Will Mitt Romney vote with the Democrats now?

You might kind of have a point.

We are ONLY in this mess because in 2012, Mitt Romney was so afraid that Trump running a third party effort that he embraced the man's Birther conspiracy theories instead of doing the stand up thing and denouncing them as the racism they were.

In short, he elevated this toad and now we are all paying for it.

I do find it hilarious that the guy ALL of you insisted would make a great president in 2012 - ignoring the fact he belonged to a cult and made his money fucking over working folks - is now persona non-grata because he opposed Trump by half measures.

Rarely do I see somebody commit suicide by doofus but you are an exception. Romney has many admirable qualities that would never be accepted on the left. He's straight, he believes in monogamy and he believes in hard work. All of those come together to create a fragrant blossom of vampiric garlic repellent to liberals.

Romney was the one that raised an eyebrow at Russia long before the left did. Obama-wan-kenobe scoffed at such things so his adoring throngs followed suit and mocked Romney just before they turned around a few years later and embraced his ideas wholesale.

Unfortunately Romney's hunger for recognition is so overpowering that it outshines his business acumen and common sense. He looks more or less like a political Oliver Twist standing in front of the altar of national adoration with a request:

"Please sir I want some more"... And has signaled quite definitively that his values are up for sale in return some of that "more"...

That is why he has fallen into ridicule and that is why he is no longer offered respect in conservative circles. He has no moral anka and his hunger for recognition is almost completely transparent to the casual observer.

Or he had the stones to vote to convict because what Trump did was wrong - and other republicans agree on that - and he didn't want Trump to claim "I was totally vindicated."

So, what you are saying is that even though Romney voted against witnesses because there wasn't enough evidence to justify witnesses, his vote to convict without enough evidence is the Highly Moral thing to do.
I'm saying that his vote to convict prevents Trump from being able to say "total vindication." It may be that Romney really believes that a president who uses his office's powers to attempt to further his own political career is unfit to serve, and that justifies a vote to convict.

I don't think the witnesses could really add any facts. We know Trump "did it." I'm sorry the House and Senate just didn't censure Trump, because the Senate ended up is a rather vague place. I mean we all know Clinton perjured himself over a bj. We just differ on whether that is anything to even impeach a potus over. I thought it was absurd because it had nothing to do with Clinton and his oath of office. But Trump is still denying the facts of what he did. Mitt has the stones to say "oh no … you violated your oath of office."

B'loney. The majority voted not guilty and Chief Justice Roberts certified that he was acquitted.

More than 50 senators are on record that what Trump did was wrong. But mitt was the only goper who voted to remove him from office.

More information isn't going to change any minds.
Rarely do I see somebody commit suicide by doofus but you are an exception. Romney has many admirable qualities that would never be accepted on the left. He's straight, he believes in monogamy and he believes in hard work. All of those come together to create a fragrant blossom of vampiric garlic repellent to liberals.

First, he belongs to a whackadoodle cult started by child-molesting con artists. This is why Conservative Christians rejected him in 2008. In 2012, he bullied his way into the nomination and the Christians were all like, "Oh my God, there's a Negro in the White House!" and supported him.

Romney was the one that raised an eyebrow at Russia long before the left did. Obama-wan-kenobe scoffed at such things so his adoring throngs followed suit and mocked Romney just before they turned around a few years later and embraced his ideas wholesale.

Romney said that they were going to try to rig our elections? When did he say that? He said they were a military threat, which they really weren't in 2012 and really aren't now. So, yes, his attempt at Cold War Nostalgia got all the ridicule it deserved.

Unfortunately Romney's hunger for recognition is so overpowering that it outshines his business acumen and common sense. He looks more or less like a political Oliver Twist standing in front of the altar of national adoration with a request:

"Please sir I want some more"... And has signaled quite definitively that his values are up for sale in return some of that "more"...

That is why he has fallen into ridicule and that is why he is no longer offered respect in conservative circles. He has no moral anchor and his hunger for recognition is almost completely transparent to the casual observer.

