Will Hillary be a Major Failure From the Start?

Hillary will not accomplish as much as Obama but she will stack the court

stacking the court means putting on more than 9 judges.

she will appoint justices to fill the vacancies but there won't be more than 9 judges on the court.

I think she'll accomplish more than this president. and hers won't be reliant on keeping her party in power like this president's is.
She already is a major failure, hasn't accomplished a damn thing other than marrying Bubba. If she hadn't we would have never heard of the old witch
Yeah, First Lady, NY senator, civil rights leader, sec of state, soon to be first female president... She has totally failed in life... Haha
As Tip O'Neill said, "merely federal". That does aptly sum up Hillary's career and its massive shortcomings.
Hillary will not accomplish as much as Obama but she will stack the court

stacking the court means putting on more than 9 judges.

she will appoint justices to fill the vacancies but there won't be more than 9 judges on the court.

I think she'll accomplish more than this president. and hers won't be reliant on keeping her party in power like this president's is.
Obama had the house and 60 votes in the Senate. Hillary will have a small majority in the Senate
Republicans will continue to stonewall all legislation because..... Hillary must fail
Barring a disaster the Hillarybeast will be the next President. Since she earned that nickname leading the charge to keep her sexual predator hub in office and out of prison she will have a GOP congress possibly both houses to deal with. The blue wall is having increasing problems borrowing money. As scapegoat in chief this will all be blamed on her.

So, she is cordially hated by a large fraction of the population. The last president to start office with these kind of negatives was John Quincy Adams. As president instead of First Lady and a former president for first Dude she becomes a target rich environment as soon as her victory speech starts.

I started this thread because as a libertarian I found the deafening silence on this subject amusing.

are you rightwingnuts planning on sabotaging the country for the next 8 years, too?

What the hell are you talking about? Obama's been wildly successful in getting near every damn thing he wanted.

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