Will president Trump's jackbooted thugs go door to door searching for illegals?

Good lord. I don't which is worse: illegal immigrants or the idiots that support them and claim racism and bigotry.
Any border agent can ask for your passport and proof of citizenship. Any government ICE agent under reports of suspicious activity can ask you for your identification, they are well within their jurisdiction and authority to do so. Try telling a trooper who believes he saw you swerve over a double yellow, that he can't (or has no authority to) see your identification.

In America, no law enforcement officer can detained, or search you without probable cause that you have committed a crime.

. So your idea of keeping America law abiding, is to teach people how to escape obeying the laws of the nation ? Interesting.

I would be delighted to enroll you in my constitutional law course, Beagle, but I see that the class is already full.

Not full enough, apparently.

Got to love people that don't know jack shit about immigration law. RMFE

Can’t love people who remain willfully ignorant of the law as a consequence of their fear, hate, and bigotry toward Hispanic immigrants.
Good lord. I don't which is worse: illegal immigrants or the idiots that support them and claim racism and bigotry.
What’s worse is the bigots and racists who ignore the law because of their unwarranted fear and hatred of Hispanic immigrants.
An undocumented alien only becomes and illegal alien, if found guilty in a court of law. PERIOD. There is no law against being an undocumented alien.

Do you think if you keep repeating the same falsehood, it will get on top of the same unicorn you are sitting on, and magically become true?
Do you think you could be any more ignorant of the law:

‘The illegal aliens who are plaintiffs in these cases challenging the statute may claim the benefit of the Equal Protection Clause, which provides that no State shall "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." Whatever his status under the immigration laws, an alien is a "person" in any ordinary sense of that term. This Court's prior cases recognizing that illegal aliens are "persons" protected by the Due Process Clauses of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments[.]’
Plyler v. Doe
You do understand that Plyler is a State case and is directed merely at the individual State and not the Federal Govt, right? SMFH Illegals are only afforded "due process" if they are charged with an infamous crime. They can be deported without "due process" via Expedited Removal/Administrative Removal/Stipulated Removal.
In America, no law enforcement officer can detained, or search you without probable cause that you have committed a crime.

. So your idea of keeping America law abiding, is to teach people how to escape obeying the laws of the nation ? Interesting.

I would be delighted to enroll you in my constitutional law course, Beagle, but I see that the class is already full.

Not full enough, apparently.

Got to love people that don't know jack shit about immigration law. RMFE

Can’t love people who remain willfully ignorant of the law as a consequence of their fear, hate, and bigotry toward Hispanic immigrants.

Only those that fail to follow links and provided citations showing that illegals can be deported without "due process" are the willfully ignorant and fail basic immigration law and Constitutional Law and what appears to be basic English Comprehension.
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Good lord. I don't which is worse: illegal immigrants or the idiots that support them and claim racism and bigotry.
What’s worse is the bigots and racists who ignore the law because of their unwarranted fear and hatred of Hispanic immigrants.
So because you can't refute reality you call people names that are actually following the law? Pathetic. Side note: not all illegal immigrants are Hispanics, moron.
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Any border agent can ask for your passport and proof of citizenship. Any government ICE agent under reports of suspicious activity can ask you for your identification, they are well within their jurisdiction and authority to do so. Try telling a trooper who believes he saw you swerve over a double yellow, that he can't (or has no authority to) see your identification.

In America, no law enforcement officer can detained, or search you without probable cause that you have committed a crime.

. So your idea of keeping America law abiding, is to teach people how to escape obeying the laws of the nation ? Interesting.

Yet another conservative who is clueless about presumption of innocence and the right to due process of the law.

What a surprise…

Illegals are only entitled due process if they are charged with an infamous crime. Illegals can be deported without due process. http://web.stanford.edu/group/irc/Deportation_Without_Due_Process_2011.pdf

Also wrong.

