and removed from office by Congress before that.

2. He may resign from office before that in order to get a quick pardon from Mike Pence.

3. He simply serves out the rest of his term and does not run for re-election.

4. He is impeached but not removed from office. The impeachment hurts his re-election campaign and he loses in a landslide on election night, November 3, 2020.

5. He is defeated on election night because he failed to gain much support outside of the Republican Party and averaged an approval rating of 40%, much weaker than what is needed to be even competitive to be re-elected. His victory in 2016 was by a tiny margin, less than 77,000 votes combined from 3 states. A fluke essentially due to the Democrats failure to properly manage Hillary's campaign for President. Even if everyone who voted for him in 2016 does so again on November 3, 2020, he is still likely to lose do the strong Democratic focus on getting out the vote in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan in 2020.

A very uncertain time for President Trump. I don't think there has been another U.S. President that has been in this much trouble after less than 2 years in office.

To be determined. To far away, not sure he will seek re-election!

Well, if he does not seek re-election, he definitely will not be re-elected on November 3, 2020.

He already announced his plans to run for reelection. If you keep your head out of your ass you might know that by now!

We'll revisit statements like this on November 3, 2020. It will be a fun night!

No we won't! You will be curled up in your bed in the fetal position, sucking your thumb, wondering how you could be so stupid!
And the popular vote doesn't matter.

why did it matter so much to the big orange man baby? just like his crowd size was an obsessive subject for him for a very long time. lol...

Probably ego and he loves self promotion. The popular doesn't matter when it comes to winning the presidency.

but getting russian help sure matters, just ask mueller..................... :113:

All those indictments and not a Russian in sight

13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies were indicted on conspiracy charges, with some also being accused of identity theft. The charges related to a Russian propaganda effort designed to interfere with the 2016 campaign. The companies involved are the Internet Research Agency, often described as a “Russian troll farm,” and two other companies that helped finance it. The Russian nationals indicted include 12 of the agency’s employees and its alleged financier, Yevgeny Prigozhin.

Konstantin Kilimnik
: This longtime business associate of Manafort and Gates, who’s currently based in Russia, was charged alongside Manafort with attempting to obstruct justice by tampering with witnesses in Manafort’s pending case this year.

12 Russian GRU officers: These officers of Russia’s military intelligence service were charged with crimes related to the hacking and leaking of leading Democrats’ emails in 2016.

All of Robert Mueller’s indictments and plea deals in the Russia investigation so far

When it comes to the three companies posting on Facebook is now a crime?

With the Russian officers. Someone has to convince me that Russia was the only one.

Here are all the known cyber attacks under Obama. Most if not all are from China:


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Depends on the Candidate in 2020 for the Democratic Party...

Also it will depend if someone like Sanders runs Green or Third party causing the Democrats to lose votes allowing a weaker candidate like Trump to win.

It would be the Ross Perot effect that happen when Clinton won twice while Perot took votes from the right.

So can Trump win?


That is Trumps only path to victory in 2020. Sanders is too smart and principled to run a third party campaign that would get Trump re-elected. I think its unlikely that there will be a viable third party candidate that will split the Democratic vote in 2020. But it is the only way Trump can be re-elected in 2020. The only reason Hillary lost in 2020 is because she left the back door open in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania by not visiting and spending enough money in those states allowing Trump to eek out tiny victories in those states.

Please explain to me and the TV viewing audience at home how money gets you elected? Hillary outspent Trump and STILL lost! What makes you think spending more money makes any difference. Unless you are buying votes, which she probably was doing under the table, what good is it? Her ads sucked, her appearances were lackluster, and she nearly killed herself trying to keep up the pace with Trump! How would money have changed that?

Its marketing 101. When you want to increase sales, advertise more. More money spent in a particular state, means more adds and more people on the ground going door to door to remind registered democrats to get to the polls. All of Trumps victories in Wisconsin, and Michigan, and Pennsylvania are small enough to be corrected by stronger get out the vote campaigns. The more registered democrats who are contacted to go to the polls, the more they show up and vote for the parties nominee. All campaigns, both Republican and Democrat use the same strategies when getting out the vote. When you spend more money in a state, you increase the amount of contact you have with registered voters of your party in that state.

FACT 1: In Wisconsin, Trump only got 1,405,284 votes in 2016 and won the state.

FACT 2: In Wisconsin, Romney got 1,407,966 votes in 2012 and LOST the state by 7 percentage points

What this shows is that Trump actually did worse than Romney with Republican voters, yet he won the state. Why? Because too many registered Democrats stayed at home and did not vote in the 2016 election. What would have increased Democratic turnout on election night in 2016 in the State of Wisconsin? More money being spent in the state on the get out the vote campaign as well as Hillary Clinton actually visiting the State. Hillary Clinton NEVER visited Wisconsin during the campaign. The result of that would have been Hillary winning the state by a minimum of 50,000 votes instead of losing the state by 22,000 votes!

Marketing does not apply to elections because no one with an IQ above room temperature is swayed by political ads, get out the vote campaigns, or hand-shaking. Maybe a dumbass like you could be influenced, but fortunately those are rare. The money spent during an election is all smoke and mirrors as evidence by Hillary outspending Trump and LOSING!

Well, Republican and Democratic campaigns follow largely the same play book because their data shows that it works in getting voters out on election night. Its not how much you spend in total during an election its where and how you spend that money that counts. Hillary's campaign made the wrong choices about when and where to place their funds and it cost them the election.
Will Donald Trump be re-elected President on November 3, 2020?


