Will Hillary get the most favorable media coverage in US election history?


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
Right now, the list is still

1. 1992 - Bill Clinton
2. 2008 - Barack Obama

The media is clearly left wing, but it is also 100% for war in the Middle East to help Israel regardless of reason. Hillary is both left wing and eager to sell out our troops for money and favorable media coverage. Hillary hates the military. Sell them out she surely will.

This bogus hissy fit about the six sided star... it is JUST THE BEGINNING of the most biased media coverage in election history. Israel does not trust Trump. The "US" media will respond accordingly.

Then again, Bill campaigned in 1992 on "finishing the (Israeli) job in Iraq" only to be outed for lying. Indeed, all of Bill's central campaign promises were lies - invading Iraq and a middle class tax cut. It doesn't matter. Lie a Clinton will. Cheer the media will. Watch and don't be fooled. The "outrages" about Trump so far are trivial. Hillary's "non outrages" are treasonous as best....

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