Will Hillary be a Major Failure From the Start?

Hillary's entire adult life was a "major failure". That's why even die hard capitalist democrats would rather support a socialist than an empty pants suit. She gave up her self respect and her pride in exchange for political power when she blamed the "vast right wing conspiracy" for her husband's DNA on Monica's dress. If it wasn't for the drooling giggling support of the liberal media Hillary might have been indicted for her use of the state of Arkansas government resources and later the federal government to suppress the victims of her husbands serial abuse of women.
Hillary's entire adult life was a "major failure". That's why even die hard capitalist democrats would rather support a socialist than an empty pants suit. She gave up her self respect and her pride in exchange for political power when she blamed the "vast right wing conspiracy" for her husband's DNA on Monica's dress. If it wasn't for the drooling giggling support of the liberal media Hillary might have been indicted for her use of the state of Arkansas government resources and later the federal government to suppress the victims of her husbands serial abuse of women.

Agree....Hillary is a money, power seeking witch.....like her Chelsea and her Bill....and may be her Humus....

GOD what a family! worse than the Bushes!
Barring a disaster the Hillarybeast will be the next President. Since she earned that nickname leading the charge to keep her sexual predator hub in office and out of prison she will have a GOP congress possibly both houses to deal with. The blue wall is having increasing problems borrowing money. As scapegoat in chief this will all be blamed on her.

So, she is cordially hated by a large fraction of the population. The last president to start office with these kind of negatives was John Quincy Adams. As president instead of First Lady and a former president for first Dude she becomes a target rich environment as soon as her victory speech starts.

I started this thread because as a libertarian I found the deafening silence on this subject amusing.
I think the big question is what will happen to democrat promises when our banker China says NO to a new loan?
China does not "lend" money to the US.....In fact the Yuan Riminbi is not considered a "hard currency"....It has no value in the currency exchanges.
No. China buys US Bonds that represent our debt to investor nations. These countries are essentially buying our debt. In that purchase, the buyer receives a net positive return on the investment.
Barring a disaster the Hillarybeast will be the next President. Since she earned that nickname leading the charge to keep her sexual predator hub in office and out of prison she will have a GOP congress possibly both houses to deal with. The blue wall is having increasing problems borrowing money. As scapegoat in chief this will all be blamed on her.

So, she is cordially hated by a large fraction of the population. The last president to start office with these kind of negatives was John Quincy Adams. As president instead of First Lady and a former president for first Dude she becomes a target rich environment as soon as her victory speech starts.

I started this thread because as a libertarian I found the deafening silence on this subject amusing.
I think the big question is what will happen to democrat promises when our banker China says NO to a new loan?
You really think we are asking for loans from China? Haha
Barring a disaster the Hillarybeast will be the next President. Since she earned that nickname leading the charge to keep her sexual predator hub in office and out of prison she will have a GOP congress possibly both houses to deal with. The blue wall is having increasing problems borrowing money. As scapegoat in chief this will all be blamed on her.

So, she is cordially hated by a large fraction of the population. The last president to start office with these kind of negatives was John Quincy Adams. As president instead of First Lady and a former president for first Dude she becomes a target rich environment as soon as her victory speech starts.

I started this thread because as a libertarian I found the deafening silence on this subject amusing.

are you rightwingnuts planning on sabotaging the country for the next 8 years, too?
When was the country 'sabotaged'?.....Are you really that childish that you can express such snotty temper tantrums just because Congress did not let Obama do whatever he wanted?...Is that how it works in the liberal universe? "Give us what we want or else"?
Obama is the obstructionist. He wanted NOTHING to do with congress. He was the one who threw any faint hope of a bipartisan relationship with Congress. Heck Obama does not get along with moderate democrats.
Sorry. If Hill thinks she is going to ram her liberal agenda down our throats, she is sorely mistaken.....
Your sides idea of "elections have consequences, so screw you" was met with "oh really? Watch this".
Obama is getting the same courtesy and respect he gives to the Congress.
If she wins I suspect the present Supreme Court nominee will step aside and the beginning of 3 or 4 liberal replacements during her presidency will begin. I see that as a disaster.
Barring a disaster the Hillarybeast will be the next President. Since she earned that nickname leading the charge to keep her sexual predator hub in office and out of prison she will have a GOP congress possibly both houses to deal with. The blue wall is having increasing problems borrowing money. As scapegoat in chief this will all be blamed on her.

