Will Herman Cain's '9-9-9 Plan' abolish Social Security and Medicare?

o'shit...There is a lot of things to consider when considering this, but the one part of it I do agree with is the corporate tax to 9 percent. That would help our economy greatly. But I was reading a blog post that it could bring in a Vat tax, which would be bad.
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Not the 9-9-9 plan per se, but yeah, probably.

On the fiscal front, Cain promises to support Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget, especially as other contenders, such as Gingrich, shy away from the proposal.

“I absolutely support Paul Ryan’s plan,” Cain says. “It is exactly the kind of bold restructuring that we need in order to get our hands around the entitlements issue. We need to restructure programs, not just reshuffle, which is what we did for decades, and now look where we are.”
Not one candidate ever said the words "Supply and Demand". This is the foundation of capitalism. Republicans think "rich people make jobs" so that must be capitalism. Shocking.
How people make the individual mandate comparison to the Chilean social security plan is beyond me

So what social security is optional now, this article is nothing more than just a joke this guy doesnt know what he's talking about

Eric Kleefeld joined TPM as an intern for the final months of the 2006 midterm elections, and then kept showing up for work. His other interests include guitars, old comic books and the politics of various English-speaking countries.

He shows a lack of understanding the other side. He starts pointing to Chiles healthcare and some other shit which is irrelevant and says conservatives won't like Cain's stuff because it doesn't eliminate the welfare state, it puts more responsibility in the private sector. Which is exactly what conservatives want. Why do you read this stuff?
Every estimate I have seen regarding Cain's 9-9-9 plan is that it will bring in less tax revenue than we have now. Which means simply, we won't be able to afford SS or Medicare any more.
Not the 9-9-9 plan per se, but yeah, probably.

On the fiscal front, Cain promises to support Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget, especially as other contenders, such as Gingrich, shy away from the proposal.

“I absolutely support Paul Ryan’s plan,” Cain says. “It is exactly the kind of bold restructuring that we need in order to get our hands around the entitlements issue. We need to restructure programs, not just reshuffle, which is what we did for decades, and now look where we are.”

He's right do any of you guys know anything about the entitlements in this country? They are poorly executed and wasteful, they encourage dependency rather than nurture independence.

A lot of you guys who advocate for this stuff never even took a hard look at it I have a feeling, but yes lets just continue this until all is lost.
Every estimate I have seen regarding Cain's 9-9-9 plan is that it will bring in less tax revenue than we have now. Which means simply, we won't be able to afford SS or Medicare any more.

then warren buffett and russell simmons need to pick up the slack
Every estimate I have seen regarding Cain's 9-9-9 plan is that it will bring in less tax revenue than we have now. Which means simply, we won't be able to afford SS or Medicare any more.

I agree, however, I would like to see some research from somebody I can wholly trust... I don't know if you have but Cain and the blogs aren't exactly reliable to me.
Not surprising, Cain's plan benefits the wealthy and f*cks over the poor and middle class.

Blah, Blah, Class warfare!!
Lawrence O'Donnell thinks Cain's 9-9-9 Plan is evil to the poor and middle class.
Who gives a fuck what O'Dumbass thinks?

Cains plan returns responsibility to where it belongs...to the people...and weans people off the Gubmint tit the rest of us are tired of paying for.

YOU are quite the Class Warfare warrior...Obama must love you.
Not surprising, Cain's plan benefits the wealthy and f*cks over the poor and middle class.

Blah, Blah, Class warfare!!

Actually, that's exactly what it does. Under Cain's plan, the poor and middle class will pay a higher percentage of their incomes in taxes than the wealthy.

Right. Why would any of these pathetic GOP candidates come up with a plan that actually benefits middle class americans? As long as they further pad the pockets of the wealthy and convince the sheep that by giving the rich, sorry I mean job creators, more money that will somehow be good for the rest of America. Look at the sheep lap it up too.

Bruce Bartlett held senior policy roles in the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations and served on the staffs of Representatives Jack Kemp and Ron Paul.

At a minimum, the Cain plan is a distributional monstrosity. The poor would pay more while the rich would have their taxes cut, with no guarantee that economic growth will increase and good reason to believe that the budget deficit will increase.

Even allowing for the poorly thought through promises routinely made on the campaign trail, Mr. Cain’s tax plan stands out as exceptionally ill conceived.

Much More Good Stuff: Bruce Bartlett: Inside the Cain Tax Plan - NYTimes.com

Well yeah..of course it would. It's the most ridiculous idea ever put up. It's a huge windfall to the top tier of Americans because it reduces their taxes dramatically. In fact this would be a historic reduction in taxes for the wealthy. Then..it more then triples taxes for the bottom tier.

It looks as if, Cain wants to give social programs to the states, cities, town, and churches.

Don't have anything to eat? Beg...
Not surprising, Cain's plan benefits the wealthy and f*cks over the poor and middle class.

Blah, Blah, Class warfare!!

Actually, that's exactly what it does. Under Cain's plan, the poor and middle class will pay a higher percentage of their incomes in taxes than the wealthy.

Only in the sales tax department... otherwise 9% is 9%

I think the thing a lot of estimates miss imo is the growth of the tax base and efficiency. It also gets to some of the underground economy with the sales tax. Look I'm already dealing with 8% in NY, if you can give 9% then get rid of the the rest. I'd consider that a fair amount.

Do you guys bitch about state sales tax favoring the rich? I don't get why its so evil that somebody pay the same percentage rate of taxes as you regardless of what they make. In all honesty, which I think it would take to get it through, but with some negotiations and put the rich at 15 or 20 I think would be a great outcome. However, i would be happy with them at 9.

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