Will Mitt Romney vote with the Democrats now?

It is obvious that Republicans no longer want anything to do with him

Sure, if he wants to guarantee he won't be re-elected in Utah. Utah is a deeply red state, and Trump has a higher approval rating in Utah than Mitt.
Mitt is toast in either party now!
For following the constitution? Democrats like patriots. Republicans like Russia.

Trump will forever be known as the guy who stood side-by-side with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki and told the world you can believe Russia and Putin before you believe the United States of America.


The Democrats ADORED Russia when it was the Soviet Union and Communist, since it's been Russia and not Communist the Democrats now HATE Russia.
Romney has become one of those who bases their vote on which ever way the political winds happen to be blowing. I notice he split his votes so he can get in a dig at Trump for not nominating him for Secretary of State while also saying I supported the President with the other. Pretty typical CYA political move.
Will Mitt Romney vote with the Democrats now?
hmmm...Oh I'm sure mitt will now vote with with folks his constituency calls "BABY KILLERS":2cents:

It is obvious that Republicans no longer want anything to do with him
You have this "get it wrong" thing down to a science...he already voted with Republicans on the obstruction charge, you were wrong out of the gate on this one:abgg2q.jpg:
It is obvious that Republicans no longer want anything to do with him

Well I guess you get half of the halfassed asshole. He voted guilty on article 1 and not guilty on article 2. In any case you ain't getting much because when his term is up, his ass is history. He goes down in the 2024 election so till then he sticks around while Trump shoves pins into his Mitt Romney voodoo doll.

We will take Romney for the next four years
hmmm...Oh I'm sure mitt will now vote with with folks his constituency calls "BABY KILLERS":2cents:

It is obvious that Republicans no longer want anything to do with him
You have this "get it wrong" thing down to a science...he already voted with Republicans on the obstruction charge, you were wrong out of the gate on this one:abgg2q.jpg:

Republicans seem to have their panties in a wad over Romney voting against criminal activities
Mitt Romney was a snake even back in the 90's.
Mitt Romney and his Bain Capital played a major ased medical diagnostics company, and its Chapter 11 bankruptcy . Some say it exemplifies Romney as a job destroyer and company wrecker,. Having worked for Dade Behring during that time, and found Romney to be a Liar and untrustworthy, seems nothing has changed,
Republicans seem to have their panties in a wad over Romney voting against criminal activities
So this is what amounts to a victory for you now?
...never have so few got so much so wrong with so little to work with...
They may very well [to use you misogynist description=mistake 1] "have their panties in a wad" but it would seem to be over him siding with their enemy denying them proof of partisanship technical though it may be [= mistake 2]
... and you have misrepresented the lefts claim with "criminals" which is doubly wrong since they admitted it was not criminal [=mistake 3] and it was certainly not plural since he only voted with the left once [=mistake 4]...
...and finally you fell right back into the old liberal bad habit of answering with what you wish my post said instead of what it really said [=mistake5]...one sentence :abgg2q.jpg:
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It is obvious that Republicans no longer want anything to do with him
It would be pretty freaking amazing to see a former GOP Presidential candidate do this, but the purists in the party are sure asking for it.

Just shows what has happened to the GOP in the interim.

Have a question for you....
Romney said he wanted witnesses.
Romney found Trump guilty without the witnesses.
So did Romney believe Trump was guilty without having all the information?
Romney made his decision not based on his "moral" but on his political vengeance.
The reason I say that is let's assume Romney was on a murder trial as a jury member.
The accused murderer has said he didn't do it AND the prosecutors don't have any proof.
Does Romney find the murderer guilty...i.e. is the murderer presumed innocent until proven guilty?
Same with Trump. One of the the "witness" for the House was Gordon Sondland who said in testimony:
“He also said he ‘presumed’ there was a link to the aid — but cannot identify any solid source for that assumption.”
More media lies: No, Sondland did NOT change his testimony to claim there was a Trump ‘quid pro quo’ with Ukraine
So Romney says Trump is guilty because Sondland "presumed"??? Again... no facts...his presumption!
It is obvious that Republicans no longer want anything to do with him
It would be pretty freaking amazing to see a former GOP Presidential candidate do this, but the purists in the party are sure asking for it.

Just shows what has happened to the GOP in the interim.

Have a question for you....
Romney said he wanted witnesses.
Romney found Trump guilty without the witnesses.
So did Romney believe Trump was guilty without having all the information?
Romney made his decision not based on his "moral" but on his political vengeance.
The reason I say that is let's assume Romney was on a murder trial as a jury member.
The accused murderer has said he didn't do it AND the prosecutors don't have any proof.
Does Romney find the murderer guilty...i.e. is the murderer presumed innocent until proven guilty?
Same with Trump. One of the the "witness" for the House was Gordon Sondland who said in testimony:
“He also said he ‘presumed’ there was a link to the aid — but cannot identify any solid source for that assumption.”
More media lies: No, Sondland did NOT change his testimony to claim there was a Trump ‘quid pro quo’ with Ukraine
So Romney says Trump is guilty because Sondland "presumed"??? Again... no facts...his presumption!
Not sure what the actual question is, but maybe he's just following his conscience and maintaining his standards.

Most of the rest of his party has sold its soul, but he's not required to.
It is obvious that Republicans no longer want anything to do with him
It would be pretty freaking amazing to see a former GOP Presidential candidate do this, but the purists in the party are sure asking for it.

Just shows what has happened to the GOP in the interim.

Last three Republican nominees for President before Trump

Bush 43

None are considered conservatives any more and are reviled by Republicans

There re no more Republicans. They are now Trump party. That is a totally different thing.
there aint no democrats like the ones i used to know last century either....both parties are nothing like they used to be....
It is obvious that Republicans no longer want anything to do with him

Mitt will do whatever is good for Mitt.
He always has. You have to understand that he has no internal voice.... There's no core value there, no point of reference....only a deep, insatiable thirst for greatness that he must always watch from a distance.The Dems would do well to keep him at arm's length. If they are having an identity crisis at this point....Romney will only make it worse.


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