Will president Trump's jackbooted thugs go door to door searching for illegals?

An undocumented alien only becomes and illegal alien, if found guilty in a court of law. PERIOD. There is no law against being an undocumented alien.
An EWI is an illegal immigrant once he/she has been identified as being here without an I-94 or a stamp in their passport. Arrival/Departure Forms: I-94 and I-94W | U.S. Customs and Border Protection In fact the overwhelming majority admit to EWI once in contact with law enforcement. What you are referring to as no law against being an undocumented alien refers specifically to visa overstays, since they entered the US legally. Visa overstays are in NO violation of immigration law, it is only once they have an order of deportation against them that they then become in violation of immigration law and are deemed illegal aliens.

Trump is playing to the emotions on the Right, with crap like this, and and the Right is lapping it up like a dog licking ice cream off the driveway.
So Trumps legal advisors don't know what they are talking about? You, with NO law experience at all, claim to know more than actual people trained in Law, specifically immigration law? LMFAO
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I don't have an issue with enforcing the laws against illegals. I don't think it is viable to go "rounding them up" and deporting them all. That is silly. Our money should be spent in preventing future illegals from benefiting from our social service systems. That is for American citizens only. I don't mind my tax dollars going to support legal American citizens who need help, but our resources are limited and we cannot afford to pay for people from other countries too. That is their respective countries' responsibility and not our responsibility.
we need a powerful government here...maybe Trump is not the best choice but c'mon he's better than "miss Clinton"
talking about illegals well...they're too many we need to deport some of them and stop Muslim immigration right now (they're dangerous we clearly can see it...just a preventative measure)
we need a powerful government here...maybe Trump is not the best choice but c'mon he's better than "miss Clinton"
talking about illegals well...they're too many we need to deport some of them and stop Muslim immigration right now (they're dangerous we clearly can see it...just a preventative measure)

Good idea. We will set up a checkpoint at the airport, and they must answer the question, "Are you a Muslim?". If he answers "Yes", then back he goes!
if they come from a Muslim country, if they were born there they're Muslim
we need a powerful government here...maybe Trump is not the best choice but c'mon he's better than "miss Clinton"
talking about illegals well...they're too many we need to deport some of them and stop Muslim immigration right now (they're dangerous we clearly can see it...just a preventative measure)

Good idea. We will set up a checkpoint at the airport, and they must answer the question, "Are you a Muslim?". If he answers "Yes", then back he goes!
Are you claiming we don't have the right to deny entry to whom we choose? Do you think people have a right to come here?
Liquid Reigns if they're potentially dangerous they have no right to come here
and Muslim people are dangerous ipso facto....
we need a powerful government here...maybe Trump is not the best choice but c'mon he's better than "miss Clinton"
talking about illegals well...they're too many we need to deport some of them and stop Muslim immigration right now (they're dangerous we clearly can see it...just a preventative measure)

Good idea. We will set up a checkpoint at the airport, and they must answer the question, "Are you a Muslim?". If he answers "Yes", then back he goes!
Are you claiming we don't have the right to deny entry to whom we choose? Do you think people have a right to come here?

I just hope that you will give my friend Danny, and his family a pass. He has been in Saudi Arabia for 7 years working for Exxon. his two kids were born there.
if they come from a Muslim country, if they were born there they're Muslim

Well, 10% of our doctors are Muslims. so, off they go!

Yep! Simple answers from simple minds.
Why would it be off they go? Aren't they here already? Didn't you just claim if they were to come through an airport? Those already here would have a US Passport or would have US travel documents already approved by USCIS.

You still haven't the first clue as to how immigration works or its laws.
VandalShandle they're American nationals there's no problem with them
I don't think they're just Muslim just because they were born in Saudi Arabia!
if they come from a Muslim country, if they were born there they're Muslim

Well, 10% of our doctors are Muslims. so, off they go!

Yep! Simple answers from simple minds.
we don't need their doctors
we can use our doctors or maybe Europeans or Chinese doctors
we don't need Koran doctors...

Well, I have three docs, and by golly, I am going to question each one of them, and require them to eat a sausage, egg, McMuffin, or else they get put on the next plane!
VandalShandle they're American nationals there's no problem with them
I don't think they're just Muslim just because they were born in Saudi Arabia!
How about my grandniece's husband He was born in Pakistan, but got his education here, and has gone into private practice as a D. O.? He wants to bring some family over. May he?
if they come from a Muslim country, if they were born there they're Muslim

Well, 10% of our doctors are Muslims. so, off they go!

Yep! Simple answers from simple minds.
we don't need their doctors
we can use our doctors or maybe Europeans or Chinese doctors
we don't need Koran doctors...

Well, I have three docs, and by golly, I am going to question each one of them, and require them to eat a sausage, egg, McMuffin, or else they get put on the next plane!
Who said anything about removing Muslims that were already here? That's right, it's your hyperbole in action. SMFH
VandalShandle they're American nationals there's no problem with them
I don't think they're just Muslim just because they were born in Saudi Arabia!
How about my grandniece's nephew? He was born in Pakistan, but got his education here, and has gone into private practice as a D. O.?
I'm betting he is an LPR or has already naturalized. SMFH Nothing like you continuously moving the goal posts attempting to make points that aren't relevant to your initial claim.
if they come from a Muslim country, if they were born there they're Muslim

Well, 10% of our doctors are Muslims. so, off they go!

Yep! Simple answers from simple minds.
Why would it be off they go? Aren't they here already? Didn't you just claim if they were to come through an airport? Those already here would have a US Passport or would have US travel documents already approved by USCIS.

You still haven't the first clue as to how immigration works or its laws.
our government in my opinion should do these things:
1) no foreigners from Muslim countries should be admitted here
2) deport all foreigners Muslims from our country
3) mark all Muslim Americans (maybe they could have some special ID)
4) amend our laws no Muslim can get American citizenship
if they come from a Muslim country, if they were born there they're Muslim

Well, 10% of our doctors are Muslims. so, off they go!

Yep! Simple answers from simple minds.
Why would it be off they go? Aren't they here already? Didn't you just claim if they were to come through an airport? Those already here would have a US Passport or would have US travel documents already approved by USCIS.

You still haven't the first clue as to how immigration works or its laws.
our government in my opinion should do these things:
1) no foreigners from Muslim countries should be admitted here
2) deport all foreigners Muslims from our country
3) mark all Muslim Americans (maybe they could have some special ID)
4) amend our laws no Muslim can get American citizenship

Milam, are you even old enough to vote?
VandalShandle they're American nationals there's no problem with them
I don't think they're just Muslim just because they were born in Saudi Arabia!
How about my grandniece's nephew? He was born in Pakistan, but got his education here, and has gone into private practice as a D. O.?
I'm betting he is an LPR or has already naturalized. SMFH Nothing like you continuously moving the goal posts attempting to make points that aren't relevant to your initial claim.

Still, it seems a shame that my grandniece's husband's family can not come here to visit, or immigrate. They just became parents themselves. Will we have to ship half of the child back to Pakistan?

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