Really? I will admit that Romney is a narcissist. Most politicians are narcissists. But he didn't need to see his name in 20 foot letters like Trump did and make every issue about him.
Rarely do I see somebody commit suicide by doofus but you are an exception. Romney has many admirable qualities that would never be accepted on the left. He's straight, he believes in monogamy and he believes in hard work. All of those come together to create a fragrant blossom of vampiric garlic repellent to liberals.

First, he belongs to a whackadoodle cult started by child-molesting con artists. This is why Conservative Christians rejected him in 2008. In 2012, he bullied his way into the nomination and the Christians were all like, "Oh my God, there's a Negro in the White House!" and supported him.

Romney was the one that raised an eyebrow at Russia long before the left did. Obama-wan-kenobe scoffed at such things so his adoring throngs followed suit and mocked Romney just before they turned around a few years later and embraced his ideas wholesale.

Romney said that they were going to try to rig our elections? When did he say that? He said they were a military threat, which they really weren't in 2012 and really aren't now. So, yes, his attempt at Cold War Nostalgia got all the ridicule it deserved.

Unfortunately Romney's hunger for recognition is so overpowering that it outshines his business acumen and common sense. He looks more or less like a political Oliver Twist standing in front of the altar of national adoration with a request:

"Please sir I want some more"... And has signaled quite definitively that his values are up for sale in return some of that "more"...

That is why he has fallen into ridicule and that is why he is no longer offered respect in conservative circles. He has no moral anchor and his hunger for recognition is almost completely transparent to the casual observer.

Really? I will admit that Romney is a narcissist. Most politicians are narcissists. But he didn't need to see his name in 20 foot letters like Trump did and make every issue about him.

He said they were an existential threat.
Obama found that hilarious until hr ordered an illegal investigation into a political opponents campaign. Hell Romney was probably was probably part of the investigation incognito.

Rarely do I see somebody commit suicide by doofus but you are an exception. Romney has many admirable qualities that would never be accepted on the left. He's straight, he believes in monogamy and he believes in hard work. All of those come together to create a fragrant blossom of vampiric garlic repellent to liberals.

Romney was the one that raised an eyebrow at Russia long before the left did. Obama-wan-kenobe scoffed at such things so his adoring throngs followed suit and mocked Romney just before they turned around a few years later and embraced his ideas wholesale.

Unfortunately Romney's hunger for recognition is so overpowering that it outshines his business acumen and common sense. He looks more or less like a political Oliver Twist standing in front of the altar of national adoration with a request:

"Please sir I want some more"... And has signaled quite definitively that his values are up for sale in return some of that "more"...

That is why he has fallen into ridicule and that is why he is no longer offered respect in conservative circles. He has no moral anka and his hunger for recognition is almost completely transparent to the casual observer.

Or he had the stones to vote to convict because what Trump did was wrong - and other republicans agree on that - and he didn't want Trump to claim "I was totally vindicated."

So, what you are saying is that even though Romney voted against witnesses because there wasn't enough evidence to justify witnesses, his vote to convict without enough evidence is the Highly Moral thing to do.
I'm saying that his vote to convict prevents Trump from being able to say "total vindication." It may be that Romney really believes that a president who uses his office's powers to attempt to further his own political career is unfit to serve, and that justifies a vote to convict.

I don't think the witnesses could really add any facts. We know Trump "did it." I'm sorry the House and Senate just didn't censure Trump, because the Senate ended up is a rather vague place. I mean we all know Clinton perjured himself over a bj. We just differ on whether that is anything to even impeach a potus over. I thought it was absurd because it had nothing to do with Clinton and his oath of office. But Trump is still denying the facts of what he did. Mitt has the stones to say "oh no … you violated your oath of office."

B'loney. The majority voted not guilty and Chief Justice Roberts certified that he was acquitted.

More than 50 senators are on record that what Trump did was wrong. But mitt was the only goper who voted to remove him from office.

More information isn't going to change any minds.

BFD. The standard for Not Guilty is not a unanimous vote, bub. And 50 did not vote that he was guilty.