There are several possible obstacles to Trump being re-elected as President:

1. He could be impeached and removed from office by Congress before that.

2. He may resign from office before that in order to get a quick pardon from Mike Pence.

3. He simply serves out the rest of his term and does not run for re-election.

4. He is impeached but not removed from office. The impeachment hurts his re-election campaign and he loses in a landslide on election night, November 3, 2020.

5. He is defeated on election night because he failed to gain much support outside of the Republican Party and averaged an approval rating of 40%, much weaker than what is needed to be even competitive to be re-elected. His victory in 2016 was by a tiny margin, less than 77,000 votes combined from 3 states. A fluke essentially due to the Democrats failure to properly manage Hillary's campaign for President. Even if everyone who voted for him in 2016 does so again on November 3, 2020, he is still likely to lose do the strong Democratic focus on getting out the vote in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan in 2020.

A very uncertain time for President Trump. I don't think there has been another U.S. President that has been in this much trouble after less than 2 years in office.

To be determined. To far away, not sure he will seek re-election!

Well, if he does not seek re-election, he definitely will not be re-elected on November 3, 2020.

He already announced his plans to run for reelection. If you keep your head out of your ass you might know that by now!

We'll revisit statements like this on November 3, 2020. It will be a fun night!

No we won't! You will be curled up in your bed in the fetal position, sucking your thumb, wondering how you could be so stupid!

Half the people voting in this poll don't think Donnie is going to be re-elected. Very telling considering how conservative this place tends to be.
I don't think he is going to be able to run, if under indictment! :D but if he does run, no matter who the Democrat candidate is, they will win.... these 2018 midterms was just the tip of the iceberg on the rejection of him by we the people...

Though he could ask for Russia's help again....or the Saudi Prince's help this time... so who knows? :dunno:

I think we the people have had enough of his divisiveness and his dividing the Nation and his inability to even stand, on the World stage with anyone other than dictators and despots.

The thing is, staying President is starting to look like Trumps only option for staying out of Jail, unless he cuts a plea deal with Mueller. A plea deal with Mueller might involve his resignation from the office of President in exchange for no jail time.
he'd be better off resigning before his 4 years are up, getting Pence to pardon him for whatever all his crimes end up being... :p

that is if pence isn't part of this.... manafort handpicked pence & pence handpicked flynn as deputy head of the transition team. elijah cummings wrote a letter to pence on nov. 18, 2016 specifically about flynn, telling him that flynn had ties to turkey & russia, who was a lobbyist for their interests, & putting him in charge of national security was a huge mistake, especially given the fact he was fired by obama for erratic behavior...

& pence did nothing. hmmmm...., curious that.

https://democrats-oversight.house.gov/sites/democrats.oversight.house.gov/files/documents/2016-11-18.EEC to Pence.pdf
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I don't think he is going to be able to run, if under indictment! :D but if he does run, no matter who the Democrat candidate is, they will win.... these 2018 midterms was just the tip of the iceberg on the rejection of him by we the people...

Though he could ask for Russia's help again....or the Saudi Prince's help this time... so who knows? :dunno:

I think we the people have had enough of his divisiveness and his dividing the Nation and his inability to even stand, on the World stage with anyone other than dictators and despots.

look what has happened so far with all the scandals, the incompetence, the obvious ' russian collusion' that mueller is starting to show his hand. there is no way that trump will survive long enough to make it to 2020. things will really heat up after the house formally flips & the investigations start rolling. according to adam shiff, the intel committee ( & probably the judiciary & finance committees as well) will be having public hearings - calling back all the basket dwellers that refused to answer questions they didn't want to, also to answer questions that the minority members weren't allowed to ask, & that subpoenas will be going out to snag jr's phone records ( to find out who that blocked number was that he called just b4 the trump tower meeting) & trump's tax returns.
these investigations should have been done the past 2 years when the repubs were in power instead of being Trump's ass lickers... :eek: and because they refused to do their jobs with oversight, it gave the Democrats a major win in 2018 midterms...

i wonder if the hacking of the (R)s have anything to do with it...:20:
why did it matter so much to the big orange man baby? just like his crowd size was an obsessive subject for him for a very long time. lol...

Probably ego and he loves self promotion. The popular doesn't matter when it comes to winning the presidency.

but getting russian help sure matters, just ask mueller..................... :113:

All those indictments and not a Russian in sight

13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies were indicted on conspiracy charges, with some also being accused of identity theft. The charges related to a Russian propaganda effort designed to interfere with the 2016 campaign. The companies involved are the Internet Research Agency, often described as a “Russian troll farm,” and two other companies that helped finance it. The Russian nationals indicted include 12 of the agency’s employees and its alleged financier, Yevgeny Prigozhin.

Konstantin Kilimnik
: This longtime business associate of Manafort and Gates, who’s currently based in Russia, was charged alongside Manafort with attempting to obstruct justice by tampering with witnesses in Manafort’s pending case this year.

12 Russian GRU officers: These officers of Russia’s military intelligence service were charged with crimes related to the hacking and leaking of leading Democrats’ emails in 2016.

All of Robert Mueller’s indictments and plea deals in the Russia investigation so far

When it comes to the three companies posting on Facebook is now a crime?

With the Russian officers. Someone has to convince me that Russia was the only one.

Here are all the known cyber attacks under Obama. Most if not all are from China:

russia might not be the only one.... the saudiis are big players in this as well.

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