Will ignorant voters from southern states cost Bernie the primary again?


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
I am actually amazed that Joe fucking Biden is as relevant as he is right now. Seriously, just what the fuck is wrong with people? Black people prefer Biden? WHAT? There are pictures of Bernie chained to black people in segregation protests, but they think Biden is their dude? I should have learned my lesson the first time when they voted for Hillary over Bernie. Democrats are fucking retarded and they deserve to lose if Biden wins the primary. There is absolutely no way that milquetoast senile pervert is going to become the president. I might not have voted if it was Bernie vs Trump, but now it looks like I might actually get out there and vote for Trump.
I sure hope so.

America doesn't need socialism.
I am actually amazed that Joe fucking Biden is as relevant as he is right now. Seriously, just what the fuck is wrong with people? Black people prefer Biden? WHAT? There are pictures of Bernie chained to black people in segregation protests, but they think Biden is their dude? I should have learned my lesson the first time when they voted for Hillary over Bernie. Democrats are fucking retarded and they deserve to lose if Biden wins the primary. There is absolutely no way that milquetoast senile pervert is going to become the president. I might not have voted if it was Bernie vs Trump, but now it looks like I might actually get out there and vote for Trump.
Biden's ineptness will be portrayed as an enduring quality.
Like I said. Don't under estimate the power of dems.
We dont need Sleepy Joe either

At the very least it has to be obvious that Bernie would be better than Joe, right? He's not going to usher in the evil socialism. He's just an honest old man that wants to help our young people get ahead and help old people finish out their time in comfort and peace. Bernie has been for the people his entire career. He at least deserves more respect than corporate stooges like Obama and Biden.
I am actually amazed that Joe fucking Biden is as relevant as he is right now. Seriously, just what the fuck is wrong with people? Black people prefer Biden? WHAT? There are pictures of Bernie chained to black people in segregation protests, but they think Biden is their dude? I should have learned my lesson the first time when they voted for Hillary over Bernie. Democrats are fucking retarded and they deserve to lose if Biden wins the primary. There is absolutely no way that milquetoast senile pervert is going to become the president. I might not have voted if it was Bernie vs Trump, but now it looks like I might actually get out there and vote for Trump.
Actually the race is still up for grabs and Crazy Bernie has a chance
I am actually amazed that Joe fucking Biden is as relevant as he is right now. Seriously, just what the fuck is wrong with people? Black people prefer Biden? WHAT? There are pictures of Bernie chained to black people in segregation protests, but they think Biden is their dude? I should have learned my lesson the first time when they voted for Hillary over Bernie. Democrats are fucking retarded and they deserve to lose if Biden wins the primary. There is absolutely no way that milquetoast senile pervert is going to become the president. I might not have voted if it was Bernie vs Trump, but now it looks like I might actually get out there and vote for Trump.

Well, don't be too Confounded. This is merely proof once again that most people are sheeple easily lead around by the corporate-military-government complex into voting the way THEY want under the delusion they are voting freely. Biden makes About as much sense as a $3 dollar bill. Sadly, Sanders, Warren and Bloomberg make even less. The ass-fucking of the American people goes on as the one person trying to put a stop to some of it is fought tooth and nail by the sheeple.
We dont need Sleepy Joe either

At the very least it has to be obvious that Bernie would be better than Joe, right? He's not going to usher in the evil socialism. He's just an honest old man that wants to help our young people get ahead and help old people finish out their time in comfort and peace.
Bernie is pretty radical

yes, he may not push every crazy idea through congress, particularly if we still have a republican senate

but the president has a lot of power
America doesn't need socialism.

What kind of "socialism" does Bernie represent? Can we detail it or are we going to stick to drive by defamation?

Free everything.

Have you not been paying attention?

Now that Bernie isn't going to be the nominee, I don't have to vote for the Orange Buffoon. I can vote for whatever kook the Libertarians put up.
America doesn't need socialism.

What kind of "socialism" does Bernie represent? Can we detail it or are we going to stick to drive by defamation?

What kind of Socialism?

You can read it on Bernie own web page if you have no clue.

You want a guy that want to implement National Rent Control Policies and want to drive your taxes up on everything.

If you truly believe Bernie plans only detail taxing the rich then you are not in any position to lecture about anything!

Sanders being called a Socialist is being kind when evidence shows his true love is Communism but knows saying he want that is the final nail in the coffin in his political career...

