Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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Lost badly? You lost the popular vote by 3 million Lost badly?? In your dreams

Another Brown Shirt who doesn't grasp how the American electoral system works.
are you stupid or just acting? you lost pop vote by 3 million and won ec by less than many presidents won buy so where is this lost badly?
Are you confused how the electoral system works in the US, dipweed? Do some research. You don't win by popular vote, just like you can't win a basketball game under soccer rules.
are you stupid or just acting? you lost pop vote by 3 million and won ec by less than many presidents won buy so where is this lost badly?

Popular vote is a meme recited by butthurt little snowflakes. It has no meaning in American presidential elections.

Look, you're a fascist democrat, this means you're stupid. We don't let California decide who every president is going to be. Never have.

Take an introductory to civics class.
bripat9643, post: 16750861
FISA warrants aren't legal.

Based on what?

The 4th Amendment makes them illegal. Did you notice any exceptions to it for "national security?"

"no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

So, warrants can be issued upon probable cause, which is what the FISA court does, making them legal.
"Probable cause" OF A CRIME BEING COMMITTED. Talking to the Russian ambassador is not a crime.

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bripat9643, post: 1675269
Nothing in the Constitution authorizes the government to violate the 4th Amendment. Only a bootlicking dumbass would believe otherwise

A FISA Court warrant makes any search legal and evidence discovered can be used in the prosecution of a crime.

In your world criminals could plan and commit crimes and society could do nothing about it and except to catch them redhanded in the act.

How sick are you?

FISA warrants violate the 4th Amendment. Commission of a crime is the only constitutional basis for a warrant, not "national security." FISA warrants don't require suspicion of criminal activity.

End of story.

I'm sorry, but it doesn't say "probable cause of a crime", it says "probable cause"...but espionage is a crime in this nation.
Was Trump suspected of espionage?

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bripat9643, post: 16750861
FISA warrants aren't legal.

Based on what?

The 4th Amendment makes them illegal. Did you notice any exceptions to it for "national security?"

"no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

So, warrants can be issued upon probable cause, which is what the FISA court does, making them legal.
"Probable cause" OF A CRIME BEING COMMITTED. Talking to the Russian ambassador is not a crime.

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Violating the Logan Act would be.
bripat9643, post: 1675269
Nothing in the Constitution authorizes the government to violate the 4th Amendment. Only a bootlicking dumbass would believe otherwise

A FISA Court warrant makes any search legal and evidence discovered can be used in the prosecution of a crime.

In your world criminals could plan and commit crimes and society could do nothing about it and except to catch them redhanded in the act.

How sick are you?

FISA warrants violate the 4th Amendment. Commission of a crime is the only constitutional basis for a warrant, not "national security." FISA warrants don't require suspicion of criminal activity.

End of story.

I'm sorry, but it doesn't say "probable cause of a crime", it says "probable cause"...but espionage is a crime in this nation.
Was Trump suspected of espionage?

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How would I know? Am I privy to such allegations? Are you?
Putin is YOUR President.

This meme about Putin being the boss of Trump is so moronic, it seems that the controlled (not by Russians!!!) lying MSM has damaged the brain of many Americans so severely, that there cannot be any recovery.


Trump did not meet Putin personally yet, and he has nothing promised to Putin.

On the other hand Trump met Bibi Netanyahu before the election, he promised to Bibi that if he becomes President, the American embassy will be moved to Jerusalem and that Zionists can go on with their illegal settlements and ethnic cleansing.

In other words, Trump was ready to close an eye on the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by the Zionists and Trump did not mind that Zionists move their capital to Jerusalem, though this city is not even an Israeli city, according to the international law.

So it is obvious that Israelis were interested in the victory of Trump, the whole Israel celebrated his election.

And it is also obvious that Israelis are in many key positions in the USA, so they can easily do leaks, hacking and other things that have a huge influence on the American political process.

Anybody with half a brain, who likes conspiracy theories, would suppose that Netanyahu and his agents of influence in the USA (speak the Likudniks) have hijacked the American election.