You TDSers are loons.
It is obvious that Republicans no longer want anything to do with him

Can Mitt Romney be Recalled and if yes can the Republicans have a Special Election to replace him, this before November or perhaps have it on the November Election day with the Presidential Election vote?

No... Currently there is no arrangement for recalling a federally elected official by means of the voting public. Personally I think there should be one but then again it like the impeachment farce we just witnessed it can be abused. A Senator or congressman can be removed by his peers though it is very rarely done.

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It is obvious that Republicans no longer want anything to do with him
It would be pretty freaking amazing to see a former GOP Presidential candidate do this, but the purists in the party are sure asking for it.

Just shows what has happened to the GOP in the interim.

Last three Republican nominees for President before Trump

Bush 43

None are considered conservatives any more and are reviled by Republicans

There re no more Republicans. They are now Trump party. That is a totally different thing.

And exactly what do you call the Democrat party today? It sure as hell isn't what it once was. Today it's a monumental disgrace so don't even try to pretend that everything is hunkey dory because it's in very big trouble and is standing on death's doorstep this very moment.
The Democratic Party today is a bastion of freedom

Fighting for healthcare, education, the environment, gay rights...

Republicans fight for tax cuts for billionaires
Pierre has made himself an outcast. The Dems aren't going to suddenly respect him now that he tried to split the baby and vote Guilty on 1, and Not Guilty on 2. Nobody trusts a man who tries to make everyone happy by splitting the difference.

You might kind of have a point.

We are ONLY in this mess because in 2012, Mitt Romney was so afraid that Trump running a third party effort that he embraced the man's Birther conspiracy theories instead of doing the stand up thing and denouncing them as the racism they were.

In short, he elevated this toad and now we are all paying for it.

I do find it hilarious that the guy ALL of you insisted would make a great president in 2012 - ignoring the fact he belonged to a cult and made his money fucking over working folks - is now persona non-grata because he opposed Trump by half measures.

Rarely do I see somebody commit suicide by doofus but you are an exception. Romney has many admirable qualities that would never be accepted on the left. He's straight, he believes in monogamy and he believes in hard work. All of those come together to create a fragrant blossom of vampiric garlic repellent to liberals.

Romney was the one that raised an eyebrow at Russia long before the left did. Obama-wan-kenobe scoffed at such things so his adoring throngs followed suit and mocked Romney just before they turned around a few years later and embraced his ideas wholesale.

Unfortunately Romney's hunger for recognition is so overpowering that it outshines his business acumen and common sense. He looks more or less like a political Oliver Twist standing in front of the altar of national adoration with a request:

"Please sir I want some more"... And has signaled quite definitively that his values are up for sale in return some of that "more"...

That is why he has fallen into ridicule and that is why he is no longer offered respect in conservative circles. He has no moral anka and his hunger for recognition is almost completely transparent to the casual observer.

Or he had the stones to vote to convict because what Trump did was wrong - and other republicans agree on that - and he didn't want Trump to claim "I was totally vindicated."

So, what you are saying is that even though Romney voted against witnesses because there wasn't enough evidence to justify witnesses, his vote to convict without enough evidence is the Highly Moral thing to do.
I'm saying that his vote to convict prevents Trump from being able to say "total vindication." It may be that Romney really believes that a president who uses his office's powers to attempt to further his own political career is unfit to serve, and that justifies a vote to convict.

I don't think the witnesses could really add any facts. We know Trump "did it." I'm sorry the House and Senate just didn't censure Trump, because the Senate ended up is a rather vague place. I mean we all know Clinton perjured himself over a bj. We just differ on whether that is anything to even impeach a potus over. I thought it was absurd because it had nothing to do with Clinton and his oath of office. But Trump is still denying the facts of what he did. Mitt has the stones to say "oh no … you violated your oath of office."
Republicans would have ignored the facts anyway
Or he had the stones to vote to convict because what Trump did was wrong - and other republicans agree on that - and he didn't want Trump to claim "I was totally vindicated."