The Plyler Court held that the state of Texas could not refuse to allow the children of undocumented parents access to public schools based solely on their undocumented status.

Undocumented immigrants are entitled to due process with regard to both civil and criminal law.
What is the first sentence telling you that you quoted? I'll highlight it for you - the state of Texas could not refuse to allow the children of undocumented parents. You do understand that it is directed at the state, right? It is not directed at the federal govt.

Wow, you finally got it half right, illegals are entitled to "due process" in regard to civil/criminal law, provided they are charged with an infamous crime. They can be deported without "due process" via immigration law as my many links have stated.

Do you really not comprehend basic English?
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I refute no one, just immigrate legally. You got a problem with that?
No, the right thing to do is stop being an ignorant bigot and learn the facts.
That would be nice if you actually knew the facts let alone the basics of immigration law.

Fact: one is not ‘illegal’ until found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization.
Once a person is identified as being without legal status, they are identified as an "illegal alien". No court required.

Fact: many refugees are undocumented, and have the right to apply for refugee status.
No, You are wanting to use asylum seekers to which there is no right to asylum in the US, not refugee. SMFH
If "refugees" cross the border and are identified as being from a country that has refugee status, such as Columbia, they can be paroled into the US as PRUCOL aliens.

Fact: undocumented immigrants are entitled to due process of the law.
Only if they are charged with an infamous crime.

Fact: undocumented immigrants are presumed innocent until their immigration status – or lack thereof – is adjudicated.
Their status doesn't need to be adjudicated, they merely need to be identified as illegals by USCIS.
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An undocumented alien only becomes and illegal alien, if found guilty in a court of law. PERIOD. There is no law against being an undocumented alien.
NOPE. There are numerous laws about being an illegal/undocumented alien. You should start with United States Code, Chapter 8, then move on to the Immigration and Naturalization Acts, or the INA for short.

Trump is playing to the emotions on the Right, with crap like this, and and the Right is lapping it up like a dog licking ice cream off the driveway.
Trump actually has legal advisors as to what the laws allow for or not. The idiocy you have exclaimed is at best that of someone that hasn't the first clue about the basics of immigration law.
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Ok. Lesson 2 is a demonstration that you have a right to refuse to allow unreasonable search and seizure during a DWI check point stop, unless the law enforcement officer has probable cause:

Lesson 2? LMFAO Your first lesson showed you to be inept, now you're trying again? SMFH
You really should quit going by Headlines.

WASHINGTON, June 14— Following are excerpts from the Supreme Court's 6-to-3 decision today upholding sobriety checkpoints as constitutional. Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist wrote the majority opinion. Justice Harry A. Blackmun wrote a separate concurring opinion. Justices William J. Brennan and John Paul Stevens both filed dissenting opinions.

This case poses the question whether a state's use of highway sobriety checkpoints violates the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. We hold that it does not and therefore reverse the contrary holding of the Court of Appeals of Michigan.
Petitioners [the state] concede, correctly in our view, that a Fourth Amendment ''seizure'' occurs when a vehicle is stopped at a checkpoint. . . . The question thus becomes whether such seizures are ''reasonable'' under the Fourth Amendment.

It is important to recognize what our inquiry is not about. No allegations are before us of unreasonable treatment of any person after an actual detention at a particular checkpoint. . . . As pursued in the lower courts, the instant action challenges only the use of sobriety checkpoints generally. We address only the initial stop of each motorist passing through a checkpoint and the associated preliminary questioning and observation by checkpoint officers. Detention of particular motorists for more extensive field sobriety testing may require satisfaction of an individualized suspicion standard.
Excerpts From Supreme Court's Decision Upholding Sobriety Checkpoints
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An undocumented alien only becomes and illegal alien, if found guilty in a court of law. PERIOD. There is no law against being an undocumented alien.

Do you think if you keep repeating the same falsehood, it will get on top of the same unicorn you are sitting on, and magically become true?

