Will president Trump's jackbooted thugs go door to door searching for illegals?

So you're going to sit here and deny everything that has been shown to you showing your claims to be asinine and ignorant? LMFAO

That's what makes the internet so great; bottom-feeding, low IQ idiots like that can be readily exposed and if desired, put on ignore. The weak posters like that and the other turd I have on ignore are usually ignored by others as well, as Darwinism works as well on public forums as it does in the real world.
Considering that the Gubmint's "Jack Booted Thugs" are generally SEIU and other union members, I doubt it.
This is the dumbest analogy I ever heard, and shows you don't even know your own states laws regarding ID. A cop can't arrest you for not having ID (unless you are in certain states that their statutes allow for it), he may ask you questions to attempt to determine your ID. If you answer his questions and tell him you are here in violation of the law, then he may arrest you, and you will probably get turned over to USCI. If USCIS takes custody of you , then you are ran through more checks to determine your ID. Now, if it was determined based on your fingerprints that you were a prior EWI or VO, then they will turn you over to USCIS and they will go about processing you, if your fingerprints come back saying you are either a citizen, a naturalized citizen, or on an immigrant on a visa, then they will probably release you. If they are unable to ID you and you refuse to give them your ID, they may keep you in an immigrant detention center until someone ID's you, you may even be deported based on the information you give.
In The Rush To Deport, Expelling U.S. Citizens

None of your rights have been violated to this point, and you may be held liable for failing to provide ID, which is determined by your own states laws, Stop and Identify Statutes. I would suggest you learn your states laws.

You went off course in the third sentence. After that, you diverted from my entire question. Google Sheriff Joe. As you know, he is a sheriff of a county close to where I live. He, too, thinks that a cop can stop and question you without probable cause, and then arrest you simply because he thinks that you are an illegal alien. As a result of this information, Maricopa County has been fined millions of dollars by the feds for unconstitutional unreasonable search and seizure. Joe, himself has been charged, found guilty, and fined for the racial profiling:

Joe Arpaio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After getting past that, you never did tell me how I can be deported without being found guilty of a crime, without my voluntarily agreeing to give up my rights. And, while I am at it, we will go back to English common law, which held that the government has to prove that I am guilty, I don't have to prove that I am innocent. I also can opt to remain silent. Therefore, your contention is, and I suspect that Trump's is, too, that I can be picked up off the street, remain silent, and be deported against my will, without being convicted of a crime, and without me giving up any of my rights.

Nope, Liquid. Tweet Trump right away. It ain't gonna happen, and someone should let him know.
I never went off course responding to you, nor did I divert anything, I suggest you learn the laws before exclaiming things you don't seem to know much about, I would add you need to comprehend as well, which you seem to be failing at.

Cops can stop and question you when they come into contact with you. Do you not understand what Stop and Identify Statutes are? Since you are in AZ here are your state statutes regarding it.
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I could care less about Arpaio and what he claims, if he did so in violation of the laws, which if I'm not mistaken his office had 287(g) authority, and regarding illegals he was never shown to be in violation of the law, however Obama did pull his 287(g) status in 2011 based on racial profiling charges.

I don't need to tell you how you get deported if you are never convicted of a crime, since you don' t need to be convicted of a crime to be deported. Only your status needs to be determined, you may request a hearing, but if found to be in violation of the law EWI or VO, you don't have to be charged with a crime, you're only charged with a crime based on the discretion of the administration, i.e. the AG.

I have laid out how US Citizens are deported, you can look it up via google or the link I provided which shows a US Citizen having been deported (there are numerous instances of this happening). In immigration law you have to prove you are here legally and that proof may/may not be accepted.

You still show utter ignorance of the laws. I suggest you research your next reply to me much more thoroughly.