So, what you are saying is that even though Romney voted against witnesses because there wasn't enough evidence to justify witnesses, his vote to convict without enough evidence is the Highly Moral thing to do.
I'm saying that his vote to convict prevents Trump from being able to say "total vindication." It may be that Romney really believes that a president who uses his office's powers to attempt to further his own political career is unfit to serve, and that justifies a vote to convict.

I don't think the witnesses could really add any facts. We know Trump "did it." I'm sorry the House and Senate just didn't censure Trump, because the Senate ended up is a rather vague place. I mean we all know Clinton perjured himself over a bj. We just differ on whether that is anything to even impeach a potus over. I thought it was absurd because it had nothing to do with Clinton and his oath of office. But Trump is still denying the facts of what he did. Mitt has the stones to say "oh no … you violated your oath of office."

B'loney. The majority voted not guilty and Chief Justice Roberts certified that he was acquitted.

More than 50 senators are on record that what Trump did was wrong. But mitt was the only goper who voted to remove him from office.

More information isn't going to change any minds.

BFD. The standard for Not Guilty is not a unanimous vote, bub. And 50 did not vote that he was guilty.

You TDSers are loons.
O.J. Simpson just gave your post a thumbs up.
It's easy to stand with a crowd. It takes courage to stand alone.


"Romney is the Hillary of the GOP. Go away, Mitt. we dont want you. Romney is a snake" - Bongino
It is obvious that Republicans no longer want anything to do with him
Wow, all the high horse about racists and now you guys love Richard Spencer ( a real racist) and Mitt Romney ( not a racist, but you guys called him one repeatedly)

you guys are fucking disgusting and you guys make Trump look like a Saint...….
He said they were an existential threat.
Obama found that hilarious until hr ordered an illegal investigation into a political opponents campaign. Hell Romney was probably was probably part of the investigation incognito.

You mean the FBI shouldn't investigate attempts by the Russians to rig our election? I think that's, you know, kind of their job.

Kind of like it's the IRS's job to investigate tax cheats trying to illegally claim exemptions they aren't entitled to, but you guys got upset when they did that, too.

Throwing kids in concentration camps, you are totally good with that, though
It's easy to stand with a crowd. It takes courage to stand alone.


The names you gave Romney. Remember Harry Reid lying about his tax returns. You ran with that for many months. Remember Mittens and Bishop Romney sarcastic names he was called. Now he is a hero to you. He is a reason Trump was elected. What is gauling is that he is better then Obama and held back after he destroyed Obama in the first debate. Progs do not tolerate anyone straying from their proletariat leanings. That is not unilarity. That is fascism by fraud democracy. Repubs have to do the same or they would not exist today. But unlike Progs there are different views on different issues. Romney has been around long enough to know this. That is why he is disappointing.
Will Mitt Romney vote with the Democrats now?

Depends on his level of desperation to be potus in 24. I think he will seek to brand himself as a traditional GOPer who will lead the flock back to its old, insignificant paddock.
A guy differs from his party and he is attacked by his partys sheep because of it. Shows you what's wrong with the party system. Party first.
The names you gave Romney. Remember Harry Reid lying about his tax returns. You ran with that for many months. Remember Mittens and Bishop Romney sarcastic names he was called. Now he is a hero to you. He is a reason Trump was elected. What is gauling is that he is better then Obama and held back after he destroyed Obama in the first debate. Progs do not tolerate anyone straying from their proletariat leanings. That is not unilarity. That is fascism by fraud democracy. Repubs have to do the same or they would not exist today. But unlike Progs there are different views on different issues. Romney has been around long enough to know this. That is why he is disappointing.

What's disappointing is that Trump has indulged your worst bigotries, and you guys love him for it.

Romney was not better than Obama. He offered the same Plutocratic Rat Poison that the GOP always offers.

Trump has just figured out that the way you get stupid white people to swallow that rat poison is to wrap it up in lots of racism, misogyny and homophobia. Your average white trash who would rather live in a trailer park than have their daughter date a black woman in a lesbian relationship.

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