Will GOP Blow Its Current Advantage In January?

Will GOP Blow Its Current Advantage In January?

In short...yes. Why? Rafael Cruz...

Ted Cruz Readies Second Attempt To Peg Obamacare Repeal To Budget Deal

if you throw out obama and obamacare approval rating. you would be telling the truth. but you can't throw that out can you>?

What are you even talking about. The GOP will blow any advantage they have by doing something stupid like threatening to shut down the government or default on our debts. Mitch McLipless might not want to, but Rafael is running the crazy show these days...
Common Sense indicates that the Republicans would not risk the wrath of another shutdown

But Republicans lack common sense

if you throw out obama and obamacare approval rating. you would be telling the truth. but you can't throw that out can you>?

What are you even talking about. The GOP will blow any advantage they have by doing something stupid like threatening to shut down the government or default on our debts. Mitch McLipless might not want to, but Rafael is running the crazy show these days...

If you did not comprehend what I said it's useless to discuss it. When people realize that they have been lied too and it effects them where they feel it the most nothing will change their minds. Bush senior gives you a hint. "read my lips"
Why else would obama want obamacare to start after the 2012 election?
if you throw out obama and obamacare approval rating. you would be telling the truth. but you can't throw that out can you>?

What are you even talking about. The GOP will blow any advantage they have by doing something stupid like threatening to shut down the government or default on our debts. Mitch McLipless might not want to, but Rafael is running the crazy show these days...

If you did not comprehend what I said it's useless to discuss it. When people realize that they have been lied too and it effects them where they feel it the most nothing will change their minds. Bush senior gives you a hint. "read my lips"
Why else would obama want obamacare to start after the 2012 election?

President Obama's "lie" isn't anywhere on the scale of Bush Daddy's "Read my Lips" and it sure as hell doesn't affect as many people as Bush Daddy's did.

The .gov website will be running smoothly soon and millions of Americans will get better or more affordable healthcare than they had before. Millions more will get healthcare insurance for the first time in their lives. The "lie" the President told will be forgotten, especially since he so brilliantly turned it back on the insurance companies (who are really to blame).
What are you even talking about. The GOP will blow any advantage they have by doing something stupid like threatening to shut down the government or default on our debts. Mitch McLipless might not want to, but Rafael is running the crazy show these days...

If you did not comprehend what I said it's useless to discuss it. When people realize that they have been lied too and it effects them where they feel it the most nothing will change their minds. Bush senior gives you a hint. "read my lips"
Why else would obama want obamacare to start after the 2012 election?

President Obama's "lie" isn't anywhere on the scale of Bush Daddy's "Read my Lips" and it sure as hell doesn't affect as many people as Bush Daddy's did.

The .gov website will be running smoothly soon and millions of Americans will get better or more affordable healthcare than they had before. Millions more will get healthcare insurance for the first time in their lives. The "lie" the President told will be forgotten, especially since he so brilliantly turned it back on the insurance companies (who are really to blame).

Ok, after reading through this thread I must correct a few of the lies coming from the lefties.

1. the GOP did not shut down the govt, Obama did because he refused to try to find the middle ground.
2. ACA is an unprecented disaster, it is destroying the best medical system in the history of the world and you libs are applauding that destruction
3.No ONE in the GOP ever proposed defaulting on our debt, NO ONE.
4. Allowing continuous increases in the national debt will destroy our currency and our economy. It must stop.
5. The medical policies being offered on the ACA exchanges are NOT better policies, they are more expensive, have higher deductibles, and do not allow many to keep their doctors.
6. All the GOP needs to do to "press its advantage" is STFU and let obama and the dems destroy themselves.
7. Bush 41's tax comment was not even in the same category as obama's lie about keeping your policy and doctors. Obama knew he was lying, Bush did not.
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If you did not comprehend what I said it's useless to discuss it. When people realize that they have been lied too and it effects them where they feel it the most nothing will change their minds. Bush senior gives you a hint. "read my lips"
Why else would obama want obamacare to start after the 2012 election?

President Obama's "lie" isn't anywhere on the scale of Bush Daddy's "Read my Lips" and it sure as hell doesn't affect as many people as Bush Daddy's did.

The .gov website will be running smoothly soon and millions of Americans will get better or more affordable healthcare than they had before. Millions more will get healthcare insurance for the first time in their lives. The "lie" the President told will be forgotten, especially since he so brilliantly turned it back on the insurance companies (who are really to blame).

Ok, after reading through this thread I must correct a few of the lies coming from the lefties.

1. the GOP did not shut down the govt, Obama did because he refused to try to find the middle ground.