Here's a link in your neck of the woods explaining how not having ID can get you arrested in AZ. Police State: How the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency Turned All Local Authorities Into La Migra

And here we go. Sheriff Joe was not acting unconstitutionally. He was convicted of racial profiling by the corrupt OBAMA CONSPIRACY! And, that is the heart of this issue. I say that Trump is lying when he claims that he can deport 12 million illegals in 2 years while not violating the constitution. I say that he can't do it, and what happened to Sheriff Joe is proof. You say that Sheriff Joe was railroaded for political reasons by Obama. I say that it is established law that you can NOT arbitrarily asking anyone for proof of citizenship under the constitution. Well, I willnot about to argue with someone who has decided that Obama is conspiring to railroad people who are in favor of deporting illegal aliens. I offer, instead, the following proof that no can NOT require papers from anyone without probable cause.

As to your contention that people can be deported without being convicted, or without agreeing to waive their rights, that is too absurd to even discuss. If that were the case, anyone in America is at risk of being thrown out of the country. While that is impossible now, if Trump were to be elected, I suppose that he could figure out how to take away our constitutional rights...which is what this thread is all about.

Any border agent can ask for your passport and proof of citizenship. Any government ICE agent under reports of suspicious activity can ask you for your identification, they are well within their jurisdiction and authority to do so. Try telling a trooper who believes he saw you swerve over a double yellow, that he can't (or has no authority to) see your identification.

In America, no law enforcement officer can detained, or search you without probable cause that you have committed a crime.

. So your idea of keeping America law abiding, is to teach people how to escape obeying the laws of the nation ? Interesting.
7) must be a citizen/permanent resident to open a bank account, and only they can rent or buy an apartment/house/property

Again, this would harm OUR economy, genius.
. So corporations or greedy businessmen can use the nations fear mongering over the economy, to do bad things to this nations society for their personal gain ? Interesting.
You went off course in the third sentence. After that, you diverted from my entire question. Google Sheriff Joe. As you know, he is a sheriff of a county close to where I live. He, too, thinks that a cop can stop and question you without probable cause, and then arrest you simply because he thinks that you are an illegal alien. As a result of this information, Maricopa County has been fined millions of dollars by the feds for unconstitutional unreasonable search and seizure. Joe, himself has been charged, found guilty, and fined for the racial profiling:

Joe Arpaio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After getting past that, you never did tell me how I can be deported without being found guilty of a crime, without my voluntarily agreeing to give up my rights. And, while I am at it, we will go back to English common law, which held that the government has to prove that I am guilty, I don't have to prove that I am innocent. I also can opt to remain silent. Therefore, your contention is, and I suspect that Trump's is, too, that I can be picked up off the street, remain silent, and be deported against my will, without being convicted of a crime, and without me giving up any of my rights.

Nope, Liquid. Tweet Trump right away. It ain't gonna happen, and someone should let him know.
I never went off course responding to you, nor did I divert anything, I suggest you learn the laws before exclaiming things you don't seem to know much about, I would add you need to comprehend as well, which you seem to be failing at.

Cops can stop and question you when they come into contact with you. Do you not understand what Stop and Identify Statutes are? Since you are in AZ here are your state statutes regarding it.
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I could care less about Arpaio and what he claims, if he did so in violation of the laws, which if I'm not mistaken his office had 287(g) authority, and regarding illegals he was never shown to be in violation of the law, however Obama did pull his 287(g) status in 2011 based on racial profiling charges.

I don't need to tell you how you get deported if you are never convicted of a crime, since you don' t need to be convicted of a crime to be deported. Only your status needs to be determined, you may request a hearing, but if found to be in violation of the law EWI or VO, you don't have to be charged with a crime, you're only charged with a crime based on the discretion of the administration, i.e. the AG.

I have laid out how US Citizens are deported, you can look it up via google or the link I provided which shows a US Citizen having been deported (there are numerous instances of this happening). In immigration law you have to prove you are here legally and that proof may/may not be accepted.

You still show utter ignorance of the laws. I suggest you research your next reply to me much more thoroughly.

Here's a link in your neck of the woods explaining how not having ID can get you arrested in AZ. Police State: How the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency Turned All Local Authorities Into La Migra

And here we go. Sheriff Joe was not acting unconstitutionally. He was convicted of racial profiling by the corrupt OBAMA CONSPIRACY! And, that is the heart of this issue. I say that Trump is lying when he claims that he can deport 12 million illegals in 2 years while not violating the constitution. I say that he can't do it, and what happened to Sheriff Joe is proof. You say that Sheriff Joe was railroaded for political reasons by Obama. I say that it is established law that you can NOT arbitrarily asking anyone for proof of citizenship under the constitution. Well, I willnot about to argue with someone who has decided that Obama is conspiring to railroad people who are in favor of deporting illegal aliens. I offer, instead, the following proof that no can NOT require papers from anyone without probable cause.

