Will Herman Cain's '9-9-9 Plan' abolish Social Security and Medicare?

Not surprising, Cain's plan benefits the wealthy and f*cks over the poor and middle class.

Blah, Blah, Class warfare!!

Actually, that's exactly what it does. Under Cain's plan, the poor and middle class will pay a higher percentage of their incomes in taxes than the wealthy.

Right. Why would any of these pathetic GOP candidates come up with a plan that actually benefits middle class americans? As long as they further pad the pockets of the wealthy and convince the sheep that by giving the rich, sorry I mean job creators, more money that will somehow be good for the rest of America. Look at the sheep lap it up too.

So anybody on the left isn't a sheep somehow?

The nativity displayed in this post is incredible.
So, are all of you anti-Herman Cain people RACISTS? Got something against BLACK people?

(Hey, the race card worked for the Obamanistas!)

And you call yourself a "truthseeker"? You would do better asking what Cain has against black people.
Actually, that's exactly what it does. Under Cain's plan, the poor and middle class will pay a higher percentage of their incomes in taxes than the wealthy.

Right. Why would any of these pathetic GOP candidates come up with a plan that actually benefits middle class americans? As long as they further pad the pockets of the wealthy and convince the sheep that by giving the rich, sorry I mean job creators, more money that will somehow be good for the rest of America. Look at the sheep lap it up too.

So anybody on the left isn't a sheep somehow?

The nativity displayed in this post is incredible.

You should at be able to explain why it was wrong.
“I absolutely support Paul Ryan’s plan,” Cain says.

Yet another of many reasons why Cain’s not qualified to be president.
He's right do any of you guys know anything about the entitlements in this country?

A great deal, actually.

They are poorly executed and wasteful, they encourage dependency rather than nurture independence.

If the ‘plan’ is to ‘nurture independence’ in the long-term, then those under 30 need to be told Social Security and Medicare won’t be waiting for them, so they have enough time to plan and save accordingly; not when one is in his early 50s.
Not the 9-9-9 plan per se, but yeah, probably.

On the fiscal front, Cain promises to support Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget, especially as other contenders, such as Gingrich, shy away from the proposal.

“I absolutely support Paul Ryan’s plan,” Cain says. “It is exactly the kind of bold restructuring that we need in order to get our hands around the entitlements issue. We need to restructure programs, not just reshuffle, which is what we did for decades, and now look where we are.”

As I understand it his 999 Plan replaces Federal Income Tax, not the Payroll Tax (Fica and MC) Those would be left in place and adjusted as needed if I Understand the plan right.

Well yeah..of course it would. It's the most ridiculous idea ever put up. It's a huge windfall to the top tier of Americans because it reduces their taxes dramatically. In fact this would be a historic reduction in taxes for the wealthy. Then..it more then triples taxes for the bottom tier.

It looks as if, Cain wants to give social programs to the states, cities, town, and churches.

Don't have anything to eat? Beg...

No matter if it's a good idea or not,,,I seriously doubt the independent's and moderates needed to win a election will like this very much at all. They're mostly the upper poor and middle class.
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Actually, that's exactly what it does. Under Cain's plan, the poor and middle class will pay a higher percentage of their incomes in taxes than the wealthy.

Right. Why would any of these pathetic GOP candidates come up with a plan that actually benefits middle class americans? As long as they further pad the pockets of the wealthy and convince the sheep that by giving the rich, sorry I mean job creators, more money that will somehow be good for the rest of America. Look at the sheep lap it up too.

So anybody on the left isn't a sheep somehow?

The nativity displayed in this post is incredible.

Your generalizations are amazing.

The sheep that I'm referring to are the majority of the right wingers on this site and anyone who supports the laughable notion that the poor need to contribute more, the rich need bigger breaks and that trickle down economics actually works.

There's sheep on both sides of the aisle. But in this case I'm talking about a very special kind of sheep.
A great deal, actually.

Then I am sure you are aware that MC in it's current form is Completely Unsustainable. Costs will Continue to Sky Rocket. It will become Insolvent, Real Reform is needed.

SS had more time, and would not be in trouble if not for Washington using the SS fund as a piggy Bank, but it to needs real Reform or it faces Shortfalls.

If You know a great deal about them, then surely you know that they have serious problems that must be addressed, Doing nothing is not an Option.
Herman Cain is not our friend. He's a heartless capitalist with no regard or sympathy for the poor and middle class. He's an elitist who doesn't identify with or understand ordinary Americans - including black Americans.
Actually, that's exactly what it does. Under Cain's plan, the poor and middle class will pay a higher percentage of their incomes in taxes than the wealthy.

Totally False, Under the Cain Plan Everyone, Rich and Poor will pay the Same % of their Income in Taxes. 9%.
the poor man living on 10k a year will pay 900 Bucks, the guy who gets a 10 Million dollar check will pay 900,000.
Both Paid 9%, Which one paid more income taxes?

