Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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Steve McGarrett's Breaking Facts.

Obama ordered it, but Comey is responsible too and just as suspect. (All the Hillary investigations are still open, btw). The dates on the Trump FISA thing are strange to me? --

10/__/16 — FISA wiretap granted (sometime in October)
10/31/16 — NYT reports FBI can't tie Trump to Russia
11/07/16 — 10:18 pm!! (election eve): Heat Street breaks “Exclusive” re: both FISA apps; author is Louise Mensch (Wikileaks emails of her chatting w/ HRC staff); walks back FBI conclusions from NYT article.
11/08/16 — Election Day
The left: Obama hacking into peoples' phone calls - implausible.

Also the left: Russia hacking the election - totally plausible.
The one great thing about Leftists: They're showing literally generations to come who the *real* enemies of America are!
This latest episode of madness by modern American conservatism should allay the fears of any liberals out there who thought the Right was going to take over the world any time soon.
Obama prosecuted more journalists under the Espionage Act more than all previous administrations combined. Of course he spied on Trump.
These were wiretaps legally obtained under FISA, There is nothing illegal about it.

Horseshit. Even if it was, it should never be legal to wiretap the home of the opposition candidate. Anyone who condones that is a Stalinist.
Trump STUPIDLY declassifies FISA warrants against him in a tweet!!!
The FISA Warrants against the Trump campaign have been known about and reported on for weeks via a leak. The leaker could be prosecuted if caught because FISA warrants are classified and are state secrets.

However, a president may declassify anything.

By making these wiretaps public via a tweet, Trump has declassified them, so the original leaker can no longer be prosecuted AND details of the FISA warrant can now be obtained by news organizations via a FOIA request!

The man is a complete IDIOT and is only making things easier for people to get to the bottom of it! To compare this to Watergate, this would be the equivalent of Nixon giving the tapes to Woodward and Bernstein!

Wrong. They were classified when they were leaked. It doesn't matter what happens further down the road.
owebo, post: 16715431
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?

You are mentally unstable if you believe Mark Levin and Breitbart on this one. That is where dittohead clown Trump got the idea.

I hope Obama sues Trump for slander and takes all that Trump owns from him.

GOP Senator alreading Trump put forth the evidence. You know he has none, right?
WaPo: Trump "Cites no Evidence." "Cites No Evidence" is also WaPo's new slogan.

NYT: Trump gives no evidence Obama tapped phone. Who does he think he is? The NYT?

"“On the other hand, if it was with a legal FISA Court order, then an application for surveillance exists that the Court found credible,” he explained. “The President should ask that this full application regarding surveillance of foreign operatives or operations be made available, ideally to the full public, and at a bare minimum to the U.S. Senate.”‘

Not true, as I have already shown it needs only to be certified. Not applied for. The certifying party has up to a year to make the application.

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