Will Putin "Stop after Ukraine"?

No they didn't....it was made for them. Annnnnd repressive boot is not what the original agreement entailed. It was as simple as agreeing to stay neutral. But then again Z-Coke got a nice big fat bonus to burn his country down.
Was this before or after Putin annexed Crimea and the Donbas?
The level of misinformation and downright ignorance in this thread , by many doubtless patriotic US individuals living in the past and feeding from western MSM , is profound .

Some key points
1. The US and West has been entrained to believe that Russia invaded Ukraine , based on complete ignorance of NATO action in the previous 30 years and particularly since 2014 .
Ukraine had been building its military to invade Donbas for eight years and the Minsk agreements had been totally ignored by NATO, as Merkel publicly admitted .
The UAF had attacked Donbas every single day killing up to 15000 people with lots of pillage and other war crimes throughout .
The UAF was about to invade Donbas days after Russia took defensive action, with a ground force that initially was twice the size of the Russian force .
Just before Feb24 , 2022 , UAF shelling of Donbas went up from ca . 200 to nearly 2000 per day .
As we say , a huge hint .

So the actuality was effectively that the "NATO gun man" announced it was going kill its Russian opponent in ten seconds but got shot itself when the count- down reached two .
If that represents Invasion , then there is an insurmountable gulf in General Comprehension .

2. There were over 30 bio labs in Ukraine funded and built by the US between 2010 and 2014 .
The CIA also created 12 different Spy Centres on the Russian border, as just days ago admitted and detailed by the NYT .
In itself just cause for a huge response .

3 .Russia no longer has need to invade another country to control it .
You do it through finance , broadly following the pattern used by China all over the world but most notably in Africa .

4. Russia is the most wealthy major nation because it is self sufficient from all natural resources .
It has no need for imports unless it chooses .
No other major power can boast that .

5. It would defeat NATO militarily easily at this point .
It has set itself up to have more arms and weapons with a supply and distribution system which matches that objective .
It would take some time for this advantage to be cancelled . Two to three years is best expert opinion .

Russia's air supremacy is overwhelming becaue like China it is probably a decade ahead with Hyper Sonic missiles .
Currently there is no defense against Kinzhal and Avrogard missiles at up to 30 000 miles per hour .

So .A few facts based on solid evidence .
From an informed woman geo-political analyst living in SE England and not a "Putin lover "or having any personal or business ties or connections with Russia now , or , in the past . English born and bred even though the UK role in matters is much greater and dirtier than widely recognised ,
Another thread . Another time .
In a pig's eye , Ivan .
It is a common theme of the Uniparty that when Putin is done with Ukraine, he will invade and attack some other country, then on and on until he re-establishes the old USSR.

In my tiny little mind, there is a major factor in this scenario that has not been given full consideration, and it is this:

Putin wouldn't dare attack a NATO country!

Doing so would unleash a firestorm that would render his pathetic fiefdom into a massive Stone Age village. And he must know that.

As for the dozens of little shit-hole countries that surround the Russian Federation, who really gives a shit if he invades them?

In short, the main threat cited by the Uniparty is nonsense. Our actions w/r/t Ukraine should focus on that situation entirely, and the solution will not be had with more funding, but rather forcing both parties to the bargaining table, knowing that neither one is going to get everything it wants.
If he succeeds in taking Ukraine, it will be a hell of a long time before he can rebuild his military to take on any NATO nations.
Everybody focuses on Russia, but a serious threat to the US is China. A lot of combat age Chinese males are coming in over our southern border.
Dummy, countries ASK to join NATO, they don’t somehow get invaded.

Why do they do that? Because they have a crazy neighbor that keeps invading its neighbors. DUH.

NATO is the old colonial imperialists who previously started WWI.
Countries join NATO now so that NATO does not invade them.
Russia has rights to the Ukraine, as the Ukraine used to be Russia at one time, with the capital of Russia being Kiev before the Mongol invasion forced it to move to Moscow.
The government in Kiev now is an illegal ethnic Polish coup supported by the CIA in 2014.
In other words they have sealed their fate. Russian leaders that don't help the Russian people tend to disappear or end up dead.

Russia’s only chance at worthwhile future is a definitive defeat in Ukraine, rejection of Putinism and acceptance of guilt the way Germany has accepted and internalized guilt.

All of which is unlikely.
Progressives have never been against defensive wars like WWII. Aggressive wars like Vietnam are very different. Russia is fighting an aggressive war, Ukraine is fighting a defensive war. It is easy to tell the difference, just look at whose soldiers are in their own country and whose are in a foreign country.
Progressives were Viet Nam. Progressives were Korea.
The level of misinformation and downright ignorance in this thread , by many doubtless patriotic US individuals living in the past and feeding from western MSM , is profound .

