Will Herman Cain's '9-9-9 Plan' abolish Social Security and Medicare?

Herman Cain is not our friend. He's a heartless capitalist with no regard or sympathy for the poor and middle class. He's an elitist who doesn't identify with or understand ordinary Americans - including black Americans.

ROFLMAO Obama is also an elitist who doesn't identify with or understand ordinary Americans - including black Americans.

What the hell is your point.

Cain started from Nothing, and Built him self up. He has a very Impressive Resume. Get your head out of Obama's Class Warfare Ass.

Last I heard, Obama isn't trying to destroy Social Security and Medicare or trying to raise taxes on the poor and middle class.

Charles is just one of the sheep. He hasn't learned to use his brain for critical thinking. If I remember correctly, he's the same person who was against government assisted health care but was completely ok with his family showing up at the hospital without insurance..."because they could write it off".

Well yeah..of course it would. It's the most ridiculous idea ever put up. It's a huge windfall to the top tier of Americans because it reduces their taxes dramatically. In fact this would be a historic reduction in taxes for the wealthy. Then..it more then triples taxes for the bottom tier.

It looks as if, Cain wants to give social programs to the states, cities, town, and churches.

Don't have anything to eat? Beg...
The Pinochet plan? No thanks.
Actually, that's exactly what it does. Under Cain's plan, the poor and middle class will pay a higher percentage of their incomes in taxes than the wealthy.

Totally False, Under the Cain Plan Everyone, Rich and Poor will pay the Same % of their Income in Taxes. 9%.

the poor man living on 10k a year will pay 900 Bucks, the guy who gets a 10 Million dollar check will pay 900,000.

Both Paid 9%, Which one paid more income taxes?


Which means a tax increase for the poor and middle class, and a BIG decrease for the rich. Good thing Cain is looking out for the common man.

It also lards on taxes on newly manufactured goods and/or services.

Yeah..great way to promote domestic production..you betcha.
The Marxists will never accept any plan that doesn't soak the producers of this country out of every penny they earn in the name of "fairness."
Can ANYONE provide any credible proof that reducing taxes on the rich creates jobs?


CHART: Lower Taxes On The Rich Don't Lead To Job Growth | ThinkProgress

Top 1 Percent of Americans Reaped Two-Thirds of Income Gains in Last Economic Expansion — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Rich People?s Taxes Have Little to Do with Job Creation

CHART: Since 1950, Lower Top Tax Rates Have Coincided With Weaker Economic Growth | ThinkProgress
Actually, that's exactly what it does. Under Cain's plan, the poor and middle class will pay a higher percentage of their incomes in taxes than the wealthy.

Only in the sales tax department... otherwise 9% is 9%

I think the thing a lot of estimates miss imo is the growth of the tax base and efficiency. It also gets to some of the underground economy with the sales tax. Look I'm already dealing with 8% in NY, if you can give 9% then get rid of the the rest. I'd consider that a fair amount.

Do you guys bitch about state sales tax favoring the rich? I don't get why its so evil that somebody pay the same percentage rate of taxes as you regardless of what they make. In all honesty, which I think it would take to get it through, but with some negotiations and put the rich at 15 or 20 I think would be a great outcome. However, i would be happy with them at 9.

No, not just in the sales tax department. Cain's plan removes all taxes on capital gains, which would include certain dividends as well. This means a wealthy person who earns his income from dividends and capital gains would pay ZERO income taxes.

Additionally, this is only a federal plan. The states would still keep their sales tax. So here in California, I would pay over 17% in sales tax.

I was referring to Federal taxes.. I'd trade that for paying 17%.
Yes, I was trying to explain the irony of the mandate in the Chilean plan a few days ago.

Why does 'ironic' seem to always end up the operative word when you're talking about rightwing 'thinking'?
It's laughable to think you would ever see 60 Senate votes for a plan to raise taxes on the Poor while cutting taxes for the Rich.
Actually, that's exactly what it does. Under Cain's plan, the poor and middle class will pay a higher percentage of their incomes in taxes than the wealthy.

Totally False, Under the Cain Plan Everyone, Rich and Poor will pay the Same % of their Income in Taxes. 9%.

the poor man living on 10k a year will pay 900 Bucks, the guy who gets a 10 Million dollar check will pay 900,000.

Both Paid 9%, Which one paid more income taxes?


Which means a tax increase for the poor and middle class, and a BIG decrease for the rich. Good thing Cain is looking out for the common man.

He's also looking out for the poor and middle class by exempting tax on used goods but how do you buy used food?
In 2010 medical ins and SS pay outs totalled 1.5T ... We currently bring in 2.5T ... Unless it's a big drop in revinue, they should be fine
It looks like Tea-Tard Republicans will have to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the 21st Century. They still can't even agree on fluoride in drinking water.
It looks like Tea-Tard Republicans will have to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the 21st Century. They still can't even agree on fluoride in drinking water.

The 21st Century is overrated.

And the way things are going, nobody is dragging the Tea Party anywhere.
Not one candidate ever said the words "Supply and Demand". This is the foundation of capitalism. Republicans think "rich people make jobs" so that must be capitalism. Shocking.

Did you watch the debate? The question of increasing demand was actually addressed to every single person sitting at that table, and they all answered it.

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