Will Hillary be a Major Failure From the Start?

Barring a disaster the Hillarybeast will be the next President. Since she earned that nickname leading the charge to keep her sexual predator hub in office and out of prison she will have a GOP congress possibly both houses to deal with. The blue wall is having increasing problems borrowing money. As scapegoat in chief this will all be blamed on her.

So, she is cordially hated by a large fraction of the population. The last president to start office with these kind of negatives was John Quincy Adams. As president instead of First Lady and a former president for first Dude she becomes a target rich environment as soon as her victory speech starts.

I started this thread because as a libertarian I found the deafening silence on this subject amusing.

It all depends on who the GOP nominates. If Trump or Cruz is the nominee, then yes, Clinton will be a failure from the start. If Kasich is nominated, then Clinton will never have the chance to start.
'Will' she be?

She was such of a failure she was 'let go' from the Watergate Commission for unethical behavior.

Scandal followed her wherever she went.

She was a loser as a 1st Lady.

When she left the WH she tried to steal everything that wasn't nailed down.

She was so much of a loser as senator Barbara Boxer couldn't name 1 Hillary accomplishment...even using Google.

As Sect of State she 'lost' $6 Billion, helped the US aid the perpetrators of 9/11/01 take over Libya, and got 4 Americans needlessly killed, to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years.

She is currently running for President while under FBI investigation for crimes under the Espionage Act - a situation Liberals would NEVER tolerate if it was happening to a Republican.... It has already been proven she broke the law. OBAMA publicly declared she broke the law in trying to defend her....and the State Dept just got busted for criminally violating a subpoena, interfering with an ongoing investigation, and obstruction of justice.

So AGAIN, what do you mean 'Hillary WILL be a major failure'?! She is not even in office yet and she is the biggest criminal / failure to ever run for the office.
Barring a disaster the Hillarybeast will be the next President. Since she earned that nickname leading the charge to keep her sexual predator hub in office and out of prison she will have a GOP congress possibly both houses to deal with. The blue wall is having increasing problems borrowing money. As scapegoat in chief this will all be blamed on her.

So, she is cordially hated by a large fraction of the population. The last president to start office with these kind of negatives was John Quincy Adams. As president instead of First Lady and a former president for first Dude she becomes a target rich environment as soon as her victory speech starts.

I started this thread because as a libertarian I found the deafening silence on this subject amusing.

are you rightwingnuts planning on sabotaging the country for the next 8 years, too?
No worse than Obama has for the past 7.
Will Hillary be a Major Failure From the Start?

You mean like the way Republicans unsuccessfully tried to do to Obama?

For one, she's not black. So it's difficult to drum up the same GOP hatred for a white person.
She already is a major failure, hasn't accomplished a damn thing other than marrying Bubba. If she hadn't we would have never heard of the old witch
are you rightwingnuts planning on sabotaging the country for the next 8 years, too?

Good question. And yes, sabotage is all they have. No ideas, no vision, no goals beyond attack Hillary.

And with the way republicans abdicate their governmental responsibilities, it's 8 more years of a do nothing congress.
Hillary will make the Red edge stronger. Of course it doesn't help that the Ds here in FL are so inept that they tried and failed twice to find someone less sleazy than Gov. Scott. At the rate Ds are losing state houses their already pathetic bench will get worse.
Hillary Clinton would chalk up a major success just by winning in November, that being stopping any advance whatsoever of the RW agenda for another 4 years.
There is little doubt Hillary will be president

There is also little doubt republicans will play the silly games they used against Bill Clinton and Obama
Hillary will make the Red edge stronger. Of course it doesn't help that the Ds here in FL are so inept that they tried and failed twice to find someone less sleazy than Gov. Scott. At the rate Ds are losing state houses their already pathetic bench will get worse.

Republicans can win all the state elections they want. Then they get to decide how long their fishing seasons will be and what color their license plates are.

With a Democrat in the Whitehouse, the conservative agenda collects dust.

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