As to your contention that people can be deported without being convicted, or without agreeing to waive their rights, that is too absurd to even discuss. If that were the case, anyone in America is at risk of being thrown out of the country. While that is impossible now, if Trump were to be elected, I suppose that he could figure out how to take away our constitutional rights...which is what this thread is all about.

Any border agent can ask for your passport and proof of citizenship. Any government ICE agent under reports of suspicious activity can ask you for your identification, they are well within their jurisdiction and authority to do so. Try telling a trooper who believes he saw you swerve over a double yellow, that he can't (or has no authority to) see your identification.

In America, no law enforcement officer can detained, or search you without probable cause that you have committed a crime.

. So your idea of keeping America law abiding, is to teach people how to escape obeying the laws of the nation ? Interesting.

I would be delighted to enroll you in my constitutional law course, Beagle, but I see that the class is already full.
You went off course in the third sentence. After that, you diverted from my entire question. Google Sheriff Joe. As you know, he is a sheriff of a county close to where I live. He, too, thinks that a cop can stop and question you without probable cause, and then arrest you simply because he thinks that you are an illegal alien. As a result of this information, Maricopa County has been fined millions of dollars by the feds for unconstitutional unreasonable search and seizure. Joe, himself has been charged, found guilty, and fined for the racial profiling:

Joe Arpaio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After getting past that, you never did tell me how I can be deported without being found guilty of a crime, without my voluntarily agreeing to give up my rights. And, while I am at it, we will go back to English common law, which held that the government has to prove that I am guilty, I don't have to prove that I am innocent. I also can opt to remain silent. Therefore, your contention is, and I suspect that Trump's is, too, that I can be picked up off the street, remain silent, and be deported against my will, without being convicted of a crime, and without me giving up any of my rights.

Nope, Liquid. Tweet Trump right away. It ain't gonna happen, and someone should let him know.
I never went off course responding to you, nor did I divert anything, I suggest you learn the laws before exclaiming things you don't seem to know much about, I would add you need to comprehend as well, which you seem to be failing at.

Cops can stop and question you when they come into contact with you. Do you not understand what Stop and Identify Statutes are? Since you are in AZ here are your state statutes regarding it.
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I could care less about Arpaio and what he claims, if he did so in violation of the laws, which if I'm not mistaken his office had 287(g) authority, and regarding illegals he was never shown to be in violation of the law, however Obama did pull his 287(g) status in 2011 based on racial profiling charges.

I don't need to tell you how you get deported if you are never convicted of a crime, since you don' t need to be convicted of a crime to be deported. Only your status needs to be determined, you may request a hearing, but if found to be in violation of the law EWI or VO, you don't have to be charged with a crime, you're only charged with a crime based on the discretion of the administration, i.e. the AG.

I have laid out how US Citizens are deported, you can look it up via google or the link I provided which shows a US Citizen having been deported (there are numerous instances of this happening). In immigration law you have to prove you are here legally and that proof may/may not be accepted.

You still show utter ignorance of the laws. I suggest you research your next reply to me much more thoroughly.

Here's a link in your neck of the woods explaining how not having ID can get you arrested in AZ. Police State: How the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency Turned All Local Authorities Into La Migra

And here we go. Sheriff Joe was not acting unconstitutionally. He was convicted of racial profiling by the corrupt OBAMA CONSPIRACY! And, that is the heart of this issue. I say that Trump is lying when he claims that he can deport 12 million illegals in 2 years while not violating the constitution. I say that he can't do it, and what happened to Sheriff Joe is proof. You say that Sheriff Joe was railroaded for political reasons by Obama. I say that it is established law that you can NOT arbitrarily asking anyone for proof of citizenship under the constitution. Well, I willnot about to argue with someone who has decided that Obama is conspiring to railroad people who are in favor of deporting illegal aliens. I offer, instead, the following proof that no can NOT require papers from anyone without probable cause.