Some key points
1. The US and West has been entrained to believe that Russia invaded Ukraine , based on complete ignorance of NATO action in the previous 30 years and particularly since 2014 .
Ukraine had been building its military to invade Donbas for eight years and the Minsk agreements had been totally ignored by NATO, as Merkel publicly admitted .
The UAF had attacked Donbas every single day killing up to 15000 people with lots of pillage and other war crimes throughout .
The UAF was about to invade Donbas days after Russia took defensive action, with a ground force that initially was twice the size of the Russian force .
Just before Feb24 , 2022 , UAF shelling of Donbas went up from ca . 200 to nearly 2000 per day .
As we say , a huge hint .

So the actuality was effectively that the "NATO gun man" announced it was going kill its Russian opponent in ten seconds but got shot itself when the count- down reached two .
If that represents Invasion , then there is an insurmountable gulf in General Comprehension .

2. There were over 30 bio labs in Ukraine funded and built by the US between 2010 and 2014 .
The CIA also created 12 different Spy Centres on the Russian border, as just days ago admitted and detailed by the NYT .
In itself just cause for a huge response .

3 .Russia no longer has need to invade another country to control it .
You do it through finance , broadly following the pattern used by China all over the world but most notably in Africa .

4. Russia is the most wealthy major nation because it is self sufficient from all natural resources .
It has no need for imports unless it chooses .
No other major power can boast that .

5. It would defeat NATO militarily easily at this point .
It has set itself up to have more arms and weapons with a supply and distribution system which matches that objective .
It would take some time for this advantage to be cancelled . Two to three years is best expert opinion .

Russia's air supremacy is overwhelming becaue like China it is probably a decade ahead with Hyper Sonic missiles .
Currently there is no defense against Kinzhal and Avrogard missiles at up to 30 000 miles per hour .

So .A few facts based on solid evidence .
From an informed woman geo-political analyst living in SE England and not a "Putin lover "or having any personal or business ties or connections with Russia now , or , in the past . English born and bred even though the UK role in matters is much greater and dirtier than widely recognised ,
Another thread . Another time .

Brainwashed idiot, isle 1.

Russia is getting their ass handed to them in much smaller Ukraine, but supposedly can take on NATO that has combined GDP of about 30 times of Russian economic output?

How stupid can you get?
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Was this before or after Putin annexed Crimea and the Donbas?

Go look it up.
The Crimea and Donbas were part of Russia until 1954 when Khrushchev the Ukrainian illegally gave them to the Ukraine.
Also the Ukraine promised Russia use of Sevastopol forever when they wanted to be allowed independence.
So their attempt to prevent Russian use in 2014 was a treaty violation amounting to an act of war.
The level of misinformation and downright ignorance in this thread , by many doubtless patriotic US individuals living in the past and feeding from western MSM , is profound .

Some key points
1. The US and West has been entrained to believe that Russia invaded Ukraine , based on complete ignorance of NATO action in the previous 30 years and particularly since 2014 .
Ukraine had been building its military to invade Donbas for eight years and the Minsk agreements had been totally ignored by NATO, as Merkel publicly admitted .
The UAF had attacked Donbas every single day killing up to 15000 people with lots of pillage and other war crimes throughout .
The UAF was about to invade Donbas days after Russia took defensive action, with a ground force that initially was twice the size of the Russian force .
Just before Feb24 , 2022 , UAF shelling of Donbas went up from ca . 200 to nearly 2000 per day .
As we say , a huge hint .

So the actuality was effectively that the "NATO gun man" announced it was going kill its Russian opponent in ten seconds but got shot itself when the count- down reached two .
If that represents Invasion , then there is an insurmountable gulf in General Comprehension .
News flash, you can't invade your own country.

2. There were over 30 bio labs in Ukraine funded and built by the US between 2010 and 2014 .
The CIA also created 12 different Spy Centres on the Russian border, as just days ago admitted and detailed by the NYT .
In itself just cause for a huge response .
A game every country plays. We spy on our enemies and our friends alike and they do the same.

3 .Russia no longer has need to invade another country to control it .
You do it through finance , broadly following the pattern used by China all over the world but most notably in Africa .
But they did anyway.

4. Russia is the most wealthy major nation because it is self sufficient from all natural resources .
It has no need for imports unless it chooses .
No other major power can boast that .
Or would want to. You can go to a farm and grow you own food and be self sufficient. That doesn't make you rich. Russia exports it natural resources and imports technology like any 3rd world country.

5. It would defeat NATO militarily easily at this point .
It has set itself up to have more arms and weapons with a supply and distribution system which matches that objective .
It would take some time for this advantage to be cancelled . Two to three years is best expert opinion .
Russia buys it drones from Iran and ammo from North Korea. You can judge a country by the company it keeps.

Russia's air supremacy is overwhelming becaue like China it is probably a decade ahead with Hyper Sonic missiles .
Currently there is no defense against Kinzhal and Avrogard missiles at up to 30 000 miles per hour .
Also wrong. The US developed the technology decades ago but found it lacking. The Patriot has no problems with the Kinzhal .

