Will Other Candidate's Supporters Stay Home if Trumps Wins the Nomination?

More than likely MOST will vote for the candidate some will vote 3rd party and some will stay home...in the end I say the majority that don't like Trump WILL vote for him to keep Hillary out of the WH.
My mind is made up, your assertions have been competently rebuked.

Your numbers mean nothing come the election, for there is nothing that shows significant cross over from the dems, nothing from centrists, but does show real hostility from women, certain committed religious groupings, minorities, etc. Kasich and Rubio's voters should go for him but there will be a real push back from the Cruz and Carson stalwarts.

Many GOP voters will be with blackrook down at the gym on ballot day.

Well I am not saying that Trump would pull 100% of everyone's supporters and win some landslide election over the Democrats. He can't win the women's vote over Hillary, he can't win the youth vote over Bernie, he won't win the black vote over the Democrat, or the Hispanic or Latino vote... or the special interest vote who is tied irrevocably to the Democrat party. NO ONE CAN!

But you know what? IF you are cool with us being a Socialist nation... sit at home and don't vote on election day! When the Socialist dictator is lining you up in front of an open ditch to put a bullet in your head, remember that you were all butt hurt that your guy didn't win the primary and you stayed home instead of voting for someone who could have stopped it because you didn't like his personality.
How ludicrous and unrealistic is your angst. Trump far more than Sanders has fascistic tendencies. And if you think Sanders would be a dictator, you really have no grasp on reality.

Trump will ensure a Democratic Senate and probably the White House as well.

Henry is being goofy again. Yes, the Dems will happily vote for either HRC or Bern if it means they can get the WH and the Senate.
How ludicrous and unrealistic is your angst. Trump far more than Sanders has fascistic tendencies. And if you think Sanders would be a dictator, you really have no grasp on reality.

Trump will ensure a Democratic Senate and probably the White House as well.

Henry is being goofy again. Yes, the Dems will happily vote for either HRC or Bern if it means they can get the WH and the Senate.

No, I don't think Sanders will be the dictator who lines you up in front of an open ditch. That takes a little time under the Socialist model for the wheels to come off and Socialism to fail before it happens... we're talking 20-30 years down the road somewhere. But where we are right now is a crossroads, we can't BE both a Socialist AND Free Market Capitalist nation.... they are like oil and water, they do not mix. If we elect a Socialist now, we are in serious danger of becoming a Socialist nation... many say we already are. But we certainly WILL be if we don't stop it in it's tracks NOW! Then, it's just a matter of time before the wheels come off and you're standing in front of that open ditch facing execution for your political views.... and maybe that doesn't happen to you and I... maybe it's our children or grandchildren? It's going to happen eventually because it always has happened in history.

I think Trump is not as bad as you have imagined. He is not an ideologue. He is approaching this from the perspective of what we need to do in order to make America great again. You have your ideas on that and so do I, and we probably disagree.... we're ideologues! To sit here and proclaim that "Trump will ensure" this or that is simply partisan ideology shining through... nothing more. You have to realize this. I think more people than who share our views are fed up with the partisan politics and rigid ideologies that can't resolve things in a positive way for the country and they are willing to give Trump a chance.
We are at no cross roads.

We have evolved into a social democratic market economy over the last 100 years with no one being put in front of a firing squad.

You can't say the same thing for capitalist American businesses that shot down strikers and opponents from the 1870s through the 1930s.

You are crying 'wolf', but you are in fact nothing more than a sheep being led by your masters.
We have evolved into a social democratic market economy

There is no such a fucking thing. Sorry. There just isn't.

Democracy and socialism don't coexist. They never have. That is a myth and a lie promoted by every Socialist who has ever breathed. Socialism removes your ability to be democratic and free to choose. Our economy is free market capitalism and our government is a representative republic. We're not Socialists, we've never been socialists. Obama, Bernie and Hillary want to transform us into a Socialist system and they're well on their way to achieving that. The young idiots of today think "Socialism" means "to be social" and they have no idea what they are really promoting... and I don't think you do either. This is a very dangerous and insidious ideology that has killed hundreds of millions. It has never worked in any carnation with any country of our size. The only places it has ever had any limited amount of success is in small isolated communities.
A perfectly good question. We constantly read of people saying they refuse to vote for him if he's the nominee. But, is that what's going to happen? Or, can The Donald pick up enough votes from Independents and Democrats to beat Shrillary – who's clearly the DNC's anointed choice?

I personally think, in the end, it's going to come down to voting for anyone but Shrillary. People will hold their noses and go to the polls for Trump. And that's what the article says @ So, who’s staying home in November if Trump’s the nominee? - Hot Air

I will vote for Hillary is Trump is the nominee.

I will vote for Rubio if Rubio is the nominee.

Many of my friends won't vote for him. They are all educated and affluent.

Most are Republicans and will stay home and not vote.
A perfectly good question. We constantly read of people saying they refuse to vote for him if he's the nominee. But, is that what's going to happen? Or, can The Donald pick up enough votes from Independents and Democrats to beat Shrillary – who's clearly the DNC's anointed choice?

I personally think, in the end, it's going to come down to voting for anyone but Shrillary. People will hold their noses and go to the polls for Trump. And that's what the article says @ So, who’s staying home in November if Trump’s the nominee? - Hot Air

I will vote for Hillary is Trump is the nominee.

I will vote for Rubio if Rubio is the nominee.

Many of my friends won't vote for him. They are all educated and affluent.