Incorrect. The President refused to negotiate with a gun to his head and give in to unreasonable demands. The Tea Baggers weren't looking for compromise. They don't compromise.

Poll: Vast Majority Of Tea Party Prefers Government Shutdown Over Compromise

America didn't buy your lie and blamed the GOP. They will again if you don't get off the Rafael crazy train.

2. ACA is an unprecented disaster, it is destroying the best medical system in the history of the world and you libs are applauding that destruction

Odd, that in states that decided to work with and within the law, the ACA is working fantastically. Kentucky is a fabulous example of the ACA working...much to the detriment of its Senator, Yurtle the Turtle.

3.No ONE in the GOP ever proposed defaulting on our debt, NO ONE.

Um, that's what not raising the debt ceiling does, Fishy. Surely you knew that.

4. Allowing continuous increases in the national debt will destroy our currency and our economy. It must stop.

And oddly it hasn't yet, despite being raised 18 times under Reagan and 7 under Bush. The "debt ceiling" needs to be removed entirely and be taken away as a political nuclear attack.

5. The medical policies being offered on the ACA exchanges are NOT better policies, they are more expensive, have higher deductibles, and do not allow many to keep their doctors.

Only for a very small percentage of the population, a problem that can be fixed. An easy fix for that "problem" is a Public Option.

6. All the GOP needs to do to "press its advantage" is STFU and let obama and the dems destroy themselves.

But they won't. Rafael is already expressing a desire to fuck with the budget over the ACA.

7. Bush 41's tax comment was not even in the same category as obama's lie about keeping your policy and doctors. Obama knew he was lying, Bush did not.

Guess we'll have to wait and see how history judges the two. Bush's "lie" lost him a 2nd term. Obama got his :lol:
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Common Sense indicates that the Republicans would not risk the wrath of another shutdown

But Republicans lack common sense

^^^^ verifies your lack of common sense. Stupid generalizations make you look like a fool, and you are very good at that

Common sense indicates that Republicans would not actually shut down the Government in an effort to defund Obamacare given they lacked the votes
Common sense indicates Republicans would not overplay their filibuster card
President Obama's "lie" isn't anywhere on the scale of Bush Daddy's "Read my Lips" and it sure as hell doesn't affect as many people as Bush Daddy's did.

The .gov website will be running smoothly soon and millions of Americans will get better or more affordable healthcare than they had before. Millions more will get healthcare insurance for the first time in their lives. The "lie" the President told will be forgotten, especially since he so brilliantly turned it back on the insurance companies (who are really to blame).

Ok, after reading through this thread I must correct a few of the lies coming from the lefties.

1. the GOP did not shut down the govt, Obama did because he refused to try to find the middle ground.

Incorrect. The President refused to negotiate with a gun to his head and give in to unreasonable demands. The Tea Baggers weren't looking for compromise. They don't compromise.

Poll: Vast Majority Of Tea Party Prefers Government Shutdown Over Compromise

America didn't buy your lie and blamed the GOP. They will again if you don't get off the Rafael crazy train.

Odd, that in states that decided to work with and within the law, the ACA is working fantastically. Kentucky is a fabulous example of the ACA working...much to the detriment of its Senator, Yurtle the Turtle.

Um, that's what not raising the debt ceiling does, Fishy. Surely you knew that.

And oddly it hasn't yet, despite being raised 18 times under Reagan and 7 under Bush. The "debt ceiling" needs to be removed entirely and be taken away as a political nuclear attack.

Only for a very small percentage of the population, a problem that can be fixed. An easy fix for that "problem" is a Public Option.

6. All the GOP needs to do to "press its advantage" is STFU and let obama and the dems destroy themselves.

But they won't. Rafael is already expressing a desire to fuck with the budget over the ACA.

7. Bush 41's tax comment was not even in the same category as obama's lie about keeping your policy and doctors. Obama knew he was lying, Bush did not.

Guess we'll have to wait and see how history judges the two. Bush's "lie" lost him a 2nd term. Obama got his :lol:

trying to have a logical discussion with you is like talking to a slug. You are so engaged in the dem/lib talking points and lies that the part of your brain that is intended for rational thinking has been destroyed.

everything I said is true. everything you said is untrue.

you are right about bush 41 not getting a second term, obama got his because people chose to believe his lies, now they are having buyers remorse.
OK. A working stiff with an upper middle class income. I have already seen the affects of the ACA on me. First. My health care plan at work went from a grandfathered traditional plan to a high deductable plan. Slight increase in some co-pays, and a tripling of the overall max deductable for the year. At the same time, the high deductable costs my employer a lot less, and they chose to pass this on to us, so we have nothing coming out of our checks for health care, a savings of over $1000 a year for me.