Sanders Univesal Healthcare, Green Deal, Housing for the poor and Homeless, National Rent Control, Student Debt Relief, Free College and Green Deal would kill this country economy, raise taxes and bring hardship onto the American consumer.

So before you lecture anyone you better dive into the cost for all of his promises and who will actually be paying for it because it will cause hyperinflation that we have not seen since Jimmy Carter days...
America doesn't need socialism.

What kind of "socialism" does Bernie represent? Can we detail it or are we going to stick to drive by defamation?

What kind of Socialism?

You can read it on Bernie own web page if you have no clue.

You want a guy that want to implement National Rent Control Policies and want to drive your taxes up on everything.

If you truly believe Bernie plans only detail taxing the rich then you are not in any position to lecture about anything!

Sanders being called a Socialist is being kind when evidence shows his true love is Communism but knows saying he want that is the final nail in the coffin in his political career...

Sanders Univesal Healthcare, Green Deal, Housing for the poor and Homeless, National Rent Control, Student Debt Relief, Free College and Green Deal would kill this country economy, raise taxes and bring hardship onto the American consumer.

So before you lecture anyone you better dice into the cost for all of his promises and who will actually be paying for it because it will cause hyperinflation that we have not seen since Jimmy Carter days...

Bernie wants to emulate the Scandinavian countries and has been saying so for 30+ years. The Scandinavian countries are capitalist.
Bernie is through. He couldn’t even win in his N.E backyard. Biden will be the nominee and he will crush Trump in November.
I am actually amazed that Joe fucking Biden is as relevant as he is right now. Seriously, just what the fuck is wrong with people? Black people prefer Biden? WHAT? There are pictures of Bernie chained to black people in segregation protests, but they think Biden is their dude? I should have learned my lesson the first time when they voted for Hillary over Bernie. Democrats are fucking retarded and they deserve to lose if Biden wins the primary. There is absolutely no way that milquetoast senile pervert is going to become the president. I might not have voted if it was Bernie vs Trump, but now it looks like I might actually get out there and vote for Trump.

The southern voters and the DNC's games with the other candidates will cost Bernie again,and the Dems will lose an entire generation of voters because of it.

They learned nothing after 2016
Actually the race is still up for grabs and Crazy Bernie has a chance

You're right, but super Tuesday was kind of ugly. I have a bad feeling about how this is going to turn out.
I voted for biden when it looked like bernie was a shoe-in, hoping for a brokered convention

but really its all just a crap shoot and I dont know what happens next

bernie is only 100 or so delegates behind with about 2,000 still up for grabs

and it could be argued that biden is running out of black people to vote for him
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Free everything.

I expected better from you.

I'm not going to get in a long discussion on this because this is USMB so what's the point?

However, Bernie sounds like Jeremy Corbin, Tony Benn and Ed Broadbent. Google who those people are if you don't know them.

If you don't think they're socialists, then you wouldn't know socialism if socialism walked up to you and bit you on the ass.
America doesn't need socialism.

What kind of "socialism" does Bernie represent? Can we detail it or are we going to stick to drive by defamation?

What kind of Socialism?

You can read it on Bernie own web page if you have no clue.

You want a guy that want to implement National Rent Control Policies and want to drive your taxes up on everything.

If you truly believe Bernie plans only detail taxing the rich then you are not in any position to lecture about anything!

Sanders being called a Socialist is being kind when evidence shows his true love is Communism but knows saying he want that is the final nail in the coffin in his political career...

Sanders Univesal Healthcare, Green Deal, Housing for the poor and Homeless, National Rent Control, Student Debt Relief, Free College and Green Deal would kill this country economy, raise taxes and bring hardship onto the American consumer.

So before you lecture anyone you better dice into the cost for all of his promises and who will actually be paying for it because it will cause hyperinflation that we have not seen since Jimmy Carter days...

Bernie wants to emulate the Scandinavian countries and has been saying so for 30+ years. The Scandinavian countries are capitalist.

Bernie Sander praised Castro, Venezuela and the former USSR, so he says a lot of shit that he later changes his tune about!

Again, you better dive into the cost for all his programs because all of the Scandinavian countries are smaller in Population than the State of California.

To implement Sanders programs would kill our economy but hey Sanders says one thing you believe it.

America is a Republic and not Scandinavia...

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