Most will stay home and not vote.
This here is another fake republican. NO real republican could even FATHOM voting for Hitlery.
We have evolved into a social democratic market economy

There is no such a fucking thing. Sorry. There just isn't.

This isn't a serious argument.

Most of Europe are social democratic market economies.

No, they are Socialist economies and they are failing.

A social democrat market economy is when the market sets the price and determines the winners and losers, then the government taxes the winners and gives it to the losers.

That's a social democrat market economy.

Others might call it a mixed economy.

All economies in the developed world are mixed economies. The only difference is the degree of government involvement.
"There is no such a fucking thing. Sorry. There just isn't." :lol:

You took my quote out of context, which invalidates the rest of your argument. Yes, our system is a social democratic market economy, somewhat similar to those of Europe. Our market system is regulated by both Dem and Pub. That is historical, and boss's rant is hysterical. That is why the far right never will get a foot up in this country. They deal daily in delusions.

Karl Rove, whom I truly dislike, is straight on in comparing this election to 1896. You, boss, and the others like you are true believers just like the Democratic populists of William Jennings Bryan campaign. And you will look just like Rove in 2012 when you realize that you have lost, yet again.

Just the way it is, boss.
This here is another fake republican. NO real republican could even FATHOM voting for Hitlery.

You are a fake Republican.

No Republican would be a fascist.

And you are a fascist.
This here is another fake republican. NO real republican could even FATHOM voting for Hitlery.

You are a fake Republican.

No Republican would be a fascist.

And you are a fascist.
Big difference there kid. I NEVER claimed to be a republican. You have. I am a registered independent. I merely vote for a CANDIDATE their party means nothing to me.Oh and not a Fascist either I see nothing wrong with Fascism but its not for me. I am a Racial Socialist.
This here is another fake republican. NO real republican could even FATHOM voting for Hitlery.

You are a fake Republican.

No Republican would be a fascist.

And you are a fascist.
Big difference there kid. I NEVER claimed to be a republican. You have. I am a registered independent. I merely vote for a CANDIDATE their party means nothing to me.Oh and not a Fascist either I see nothing wrong with Fascism but its not for me. I am a Racial Socialist.

Whatever you say, Nazi Santa.
This here is another fake republican. NO real republican could even FATHOM voting for Hitlery.

You are a fake Republican.

No Republican would be a fascist.

And you are a fascist.
Big difference there kid. I NEVER claimed to be a republican. You have. I am a registered independent. I merely vote for a CANDIDATE their party means nothing to me.Oh and not a Fascist either I see nothing wrong with Fascism but its not for me. I am a Racial Socialist.

Whatever you say, Nazi Santa.
That's right boy.
We have evolved into a social democratic market economy

There is no such a fucking thing. Sorry. There just isn't.

This isn't a serious argument.

Most of Europe are social democratic market economies.

No, they are Socialist economies and they are failing.

A social democrat market economy is when the market sets the price and determines the winners and losers, then the government taxes the winners and gives it to the losers.

That's a social democrat market economy.

Others might call it a mixed economy.

All economies in the developed world are mixed economies. The only difference is the degree of government involvement.

Nope. That is a socialist economy where the government sets the market price and picks the winners who are their corrupt cronies.
This here is another fake republican. NO real republican could even FATHOM voting for Hitlery.

You are a fake Republican.

No Republican would be a fascist.

And you are a fascist.

This threat has become a demo piece for today's political campaigning.

Toro, wise candidates have come to understand that one can excuse someone trying to engage a well-made ventriloquist's dummy in conversation - but to try to talk sense to a stump that has not yet felt the gouge, let alone sandpaper, is just a waste of time.
I really think the Democrats are going to have more of a problem with the Bernie voters staying home. I think Trump is going to tap into the Silent Majority like no candidate has in decades. He has the potential to get votes from people who've never voted before and that's half the country.

As great as the left portrays Hillary Clinton... when you actually look at the results in how she performs nationally at the ballot box, it's a little troubling for the Dems, to say the least. She is not blowing Bernie out the water... and she has actually had to co-opt some of his ideas to remain viable. Of course, she'll run back to the middle for the general as they always do... but I don't think she has this broad national support everyone wants us to think.

i don't think so... bernie will get them voting. he's not going to let a republican get into office. he all but said that tonight at the town hall.
We have evolved into a social democratic market economy

There is no such a fucking thing. Sorry. There just isn't.

This isn't a serious argument.

Most of Europe are social democratic market economies.

No, they are Socialist economies and they are failing.

A social democrat market economy is when the market sets the price and determines the winners and losers, then the government taxes the winners and gives it to the losers.

That's a social democrat market economy.

Others might call it a mixed economy.

All economies in the developed world are mixed economies. The only difference is the degree of government involvement.

Nope. That is a socialist economy where the government sets the market price and picks the winners who are their corrupt cronies.

i don't think so... bernie will get them voting. he's not going to let a republican get into office. he all but said that tonight at the town hall.

The sooner our fave Nutty Old Uncle (I use the term with affection) figures out he will have to run as an independent if he wants to run at all then the sooner he'll have a shot at achieving his goal. Especially if Trump gets dumped and he, too, runs as an independent.

I'd venture that either of those two could garner more votes than any of the conventional party candidates who, since they are the ones to be preventing an electoral college straight-out win, oughta be considered nothing more than spoilers.

How I wold LOVE to see THAT out.

Something to DIE for but something the power elite might KILL to prevent.

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