As to your contention that people can be deported without being convicted, or without agreeing to waive their rights, that is too absurd to even discuss. If that were the case, anyone in America is at risk of being thrown out of the country. While that is impossible now, if Trump were to be elected, I suppose that he could figure out how to take away our constitutional rights...which is what this thread is all about.

Any border agent can ask for your passport and proof of citizenship. Any government ICE agent under reports of suspicious activity can ask you for your identification, they are well within their jurisdiction and authority to do so. Try telling a trooper who believes he saw you swerve over a double yellow, that he can't (or has no authority to) see your identification.

In America, no law enforcement officer can detained, or search you without probable cause that you have committed a crime.

. So your idea of keeping America law abiding, is to teach people how to escape obeying the laws of the nation ? Interesting.

Yet another conservative who is clueless about presumption of innocence and the right to due process of the law.

What a surprise…
I never went off course responding to you, nor did I divert anything, I suggest you learn the laws before exclaiming things you don't seem to know much about, I would add you need to comprehend as well, which you seem to be failing at.

Cops can stop and question you when they come into contact with you. Do you not understand what Stop and Identify Statutes are? Since you are in AZ here are your state statutes regarding it.
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Format Document

I could care less about Arpaio and what he claims, if he did so in violation of the laws, which if I'm not mistaken his office had 287(g) authority, and regarding illegals he was never shown to be in violation of the law, however Obama did pull his 287(g) status in 2011 based on racial profiling charges.

I don't need to tell you how you get deported if you are never convicted of a crime, since you don' t need to be convicted of a crime to be deported. Only your status needs to be determined, you may request a hearing, but if found to be in violation of the law EWI or VO, you don't have to be charged with a crime, you're only charged with a crime based on the discretion of the administration, i.e. the AG.

I have laid out how US Citizens are deported, you can look it up via google or the link I provided which shows a US Citizen having been deported (there are numerous instances of this happening). In immigration law you have to prove you are here legally and that proof may/may not be accepted.

You still show utter ignorance of the laws. I suggest you research your next reply to me much more thoroughly.

Here's a link in your neck of the woods explaining how not having ID can get you arrested in AZ. Police State: How the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency Turned All Local Authorities Into La Migra

And here we go. Sheriff Joe was not acting unconstitutionally. He was convicted of racial profiling by the corrupt OBAMA CONSPIRACY! And, that is the heart of this issue. I say that Trump is lying when he claims that he can deport 12 million illegals in 2 years while not violating the constitution. I say that he can't do it, and what happened to Sheriff Joe is proof. You say that Sheriff Joe was railroaded for political reasons by Obama. I say that it is established law that you can NOT arbitrarily asking anyone for proof of citizenship under the constitution. Well, I willnot about to argue with someone who has decided that Obama is conspiring to railroad people who are in favor of deporting illegal aliens. I offer, instead, the following proof that no can NOT require papers from anyone without probable cause.

As to your contention that people can be deported without being convicted, or without agreeing to waive their rights, that is too absurd to even discuss. If that were the case, anyone in America is at risk of being thrown out of the country. While that is impossible now, if Trump were to be elected, I suppose that he could figure out how to take away our constitutional rights...which is what this thread is all about.

Any border agent can ask for your passport and proof of citizenship. Any government ICE agent under reports of suspicious activity can ask you for your identification, they are well within their jurisdiction and authority to do so. Try telling a trooper who believes he saw you swerve over a double yellow, that he can't (or has no authority to) see your identification.

In America, no law enforcement officer can detained, or search you without probable cause that you have committed a crime.

. So your idea of keeping America law abiding, is to teach people how to escape obeying the laws of the nation ? Interesting.

I would be delighted to enroll you in my constitutional law course, Beagle, but I see that the class is already full.