The more plausible conspiracy theory is that Trump is a puppet of Netanyahu, and that now Netanyahu is the real president of Americans.

But no, these morons from the lying MSM are pushing the crazy theory about Putin having more influence on the political process in the USA, than Netanyahu.

Look at this clip and you will find out who is the real boss in the USA:

It is obvious that Zionists control the USA, and radical Zionists (Likudniks) wanted Trump to become the American president, which was against the agenda of leftist Zionists.

But these dishonest leftist Zionists and their minions will never mention the influence of Israel on the political process in the USA, they will invent crazy stories about the almighty Putin who never met Trump personally.

The moronic talking heads in the controlled MSM will mention every of the few meetings between an American politician and a Russian politician, but they will totally ignore the thousands and thousands of meetings between American and Israeli officials, and the motives behind these meetings.

BTW, many Americans in key positions are Israeli citizens, and they are radical Zionists, speak Likudniks, who need Trump for their agenda.

Just think about this FACT, if your brain does still work!

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There Are Already Four Ways Trump Could Be Impeached — Here Are The Details | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

Reich, along with others, is saying that Trump’s unsubstantiated claims that Obama wiretapped him are enough to impeach him.

Reich also cited Article 1 Section 9 of the Constitution, which “forbids government officials from taking things of value from foreign governments.”

The third way Trump could be impeached today, according to Reich, is his violation of the First Amendment, which “bars any law ‘respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.'” Trump violated this with his Muslim ban, which singles out a religion.

The fourth is also a violation of the First Amendment, which also bars “abridging the freedom of the press.” Trump consistently labels the media as “fake” and even as “the enemy.” They are shut out of press conferences and reporters are escorted out for daring to ask tough questions
bripat9643, post: 16751920
The 4th Amendment makes them illegal. Did you notice any exceptions to it for "national security?"

National Security is a primary function of the Federal Government. It permeates the entire Constutution, Bill of Rights and Amendments.

No exceptions needed in the fourth.

Nothing in the Constitution authorizes the government to violate the 4th Amendment. Only a bootlicking dumbass would believe otherwise.
Meanwhile, Trump as a Red State President only has to call the DOJ and simple ask who authorized the wire tapping on him. Why doesn't Trump do this?????
There Are Already Four Ways Trump Could Be Impeached — Here Are The Details | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

Reich, along with others, is saying that Trump’s unsubstantiated claims that Obama wiretapped him are enough to impeach him.

Reich also cited Article 1 Section 9 of the Constitution, which “forbids government officials from taking things of value from foreign governments.”

The third way Trump could be impeached today, according to Reich, is his violation of the First Amendment, which “bars any law ‘respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.'” Trump violated this with his Muslim ban, which singles out a religion.

The fourth is also a violation of the First Amendment, which also bars “abridging the freedom of the press.” Trump consistently labels the media as “fake” and even as “the enemy.” They are shut out of press conferences and reporters are escorted out for daring to ask tough questions

Of course there are, Brown Shirt.

You just hold your breath until that happens!

Pssssssst! You are not an American......you are a GOP ideologue.

Izzatrite Herr Goebbels?

Did you read that on your Fuhrers hate sites? ThinkProgress maybe?

You fascists are a hoot, hearts filled with hate, heads filled with shit.
bripat9643, post: 16750861
FISA warrants aren't legal.

Based on what?

The 4th Amendment makes them illegal. Did you notice any exceptions to it for "national security?"

"no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

So, warrants can be issued upon probable cause, which is what the FISA court does, making them legal.
So meanwhile, when does tRump start governing????? America is still waiting???

Pssssssst! You are not an American......you are a GOP ideologue.

Izzatrite Herr Goebbels?

Did you read that on your Fuhrers hate sites? ThinkProgress maybe?

You fascists are a hoot, hearts filled with hate, heads filled with shit.
Your President looks like Mussolini!
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