Will Mitt Romney vote with the Democrats now?

It's the FBI's job to investigate those allegations but not to lie to the FISA court or falsify documents. As far as the kids are concerned if you don't have your refrigerator on the sidewalk in front of your house I don't fucking want to talk to you're hypocritical ass about your double standard on that matter.
Got any empty bedrooms asshole? If you do then I think you had better shut the fuck up.

Uh, guy, the undocumented are perfectly willing to work for their own food and shelter, unlike the dumb ass white trash in Jesus Land waiting for their disability check while wearing a MAGA hat.
1999 abortion parts story? Wow. You heard it first!

I'm not sure many remember it but George Romney, Mitt's dad, was actually favored in 1968 presidential polls until he said that he believed Vietnam was a mistake. That was not a popular stand.

Actually, George Romney said that the Military "Brainwashed" him, which was dumb, because we already know the Mormon Cult did that.
It is obvious that Republicans no longer want anything to do with him
It would be pretty freaking amazing to see a former GOP Presidential candidate do this, but the purists in the party are sure asking for it.

Just shows what has happened to the GOP in the interim.

Last three Republican nominees for President before Trump

Bush 43

None are considered conservatives any more and are reviled by Republicans

There re no more Republicans. They are now Trump party. That is a totally different thing.
Yeah ? How ?
It's easy to stand with a crowd. It takes courage to stand alone.


Indeed. He should run third party this November.
Romney chose defending the US Constitution over partisan loyalty

For the third time...

Are you saying Romney was right when he voted "guilty"?




he IS guilty

First of, the question was for rightwinger, who refuse to answer.

Second, the question is not weather Trump is guilty, but was Romney right when he voted guilty.

Third, Senate voted "not guilty". That results in acquittal, and you know what that means. Trump is still your president.

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