Everyone will pay 9% Sales tax on Most things they buy. (Most models for Sales tax Exempt Unprepared foods, and house hold goods you buy at a grocery store)
The Poor Man gets his Unprepared foods and house hold good tax free and the grocery store, While the Rich man spends eating out and Buying toys, and second homes. Who do you think will pay more in Sales tax? The Rich have and spend more money, the rich will pay their fair share with a Federal Sales tax, and exempting Necessities like Groceries means the Poor do not have to pay taxes on most of the Basics they need to survive.
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Not surprising, Cain's plan benefits the wealthy and f*cks over the poor and middle class.

Blah, Blah, Class warfare!!

Actually, that's exactly what it does. Under Cain's plan, the poor and middle class will pay a higher percentage of their incomes in taxes than the wealthy.

Only in the sales tax department... otherwise 9% is 9%

I think the thing a lot of estimates miss imo is the growth of the tax base and efficiency. It also gets to some of the underground economy with the sales tax. Look I'm already dealing with 8% in NY, if you can give 9% then get rid of the the rest. I'd consider that a fair amount.

Do you guys bitch about state sales tax favoring the rich? I don't get why its so evil that somebody pay the same percentage rate of taxes as you regardless of what they make. In all honesty, which I think it would take to get it through, but with some negotiations and put the rich at 15 or 20 I think would be a great outcome. However, i would be happy with them at 9.

No, not just in the sales tax department. Cain's plan removes all taxes on capital gains, which would include certain dividends as well. This means a wealthy person who earns his income from dividends and capital gains would pay ZERO income taxes.

Additionally, this is only a federal plan. The states would still keep their sales tax. So here in California, I would pay over 17% in sales tax.
Actually, that's exactly what it does. Under Cain's plan, the poor and middle class will pay a higher percentage of their incomes in taxes than the wealthy.

Totally False, Under the Cain Plan Everyone, Rich and Poor will pay the Same % of their Income in Taxes. 9%.

the poor man living on 10k a year will pay 900 Bucks, the guy who gets a 10 Million dollar check will pay 900,000.

Both Paid 9%, Which one paid more income taxes?

Good form.
Actually, that's exactly what it does. Under Cain's plan, the poor and middle class will pay a higher percentage of their incomes in taxes than the wealthy.

Totally False, Under the Cain Plan Everyone, Rich and Poor will pay the Same % of their Income in Taxes. 9%.

the poor man living on 10k a year will pay 900 Bucks, the guy who gets a 10 Million dollar check will pay 900,000.

Both Paid 9%, Which one paid more income taxes?


Which means a tax increase for the poor and middle class, and a BIG decrease for the rich. Good thing Cain is looking out for the common man.
As I understand it his 999 Plan replaces Federal Income Tax, not the Payroll Tax (Fica and MC) Those would be left in place and adjusted as needed if I Understand the plan right.

Nope. It does away with federal payroll taxes too.
But they still pay the same percentage. What about that escapes you? Afraid to live outside the box? Afraid to pay your fair share?
Herman Cain is not our friend. He's a heartless capitalist with no regard or sympathy for the poor and middle class. He's an elitist who doesn't identify with or understand ordinary Americans - including black Americans.

ROFLMAO Obama is also an elitist who doesn't identify with or understand ordinary Americans - including black Americans.

What the hell is your point.

Cain started from Nothing, and Built him self up. He has a very Impressive Resume. Get your head out of Obama's Class Warfare Ass.
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Actually, that's exactly what it does. Under Cain's plan, the poor and middle class will pay a higher percentage of their incomes in taxes than the wealthy.

Totally False, Under the Cain Plan Everyone, Rich and Poor will pay the Same % of their Income in Taxes. 9%.

the poor man living on 10k a year will pay 900 Bucks, the guy who gets a 10 Million dollar check will pay 900,000.

Both Paid 9%, Which one paid more income taxes?


Why are you only looking at one aspect of his plan when deciding fairness? His plan isn't called the 9 Plan.
Herman Cain is not our friend. He's a heartless capitalist with no regard or sympathy for the poor and middle class. He's an elitist who doesn't identify with or understand ordinary Americans - including black Americans.

ROFLMAO Obama is also an elitist who doesn't identify with or understand ordinary Americans - including black Americans.

What the hell is your point.

Cain started from Nothing, and Built him self up. He has a very Impressive Resume. Get your head out of Obama's Class Warfare Ass.

Last I heard, Obama isn't trying to destroy Social Security and Medicare or trying to raise taxes on the poor and middle class.
I think the 9 percent corporate tax part of the plan is by far the best part of it...It would help America compete against china, India...Do you agree?
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As I understand it his 999 Plan replaces Federal Income Tax, not the Payroll Tax (Fica and MC) Those would be left in place and adjusted as needed if I Understand the plan right.

Nope. It does away with federal payroll taxes too.
But they still pay the same percentage. What about that escapes you? Afraid to live outside the box? Afraid to pay your fair share?

As I have said earlier, they only pay the same percentage if they go to a job to earn their money. If you earn money through capital gains or dividends you pay much less. As in $0 total.

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