Not full enough, apparently.
Will Trump send jackbooted thugs into every neighborhood searching for illegals and anyone else deemed anti-American?
Wow. Immigrate legally, wouldn't that be the right thing to do? And it would avoid so many problems. Why is this acceptable the antithesis to fair legal immigration?
Ok. Lesson 2 is a demonstration that you have a right to refuse to allow unreasonable search and seizure during a DWI check point stop, unless the law enforcement officer has probable cause:

Will Trump send jackbooted thugs into every neighborhood searching for illegals and anyone else deemed anti-American?
Wow. Immigrate legally, wouldn't that be the right thing to do? And it would avoid so many problems. Why is this acceptable the antithesis to fair legal immigration?
No, the right thing to do is stop being an ignorant bigot and learn the facts.

Fact: one is not ‘illegal’ until found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization.

Fact: many refugees are undocumented, and have the right to apply for refugee status.

Fact: undocumented immigrants are entitled to due process of the law.

Fact: undocumented immigrants are presumed innocent until their immigration status – or lack thereof – is adjudicated.
An undocumented alien only becomes and illegal alien, if found guilty in a court of law. PERIOD. There is no law against being an undocumented alien.

Trump is playing to the emotions on the Right, with crap like this, and and the Right is lapping it up like a dog licking ice cream off the driveway.
No, the right thing to do is stop being an ignorant bigot and learn the facts.

Your credibility is already starting in a poor position by calling your opponent a name, and claiming that someone who opposes illegal immigration to be a "bigot".

Fact: one is not ‘illegal’ until found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization.

WRONG. If I shoot you in the head, I may not be "guilty" of the charge of murder, but I can be arrested against my will. Second, some illegals are illegal simply for overstaying a visa; they may have originally entered legally.

Fact: many refugees are undocumented, and have the right to apply for refugee status.

Wrong again. Go look up what constitutes a refugee according to the 1951 Refugee Convention. Almost all peoples from the Western hemisphere who enter the US do not qualify.

Fact: undocumented immigrants are entitled to due process of the law.

Illegals are entitled to whatever the US congress decides they are entitled to.

Fact: undocumented immigrants are presumed innocent until their immigration status – or lack thereof – is adjudicated.

FALSE, otherwise they could not be turned around at the border.

Can people who do not have a legal background in this field stop posting comments as if they do? They are making themselves look like morons.
An undocumented alien only becomes and illegal alien, if found guilty in a court of law. PERIOD. There is no law against being an undocumented alien.

Do you think if you keep repeating the same falsehood, it will get on top of the same unicorn you are sitting on, and magically become true?
Do you think you could be any more ignorant of the law:

‘The illegal aliens who are plaintiffs in these cases challenging the statute may claim the benefit of the Equal Protection Clause, which provides that no State shall "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." Whatever his status under the immigration laws, an alien is a "person" in any ordinary sense of that term. This Court's prior cases recognizing that illegal aliens are "persons" protected by the Due Process Clauses of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments[.]’
Plyler v. Doe
I never went off course responding to you, nor did I divert anything, I suggest you learn the laws before exclaiming things you don't seem to know much about, I would add you need to comprehend as well, which you seem to be failing at.

Cops can stop and question you when they come into contact with you. Do you not understand what Stop and Identify Statutes are? Since you are in AZ here are your state statutes regarding it.
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I could care less about Arpaio and what he claims, if he did so in violation of the laws, which if I'm not mistaken his office had 287(g) authority, and regarding illegals he was never shown to be in violation of the law, however Obama did pull his 287(g) status in 2011 based on racial profiling charges.

I don't need to tell you how you get deported if you are never convicted of a crime, since you don' t need to be convicted of a crime to be deported. Only your status needs to be determined, you may request a hearing, but if found to be in violation of the law EWI or VO, you don't have to be charged with a crime, you're only charged with a crime based on the discretion of the administration, i.e. the AG.

I have laid out how US Citizens are deported, you can look it up via google or the link I provided which shows a US Citizen having been deported (there are numerous instances of this happening). In immigration law you have to prove you are here legally and that proof may/may not be accepted.

You still show utter ignorance of the laws. I suggest you research your next reply to me much more thoroughly.