So, she is cordially hated by a large fraction of the population. The last president to start office with these kind of negatives was John Quincy Adams. As president instead of First Lady and a former president for first Dude she becomes a target rich environment as soon as her victory speech starts.

I started this thread because as a libertarian I found the deafening silence on this subject amusing.
She has no chance of success as president....She's not qualified for the job because of her past.

but she has a big chance to go to jail.

Wrong. The India bubble to replace the China bubble should kick in @ August 2018 until then the country cannot gain much traction. Similar timetable for the deleveraging of the fracking fields. In the meanwhile the GOP can position themselves to gerrymander the Ds into a bankrupt regional party.
Barring a disaster the Hillarybeast will be the next President. Since she earned that nickname leading the charge to keep her sexual predator hub in office and out of prison she will have a GOP congress possibly both houses to deal with. The blue wall is having increasing problems borrowing money. As scapegoat in chief this will all be blamed on her.

So, she is cordially hated by a large fraction of the population. The last president to start office with these kind of negatives was John Quincy Adams. As president instead of First Lady and a former president for first Dude she becomes a target rich environment as soon as her victory speech starts.

I started this thread because as a libertarian I found the deafening silence on this subject amusing.
She has no chance of success as president....She's not qualified for the job because of her past.

You mean the past which has been totally made up in the RW heads...

This has been the most vetted candidate in history... She has been dragged through every half arsed made up scandal by the right...

If you had anything at this stage you would have used it...

And if you want to go for her e-mails, if she used the Government server. Putin would be reading them now..

Thing is you have nothing but you been throwing crap for years...

Your ilk has been lying about every major democrat for years... Isn't Obama supposed to have ruined the country at this stage except he has brought in low unemployment and brought the deficit to one third of what he inherited at...
Barring a disaster the Hillarybeast will be the next President. Since she earned that nickname leading the charge to keep her sexual predator hub in office and out of prison she will have a GOP congress possibly both houses to deal with. The blue wall is having increasing problems borrowing money. As scapegoat in chief this will all be blamed on her.

So, she is cordially hated by a large fraction of the population. The last president to start office with these kind of negatives was John Quincy Adams. As president instead of First Lady and a former president for first Dude she becomes a target rich environment as soon as her victory speech starts.

I started this thread because as a libertarian I found the deafening silence on this subject amusing.
I think the big question is what will happen to democrat promises when our banker China says NO to a new loan?
You really think we are asking for loans from China? Haha
1.25 TRILLION at this point...
Exactly How Much U.S. Debt Does China Own? And Why?

And you next idiot remark will be.....?
Why isn't Hillary Clinton in jail????????????????

Isn't there any justice left in America??????????????:mad-61:
Maybe you got some of your facts wrong??? Ever think of that? The media does feed us a ton of BS can trust everything you hear
Why isn't Hillary Clinton in jail????????????????

Isn't there any justice left in America??????????????:mad-61:
Maybe you got some of your facts wrong??? Ever think of that? The media does feed us a ton of BS can trust everything you hear
Why isn't Hillary Clinton in jail????????????????

Isn't there any justice left in America??????????????:mad-61:
Maybe you got some of your facts wrong??? Ever think of that? The media does feed us a ton of BS can trust everything you hear

Yes the dinosaur media feeds the sheeple a lot of shit....left wing progressive shit

But that Hillary Clinton is a crook ...that's a fact.....and it can not be denied.

The witch belongs in jail.
Barring a disaster the Hillarybeast will be the next President. Since she earned that nickname leading the charge to keep her sexual predator hub in office and out of prison she will have a GOP congress possibly both houses to deal with. The blue wall is having increasing problems borrowing money. As scapegoat in chief this will all be blamed on her.

So, she is cordially hated by a large fraction of the population. The last president to start office with these kind of negatives was John Quincy Adams. As president instead of First Lady and a former president for first Dude she becomes a target rich environment as soon as her victory speech starts.

I started this thread because as a libertarian I found the deafening silence on this subject amusing.
She has no chance of success as president....She's not qualified for the job because of her past.

You mean the past which has been totally made up in the RW heads...

This has been the most vetted candidate in history... She has been dragged through every half arsed made up scandal by the right...