But my health care is effective only as long as I am employed. The day I retire, or get layed off, it ends. I have Medicare, but my wife is too young, and has several pre-existing conditions. So, prior the the ACA, there is no way we could have a health care plan for her. An illness on her part would have been bankruptcy for us. With the ACA, we can readily cover her.

I would guess that there are many out there that are realizing the same thing. The ACA is far from perfect, but it sure as hell beats what we have at present.
OK. A working stiff with an upper middle class income. I have already seen the affects of the ACA on me. First. My health care plan at work went from a grandfathered traditional plan to a high deductable plan. Slight increase in some co-pays, and a tripling of the overall max deductable for the year. At the same time, the high deductable costs my employer a lot less, and they chose to pass this on to us, so we have nothing coming out of our checks for health care, a savings of over $1000 a year for me.

But my health care is effective only as long as I am employed. The day I retire, or get layed off, it ends. I have Medicare, but my wife is too young, and has several pre-existing conditions. So, prior the the ACA, there is no way we could have a health care plan for her. An illness on her part would have been bankruptcy for us. With the ACA, we can readily cover her.

I would guess that there are many out there that are realizing the same thing. The ACA is far from perfect, but it sure as hell beats what we have at present.

the employer mandate is not yet in effect. That will hit you next year. If you employer decides to pay the penalty rather than providing you with a policy, then you will be forced onto one of the exchanges and will be looking at a much larger premium, higher deductibles, and possible loss of doctors who are familiar with you and your wife's conditions.

Welcome to the world of obamacare.
Ok, after reading through this thread I must correct a few of the lies coming from the lefties.

1. the GOP did not shut down the govt, Obama did because he refused to try to find the middle ground.

Incorrect. The President refused to negotiate with a gun to his head and give in to unreasonable demands. The Tea Baggers weren't looking for compromise. They don't compromise.

Poll: Vast Majority Of Tea Party Prefers Government Shutdown Over Compromise

America didn't buy your lie and blamed the GOP. They will again if you don't get off the Rafael crazy train.

Odd, that in states that decided to work with and within the law, the ACA is working fantastically. Kentucky is a fabulous example of the ACA working...much to the detriment of its Senator, Yurtle the Turtle.

Um, that's what not raising the debt ceiling does, Fishy. Surely you knew that.

And oddly it hasn't yet, despite being raised 18 times under Reagan and 7 under Bush. The "debt ceiling" needs to be removed entirely and be taken away as a political nuclear attack.

Only for a very small percentage of the population, a problem that can be fixed. An easy fix for that "problem" is a Public Option.

But they won't. Rafael is already expressing a desire to fuck with the budget over the ACA.

7. Bush 41's tax comment was not even in the same category as obama's lie about keeping your policy and doctors. Obama knew he was lying, Bush did not.

Guess we'll have to wait and see how history judges the two. Bush's "lie" lost him a 2nd term. Obama got his :lol:

trying to have a logical discussion with you is like talking to a slug. You are so engaged in the dem/lib talking points and lies that the part of your brain that is intended for rational thinking has been destroyed.

everything I said is true. everything you said is untrue.

you are right about bush 41 not getting a second term, obama got his because people chose to believe his lies, now they are having buyers remorse.

None of which you are obviously able to refute or you wouldn't be resulting to insults. Poor Fishy...
OK. A working stiff with an upper middle class income. I have already seen the affects of the ACA on me. First. My health care plan at work went from a grandfathered traditional plan to a high deductable plan. Slight increase in some co-pays, and a tripling of the overall max deductable for the year. At the same time, the high deductable costs my employer a lot less, and they chose to pass this on to us, so we have nothing coming out of our checks for health care, a savings of over $1000 a year for me.

But my health care is effective only as long as I am employed. The day I retire, or get layed off, it ends. I have Medicare, but my wife is too young, and has several pre-existing conditions. So, prior the the ACA, there is no way we could have a health care plan for her. An illness on her part would have been bankruptcy for us. With the ACA, we can readily cover her.

I would guess that there are many out there that are realizing the same thing. The ACA is far from perfect, but it sure as hell beats what we have at present.

the employer mandate is not yet in effect. That will hit you next year. If you employer decides to pay the penalty rather than providing you with a policy, then you will be forced onto one of the exchanges and will be looking at a much larger premium, higher deductibles, and possible loss of doctors who are familiar with you and your wife's conditions.