Here's a link in your neck of the woods explaining how not having ID can get you arrested in AZ. Police State: How the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency Turned All Local Authorities Into La Migra

And here we go. Sheriff Joe was not acting unconstitutionally. He was convicted of racial profiling by the corrupt OBAMA CONSPIRACY! And, that is the heart of this issue. I say that Trump is lying when he claims that he can deport 12 million illegals in 2 years while not violating the constitution. I say that he can't do it, and what happened to Sheriff Joe is proof. You say that Sheriff Joe was railroaded for political reasons by Obama. I say that it is established law that you can NOT arbitrarily asking anyone for proof of citizenship under the constitution. Well, I willnot about to argue with someone who has decided that Obama is conspiring to railroad people who are in favor of deporting illegal aliens. I offer, instead, the following proof that no can NOT require papers from anyone without probable cause.

As to your contention that people can be deported without being convicted, or without agreeing to waive their rights, that is too absurd to even discuss. If that were the case, anyone in America is at risk of being thrown out of the country. While that is impossible now, if Trump were to be elected, I suppose that he could figure out how to take away our constitutional rights...which is what this thread is all about.

Any border agent can ask for your passport and proof of citizenship. Any government ICE agent under reports of suspicious activity can ask you for your identification, they are well within their jurisdiction and authority to do so. Try telling a trooper who believes he saw you swerve over a double yellow, that he can't (or has no authority to) see your identification.

In America, no law enforcement officer can detained, or search you without probable cause that you have committed a crime.

. So your idea of keeping America law abiding, is to teach people how to escape obeying the laws of the nation ? Interesting.

I would be delighted to enroll you in my constitutional law course, Beagle, but I see that the class is already full.

LMFAO, hell, you don't even no the basics of immigration law let alone the basics of Constitutional Law.
I never went off course responding to you, nor did I divert anything, I suggest you learn the laws before exclaiming things you don't seem to know much about, I would add you need to comprehend as well, which you seem to be failing at.

Cops can stop and question you when they come into contact with you. Do you not understand what Stop and Identify Statutes are? Since you are in AZ here are your state statutes regarding it.
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Format Document

I could care less about Arpaio and what he claims, if he did so in violation of the laws, which if I'm not mistaken his office had 287(g) authority, and regarding illegals he was never shown to be in violation of the law, however Obama did pull his 287(g) status in 2011 based on racial profiling charges.

I don't need to tell you how you get deported if you are never convicted of a crime, since you don' t need to be convicted of a crime to be deported. Only your status needs to be determined, you may request a hearing, but if found to be in violation of the law EWI or VO, you don't have to be charged with a crime, you're only charged with a crime based on the discretion of the administration, i.e. the AG.

I have laid out how US Citizens are deported, you can look it up via google or the link I provided which shows a US Citizen having been deported (there are numerous instances of this happening). In immigration law you have to prove you are here legally and that proof may/may not be accepted.

You still show utter ignorance of the laws. I suggest you research your next reply to me much more thoroughly.

Here's a link in your neck of the woods explaining how not having ID can get you arrested in AZ. Police State: How the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency Turned All Local Authorities Into La Migra

And here we go. Sheriff Joe was not acting unconstitutionally. He was convicted of racial profiling by the corrupt OBAMA CONSPIRACY! And, that is the heart of this issue. I say that Trump is lying when he claims that he can deport 12 million illegals in 2 years while not violating the constitution. I say that he can't do it, and what happened to Sheriff Joe is proof. You say that Sheriff Joe was railroaded for political reasons by Obama. I say that it is established law that you can NOT arbitrarily asking anyone for proof of citizenship under the constitution. Well, I willnot about to argue with someone who has decided that Obama is conspiring to railroad people who are in favor of deporting illegal aliens. I offer, instead, the following proof that no can NOT require papers from anyone without probable cause.

As to your contention that people can be deported without being convicted, or without agreeing to waive their rights, that is too absurd to even discuss. If that were the case, anyone in America is at risk of being thrown out of the country. While that is impossible now, if Trump were to be elected, I suppose that he could figure out how to take away our constitutional rights...which is what this thread is all about.

Any border agent can ask for your passport and proof of citizenship. Any government ICE agent under reports of suspicious activity can ask you for your identification, they are well within their jurisdiction and authority to do so. Try telling a trooper who believes he saw you swerve over a double yellow, that he can't (or has no authority to) see your identification.

