Will Mitt Romney vote with the Democrats now?

It is obvious that Republicans no longer want anything to do with him

Utah will be low on the totem poll for the next 5 years.
That's for sure......:5_1_12024:.

There will be such an uproar in Utah over this that Romney will be the first Senator to be recalled.... This asshole will actually be responsible for a federal recall amendment.


Not going to happen.

I'm not sure what to think of it...
I think the State should have an option but,
Like we just saw with Impeachment it could be abused.

Yeah riiiight you're a middle of the roader.
Hey, Einstein. I've never claimed to be, not once, ever, never. Would you like to quote me doing so? Go ahead.

The second line of my sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.
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Why did Romney go scorched earth on his political career? Is he really that sour that he lost and Trump won?

Romney is a Never-Trumper. If you see those assholes on MSDNC they really hate Trump. Traitors, prefer commies to Trump.
That is another of Trump's wins, he outed the traitor establishment faux conservatives who we don't want in the GOP.

If Trump only has a 93% approval rating from Republicans, then that 7% are Never-Trumper traitors.
Sure, if he wants to guarantee he won't be re-elected in Utah. Utah is a deeply red state, and Trump has a higher approval rating in Utah than Mitt.

Mitt will win re-election because after Trump gets voted out in 2020, Mitt doesn't come up again until 2024, and he's got his Mormon Cultists backing him.

The Romney family is Mormon Cult royalty.
Hey, Einstein. I've never claimed to be, not once, ever, never. Would you like to quote me doing so? Go ahead.

The second line of my sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.

Stormy Mac, we've established what you are. You are someone who wishes the Democrats would embrace Republican Economic Policy while not being so fanatical on religion, but don't give them darkies any rights or nothing.

We don't need two Republican Parties. One is doing quite enough damage.
Pierre has made himself an outcast. The Dems aren't going to suddenly respect him now that he tried to split the baby and vote Guilty on 1, and Not Guilty on 2. Nobody trusts a man who tries to make everyone happy by splitting the difference.

You might kind of have a point.

We are ONLY in this mess because in 2012, Mitt Romney was so afraid that Trump running a third party effort that he embraced the man's Birther conspiracy theories instead of doing the stand up thing and denouncing them as the racism they were.

In short, he elevated this toad and now we are all paying for it.

I do find it hilarious that the guy ALL of you insisted would make a great president in 2012 - ignoring the fact he belonged to a cult and made his money fucking over working folks - is now persona non-grata because he opposed Trump by half measures.
hmmm...Oh I'm sure mitt will now vote with with folks his constituency calls "BABY KILLERS":2cents:

It is obvious that Republicans no longer want anything to do with him
You have this "get it wrong" thing down to a science...he already voted with Republicans on the obstruction charge, you were wrong out of the gate on this one:abgg2q.jpg:

Republicans seem to have their panties in a wad over Romney voting against criminal activities

Democrats embrace Romney and Bolton not a decade later. Remember, you are the same people that had Romney as a racist and said Bolton was going to get us destroyed in a global war.
Republicans seem to have their panties in a wad over Romney voting against criminal activities
So this is what amounts to a victory for you now?
...never have so few got so much so wrong with so little to work with...
They may very well [to use you misogynist description=mistake 1] "have their panties in a wad" but it would seem to be over him siding with their enemy denying them proof of partisanship technical though it may be [= mistake 2]
... and you have misrepresented the lefts claim with "criminals" which is doubly wrong since they admitted it was not criminal [=mistake 3] and it was certainly not plural since he only voted with the left once [=mistake 4]...
...and finally you fell right back into the old liberal bad habit of answering with what you wish my post said instead of what it really said [=mistake5]...one sentence :abgg2q.jpg:
What amounts to victory is Trump going down in history as an impeached President
Republicans seem to have their panties in a wad over Romney voting against criminal activities
One other thing...trump is going to be recorded by history as the most exonerated president in history.

History will ignore partisan politics and decide whether demanding personal favors in return for military aid was a proper use of Presidential powers.
It is obvious that Republicans no longer want anything to do with him
It would be pretty freaking amazing to see a former GOP Presidential candidate do this, but the purists in the party are sure asking for it.

Just shows what has happened to the GOP in the interim.

Last three Republican nominees for President before Trump

Bush 43

None are considered conservatives any more and are reviled by Republicans

There re no more Republicans. They are now Trump party. That is a totally different thing.

And exactly what do you call the Democrat party today? It sure as hell isn't what it once was. Today it's a monumental disgrace so don't even try to pretend that everything is hunkey dory because it's in very big trouble and is standing on death's doorstep this very moment.

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