So .A few facts based on solid evidence .
From an informed woman geo-political analyst living in SE England and not a "Putin lover "or having any personal or business ties or connections with Russia now , or , in the past . English born and bred even though the UK role in matters is much greater and dirtier than widely recognised ,
Another thread . Another time .
The beauty of the internet, we can be whoever we want to be.
Putin will not stop with Ukraine.

He will continue his imperialistic aggression in any direction in which the inhabitants show weakness.

Putin is a predator.

The sooner he is stopped the sooner his own people will deal with him.
Russia’s only chance at worthwhile future is a definitive defeat in Ukraine, rejection of Putinism and acceptance of guilt the way Germany has accepted and internalized guilt.

All of which is unlikely.

Not only is it essential for Russia to win in the Ukraine, but they would have no choice but a pre-emptive nuclear destruction of the US if it ever looked like they may not win in the Ukraine.
This is like the Cuban Missile Crisis.
The Ukraine is inside the Russian defense grid, so must always remain under Russian control.
Progressives have never been against defensive wars like WWII. Aggressive wars like Vietnam are very different. Russia is fighting an aggressive war, Ukraine is fighting a defensive war. It is easy to tell the difference, just look at whose soldiers are in their own country and whose are in a foreign country.

As a historic and extreme strategic value to Russia, this war by Russia in the Ukraine is totally DEFENSIVE.
They need Sevastopol if they ever are going to have any navy, and they need the Ukraine to NOT be able to install NATO nukes.

Your claim that Russians are not native to the Ukraine, is ignorant.
The Ukraine used to be 100% pure Russian, with the capital of Russia being in Kiev.
Putin will not stop with Ukraine.

He will continue his imperialistic aggression in any direction in which the inhabitants show weakness.

Putin is a predator.

The sooner he is stopped the sooner his own people will deal with him.

Russia has way more land than it can deal with already.
It has no ambitions at all, and simply is never going to allow any country on its border to join NATO.
That would be suicide.
Go look it up.
The Crimea and Donbas were part of Russia until 1954 when Khrushchev the Ukrainian illegally gave them to the Ukraine.
Also the Ukraine promised Russia use of Sevastopol forever when they wanted to be allowed independence.
So their attempt to prevent Russian use in 2014 was a treaty violation amounting to an act of war.
The history of Ukraine goes back further than that. It was conquered by the Tsar in the late 17th century. Does that give Russia eternal rights to it? They also conquered what is today Poland. Do you have the right to reclaim that country too?
As a historic and extreme strategic value to Russia, this war by Russia in the Ukraine is totally DEFENSIVE.
They need Sevastopol if they ever are going to have any navy, and they need the Ukraine to NOT be able to install NATO nukes.
I think you contradicted your point way better than I could do. Thanks.

Your claim that Russians are not native to the Ukraine, is ignorant.
The Ukraine used to be 100% pure Russian, with the capital of Russia being in Kiev.
It was NEVER 100% pure Russian. Being conquered by Russia doesn't make you Russian.
Long before they invaded Russia stirred up the ethnic Russians living in the Ukraine and armed them. They started ALL the troubles the Ukraine has.

The western Ukrainians are ancestors of the most racist/fascist invaders.
They were defeated by the eastern Ukrainians who are the original Russian owners of all of the Ukraine.
Look it up.
Kyiv used to be the capital of all of Russia until around 1250 AD.

All the trouble started when we bribed and armed the ethnic Polish in the western Ukraine, in 2014.
In a pig's eye , Ivan .
I do appreciate that Facts lead to break downs among the Cognitively Rigid and the Gullibles .

One universal symptom is that they lose the ability to make sensible and sane sentences .
They detest Facts and invariably resort to schoolboy jibes or general insults .
So , lost your tongue , Stann ? Or tongue and brain ? .
Seek help with fellow Deniers .
The history of Ukraine goes back further than that. It was conquered by the Tsar in the late 17th century. Does that give Russia eternal rights to it? They also conquered what is today Poland. Do you have the right to reclaim that country too?

In the late 17th century, Russia won the Ukraine BACK from the Mongol Khaganate.
Russia has eternal right to it because Kyiv used to be the capital of Russia and was only forced to move to Moscow by the Mongol invasion of 1250 AD.

Russia never "conquered" Poland.
Russia was part of the forces who defeated the evil Polish Empire around 1700, and later defeated the evil German invaders in 1943.

In 2014 the US illegally bribed the ethnic Polish into an illegal coup that violated treaties with acts of war, like trying to prevent use of Sevastopol, murdering ethnic Russians, trying to join NATO, cutting off negotiations with Moscow, etc.
This is all on Kyiv, not Moscow.
I think you contradicted your point way better than I could do. Thanks.

It was NEVER 100% pure Russian. Being conquered by Russia doesn't make you Russian.

The Ukraine was traditionally ALL Russian.
The Polish did not invade until around 1600.

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