If you had anything at this stage you would have used it...

And if you want to go for her e-mails, if she used the Government server. Putin would be reading them now..

Thing is you have nothing but you been throwing crap for years...

Your ilk has been lying about every major democrat for years... Isn't Obama supposed to have ruined the country at this stage except he has brought in low unemployment and brought the deficit to one third of what he inherited at...
Barring a disaster the Hillarybeast will be the next President. Since she earned that nickname leading the charge to keep her sexual predator hub in office and out of prison she will have a GOP congress possibly both houses to deal with. The blue wall is having increasing problems borrowing money. As scapegoat in chief this will all be blamed on her.

So, she is cordially hated by a large fraction of the population. The last president to start office with these kind of negatives was John Quincy Adams. As president instead of First Lady and a former president for first Dude she becomes a target rich environment as soon as her victory speech starts.

I started this thread because as a libertarian I found the deafening silence on this subject amusing.
I think the big question is what will happen to democrat promises when our banker China says NO to a new loan?
You really think we are asking for loans from China? Haha
1.25 TRILLION at this point...
Exactly How Much U.S. Debt Does China Own? And Why?

And you next idiot remark will be.....?
China buying Treasury bonds is very different than us asking for a loan from China. You need to educate yourself about our national economics before you make foolish statements
Barring a disaster the Hillarybeast will be the next President. Since she earned that nickname leading the charge to keep her sexual predator hub in office and out of prison she will have a GOP congress possibly both houses to deal with. The blue wall is having increasing problems borrowing money. As scapegoat in chief this will all be blamed on her.

So, she is cordially hated by a large fraction of the population. The last president to start office with these kind of negatives was John Quincy Adams. As president instead of First Lady and a former president for first Dude she becomes a target rich environment as soon as her victory speech starts.

I started this thread because as a libertarian I found the deafening silence on this subject amusing.
She has no chance of success as president....She's not qualified for the job because of her past.

but she has a big chance to go to jail.

Wrong. The India bubble to replace the China bubble should kick in @ August 2018 until then the country cannot gain much traction. Similar timetable for the deleveraging of the fracking fields. In the meanwhile the GOP can position themselves to gerrymander the Ds into a bankrupt regional party.
The India bubble may have already broke. We just got a new member here from India that says store ads no longer list prices as they change that quickly. And his stock is drying up. When I see him again I will send him your way.
Why isn't Hillary Clinton in jail????????????????

Isn't there any justice left in America??????????????:mad-61:
Maybe you got some of your facts wrong??? Ever think of that? The media does feed us a ton of BS can trust everything you hear

Yes the dinosaur media feeds the sheeple a lot of shit....left wing progressive shit

But that Hillary Clinton is a crook ...that's a fact.....and it can not be denied.

The witch belongs in jail.
If she belonged in jail she would be there... Your problem is you think the deception only lays with liberal media. There is just as much bs if not more in the conservative media. Stop eating all the crap your being spoon fed
Why isn't Hillary Clinton in jail????????????????

Isn't there any justice left in America??????????????:mad-61:
Maybe you got some of your facts wrong??? Ever think of that? The media does feed us a ton of BS can trust everything you hear

Yes the dinosaur media feeds the sheeple a lot of shit....left wing progressive shit

But that Hillary Clinton is a crook ...that's a fact.....and it can not be denied.

The witch belongs in jail.
If she belonged in jail she would be there... Your problem is you think the deception only lays with liberal media. There is just as much bs if not more in the conservative media. Stop eating all the crap your being spoon fed
Why isn't Hillary Clinton in jail????????????????

Isn't there any justice left in America??????????????:mad-61:
Maybe you got some of your facts wrong??? Ever think of that? The media does feed us a ton of BS can trust everything you hear

Yes the dinosaur media feeds the sheeple a lot of shit....left wing progressive shit

But that Hillary Clinton is a crook ...that's a fact.....and it can not be denied.

The witch belongs in jail.
If she belonged in jail she would be there... Your problem is you think the deception only lays with liberal media. There is just as much bs if not more in the conservative media. Stop eating all the crap your being spoon fed

That witch Hillary is total scum .. the worst America can produce......

Disgusting garbage she is!

and to put her as President of USA?

Dear GOD ...this surely is the end of times.:mad-61:

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