Welcome to the world of obamacare.

Can you read? We have already had the meetings, done the paperwork on the whole issue for next year. What I said is what is going to occur. The company has put out numerous documents on it for us. And they increased the choices of the kind of healthcare plans available. Some where much better for younger workers, and others better for older workers like myself. That is an improvement over the choices we had before.
Well, the only way to blow an advantage is not to press the advantage.

Problem is Republicans are trying to press an advantage they don't have

And looking damn foolish while they do

lets talk about that a year from now when the senate and the house are controlled by the GOP and obama is the lamest of lame ducks.

AND, the Reid's killing of the 60 vote requirement in the senate belongs to the GOP.

Obama is destroying your party RW. But you guys picked him, you deserve it.
OK. A working stiff with an upper middle class income. I have already seen the affects of the ACA on me. First. My health care plan at work went from a grandfathered traditional plan to a high deductable plan. Slight increase in some co-pays, and a tripling of the overall max deductable for the year. At the same time, the high deductable costs my employer a lot less, and they chose to pass this on to us, so we have nothing coming out of our checks for health care, a savings of over $1000 a year for me.

But my health care is effective only as long as I am employed. The day I retire, or get layed off, it ends. I have Medicare, but my wife is too young, and has several pre-existing conditions. So, prior the the ACA, there is no way we could have a health care plan for her. An illness on her part would have been bankruptcy for us. With the ACA, we can readily cover her.

I would guess that there are many out there that are realizing the same thing. The ACA is far from perfect, but it sure as hell beats what we have at present.

the employer mandate is not yet in effect. That will hit you next year. If you employer decides to pay the penalty rather than providing you with a policy, then you will be forced onto one of the exchanges and will be looking at a much larger premium, higher deductibles, and possible loss of doctors who are familiar with you and your wife's conditions.

Welcome to the world of obamacare.

Can you read? We have already had the meetings, done the paperwork on the whole issue for next year. What I said is what is going to occur. The company has put out numerous documents on it for us. And they increased the choices of the kind of healthcare plans available. Some where much better for younger workers, and others better for older workers like myself. That is an improvement over the choices we had before.

the employer mandate is not effective for 2014. I should have said 2015 instead of next year.
How we got Obamacare to work

The GOP could "press their advantage" and start working with the ACA instead of against it...then they could swoop in and say they "fixed Obamacare" and be the heroes.

They could, but the fix would require scrapping 90% of it. The good parts of it could be handled in a 2 page bill. The things that are needed but not in it could be handled in two more pages.

Good things in ACA
1. insurance companies must take people with pre-existing conditions
2. no lifetime maximum payments

Things that need to be added
1. tort reform, limits on malpractice awards
2. interstate competition between insurance companies
3. reduction in the length of drug patents
4. for illegals---life saving care only, then deportation

there is no reason why a real estate tax should be in a healthcare bill
there is no reason why a healthcare bill should be 2000 pages
How we got Obamacare to work

The GOP could "press their advantage" and start working with the ACA instead of against it...then they could swoop in and say they "fixed Obamacare" and be the heroes.

They could, but the fix would require scrapping 90% of it. The good parts of it could be handled in a 2 page bill. The things that are needed but not in it could be handled in two more pages.

Good things in ACA
1. insurance companies must take people with pre-existing conditions
2. no lifetime maximum payments

Things that need to be added
1. tort reform, limits on malpractice awards
2. interstate competition between insurance companies
3. reduction in the length of drug patents
4. for illegals---life saving care only, then deportation

there is no reason why a real estate tax should be in a healthcare bill
there is no reason why a healthcare bill should be 2000 pages

If you force insurance companies to take people with pre-existing conditions and have no individual mandate or some mechanism to get healthy people to sign up, you wind up with an insurance death spiral where too many sick people sign up, drive premiums up, which drives healthy people away from buying insurance, which means more sick people, which means even higher premiums, etc etc etc.

Also I like the part about 18-26 year old on parents insurance...usually college kids can't afford their own insurance anyway, I know I couldn't have if I wanted to.

the employer mandate is not yet in effect. That will hit you next year. If you employer decides to pay the penalty rather than providing you with a policy, then you will be forced onto one of the exchanges and will be looking at a much larger premium, higher deductibles, and possible loss of doctors who are familiar with you and your wife's conditions.

Welcome to the world of obamacare.

Eeeeekkkkk.... employers that were offering you perfectly good plans that totally complied will now throw you off, because they know that's the way to retain quality employeesss....EEEEEEEKKKKKK!!!!!

Do you idiots even hear yourselves half the time?

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