In America, no law enforcement officer can detained, or search you without probable cause that you have committed a crime.

. So your idea of keeping America law abiding, is to teach people how to escape obeying the laws of the nation ? Interesting.

Yet another conservative who is clueless about presumption of innocence and the right to due process of the law.

What a surprise…

Illegals are only entitled due process if they are charged with an infamous crime. Illegals can be deported without due process. http://web.stanford.edu/group/irc/Deportation_Without_Due_Process_2011.pdf
And here we go. Sheriff Joe was not acting unconstitutionally. He was convicted of racial profiling by the corrupt OBAMA CONSPIRACY! And, that is the heart of this issue. I say that Trump is lying when he claims that he can deport 12 million illegals in 2 years while not violating the constitution. I say that he can't do it, and what happened to Sheriff Joe is proof. You say that Sheriff Joe was railroaded for political reasons by Obama. I say that it is established law that you can NOT arbitrarily asking anyone for proof of citizenship under the constitution. Well, I willnot about to argue with someone who has decided that Obama is conspiring to railroad people who are in favor of deporting illegal aliens. I offer, instead, the following proof that no can NOT require papers from anyone without probable cause.

As to your contention that people can be deported without being convicted, or without agreeing to waive their rights, that is too absurd to even discuss. If that were the case, anyone in America is at risk of being thrown out of the country. While that is impossible now, if Trump were to be elected, I suppose that he could figure out how to take away our constitutional rights...which is what this thread is all about.

Any border agent can ask for your passport and proof of citizenship. Any government ICE agent under reports of suspicious activity can ask you for your identification, they are well within their jurisdiction and authority to do so. Try telling a trooper who believes he saw you swerve over a double yellow, that he can't (or has no authority to) see your identification.

In America, no law enforcement officer can detained, or search you without probable cause that you have committed a crime.

. So your idea of keeping America law abiding, is to teach people how to escape obeying the laws of the nation ? Interesting.

I would be delighted to enroll you in my constitutional law course, Beagle, but I see that the class is already full.

Not full enough, apparently.

Got to love people that don't know jack shit about immigration law. RMFE
And here we go. Sheriff Joe was not acting unconstitutionally. He was convicted of racial profiling by the corrupt OBAMA CONSPIRACY! And, that is the heart of this issue. I say that Trump is lying when he claims that he can deport 12 million illegals in 2 years while not violating the constitution. I say that he can't do it, and what happened to Sheriff Joe is proof. You say that Sheriff Joe was railroaded for political reasons by Obama. I say that it is established law that you can NOT arbitrarily asking anyone for proof of citizenship under the constitution. Well, I willnot about to argue with someone who has decided that Obama is conspiring to railroad people who are in favor of deporting illegal aliens. I offer, instead, the following proof that no can NOT require papers from anyone without probable cause.

As to your contention that people can be deported without being convicted, or without agreeing to waive their rights, that is too absurd to even discuss. If that were the case, anyone in America is at risk of being thrown out of the country. While that is impossible now, if Trump were to be elected, I suppose that he could figure out how to take away our constitutional rights...which is what this thread is all about.

Any border agent can ask for your passport and proof of citizenship. Any government ICE agent under reports of suspicious activity can ask you for your identification, they are well within their jurisdiction and authority to do so. Try telling a trooper who believes he saw you swerve over a double yellow, that he can't (or has no authority to) see your identification.

In America, no law enforcement officer can detained, or search you without probable cause that you have committed a crime.

. So your idea of keeping America law abiding, is to teach people how to escape obeying the laws of the nation ? Interesting.

Yet another conservative who is clueless about presumption of innocence and the right to due process of the law.

What a surprise…

Illegals are only entitled due process if they are charged with an infamous crime. Illegals can be deported without due process. http://web.stanford.edu/group/irc/Deportation_Without_Due_Process_2011.pdf

Also wrong.

The Plyler Court held that the state of Texas could not refuse to allow the children of undocumented parents access to public schools based solely on their undocumented status.

Undocumented immigrants are entitled to due process with regard to both civil and criminal law.

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