Will Liz Cheney become the first woman president?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
She certainly has all the right stuff. Although I don't agree with most of her conservative ideology, I can envision her becoming a traditional Republican president. She is sane, smart and tough. What do you think?
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She certainly has all the right stuff. Although I don't agree with most of her conservative ideology, I can envision her becoming a traditional Republican president. She is smart and sane. What do you think?
I have nothing against Liz Cheney. I have no problem with her standard brand of conservative ideology or with traditional Republican presidents in general with the obvious exception of George Son-of-a-Bush.
I doubt if she will get any support from Trump Deplorables. Liberals will not vote for her as her dad is Dick Cheney. That will hurt any chances she has to ever become President. She will however get the vote of the Bush faction of the Republican Party.
President Donald Trump watched the Jan. 6 violence unfold at the U.S. Capitol from a television inside the White House and repeatedly resisted pleas for him to intervene, including those made by his own family, Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) said Sunday, citing what she called “first-hand testimony” obtained by the House committee investigating the attack.

Graham Romney and other RINO's wet dream....

President Donald Trump watched the Jan. 6 violence unfold at the U.S. Capitol from a television inside the White House and repeatedly resisted pleas for him to intervene, including those made by his own family, Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) said Sunday, citing what she called “first-hand testimony” obtained by the House committee investigating the attack.

False narrative and ignores what occurred.
I don't agree with all of her political views. But, imo, she's one of the most outstanding women in politics. I would vote for her. I also think she has a quality that is incredibly rare in our politics: integrity.

Like it or not, she has the guts to say what she thinks and to stand up and take the heat from her detractors.

Liz Cheney is twice the man Donnie Trump could ever be. Bet she would NEVER whine and moan and act like a fucking crybaby, as donnie-boy does on a daily basis.

The GOP should embrace Liz Cheney, not ostracize her.

Lord knows the GOP now has far too many conspiracy crackpots in their ranks - such as MT Greene.
She certainly has all the right stuff. Although I don't agree with most of her conservative ideology, I can envision her becoming a traditional Republican president. She is sane, smart and tough. What do you think?
Intelligent people who stick to their conservative principles are not welcome in the cult of personality which used to be the Republican party.

So, no. She does not have a snowball's chance in hell.
President Donald Trump watched the Jan. 6 violence unfold at the U.S. Capitol from a television inside the White House and repeatedly resisted pleas for him to intervene, including those made by his own family, Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) said Sunday, citing what she called “first-hand testimony” obtained by the House committee investigating the attack.

Try reading some truth once in a while.

Intelligent people who stick to their conservative principles are not welcome in the cult of personality which used to be the Republican party.

So, no. She does not have a snowball's chance in hell.

True, as long as the current Trump crazies are running the GOP, but they are on a death spiral and circling the drain. Liz Cheney may be the salvation of the traditional Republican Party.
True, as long as the current Trump crazies are running the GOP, but they are on a death spiral and circling the drain. Liz Cheney may be the salvation of the traditional Republican Party.

That's not what the polls say. Polls say if the presidential election were held today, Trump would wipe up the floor with Dementia.

Why do you suppose your comrades in Congress are so scared to death of the guy?

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