Will President Trump Lie To The North Koreans, Russians, Persians, And/Or. . . .?

“Trump has a proclivity to repeat, over and over, many of his false or misleading statements. We’ve counted at least 113 claims that the president has repeated at least three times, some with breathtaking frequency.

Seventy-two times, the president has falsely claimed he passed the biggest tax cut in history — when in fact it ranks in eighth place. Fifty-three times, the president has made some variation of the claim that the Russia probe is a made-up controversy. (If you include other claims about the Russia probe that are not accurate, the count goes to 90.) Forty-one times, the president has offered a variation of the false claim that Democrats do not really care about the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that Trump terminated.” ibid

Not only is Trump a pathological liar, he also doesn’t care – repeating the same lies endlessly.

And his moronic supporters are just as bad.
I'm waiting to see how the talks with N. Korea actually turn out. And, I don't think that Trump is going to be able to get Un to get rid of his nuclear weapons and missiles. Gonna be interesting to see how it all turns out.

Only trouble is, Trump supporters are already celebrating the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula even though the talks haven't happened yet. All they have is Trump telling them he's gonna get it done, and they are believing he's already done it.
So probably bears do crap in forests?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Bears, and maybe Russians!)
I would rather he lie to them than give them uranium or money to fund nuclear weapons programs.
Everyone expects a lot of deals(?).

Analysis | President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims so far

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(No doubting Great Yellow Hair has White Eyes credentials worldwide!)

If he doesn’t respect Americans enough to tell them the truth (60 million of whom voted for the pig) ; I doubt he’ll go out of his way to be honest and upfront with those who are not so friendly to him.
Tell that to the suckers who wanted to keep their health care plans.
I don't think Trump has to do a lot in the North Korea thing. Just meet the guy and maybe pull out some troops after.

Other countries like South Korea and China are playing more important roles.
Trump will do what he always does, he will talk shit until they are face to face and the he will cave and act like a scared school boy.
Why would NK give up their nukes? Iran made a deal and Trump is looking to rip that up.
Why would NK give up their nukes? Iran made a deal and Trump is looking to rip that up.
Simple. Because China would make them. Besides that, their nuclear test site collapsed.
Why would NK give up their nukes? Iran made a deal and Trump is looking to rip that up.
Simple. Because China would make them. Besides that, their nuclear test site collapsed.

They still have the tech . Considering the history of Korea , the last thing I would do is give up my nukes .

Why not ask Israel to give up there’s ?
So North Korea will get international standing and prestige, a basis to renege, and allies all helpful in making North Korea Nuclear, and putting blockades of imports, and other pressure on South Korea: With lots of international support!

The Trumpies all like tariffs: Contending that every economist in the USA is all for higher and higher tariffs!

Just Sayin'!

"Crow, James Crow; Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great White Yellow Hair Speaking with tongue like snake. . .pit: Wrapped around release pin on live grenade! NRA! NRA! And even more toys for the children!)
Everyone expects a lot of deals(?).

Analysis | President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims so far

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(No doubting Great Yellow Hair has White Eyes credentials worldwide!)
If Trump is seriously considering reducing or eliminating US troops in South Korea, Kim will have an incentive to eliminate his nuclear program.

How would red-blooded, US conservatives react to such gestures?

NYT: Trump requests options for removal of US troops in South Korea - CNNPolitics

"President Donald Trump has requested options for reducing the number of US troops in South Korea, the New York Times reported late Thursday, citing several people briefed on the matter.

"The President's request of the Defense Department comes ahead of his highly anticipated sit-down with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, expected to take place along the demilitarized zone (DMZ) between the two Koreas."
Are y'all lefties going to take North Korea's side if you think President Trump offers "misleading information" that tends to benefit the U.S.?

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