You are invited, as a member of the public, to attend the trials of illegal aliens here in Tucson 5 days per week, with 70 trials per business day, and see for yourself.

I have,
Good luck deporting an illegal alien, Liquid, who has never been declared "illegal' in a court of law.

Frankly, I have my doubts about you. please show your birth certificate. if not, then I guess I will just have to deport you to...oh, I don't know. Whatever country I am in the mood to deport you to today.
Can’t love people who remain willfully ignorant of the law as a consequence of their fear, hate, and bigotry toward Hispanic immigrants.

Good strawman, show where anyone said anything along the lines that ONLY hispanic illegals should be deported. Another weak poster... :(
An undocumented alien only becomes and illegal alien, if found guilty in a court of law. PERIOD. There is no law against being an undocumented alien.

Trump is playing to the emotions on the Right, with crap like this, and and the Right is lapping it up like a dog licking ice cream off the driveway.
. So your OK with the murders of Americans by these so called undocumented illegal aliens, until the law catches them and says "hey your an illegal" on top of them murdering Americans without us knowing they were here.
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Good lord. I don't which is worse: illegal immigrants or the idiots that support them and claim racism and bigotry.
What’s worse is the bigots and racists who ignore the law because of their unwarranted fear and hatred of Hispanic immigrants.
. Holding your accusations of racism and bigotry over the good citizens heads is about to come to an end soon, so deal with it... Your strawmen won't work anymore after that.
An undocumented alien only becomes and illegal alien, if found guilty in a court of law. PERIOD. There is no law against being an undocumented alien.

Trump is playing to the emotions on the Right, with crap like this, and and the Right is lapping it up like a dog licking ice cream off the driveway.
. So your OK with the murders of Americans by these so called undocumented illegal aliens, until the law catches them and says "hey your an illegal" on top of them murdering Americans without us knowing they were here.

Not even worthy of a serious response.
An undocumented alien only becomes and illegal alien, if found guilty in a court of law. PERIOD. There is no law against being an undocumented alien.

Do you think if you keep repeating the same falsehood, it will get on top of the same unicorn you are sitting on, and magically become true?

You are invited, as a member of the public, to attend the trials of illegal aliens here in Tucson 5 days per week, with 70 trials per business day, and see for yourself.

I have,
Those illegals are being charged with an infamous crime - Entry Without Inspection which is either a Federal Misdemeanor for the first offense or a Federal Felony for the second offense. Do you really think all the illegals in the US are going through Operation Streamline? SMFH
Good luck deporting an illegal alien, Liquid, who has never been declared "illegal' in a court of law.

Frankly, I have my doubts about you. please show your birth certificate. if not, then I guess I will just have to deport you to...oh, I don't know. Whatever country I am in the mood to deport you to today.
Good luck with it? Hell, it happens each and every day, no luck involved. Illegals do not have to be charged with an infamous crime to be deported, USCIS only has to identify them as being here in violation of the laws. Do you still not understand what an Expedited Removal is? Here let me give you the link once again, maybe this time you should read it you think? http://web.stanford.edu/group/irc/Deportation_Without_Due_Process_2011.pdf
Over the past decade, the United States government has dramatically ex-panded its use of a program called “stipulated removal” that has allowed immigration officials to deport over 160,000 non-U.S. citizens without ever giving them their day in court.

My Birth Certificate, just like yours, doesn't state or show that I, or you, are US Citizens. At best, a birth certificate only proves Nationality. I do have my passport though, that specifically declares me to be a US National and a US Citizen.

You really think illegals are just simply deported without knowing to which country to send them? LMFAO As I have continuously stated, you haven't the first clue how immigration law works. Each EWI individual is interviewed by USCIS and they are asked from which country they come from, they are then allowed to talk to their Consulate. Then they are either deported or held in detention if they choose to fight their deportation. Those that entered via a visa already have a passport from their country of origin, which is where they are returned to.
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